(2008/05) May 2008

Re diapers
how many of you have gone on to use M size? very tempted to buy the nepia since now ntuc got promotion, 2 packs for 26.95.

anyway i am not going to buy huggies ultra anymore, so far, i am using their S size and only half of the pack gone, and it has leaked 3 or 4 times. and my baby's poo poo even stain my mother's clothes.

shazz ,

I`m staying in Bishan .

Wow you mum to be in Sept ... now start to buy diapers liao ? Acutally you can start buying after you deliver . Cos the hospital normally will give one pack can use 2 weeks .
Jo: I'm at Toa Payoh! My EDD is 9/9/08, may pop end of Aug. Now already getting tired and all, so wanted to get all the stuff ready before I'm too lazy to move! If you want to share, can PM me. I dun mind stocking up first! kiasu mummy to be!
My bb is now 4kg as of 2wks ago lor..heavy bb hor..hehe..cos when she came out, she was already 3.4kg...Rite, Mamy poko NB and Pampers NB almost same size, MP has a u-shaped cut off design so that we won't hurt the cords of our newborn...MP diapers is much thicker and more abosorbment than Pampers NB lor...I find MP better..

As for Drypers, i find it bery rough,other than that its okie..

so th e6in1 jab and Hep B 2nd dose diff jab?

Oic..meaning no need to take the 2nd dose of Hep B, can straight away take the 6in1 cos already included? hmm..me blurs on all this jabs leh..onli worried that I forgot to bring my ger for these jabs..
does ur gal gets extra cranky now that she reaches hm aft 9pm as compared to her 1st mth?

my boy have a bump on his back la..but on the bottom right...i think it may be pimple and if its true its a big one lo.

^5 same same lo. medela swing isnt tt gd lo....wasted our $$$...
wah! u so fast went back to wk ah? how u coping? my office doesnt have a nursery room ..the building itself also doesnt have one...
my only option, same as urs is the toilet. hehee. of coz i can do it in office when the rest went for lunch la...but no privacy...

did u bring ur #1 to a public pool? i tempting to le..but duno if his skin will be sensitive to the water coz babies skins still v soft n tender then the public pool like nt v clean...
i intend to BF for one yr and more lo..the longer the better. hehehe but must see if got supply nt =P

huh!? dun call out name ah? i duno call hw many times my boy full name liao lo. my mum la, says whenever we go out must tell my boy where we are going and when we reach must call his name and say we reached...-_-'''

hehehhe. who asked my hubby itchy mouth says he wanna try when i was preg. when i tasted my own fresh BM its sweet la...but i gave him EBM..so that may explain why he says yucky. hehehe but nvm, my boy like can liao. hahhaa
i asked my hubby on his opinion on getting a manual pump yest...he says best dun get la..scally get liao no supply then another white elephant. hohoho. so now i shall cont to use in hse brand - my hands. hahaha.
intend to BF for one yr and more lo...as long as possible the best lo =)
i nv cut my boy's nails le...duno why...dun have the mind to cut...hehehhee.

u gd la..at nite if i pump i just sit there close my eyes...cant wait to finish pumping and hit the sack liao lo. hehhee. u can still on pc and post. salute u la =)

ur hubby so bad!!!! how old is ur hubby ah? now he is a daddy he sld set his priority right lo. if my hubby like tt i sure nag at him non stop. hehhee.u sms his friends!? using his hp ah? hw did he react?

u got drink alot of water to replenish the water supply in ur body mah? must le. then also try to drink hot beverages? for me i realised it help to substain my flow lo...but drink nutrious one la...like oat or milk or milo. then b4 u pump can try put hot towel then massage to stimulate the flow?
i realised also, whenever i pump till no milk liao i let my boy latch on for 5-10mins aft tt i pump again i manage to collect some more milk...so i think u can try latch on ur baby to stimulate the flow too?

hahaha. ur hubby so nice! hehehe.
huH!? clean with urine!? crazy lo...i bet u didnt try right? hehehe
same here..my boy loves to bathe lo..whenever he cries in the morning i wil bathe him and instantly he will stop crying and wldnt even fuss and will quietly let me bathe him. =)
we even bought him a float liao lo. hahah. oh. where is the special place ah? i am looking ard to bring my boy for a swim but i dun really fancy public pool le...how much is it ah?

ya...broke out in rashes over my whole body except my face (thank God). when did u started to broke out in rashes?
mine wasnt really treated in terms of medical lo...gynae gave me a few diff creams that he slowly increase in dosage but it doesnt help la. then another doc gave me steriods and it didnt help and my gynae pull me off steriods coz i am BF and tt will affect my baby...
end up i have to ren the itch and dun scratch it....when i asked the gynae n doc wat causes my rashes they cldnt really pinpoint the cause...say suspect mayb my skin too sensitive or hormones inbalance..in the end...i just ren till now...which is like close to 5weeks aft delivery...
these few days the rashes came back on my legs again...haiz...
anyway, wat i did was to make sure the hse is clean, especially the bed...change the bedsheet often. everyday b4 u slp, make sure u dust ur bed to make sure there is no dead skins or dust...must keep urself clean also. i bathe at least twice a day lo...
most impt DUN scratch *easier said than done* coz the more u scratch the worst it bcum as our nails are dirty.
actually i was scheduled to go to National Skin Center to further investigate my rashes but i didnt la coz tt time it went down le...i will monitor and see how again.
sorry ah, looks like i cant offer u any gd advises.
no worries, it's normal for babies to have dreams. My gal sometimes has nightmares and suddenly cries in her sleep, and once even caught her smiling and making sucking motion with her mouth, must be dreaming of milk! hahahaha

wah, I'd be so pissed with my hubby if i were you. Still can go out clubbing and let you suffer alone at home. He needs to know that now he has a kid who is dependant on both you and him and he can't just think of himself anymore. Try to talk to him again yar, may not be easy for him to give up this habit though if he has been going clubbing frequently all along.

Everyone's babies has so much hair! So jealous, my girl like botak like that.

I've been finding it more and more difficult to burp my girl recently. Last time she used to burp pretty fast after her feeds, but now i can try for over 20-30 mins and still can't get a burp. Anyone having the same problem?
i rem that time u were considering taking the 6in1 jab package from KK. did u sign up for it already? if yes can advise me hw much? thanks. =)
this is wat i read and understand from a brochure
hope this helps =)

5 in 1 jab:
Hep B (1st dose) - At birth
Hep B (2nd dose) - At 1st month
5 in 1 (1st dose) - At 3rd month
5 in 1 (2nd dose) - At 4th month
5 in 1 (3rd dose) - At 5th month
Hep B (3rd dose) - At 6th month

6 in 1 jab:
Hep B (1st dose) - At birth
6 in 1 (1st dose) - At 2nd month
6 in 1 (2nd dose) - At 4th month
6 in 1 (3rd dose) - At 6th month

6in1 jab includes the hep b 2nd and 3rd dose
i cant post in the thread and i have tried to PM u but u dun allow receiving of PM. let me know how else i can take part in the spree. thanks.
my boy too. very difficult to burp now. somemore he wil try to struggle his way when we try to sit him up to burp. sigh... and sometime, he will struggle and stretch so hard on his own and the face turn super red and making a lot of noises. very heartpain. cos can feel the air bubble in his stomach. yet he can't burp out.
shazz ,

I have register as to receive free samples to use on my boy ... will try before decided to buy .If is good ..i dun mind to join the purchase with you later .
thank you so much to all mummies who answered my questions! =) now I have a better idea of which diaper is good and how long they will use NB sizes.

Jo: yeah, give it a try first. If you want to order together, just PM me. I won't be ordering yet
shazz ,

Is your a baby blue or pink ? Your first one as well ?

Must be very excited and you really must enjoy the time when little one inside you ...i realli miss the feeling .

Was telling my hubby...he was like nagging when boy inside you ...kept on asking him faster come out ...haah out liao miss the feeling hahah !!
Ya Lukemommy,

6-in-1 jab are done at 2mth, 4th & 6mth. No need to go for 2nd dose of Hep B jab.


My hb 26yrs old lo. His frenz la. Always like to infleunce him. His ears very soft one. Aiya. Quarrel so many times liao. Immune liao. I used my hp sms his frenz when he is wif them. Haha. My hb cm back nv mention anything. And i cant b bothered to tok to him the next day too. He cannot tahan. He tok to me, i dun reply him. Treat him transparent. Haha.

Nw he is under monitoring period. If his frenz gg ask him out again, i am gg to cal them up & scold them liao. His frenz all singles. Unlike my hb, mariied wif young bb somemore. Juz cant understand y guys cannot b more mature & think of family more.

Cannot cal ur bb. Ya. Muz tel ur bb where u gg & where is the place. But dun cal full name. Alot of my relatives oso told me tt.


I very pissed wif him. I told him he can go clubbing once in a while. But nt every wk. I understand he need his own entertainment. So i nt stopping him at all. But juz dun understand his brain. Dunno his brain made up of wat one. Frenz cal liao..faster go out liao..So i always say, marry ur frenz & ask them gif birth to bb for u la. He always smile & change topic. Aiya. I gif up liao. If i cant tolerate, i wil juz bring my bb back to my parents hse & stay lo. This is wat i do in the past. Then he wil go up my hse apologise in front of my parents & ask me go hm. He no face. Nt i no face.

As for burping, sometimes if my ger dun burp within 10min, i wun force her. I wil juz sit her up straight & stroke her chest for ard 10min. I read fr a book tt bb dun always burp one.

My hb lagi kiasu. When i 5wks pregnant, he went m'sia jusco wif his uncle & buy the mamypoko diaper liao. So Shanz..Stil nt tt kiasu..haha..
Oh ya,

Me holding bb shower for my ger tis sunday. Any idea where can i get those nice & creative party deco stuff?? I wanna decorate my hse leh.

Suggestion pls? If can. i gg to sneak out & buy them tml. Sat is my hairdo & medi-pedi time. Hehe..3 more days & bye bye to my confinement & hello to those nice food & shopping centres..Keke
Twinky ,

hmmm ...ya can understand guy at their age even my hubby is older the same ... any frez asked he will go . But sometime we need to let go abit like flying kite like dat .

Wow ... realli 5 weeks hahah isn`t veri cheaper . My FIL actually going next week ask us today what to buy

Deco...hmm thinking going to Centre points which party stuff on second level .As my boy baby bloom this sunday too

Wednesday i hve sneak out wif baby and hubby to go for the mango sales liao
even thought still on confinement :p
jo (eric_baby): having a boy, yes, my first child, that's why so excited! hehe

yeah, I'm enjoying his kicks and moves now, am gonna miss it when he's out cos so many mummies told me they miss the kicks! but on the other hand, I can't wait to see him, hold him in my arms! ;) just like the mixed feelings u have and what you hubby said. hehe

are you still doing your confinement now?
Hihi Ladies,

Today I sleep till 12pm then wake up. Very shoik when there is CL. I think I'm gonna miss my sleep when CL gone liao. And after I woke up, I called my hubby to settle some stuff and before I realized it, 12 hrs nv pump. My breast hard like rocks and so difficult to pump. And worse, pump like siao only 240ml. I see already wanna cry liao...


Can understand lah. I dread pumping at nite leh. No, correction. I dread pumping all the time. I also dread latching. If not for Jian fei and baby's health cos me C-sec, and I read in Young Parents, they said C-sec babies should be breast feed longer cos they nv pass through birth canal, miss out on good bacteria. So here I am, atoning to my gal for that...


Very frustrating rite? Sometimes I really feel very fed-up with hubby for no reason cos I can't stand the boredom at home while he can still have dinner with his friends or go out and play pool. Think next mth I'll be even more unbalance liao. Cos my CL leaving. I can't bear to let her go. Very tempted to ask hubby fork out another 500 and ask her extend her stay for another week.


Wah, your hubby still go clubbing ah? You can ren ah? Pei fu pei fu. My hubby every week meet his friend play pool I already buay song, if he clubs, I think I'll go crazy. U know hor, last time I got friend whose hubby clubs even she pregnant. And she tags along wor...

My hubby don't allow me to club so he cannot go also. I think you have alot of trust on your hubby bah, whereby I opposite. I trust my hubby but times I still feel insecure. Maybe cos I had cheating ex bfs before bah.

Twinky, Gina,

I'm still throwing bb shower but at my in laws side loh. They very particular one. So die die must throw. But my parents relatives will not be invited cos my parents so scare of trouble them to come down. Siao one loh.

My that relative also another idiot loh. My baby shower leh, got her problem ah? She wanna save money on gift then say so lah. She can say don't wanna come one mah... Nvm, her daughter getting married end of this yr. Since she said my bb shower is troublesome, then I'll not attend the wedding also. I don't care what my parents say I stuck up or wat liao. If they dare to scold me, I'll sure say. My bb shower is troublesome, so it's also troublesome when I have to attend the wedding loh. Esp now I have a bb to think of... Damn pissed with my parents! I'll nv forget this... Now I know my relatives matters more to them than their own daughter and grand daughter. Basket.


I dunno also wor. My CL said both me and bb first mth cannot cut nails. I also dunno why. She said the older generation passed down this stupid law one. Then my pantang hubby heard liao, so scare if we disobey will have bad luck and tell me to ren until full mth. I can't stand my long nails also. Esp without manicure on it, looks damn ugly now...


I ren now loh. Next weekend onwards can cut liao. My gal also have long nails, I scare she disfigured herself.

I headache leh. She not only suck her mittens, I took off, she suck her fingers also. Urgh...


Wah, U intend to BF for 1 yr? And don't tell me u intend to use ur hands all the way ah? At home ok, but next time u go back work leh? U try to ask ard to borrow one manual and see if it works for u before u buy lah. Tt time another thread got one mummy offered to lend me but i turned down her offer cos I know my pump comes with manual parts.

I dare not taste my own BM leh. Haha. Cos hor, the texture abit oily, I feel tt it's fattening. Haha... So I nv try. I should make my hubby try one day. Hmmm...
Haha Kelcqi,

Cannot ren oso muz ren. Coz i immune liao. Before married, after married, b4 pregnant & after pregnant, he is stil the same. Nv change one. I seldom club liao ever since i married. I prefer the more relax entertainment. Maybe coz work too tired & stress. But i went to st.james 1 wk b4 i popped. Hehe. Everybody there was looking at me like y this lady tummy so big stil go squeeze wif pple & club. Haha.

Dun worry so much la when ur CL leaves. I'm sure u can handle. Juz need time to adjust lo. Me oso like tt. Cant always rely on CL wah. At 1st i tot i cant handle my bb & dog. Who noes i'm doing quite well although MIL help out abit. And she mostly cook for me eat onli. Nw i oredi start to bathe my bb myself. Coz MIL bathe her nt clean one. (Very bad..Tok bad abt MIL)..Keke..But this wk, every evening i'm out shopping wif my hb. MIL help to look after bb for few short hrs. So dun worry la.


I let go until his kite can fly until north pole liao ah. I stil dun pull back, i think the kite wil go out of hand & fly out of earth to outer space liao. So time for me to counter attack liao if his frenz stil dunno hw to 'zi dong'. Tolerance oso gt limit wah. Last time onli both of us i ok. Nw gt bb liao muz save leh. Lucky nw stay wif PIL so expenses wise stil 'mian qiang' ok. If gt own hse hw, he stil like tt, i can die ah. Guys r guys. Immature creature.
Hi everyone's

It's been a long time never log on liao.. These few days i busy with my younger son as he going to Childcare Pre-sch finally!!!
I was so sad when i see him cried and cried, pull my shirt wanted to bring him back..
seeing him like this i was so heart pain but i've no choice.. Every mother loves their children, I wonder will he think that i dun want him???? If he knows how to communicate at least i wun send him there.. Poor thing.. sometimes i think to myself am i a heartless mummy..

I haven't weigh her as yet. Haha...will weigh her and update here.

Later going to bring my older son watch kungfu panda


She is cranky and expects me to carry her when we are OUT...so that she can sleep. Then when come back..eyes wide open...then will sleep alittle later. But she tend to drink lesser during this time. Maybe not used to going out.
twinky ,

Not too sure .. should be quite ex cos centrepoint meh !! hahah .. . buy a bit should be oki.As i`m having BB shower at Safra country club and they will decorate the place . Was thinking to add something .

Hmmm.. guys tend to take time for them to be mature !My hubby became more mature after he realise my peggie but at times still like a child . But soo far so good he been veri good in taking of my BB .

Wow ... you still go st james me ever since have baby seldom go crowded places .
But i used to like boilers room ... the band quite good !!

My son also cry on his first day, he need to take a school bus going there the bus left so fast that I don't even have time to talk to him he is gone and coming back he cry so much keep crying and crying(he seldom cry one) but hor after awhile he used to it liao and now he enjoy school and is much more independant.

Twinky the deco is ex lor but since you need it next wk no time to join spree, next time for BB 1st yr birthday you can join US spree then will be much much cheaper and more choices.

My hb not those clubing type but he like PC and Games so sometime I really mad with him when he is enjoying himself after work while I need to handle both... So I told him off he can play after both sleep but during they are awake he got to help lor. Now my son see me latch BB will u turn and look for my hb to tell story or play with him.
haha.. so i still got chance to have a baby gal..

ya i brought my boy to public pool. That time i bought wet suit for him and the wet suit actually was big for him so when he wear it, it was like full length wet suit when it suppose to be short. Beside that inside his wet suit, i help him put on his normal clothes. After swimming i faster wash him up then went back home i bath him again.

actually i feel like bf till baby turns 6 mths even though i hope to bf as long as possible cos very tired, everytime must pump. Although i going to be sahm after hubby decided that it will be better for me to be sahm but ever since i finished my confinement i have been taking care of my 2 boys myself then like no time at all cos 2 need my attention. I see how, maybe things will get better then i may bf as long as possible.

How long is ur son get used to it? How old is ur son? Now my son only 5th days to the Pre-sch. I told my husband at least for him must 1 mth then he get use to it.

My hubby also the same type as urs, he hobbies like to play games and read comics.. whenever have games and comics he will be very happy... sometimes i asked him y u like these kind of things so much dun u think is a bit childish?... Do u know what he ans me? It's better than womanizing..
sometime u think it's true.. so i let him be lor..
Hi everyone, so sad. I asked hubby to threw away about 1.5l of milk in the fridge cos it has a weird smell. Maybe it's stale so my baby has been fussing for the last 2 days and drinking very very little milk. Hubby said he thawed in the fridge for 24 hours. So it's been in the fridge for too long and when heated, it smells really weird. I could puke with that smell. Then when I took 1 in the freezer and heat up and let him drink, he's alright. I smell it and it doesn't have that weird smell. Waste so much of my milk, sigh... Lucky got enough supply in the freezer, if not don't know how. So all of you, don't leave your milk to thaw too long in the fridge. Luckily we got the Avent bottle warmer, can heat milk straight from freezer.

Kelcqi, my boy drinking about 800ml everyday so 1litre not alot la. I didn't eat anything specific leh. Just always pump for a longer time and latch him on at night. Sometimes before/after latching, will pump out milk lo in order to maintain/increase supply. My nipples still doing alright although my weird(don't know if it's flat/inverted) nipple always become very long after pumping cos Duo suction very strong.

I will consider about Marie France. Still don't have courage to go. Haha.. Sian.

I got a voucher for hand and foot prints at KKH. So hubby n I will go there and do lo. I use before the DIY. My sis's friend gave her for my nephew. We tried it on our nephew. Doesn't work or rather we messed it up. Haha..

twinky, I think if they are not sleepy, u put them on the tummy position, they won't like one. I always put my boy in that position when he is sleeping liao.
Your hubby really too much lo. I think you same age as me ba, my hubby is turning 28 this year but he will always "pei" baby n me. In fact, every evening when I picked him up from work. He will be very excited to go up to my mum's place and see our baby. Only night time then my hubby will be frustrated when baby is fussing but think recently it's cos of the "stale" milk we've been feeding him. Hopefully tonight he'll be fine. You really have to tell your hubby off, if not go tell his parents la. I think if I were you, I will also sms his friends. Haha..

felval, my boy is drinking about 100-120ml every feed. If want to increase milk supply, actually have to pump after his latch on also. But sometimes I also lazy to wake up in the middle of the night to pump la. But it really helps to increase the supply. I didn't take any hot beverages other than in the morning, one cup of Enfamum + Swiss Choco powder. Hehe.. I think pumping regularly is the most impt la. Try to pump 3 hourly though I always pump 4-5 hourly. hehe.. Maybe like what Kelcqi suggests, you can buy the Avent Manual Pump and try. If not, I can lend you mine first to try. I feel that Avent pump is really good leh. I never try Medela one cos I really like the comfort with Avent pump, now I'm using the Duo.
I think the taimaobi, we either took the black/red one. Can't remember also. Haha.. I didn't do the umbilical chop stamp cos keeping the cord in an angbao. Actually I also don't like to use pacifier but I think it's a great help when he is very fussy or crying badly. Pacifier if used wisely is ok la. At least for what I know, my siblings n I grew up with pacifiers. Hehe..
For the vaccinations in KKH, I'm not sure how much is it leh. I'm only going on the 10th July for my baby's jab. I think that time I heard the nurse saying from $450. But don't know exactly how much lo. Maybe I let you know after that? You haven't take your baby for any vaccination yet ar?

icebaby, no wonder your in-laws want to sell the place. Where they staying? So they trying to get another flat now? I think you better wait till the property price drop first. I'm lucky to get my flat near my mum (just one storey above me) that time before the property price gone up sky high cos mine is resale flat.
Seems like my bleeding is gone. 4 days liao, no more blood only got discharge. Is yours gone too?

Gina, I heard from my friend saying that work stress can lower supply one. That time she on exclusive breastfeeding, no pumping at all until 1 week before she start work, so she don't have additional milk stored in freezer. Then when she started working and pump in office always trying very hard to get enough supply for her baby. So she told me it's good that I'm pumping.

Re: Diapers
Only using Mamypoko for night time use. Day time, baby is at my mum's place and using cloth diapers. Used ones will be soak in soap water in a nappy pail with lid and my maid will bring down to my place and wash every 2 days. I got dryer so save all the trouble of hanging them in my mum's place. Hubby n I really glad we got a dryer. Hehe..

Re: Weight of my baby
I weighed him yesterday and he seems like he's 5.2kg liao. So fast, last week only 4.8kg and he drank so little milk recently.

Re: Taste of BM
My hubby also tasted my BM and his face just showed it all. It's yucky! Haha.. I dare not try..
My son didn't cry after 3 days then after 2 wks he start to say he don't want to go school but didn't cry, now is holiday he also tell me he don't want to go school. But we spy on him in school he is doing very well, during the parents meeting his teachers also happy with him. So sometime we just got to let go.

I also okie with my hb playing games but not when my son is around I want him to give him more attention since most of the time I am with my girl so I don't want my son to feel insecure.

Oops i c.. at least ur son is better than mine as he didnt cry at all after 3 days.. I think for mine case, hv to see him cry at least a mth or so... hopefully he will get use to it one day.. as just a matter of time..

U r lucky, the 2nd child is a bb gal. When i was pregnant that time, i tot will be a gal this time but well is a boy.. but never mind as long as he healthy it's alright lah.. :p
Total BF also need to pump as latch can get more ss and pump don't so now on and off I will still pump and yesterday I just throw away 3 bottle of chilli milk 8( so heart pain but is expired liao so I also don't want to risk to let my son drink...

Yah boy or girl for me is the same too impt is they are happy and healthy but hor for girl I more greedy hope she no birth mark too.

Pei fu u leh. U like my friend like tt. That time we still teasing her if later she give birth there how? Haha... Den music so loud, no one will know a bb is born.

Haiz, your hubby's friend also like my hubby's friend all single, and NOT DATING somemore. All happily unattached. So they don't understand what is family commitment. I tell u hor, got once before I pregnant, my hubby went out till 2-3am den come home, I very pissed with him. Cos called him he also nv answer. I locked the bedroom door and don't let him in. I bad hor?


Yah, I like boilers also. My gf and I went there before. My hubby and I quarrel and he went out with his friend, I so angry and went clubbing tt time with my gf at boilers. Haha... I have to agree the band and crowd is good. Haiz, dun remind me man. Now I can't even go out at nite or go shopping, don't even mention clubbing... I really miss my old life, I miss going to chill out at pubs with friends and sit down to enjoy those cocktails or red wine. I miss KTV sessions with colleagues and my friends. I miss going for buffet. I miss dressing up in nice nice clothes. Now my clothes all in cupboard cannot wear... Worse of all, Now I feel like a "Huang Lian Po"!


We pray hard hard ok? My next one will be a boy n ur next one be a gal! Haha...


My nipple also becomes long after pumping also. I tot I was abnormal. So overall ur process like before/after latching and pumping will take u how long?

Why don't dare to go Marie France? U normal delivery should be ok bah. I don't even know I can start my massage or not, cos my tummy still abit pain from the C-sec. Like got blue-black pain like tt.

I haven do the foot print also. Hehe, now ur words make me wonder if I'll mess it up also or not. Haha... Considering I am clumsy by nature and worse off now.

Fion Lee,

My hubby also said the same thing as ur hubby. Haha... Like he play games, go play pool or dinner with his friends, he always tell me at least they are guys. Not like he out there with women. I heard liao also agree but I still buay song him leh. Haha, that's why I think I'm possessive and "ba dao" at times. Cos he already very busy with work, den esp now I'm stuck at home n he's outside, I feel so "xin li bu ping heng" loh. Cos 9 mths pregnancy also I suffer, confinement also I do, milk supply also I provide, I kept "mia yuan" why everything must be the woman??? Then not like women is spared from working or housework other than babysitting the bb. Dunno is becos I confinement mood or what to think this way. I very childish and self-centred rite?

But my hubby like cheri's hubby also. Everytime he comes over, he'll be excited to see the baby. Don't know is it he haven fully take care plus parenting is really new to him that's why he's excited. So I keeping my fingers cross hopefully he'll still enjoy the baby when the CL leaves and the years the comes by.
bb Passport. Is it tag to your passport or does ICA issue a new one for him ?

You said you let your bb lie 45 degrees, that’s 45 degrees facing up or facing down ?

My bb also like to make the woo woo face, they say babies are playing with angels. My boy also sometimes make funny noises when he sleeps.

Tracy and Buttercup,
I am also ordering tingkat from House of catering, they send the food here by 1010am…. Very early, and maybe it’s early, so the green vege does not taste and look good. The soup is usually tasteless, so I asked for 4 dish rather than 3 dish 1 soup.

My bb 1 day older than yours but drink lesser than yours. He’s now weighing 4.96 kg liao so I think he’s consumption is alright since he is growing.

Baby hair cut
Where did you take your bb to have their hair shave? Normal barber don’t do that right?

Do you all bath bb just once a day or more ? And, for those with hair, do you use shampoo?

Ya u r right as long as they are healthy, gril or boy is oki. My younger son has birth mark on his right leg leh.. but ok still acceptable la.


Congra to u, ur bb gal very cute. U hv to rest more during ur Confinement, cos once ur CL leave u hv to do it by urself. Is like this during confinement ur mood swing and like to cry easliy. During my confinement also the same, always feel like crying and being a mother and a wife is so much diff and always think that nobody understand me...
Woman is like this hv to sacrifice alots!!! That's y men dun understand how we feel.. they only said y u so lor soh.. and mia yuan here and there.. but most impt is to communicate more often when u feeling upset, let him knows how u feel then things will be work it out..

The BB passport is indivual, now no longer tag with mom oredi.. I think now when they make passport the no is diff from the BC No, but elder son when he do his passport the no. is diff from his BC, but for infant i not so sure cos my 2nd son his passport no. is same as his BC no. think u hv to check with ICA.
I also order 4 dishes from House of Catering cos my fren told me the soup not nice. The veg is ok for me, maybe cos I have my lunch early at about 11plus.

Now all passports are biometric so our babies' passport numbers will be different from their BC number. And yes, babies must have their own passports these days.

I bathe my bb in the morning then wipe only in evening. I use the same body wash to wash both his hair and body. J&J.

Have you girls opened the a/c already?
The application form is the same one with the baby bonus rite? I submitted that, have already received the baby bonus but the CDA A/C notification doesn't seem to have receive yet.

Any received?
i think if he is the only one who is married that is why la...friends influence and soetimes friends will say things like "wah! u scare of ur wife ah?" or "wah! married liao got family no times for friends ho?"
haiz...mayb guys think the mum is the PRIMARY caregiver...so we sld stay hm n take care of baby when we are on ML while since they have went back to wk, they need sometimes for themselves n their friends to R&R aft wk..
we also v tired and need some R&R lo...day in day out face 4 walls n baby...all we need is some little help here n there so we can take a breather mah...oh man, guys dun get it...
argh..cant call? i duno call his full name how many donkey times liao =( nvm...frm nw on must change =P tml evening attending a friend's baby's baby shower...so tml must start to call his nick liao =P
u v patience le!!!! can burp baby for 10mins. i 5mins already surrender liao lo..especially at nite.hahhaa.

we cant cut nails too!? i duno cut hw many times during the first mth lo...coz my mum keep nagging my nails too long la...even tho quite short liao she keep saying long so i trim n trim lo..hehee.
hahhaa. hmmm...1 yr that is if i have supply lo. hehhee. rem my sms this morning? last nite didnt even pump at all lo then this morning pump so little...haiz...so worry my supply will drop lo..so that is why holding back on buying any more pump..
go back wk i intend to use lunch hr to pump then pack food back to office, wk n eat together..save time =)
oily? thot BM nt suppose to be? coz i realised 2 of my bottles look oily inside while the rest are ok (sterilised together)...then i asked the nurse how cum ah? is it my BM oily? she says BM nt suppose to be wo...
hahaha. add the BM to ur hubby beverages and ask him hw is the taste. whahaha. u try take a drop or 2 of ur BM la wldnt be that bad la. hehehe.

i dread baby waking up and cry when i bring him out man...if he awake but no crying still ok...ur gal aft come hm will she cry alot? think my boy abit opp of urs...when outside and he is awake he will be v alert turn his head here n there unless he hungry n wan to be fed...
then when reached hm will cry n WHINE~ hubby says must be he knows at hm he is king so he kicks up a fuss...

does ur hubby helps at nite?

okok. ur boy got cry during the first visit mah? i abit worried the water may be cold, then v windly...if he cry on the spot think i will go crazy...

ask u ah, Avent bottle warmer is it exclusively only for Avent? can bottles of other brand fit into it?
haiz...tell u ho, lately midnite i nv pump at all be it aft giving EBM or latch on...NO one helps me at nite even to bottle feed lo..so aft feeding my boy i too tired to even think abt pumping...of coz i also lazy la. hehehe. so end up i will pump b4 i slp and when i wake up in the morning..haiz...
so much abt hubby saying he will help me...abit disappointed lo...i know he is tired but so am i lo...can u imagine yest b4 he even slp baby was crying and i asked him to warm up the milk *aft warming up the milk, he just leave me to clear everything in the kitchen* n bottle feed baby and he even can say "HUH!?" i abit pissed off coz i was pumping then lo..cant he see?
i duno why my boy super cranky these few days...he will wake up crying then must entertain him..if nt when he dun wan to slp have to be within his sight n must sayang him n talk to him if nt leave him alone for even 5mins he will cry...funi thing is when i pump *i pump next to my slpping boy* i think my boy knows..he will wake up and stare at my breasts n if i dun give him my nipples he will cry...haiz...v hard to pump le.
for example today, i didnt even catch a wink/nap at all coz he keep waking up every 15-30mins, crying. then i try to pump as much as i can when he slps during this period...last nite till this morning didnt pump for 9hrs...feels v bad abt it so in the aftnn i try to pump every 3-4hrs...hopefully i can substain..haiz...
i think i was too tired this late morning, while trying to heat up milk for my crying boy i broke a mug...in the end have to call for help frm my mum...who even help me to vacuum my hse coz my dear hubby have nt been doing it for the past few weeks...he asked me nt to do hsework say he will do when he is back frm wk or during weekend...in the end he didnt even do anything...
i am getting fedup with my hubby lately...ever since he went back to wk...everyday tell me he will wk late...then come hm liao play with baby then go to slp...didnt help me at all...argh...
he called me just and told me last min got to wk late again...i am so pissed off i told him he everyday for the past 2 weeks always wk late ho? last time dun see him last min tell me need to wk late..coz he last time if need to wk late will tell me hrs in advance...then he keep quiet lo..i told him he wan wk go wk late for all he wan la...think i today lousy mood n take it out on him...=(
hmm..i think the vaccinations @ polyclinic cheaper...i dun really recall hw much the 6in1 is but if i dun rem wrongly think its less than $400...got to go hm n check the brochure liao...
10th july wat jab is ur baby taking? last sat, my boy's 1st mth, we brought him to polyclinic for 2nd HepB jab le. costs $15 ah.

u pumped frequently also?

same here lo..tt time i went to try my wking pants n skirts..damn...all get stuck at the hips...=(

wah! drink lesser but abt same weight as my baby...mayb my hind milk nt enuff ba..lately even worst..my boy will fall aslp drinking...end up cant even finish the 100ml or 11ml...at most drink 60-80ml...the rest of the BM have to throw away...heart pain lo...
when i bottle feed i will usually feed him longer like 45mins so dun waste the milk..my hubby? 30mins say baby dun wan liao...didnt even bother to try longer...haiz...

Re: baby hair cut
i did my boy hair cut at hm with tai mou bi ah. they sent someone dwn to my hse to do the shaving.

ya...bathed my boy once a day...at nite i wan to wipe him but hubby lazy..so in the evening b4 my hubby comes hm i wipe my boy myself lo...then my boy tend to perspire alot...esp the neck area, end up will have rashes or bumps...then my hubby asked me to clean my boy properly -_-'''
baby can use shampoo? i nv use shampoo la but i use the J&J head to toe to bathe him frm head to toe =P
twinky ,

I dun manage to go to Centre point to find out the decor thingy !!

Kelcqi ,

Ya .. boilers the band is good especially the drummer who blind folded and the dancers hahha ... very lame but someting new !!

Maybe one of these days we can arrange to go togather and let our babies be with their daddies !

Felval ,

Ya ..of course lah he help if not i will die ... but will take turn loh . Like i latch him he sleep and after that he will feed FM after that . But for this month he is doing most of the job loh .

All dresses and tops still can wear but my pants also same can go up bit veri tight at thight. So sad .... hope can slow down .

My boy was like that ...last week and PD said he got colic .So maybe you tried to burp him more in between his feeding . I put ru yi you on his tummy , his back and him feet. But dunno it work , after that he is oki now .

I have not been pumping ...no time and always i latch him on in the day .

Peace ,

Ya i started to apply JJ shampoo on his hair when he is two weeks old cos ...my BB perspire alot .And body used Top to toe shampoo .
Tracy and Peace
Thanks for the info on the House of Catering. My hubby took half day leave for the whole week since CL left...and we haven't been eating properly.
Cause my bb very cranky and cries a lot. I don't know if its due to insecurity as suddenly the CL is no longer ard and he can sense it.
Very tired out.
Hopefully this stage will pass and bb will soon stabilise. Am only able to log on as bb is now sleeping after torturing my hb for one night.
He very nice, took care of bb himself for one whole night even though i asked him to wake me up for the 2am feed. by the time i woke up when i heard the bb cry, its already 6am and he is in the living room preparting to feed the bb.
at least you pants can go up just feel v tight. For me, my pants cannot go up at all, they all stuck at the thigh there and no way are they going up...i so depress...now 5 wks already and i still wearing my maternity pants...the ones for 3rd trimester ones. sianz

Ur hb so good, help u to take care. My hb only take care up to 12am cos tomolo he got to work, but i'm appreciated his help also.. Some bb will stabilise 3 mths and some takes for 1 yr. All depend on bb. My elder son takes 1yrs but my younger son better takes only 4 mths then he never wakes up in the middle of the nite

Initially wanted to go boiler too..But too crowded liao & no rooms available. So my hb say cannot go. So ended we went dragonfly. Surprisingly nt tt much of pple at tt time. But the bouncer ask me sign a form indicatin they wil nt b hold liable if anything happen to me. tt nite i somemore thinking if waterbag burst down there hw..haha..


My hb oso gt help me look after my bb. When he back fr work, he wil help to feed bb & clean her up at nite b4 last feed/slp. And he is doing very well. BUT tt's onli when nobody cal him up for chat or ask him out. Other than tt, usually if he is hm, he wil help me wif bb & i wil haf my own time watching tv or playing games. Juz can't stand his frenz..


U so power ah. Lock ur rm door. Then hw ur hb react?

So far i haven do tt b4. Stayin wil ILs. If lock my hb out of the rm..like very bad leh..nv gif my ILs face..

Ur b onli once 2am then back hm. My hb worse. When go clubbing, confirm back onli 3plus or 4plus in the morning. Got once he lagi best, 6plus or 7plus in the morning then back. I preparing to go work, he then cm hm..Ended up i so angry & go back hm stay for 1 wk. He cal me i dun pick up fone or tok to him. Cal my hse, i tel my parents say i nt in. Haha.

Cannot say i 100% trust him la. As & when i wil stil cal him or the frenz he say he gg out wif, juz to confirm he nv lie to me. I haf all his frenz hp no. in my sim card. Haha. But i wil make sure there r NO girls fone no. in his hp except those i noe. If there r, i wil ask who is this. If is fr those clubbing girls, i wil delete the no. myself fr his hp. (i more bad than u ah..Haha)..Am i very demanding or possessive?


Guys where gt undersatnd we need R&R oso..They r selfish creatures. Most of my gf's hb like tt too..When eat outside, mostly is the mummy to feed child, not daddy..Seldom daddy feed one..

Re : Cutting nails

Cannot cut nails? When i latch my bb in TMC, the nurse ask me cut my nails if i wan breastfeed leh. Y cannot?

My colleague oso told me cannot change bedsht during confinement. I dunno change hw many time liao coz my bb vomit always kanna my bedsht one.

Re : 6-in-1 Jab

Ur hse there polyclinic gt 6-in-1 jab? My bb PD told me nt all polyclinics haf this type of jab coz stil very new.


I let me bb lie facing upward 45degree & stroke her chest softly. So nw, even if she dun burp, i stroke her chest, she oso wun vomit milk one. But u muz stroke for at least 10min or so la.

Ur hb super nice..So lucky of u.. Hw nice if my hb gt half of ur hb..Haiz..I think next life my hb oso wun like tt..haha..
Every nite is i wake up feed bb one. When my bb cry like hell, he stil can slp like pig.


CDA a/c onli applies to 2nd to 4th child . 1st child dun haf CDA. Onli bb bonus. Ur's is 1st?

Kelcqi, I think it's normal for the nipple to become long but it's only temporary. Usually latch baby on for 15 mins on each breast. If I feel very engorged (haven't pump for a long time - more than 4 hours) then I'll pump for about 40 mins (empty the breasts) then like 1-2 hours later, I'll latch baby on (that is if baby not hungry yet). If I just pump 1-3 hours back, then I'll just latch baby. If I am engorged and he's super hungry already, then I'll pump for a while and then latch him cos if the flow too much, he'll be angry also. I only latch him at night when he's colicky. Other times, he is bottle fed.

Don't dare to go yet cos I know will cost alot of money mah. See how it goes end of the month lo. Hehe.. If can don't spend the money better. Maybe you wait till you are comfortable then start your massage ba. Have you lost much weight already?

Try to get someone to help you with the print else very easily messed it up one cos sometimes the baby will move then hard to control their movements.

felval, the Avent bottle warmer think can use for most bottles. What brand of bottles you using? If the bottle is tall, also can use one, just leave the lid open lo.

I think your hubby is not doing enough lo. But of cos you are feeling unhappy cos of the hormones. At this time, you will feel very emotional one. Cos sometimes I also feel stressed up and will scold my hubby (but he do alot of things liao like feeding baby at night) then after that will feel bad about it cos he does alot as compared to his friend and other guys. Sometimes I get very cranky cos my down there still feel sore at times. I think you shld talk to your hubby and tell him that you are also tired and ask him to contribute alittle since this baby belongs to both of you, if you cannot handle it alone, you need help lo. Also ask him why recently he kept having to work late lo, tell him you need his presence. I think I will be super upset if my hubby last min tell me he has to work late also. He recently changed job and has to work on Saturdays, so today he's out. Sian! But really fortunate to stay near my mum (just a storey above me)

Does your parents stay near you? Who is going to take care of your boy when you go back work?

I think babies will easily be cranky one lo especially when they are so young. My boy also always cranky, sometimes I can go mad and very frustrated at him so nowadays I put him at my mum's place and will go up every other hour and come home and express my milk. I think this period is the toughest lo. That's why ML is 12 weeks cos normally after 3 months shld be alot better liao. I'm just hoping for this period to pass also. Thinking of the labour pain and this period, I don't know if got the courage to have a 2nd one. Sigh..

I believe polyclinic definitely much cheaper ba but my hubby wants to go back KKH lo. mine is 6 in 1.
The package 1 in the link. So jabs will be given on the 2nd, 4th and 6th month. my baby's 2nd Hep B jab also 2nd month.
