(2008/05) May 2008


sure, i have just emailed to the PIC and changed my order, have added your and Jo's order. Once confirmed, i will let you know.

btw, how much did you pay for the allerhand diaper bag ?

Felval ,

hmm .. it depends on individual .
I already make my point to him if you want to have baby ...he must realli help ! As this little one belong to both of us not only mine .
And for the past 9 to 10 mths we have suffer enough .

Only last nite i wake up for my baby cos hubby reali tired entertaining my guests during his my BB shower . He totally knocked out hahah !

Cheri ,

Dolly is rite should have a outing for the ladies here .
Felval ,

since you deliver in KK ... are you bring your son to KK for his jects . And which PD going cos i feel that the one i used veri irreposible .
Maybe you can PM me your PD no .
I was thinking to myself last night that we should have only one-month maternity leave for our confinement. Then the other two months should be paternity leave whereby the men stay home to look after the baby while WE return to work!
Hi all,
This is my first time posting here. I can't believe the amount of posts. Hope to answer some of the questions here as well.

My bb boy is 5 weeks plus now weighing just over 4kg. birth weight was 2.945kg and yes he does get nightmare too. like sleeping then suddenly cry very badly. after patting he goes back to sleep

I'm EBF now and i have short nipples, one side close to flat so bb quite difficult to latch on. I had alot of difficulty in hospital latching bb. everytime nurse asks why bb drink so long. it's becoz latching on is taking too long.

when i came home, i bought the medela mini electric to pump out extra milk to increase supply. by then my left side is producing alot but right side very little. huge difference! but i had no chioce bb latches on left side quickly and more satisfied. he struggles with my right n still fuss after 30min.

then i didn't apply nursing cream got sore nipples, bleeding all. was a nightmare! i used the nipple shield. finally bb can latch on both sides.

recently i bought medela PIS advanced to help increase my supply. wish me luck!

Helps !!!! I really need some advices from all of u, my 2nd son used to taken care by my mom. Now he is coming to 2.5 yrs old still speaking his own language. So we decide to send him to MMI pre-sch last week for whole day and we want him to learn and interact with others children there but the whole week he keeps crying and crying and can not get used to it the environment there.

Therefore, the MMI Pre-sch ppl put him one person in other room so that will cool him down, cos he is too noisy and keeps crying will disturb other children learning but of course with 1 adult there to accompanied him. but that's wouldn't helps much and now he is badly traumatised whenever he goes to a new pl or even my mom pl and do not wants anyone's to carry him even my mom he refused it but he only wants me but i need to work, i cant take care him for daytime. I'm very confused and sad do not know what to do.

I've 2 option, first put him at MMI Pre-sch for half a day then bring to my mom hse or second opt is put him under my mom's care?

Pls advice me, i really do not know wat to do? Should i go for opt 1 or 2 ? Sigh.. I'm a mother of 2, come to this kind of decision making i'm confused, wat a shame on me

I'm appreciated for the advice that all of u given to me, thanks.
Today brought BB Rayen to see PD as I a bit disturb with her rash on her face and the mark on her back so ask PD for advise...

She say the mark is actually for BCG and she say the jab is at the ideal place. Wander why I can't find it on my son's back.

She say the rash will gone by itself but can apply cream to get ride of it which I already bought but dare not apply on her so end up I only pay for her consultation fee to get assurance that Rayen is fine.

BTW she is 5.8kg @ 8wks increased by 2kg.

As for the CDA a/c to pay for the cordblood bank the PIC told me I can sent a email to extent the grace period. Due to the delay.

Fion give your boy more time he just started school only right?

Ya just started for a week, but i'm afraid his attitude will become weird or Xin li shuang shang"? ... if he continue to traumatise this way.. that's y i'm worry if i continue to send him to MMI pre-sch. Will ur boy behave like this? Do not want anyone's to carry except u?
even husband also dun want..
My boy quite okie with school, although he still telling us he don't want to go school. Which is about 2 term liao. Today is his 1st day of 3rd term let see what my nanny say when I go and fetch him. What did his teacher's advise? Sometime if the kid is really not ready for schooling they will advise to sent him back. Now I think is still too early to judge.

Sad thing is my boy don't cling to me one as long as got gai gai he will follow anyone out 8(

His teacher said all the children behave like this when they first time here but they put him isolate one corner or a room cos of he keeps crying i think is not a good idea. Becos this will even make him feel insecure and more traumatise but i do not know whether what i think is it logical or not. What do u think? By the way, how old is ur son sent to pre-sch whole day? I think my son now 2.5 mths perhaps is it too young for him to adapt the environment? Sigh.. being a mother is not easy

Ur son is very independent type leh.. I like this way, as it's much easier to take care. But sad is my 2 sons is too attached to me liao.. Sigh..
Justen don't go to childcare he go to kindergarten 3.5hr classes. Their school start in Jan 2008 when he is 2yr 3mth old. He need to take a bus to school and back to nanny's house. I also heart pain to see him cry on his 1st day of school so we didn't join him after that, but my 2 nephews is also in the same school think that help him to adapt to school faster. And on the 1st day of school my eldest nephew actually accompany both his didi during their lesson I think he is a great help too. Is your 1st kid attending school too? Why don't you let him study with his sibling?

U know, just now my mom sms me said that my son finally settle down. She told me that his memories got back and now he is not so traumatise oredi.. Before i send to MMI Pre-sch, every morning i'll bring my son to my mom pl till nite time i bring him back..

U know becos of my son his speech develop slow.. we send him to MMI cos he can play and interact with other kids. Then my husband brought me a car so that i can ferry my son back. If now i change my mind stop sending him to MMI cos of his badly traumatise, the purpose of buying this car will defeat the purpose and sure he will be very mad abt it..
Sigh.. Wat shall i do in order to balance both side 8(

The problem is my elder son now in P1. He dont hv any cousin leave near my area... and all his cousin grown up and in Primary sch. Ur son goes Kindergarten he easily to adapt cos short hrs and he feels secure as after his sch goes to nanny pl. To him nanny is the closest to him and one to one attention.
Like that like no turning back leh just give him more time lor. if you don't feel comfortable for the teacher to lock him in 1 room just got to inform them about it think there are better way of settle him down right like give him some interesting toy or even a candy?

Sigh.. ya lor.. maybe i talk to the teacher again. Thank you so much to share my problems. Feeling better after pouring out but feel sorry to u as u hv to analyse my problems. Thanks.

I got the deposit. But what I am wondering is about the CDA a/c. I dun seem to have received any notification that it had been opened.

OCBC also abit screw up. 2-3 weeks back I submitted the form at their outlet at Hougang. Then MCYS sent me a reminder to submit my form on Sat! Damn angry. Argh

To deposit the money to the CDA A/c will depend where you open ur a/c. Now there is a change of a/c where u choose either OCBC or SCB as the appointed a/c. You just need to deposit the money into that a/c (i.e. with the bank a/c number givento you.)


There is no problem to transfer via Internet banking. As long as you have the a/c number.
For me, I haven't receive it yet. =(

RE: Baby girl's weight
She is now 4.7kg as of 2 mths.
some of my bottles are oily some nt le..i first discovered the bottle was oily when i was bottle feeding halfway and wanna check hw much have my boy drank coz he fell aslp then saw the oil on top of the milk and i got a scare lo. then aft tt went to check the rest of the chilled bottles in the fridge..some yes some no..i was still comtempting whether to pour them away lo...but i didnt coz heartpain le.hehehe.
anyway, i went to kiddy palace to get the "detergent" for washing baby's bottles which can also be used to wash veges la..but aft that i still find my bottles oily and i was wondering where did the oil come frm - my milk or the skin ard the nipples. did u ask CL why BF's bottles are oily? i still am puzzled le.

haiz...then i must tell my boy to stop staring at me and my nipples when i am pumping..if he wans he can have my nipples aft i pump...but he dun seems to listen to me coz till today he will cry and cry when he sees me pumping unless i give him my nipple to suck...this happens even aft i have give him a proper feed..=(

loves ur bb's big eyes =)

ur hubby is a gd daddy la. hehehehe. i give mine the benefits of the doubts that he is really tired aft wk la...so same as u sometimes when i scolded him i will also feel bad aft tt. however when he is at my mum's place he very zi dong will auto help me to change n feed my boy.hahah. probably coz he dun wan me to complain to my mum =P i think my hubby nt bad liao la, at least when i am doing confinement he helps me with alot of things =)
mayb like u say coz u didnt rest well during ur confinement hence u still experiencing soreness ba.
every evening i do bring my boy to my mum's place lo and that is when i can have some "Me" time coz my mum and my dad will be so happy to play with baby. in fact they fight with me to carry him which i am more than happy to let them take care.
hahhaa. mayb ur boy wan to be cuddle and be carried in ur comforting arms to slp? my boy recently also...aft bottle feed he dun wan to slp unless i latch him on...aft which within 15mins he sure KO.hehhee.
$325 is for everything lo. ya...i also prefer KK coz of PD...at least more specialised lo.
mostly hubby drives to wk coz his wkplace in the east lo unless specially i told him i wan to use the car then either i send him to wk or he find ways to go to wk.
ya. i stay in yishun but i love to shop at supermkt.hehehhe. anyway, things @ giant pretty cheap and when we go giant normally we buy alot of things so still worth the trip. lol.
lolz. okok. u try le let me know. hehhee. i think my boy wld love a dip in the pool =p

no. will nt be gg KK for jabs coz there is a polyclinic near my hse so hubby prefers to go polyclinic (and cheaper so he likes). which PD u using now? i make sure to avoid him/her. hehhee. if i wan a PD think i will ask for recommendation from my gynae ba.

hahaha. mayb can have 3mths maternity n paternity leave for both! hehehe

the Yishun Polyclinic has the 6-in-1 jab
i also wish to have the 4th option tat i bring the baby to my parent's house in the morning, and bring back at nite. but the prob is they stay in bt panjang, and we stay in bishan. too far apart, somemore we dun own a car yet. so it's troublesome lor.
Yanling my son is taking care by a bb sitter and she actually treat my son very well even better than us... As she is around 40+ know more than us and very caring. So we are very happy with her service. She take care of Justen since he is 12wks old till now my son is coming 3.
Dear Tracy,

Thks for ur concern & i really hope she will be ok.

As for the Lansinoh milkbags how many box u have bought 3 store ur ebm & usually how much per box ?

As for pigeon teats i have yet to try coz am latching her all this while too, may give the tommy tippee bottle a try coz the teat really look like our nipple lei plus mothercare are having sale for them.

Ur son very handsome & big bright eyes, want to post my dau pix but misplace my hp cable aiyah mybe later lor.


Thks for ur kind concern too, will give the hazeline a try .

How much is the medela binder ?

Am keen on the sleep bra from medela & their other range of nursing bras but how to order ?? Do u want to order maybe can collate together save on fwd charges.

As for the spree already reserve to buy several boxes of Lansinoh milkbags but am keen to join ur spree as i reckon i will need quite a number of boxes mah to ensure supply last until bb 6 mths at least. I dun think i will be able to express at all at work as we dun have that kind of flexibility / nursing facility the most once during lunchtime. So will have to work hard this mth to build supply b4 resuming work end of next mth.
felval ,

the PD we seeing is at TMC ...very ex and the PD that located in Bishan also from the same branch .

Was thinking to see dolly`s PD but got to advance apt at least 1 week and if walk in got to wait at least 3 to 4 hours .

My god ...i got to find out one which is good .
But anyway i think i will bring my son for his ject next Monday at Toa Payoh Polyclinic for his second Hep B .
Hi All,

Re: 6-in-1 jab
Just curious why polyclinic so ex?? mine at mount e only cost $125. its also the same price at a PD at tiong bahru plaza. of cos, u have to pay $80 for doc consultation fees. the rotavirus injection cost $100. total i spent $300 plus 2 weeks ago (cos still got GST)

Re: baby weight
my baby weight at week 7 was 5.6kg, gained 2.3kg over 7 weeks. however, my hubby keep saying he obese!!! which from what i see looks like a "norm" here...

cos his fren brought his son over on sunday... 4.5 mths old, weigh 5.8kg, 63cm and breastfeeding 120ml 6 times a day...

compared to mine, 110ml, 7-9 times a day

are our babies obese??
Hi Yanling,

If ur parent can take care of ur bb is better, cos u knows ur parent well. As my younger son use to take care by my mom, sigh.. due to his slow development of his speech recently we send him to MMI Pre-sch and lots of things happened along the way..

But if u can find a nanny like Poko which loves his son and well treated him that's also another option. Of course getting a maid also can be another helper for u to do hsewk. So depend on u which whether u need a helper to do hsewk on behalf of u while ur mom full-time take care ur bb or get a nanny?
Hi fion,
what is the MMI Pre sch abt?

can i find out more from you?

cos my nephew is slow in development of the speech and he even see a speech therapist... he is 4 yrs old now

I stocked up 3 boxes of 25pcs/box before delivery. Now I'm into the second box, but then again I store more than the recommended 180ml per bag to save bags. I've just placed order for 5 boxes of 50pcs each from a spree. It cost me $75 + $18 for shipping = $93. Each bag costs about $0.37.

My gal started with 2hr playgroup at a Montessorri centre when she was 18months old. It took her about 2wks to stop crying when being sent to school. The teacher says it takes an average of about a month for the kids to settle in but they eventually do settle down. So give your boy more time.
Hi Winnedy,

MMI stands for Modern Montessori International which origin came from London. In s'pore they hv a few franchies branches all over the island. U can take a look at this website http://www.modern-montessori.com/index.php

Ur nephew is now 4 yrs old, he knows how to call daddy or mummy? U said he is slow in speech in wat way?

My younger son slow in speech but his know how to say like daddy, light, fan, clock, all in single word he still do not know how to speak in short sentences. At his age of 2.5mths he should knows how to speak short sentences but he still dunno yet. That's made me worry and send him to MMI Pre-sch so that he can interact and play with other children there but it's turn out he feel insecure and more traumatise when he goes to there..
so now i'm lost oredi dunno wat to do?

Will they suffer depression or bad memories due to this? I'm afraid if i persistent send him there will he hate me more? I'm scared he will suffer bad traumatizing leh.. Did ur gal comes home only wants u to carry her? and always stick with u only? My son like this leh.. i'm bo eng cos he keeps asking me to carry him, he dun wants anyone's except me.. Sigh... I wonder whether is it becos of i'm putting him there and leave him there that's y he keeps clings on me dun want to let go on me??
Hi fion,
i dun think he knows how to call anyone, he only like to say "car, car"

only after the speech therapist (2-3 lessons), he can call his dad, mum, uncle, auntie... but they saw some improvement and decide to stop it...

i think doc was saying its more of behaviour disorder

Did they ever consider to bring him to childcare or playgroup maybe tat's were helps? Now they hv stop to let him go to speech therapist, wat they going to do now?

can i check with u, how's the Montessorri centre standard? Is their teaching good? Like in term of their syllabus as compared to those normal Playgroup? As this is my first time to enrol my son there, although they gave me their timetable. Cos of my son traumatise recently they haven got the chance to teach him yet so i cant c effect?
Re : 6 in 1 jab

I bringing my son for 11july at his 6th weeks .
The children clinic at Bishan charged S$122 per jab x 3 times include consultation fee and i`m going for rotavirus at $97 per dose .

Winnedy ,

you mean your fee $128 does not include consultation ? Hmmm that mean yours abit high rite ?

My boy weight at 4.3kg today... coming 1 mth on sat ! But at birth he is at 3.7kg ! His weight should be oki rite ?
Hey Tracy my boy also in montessorri wander whether are they classmate 8) I bring my boy to Bridges how about you?

Hey Fion I like my son's school, before I start him there I went to visit a few centre around my area and I am impressed with Monessorri Method very much on hands on and all the kids are very independant in the centre. They also train them individually and depend on their pace which I like too.
Hi, sorry to interrupt, i'm from the Apr 08 thread, wondering if anyone is interested in taking over the rental of the medela PIS advanced from me? I rented it till 14 Jul to try and am now thinking of buying it, so if you are interested to take over the rental to try it out, pls PM me. Thanks!
Hi jo,
ya, the price i quoted exclude doc consultation fees which is another $80. is this ex? cos i tot tiong bahru plaza one also the same then i may as well go mount e....

i dunno abt yr baby weight... u may want to check with the doc... but his birth weight is BIG... how come put on so little weight only?

Thanks for ur info. as least i'm not too worry abt their teaching method.. Hopefully, my son will get used to it. Perhaps is not my son not ready to go, is myself not ready yet to c my son in this situation...

I learned from the book saying that bb learn to adapt the environment fast and they will forget easily too.. perhaps i should bear a bit when he cried out loud or should bring a ear plug!!
Had problems posting on the forum ystrdy. Many of my frens' kids took about a month to settle into playgroup and all of them cried terribly. Eventually they all settled in and so far none has been traumatised by it. Same goes for my gal. She is happy to go to school and is doing quite well there now. My gal is sticky to daddy as in wanting him to carry her whenever she sees him. This is not due to the fact that we sent her to school, as she has always been like dat.

Did you try out a trial with them before enrolling your boy there? I attended one trial lesson with my gal to observe her behaviour there and also to their teaching syllabus before I enrolled her there.

I doubt so
My gal goes to Y'Kidz Montessori Enrichment Centre in Sin Ming. Just across the road from my MIL's place. But when she turn 4YO, I will be switching her to Holy Spirit Church Kindergarten. Rather reluctant cos she's so happy at Y'Kidz, but Holy Spirit is cheaper and I want her to get used to the govt school system before P1.

Yap, i did go for a trial session but ended up he keeps crying and crying. When i bring him back, he keeps clings on me dun want to let go.. like scared i'm run away from him again..

Perhaps i really need to be "heng xin" put him there and go w/o looking back.. as i'm a soft type, seeing him like this i feel heart pain.. wanted to stop everythings.. that's y my hb "buay ta han me oredi.."
sigh... he said he dunno wat i want now? As he said send him to childcare is my decision due to his slow in speech and now wanna to stop is u cos he keeps crying so chiam.. frankly speaking i also dunno wat to do? Hope heaven can give me a hint or direction.

My 2nd son also cried like mad even though the kor kor was in the same CC. Kor kor refuse to let his brother to go to another class while the didi refuse to let me hubby leave.

Each time my hubby walked away...di di cry like mad. Until the teachers told us...die die must walk away. Eventually the crying stopped. It will take some time for them to adjust. You just need to walk away. Dun worry too much okay?


Ya perhaps i need to be hard as metal, to walk away when he cried.. for how long does ur 2nd son get used to it and will he hv nightmare at nite? Since we sent him to the ctr for trial only, every nite he cant sleep well and wakes up lots of times and keeps crying..

My husband said, u hv to be firm and dun keeps thinking abt him. That's will makes u worse, sometimes i "pei fu" my hb cos he can just walk away like this when he cry. I think among all the mummy here i am the worse mom, too soft and flicker minded sigh.... Tien ah!!! perhaps i need to be trained and be like all the mummies here, STRONG and STEADY! 8(
