(2008/05) May 2008


After 1st month, we start to bring her out every Sat at 5.30pm and get home around 9pm. But that's from our place to our aunty-in-law's place.

my girl is suddenly drink lesser. Normally she drinks around 140ml - 150ml (actually I think it's alot for her). Now she drinks 100ml or somewhere around there a few times a day.

My girl one is at the left when she is on tummy...

I checked my boy he don't have leh. I wander what is that.

Frozen BM
Is good to add the frozenBM with Chilled one as the fbm smell might be too strong for them to take.

my boy is also drinking lesser FM milk now as compared to the EBM whereby he can finish 120ml - 150ml for EBM, and for FM, he only drink around 80ml - 100ml, i am also wondering what cause the change.
^5. me too was using Medela Swing, the amt of BM pumped was less than 50 ml and I pumped for 30mins (15 mins each side). Worse still, I get swollen nipples after pumping. Then I switched to manual pumping with my hands, the results are so much better. I'm able to get abt 180ml if I pump every 4hrs and it only took me 20 mins to do so.

I have went back to work. Thank goodness, my boss' wife supports BF, so they dun mind me pumping out. I do my pumping during office hours. ;P Juz afraid that the work stress might reduce my SS. Haiz...

I pump in the office toilet but the cleaning lady always clean. I think it's alright.
BM is not filling as it's diluted with water as compared to FM. If baby drinks FM, you have feed some water to soften the stools. So, if you add the amt of FM & H2O that you fed baby, it'll be close to the amt of BM that your baby drink.

Ya. All my relatives oso said so. My ger look more & more like boy. So they say my next one confirm boy. Dunno wat logic leh. Haha.
Will b trying for a rabbit yr bb for 2nd one. Hopefully reali boy, so gt one 'hao' word. Hehe.
i brought #1 for swimming when he is about 2 months old. he was sitting on the float and he fall asleep!

just curious how long do you intend to bf?

My MIL say dun bring bb out after sky dark. She say no gd. BUt if reali no choice, dun cal ur b actual name. Cal by her nick.
not true leh.. my #1 looks like gal but turn out #2 also boy.. haha.. then my #2 looks like boy or gal? wanna try for #3 in 4 years time and hopefully its a gal!

U delivered hw long liao? Stil heavy menses? Me fr start menses very little onli. Til nw 3wks plus liao, onli lie brown discharge & is a few drops.
Ya, can mix defrosted EBM with freshly expressed CHILLED ones. I haven't tried mixing with fresh from the breast ones.
I'm targeting to bf for one year this time round to erhem..fully depreciate the electric pump i bought. hahaha...no lah, since i am lucky to have the supply and I have pumping room in office, why not. But after 6months I won't be on 3hourly pump liao lah, probably 6 or 8 hourly.
I will bf as long as I got milk for Rayen or at least 18mths. In office will pump in a store room one bad thing about it is there isn't any power point so got to use rechargable batteries. My ss become very low after my son turn 1yr old so I stop pumping in the office after that. Only latch at nite till he is about 18mth old.

Your breast too big for breast pad or never put properly? How come will leak with breast pad? Wat brand of breast Pad u using?

Keke, your mum very observant leh. U wash hair everyday or wat? For me I wash every 3-4 days. "Guang Ming Zheng Da" one. I'll lock the room n off all the fan, then blow dry after I wash. She make noise, I always said, u see I sweating now? All water come out liao lah... Haha...

Jo, U try using boil water to clean him every now n den, see will go away or not? Now till Sun still have 3 days, hopefully will subside abit...


I dunno why. My Lochia stopped for like almost a wk, den I stop putting on pad. Then suddenly it came back n soiled my bed. Sigh... Dunno what's wrong also...


You very gd leh, make ur hubby drink. My hubby won't even taste it, not to mention getting the milk down his throat.

I think Manual pump not very ex lah. Robinson now got sale mah. Should be ok bah. U intend to BF how long?

For me I intend to cut my bb's nails cos I wanna take out the mittens le. But I scare she disfigure herself so I'll cut her nails loh...


No offence ok? Your bb look more gal than mine leh. At first I also tot is a gal. U pray hard hard ok, next one be a gal. I wan my next one to be a boy...


I also heard of the old folks say at nite when out, dun address bb by actual name. I think is becos they pantang bah. Or scare of those things calling the bb once they know the name?

Jer, I intend to BF for at least 6 mths. But I see my milk supply going down each day. I wanna cry liao. Juz now I only manage to pump 100ml after 7 hrs. So I juz pop a pill of Fenugreek. Hopefully I see some miracle taking place tml...

I super bad mood now. Feel so unfair tt my hubby can go out while I'm stuck at home with a crying baby. I feel as if the bb is mine only. So pek chek. Am I being very selfish to think like tt? But I juz kept thinking bb a shared responsibility loh. Although there's CL, he can't juz leave me with CL mah. Plus everytime he promised to come over after his outing, he always 1-2hrs later than his promised timing. I juz feel so pissed loh.

Somemore my parents also idiot one. They always force me to attend my relative's event like wedding, bb shower, or house warming etc. If I don't attend, they said I stuck up, play hard to get etc. Then now they are stopping me from inviting my relatives to come my bb shower cos they said it's very bad to trouble them. And somemore they said it in front of one relative and she immediately agreed it's troublesome to hold bb shower loh. Say wat waste money n have to clean up somemore. She wanna save money den say la!

I super duper angry loh. Fine loh, since my parents only think abt the relatives, den from today onwards, I'll nv attend a single event from my relatives side liao. Why should I be giving them faces when my own bb can even be welcomed to this world with a simple baby shower?
Hey Kelcqi you not alone lor when ever I need to wake up middle of the nite to take care of BB check whether did she poo I hope she is bottle feed at least like that my ang got no choice but to help me. I also feel unbalance as I need to wake up and he is snoring away...

How come you didn't pump for 7 hrs? SS got to build up with regular pumping.
brought my boy for checkup + hep b jab today or i shld say yest morning
pd said that at one mth onli he shld gain abt 1 kg nia...
he came out at 3.16kg but is now 4.71kg
she said slightly too much

then we asked her if we can increase bb milk from 110ml to more or not
she said no no...that is already too much for him
but i tot cos he wakes up every 2hrs maybe can increase liao
she says he's already too bloated...
maybe when he wakes up, try feeding him with a little water as he maybe thirsty
but hor i tot BF bb no need to drink water de?
(told her i do mix feeding: EBM daytime and FM night time)
anyone's pd say to feed water too???
today nv jab the hep b also...
cos we told pd that we wan the 6 in 1 jab
then she say only can do in 2mths, 4mths n 6mths...
i nv know ah...

post at this strange timing and not sleeping
guess u all shld know y bah
milking in progress...

Hw much ur PD charge for 6-in-1 jab? I thinking of getting the jab for my bb. Her PD charge @ $440.


So u nt throwing any bb shower? I tot u r? Then ur ILs side?

But ur tt relative very funny lo. Y troublesome? Nt say u always throw bb shower wah. So ez meh. We muz 'shi yue huai tai' one leh. Somemore 1st child.

My hb worse than ur hb ah. He every wkend oso go clubbing. Throw bb to me to look after. When i pregnant he is oredi like tt. So i scolded he somemore promise say he wun go clubbing tt often anymore after bb is out. Who noes ended up since bb birth, he oso go clubbing every wk. Wat the hell!! U noe wat. I am so angry tt i sms all his frenz dun always ask my hb go clubbing every wk & waste unnecessary money last wkend.

Dun feel bad. Staying hm for confiement is for ur own gd. And is onli a 1 mth period. After tt u can go out liao. Juz endure k. Dun let ur mood affect urself. Muz b happy.

Hmmm...today my flow has lessen liao. So I am thinking whether Monday when the heavy flow started whether it's menses anot or because of other stuff...hmmm...

Will let u know after a few days...see if it really "stops".

I delivered 24th April. =(

Yours is normal cos you only just gave birth so it's normal to have it come and go..

Mine is weird cos already almost 2 mths.
I'm intending to BF my gal for as long as I can. My fren is still BF-ing her son, her son is going to 2 yrs old le.

I din buy manual pump. I'm too lazy to buy another manual pump plus I need to sterilize and it's bulky for me to bring so much stuff to work. Haha... In short, I'm juz lazy, so pumping with my hands, FOC, plus no need to sterilize, juz wash with Kirei Kirei soap.

you still have the energy to on PC and post while expressing. Whenever I express in the wee hours, I hope that someone will invent a pump with timer that we can wear and when time comes, it'll start to express w/o us doing anything.

ur hb very bad leh. After ur confinement, you go clubbing to relax urself n get your hb to look after ur baby. Let him hv a taste of his medicine.

probably ur parents tot that bb shower is tiring for u. u can still hold ur bb shower, if ur parents still dun like u to invite ur relatives, then invite ur frenz over to share the joy. For me, I invite my relatives bcos they expected it. When they turned up, I oso din entertain them, juz tok to my frenz only. Dun get too upset, k? Confinement will end in a blink of eye.
hi mummies!

congrats on on the cute little ones! I'm from the Sep thread, preparing for the arrival of the little one.

Got some questions to ask.

1. How many times (average) do you change your baby, especially those who're breastfeeding, on a daily basis?

2. Have your baby outgrown the NB diapers? If so, when, at how many weeks?

thanks so much!
I realise that when i BF him in the nite ...and scare he not enough give him FM ..but he dun seem he want to drink .

Hmmm maybe BF he is enough ... i really dunno how much is he drink now . But without latching on he will be drinking abt 100ml FM .

I did not pump out the milk now as of his colic and he dun like overnite EBM . I dun tink i can feed him BM when i go back to work as office dun have a room for us .
shazz ,

When you BF the first two weeks Baby poo more often and tend to poo almost every feed ..me using abt estimated 8 to 10 pieces per day . Now he is 3 weeks old , using abt 5 pieces but it depends also .

As diapers also depend using what brand . I have started to buy S size for my baby who weight 4kg now. Mamy Pokko S can hold baby up to 3kg to 8kg .As for newborn Mamy Pokko can hold up to 5kg .
all mummies,

very worried, my BM supply is really low. sometimes express 60-80ml and sometimes only 40ml.....HELP!!!! any advice? I'm already drinking lots of fish soup but no papaya
for the first month i used up 4pks of NB diapers.

I'm now using Goon S size. I switched to it when he turn 5-6wks old so i had to pass the NB ones to my fren. They outgrow the NB ones quite fast.

u direct latch or pumping?
thanks jo (eric_baby) & Tracy (cml77)!

Tracy: which brand and how many pieces you used for your NB diapers? Is Goon better than Nepia?
Felval- my hb ownself said he wan to try my bm! Haha.. he sm more says nt bad leh, tastes sweet sweet one! Lolz..
My boy also likes to rub his face until red red. Til nw his face stil got rashes lor. My aunt told me the cure is to clean w his urine!
I tot of bringin my boy for a swim too. Hehe.. he likes bathin a lot so I tink he shd like to swim too! But afraid the pool water too cold n he might be scared. There’s this plc where they hv special pools for bb. My fren brot her son there n he enjoyed v much! But ex lah..

Kelcqi- 1st mth cannot cut nails meh? My aunt helped to cut for my boy on his 1st mth leh.. I dun dare to!

Icebaby- my boy is 7 wks nw n is drinkin 150ml every 3 hrs. his face getting rounder n rounder! Wats ur gal’s wt nw?

Jer- wil try to bf as long as I can since I gonna be sahm. But my ss nt enough for my boy lor. Gotten sub w fm.

Shazz- I nvr buy NB size for my boy. When he finished the pack given by hosp, I started to let him wear S size til nw.

Birdy- try takin fenugreek? Drink more water also. i also takin HL milk. Pump every 3 hrs can get at least 100ml each time, record is 140ml.

Better monitor for the next few days ah. If flow stil alot, best to c gynae. Coz my aunt told me last time when she gif birth to her 2nd child,her menses flow alot for close to 2 mths. Then later realise tt actually is hormones imbalance. Haf to take medicine. Then after tt ok.


Found tt mamypoko diaper gd lo compared to others. If soak until full full wif urine, my gar oso wun cry one. But pampers, huggies & dryper she wil leh. The pampers, huggies & drypers r sample i gt fr TMC.
Oh left out...

Til date, i used 1 pkt of Mamypoko NB & 1pkt of Mamypoko S. My ger nw 3wks+ old. She poo poo onli once a day. But she on total FM la nw. Onli BM for 2 days. Coz i gt no milk..I'm a bad cow..haha..


Full mth can cut nails liao mah. Nw my ger nails although soft but very long & sharp leh..

By the way, my ger had some rashes on her back of the head. Think she slp too long & the weather too hot. Anyone bb oso gt it? Wonder ned to bring to PD nt..But quite minor at the moment..dunno wil spread nt..Any advise?

Oh ya Icebaby,

Ur $120/jab include PD consultation fee?
For the newborn, I used 1pack of sealer, 1pack of Goon, 1pack of Nepia and the balance Pampers from hospital.

I prefer Goon cos it's cutting is more fitting for babies with big thighs. Nepia is too short and tends to leak for my boy. I had to change him every 3hours at night. For Goon, I change him at about 12mn and can last till 6am unless he poos.

Think Ant1712's approach is good - buy S size. But anyway for Goon and Nepia you can do exchange with them if your baby outgrows the size. Must be unopened packs of course.
tWiNkY (twinky83): you're so cute to call yourself a bad cow! hee. Dun give up, try pumping more regularly, I heard it'll help to establish the milk supply. Jia You!

ant1712 (ant1712): thanks for the tips on going straight to S!

Tracy: thanks for sharing! cos I was contemplating getting Nepia, cos of their exchange policy and now they're having promo of $14 per pack plus free delivery. Didn't know Goon can exchange the unopened packs if baby outgrows it. thanks so much!
i didn't know we can't mix fresh BM with chilled ones... i have been adding on each pump to the same bottle stored in the fridge to form 1 feed and feed baby. oops! seems like i got to put each pump in different bottles, chilled and then mix to warm up for baby?

my boy got a red mole that suddenly appeared on his face when he was 2 weeks. Now he is 3 weeks and it is still there. Wonder if it will go off. Anyone has this experience?
Jane ,

Have one when he is at born and few days later is gone ... me thought was a red mole as well .

Maybe you would like check with PD when you going for check up at your BB one month .

Gina ,

Used hand to express ... huh how to ...can teach me ...think should be faster !!
shazz ,

Oh thank you very much ...from the webbie selling cheaper ?

Intending to buy cheaper one for day time and nite use Mamy Poko . Cos Mamy Poko can hold well ...sooo far soo good !!
you're welcome jo! I think that's the only place that's selling GooN diapers. Delivery is free for $60 and above. Where do you live? Maybe we can share ;)

I bought MammyPoko for night time use as well cos I heard it's better than Pampers for night as it doesn't leak, and it's a tad cheaper than Pampers Premium. But I only bought 1 pack of NB to try first cos they have a special cutting for the umblilical cord. =)
Hi ladies..

Wow, ur bb so cute leh =D..My mum cut my ger's nails last wk so now we nv let her wear mittens and booties cos weather too hot..My ger pespire alot de..when she is too hot, she sceams...

U can get the small scissors frm Pigeon, won't cut bb's fingers one lor..

My ger also bery hairy on her back, her arms , ears and on her face lor..My mum told me these hairs will drop off de...so no need to worry ya..

When do we bring our bbs for the 6in1 jabs? so far my bb only took the BCG and 1st dose of Hep B at TMC..

I hv used up 3packs of Pampers NB, 1pack of S Drypers,Huggies Ultra NB and today Mamy Poko NB..Find it disappointing in Pampers cos will leak and bery fast hv to change another diaper liao...So far, I prefer Mamy poko...

Any of your bbs have nitemares? I mean wakeup crying? my bb always scream or cry frm her sleep leh..then we hv to carry her to pacify her..someitmes she laugh loudly in her dreams too..
feifei (feifei) : how heavy is your baby at birth and what's current weight? yeah, heard some rants about Pampers Premium NB leaking too. MammyPoko's NB size is quite big, think can accommodate up to 5kg
my bb pd consultation is $35.
so total = $120x3 + $35x3 = $465

but if i were to take 5in1
need 5 more jabs...
so total = $95x3 + $30x2 + $35x5 = $520

we chose 6in1 not cos of the cost but cos i dun wan to subject bb to so many jabs, so ke lian

hee, if i nv on pc when pumping very bored leh
just stare into blank space nothing to do.
i wan to invent a pump that can be used when lying down ah
then like that when latching bb lying down can pump also, wont waste the dripping milk
plus i can also sleep when pumping!
i sort liao...
Hi! Felval,

I remember reading about you developing a rash after you gave birth. How was it treated then? I broke out in a rash too.
Hi Feifei,

Wanted to bring my bb gal (born on 19/5/08) for the Hep B (2nd dose) today but when we went there, doc advise me to take the 6-in-1 after 2 weeks.
for 6 in 1 injection, the baby doesnt need to go for Hep B injection during 1st mth right? only inject from 2nd mth onwards?


hmmm..i really dont know who you are..i only met up with kelcqi and muzicgal b4...l like my baby's hair too, i couldnt bear to shave his hair during his full mth celebration, just cut abit 'yi si yi si' will do...

today, the CL left, been so busy entertaining the baby, from 8 am till 330pm, then sleep, me so tired..must carry and walk around, standstill will start crying..unbelievable !! at last he is asleep, can logon for a while..

my baby is super hairy, luckily the CL said the hair will drop ..

so excited to see babies pics, all so cute and lovable..i even go to other mths thread to look at babies pics..hee hee


i used international catering for the full mth celebration. I ordered cakes from sweetest moments, all my relatives said the packaging very nice and the cakes and ang ku kueh are nice too. The ang ku kueh's peanut filling is alot..The swiss roll is soft and not too sweet..
tracy & ant1712
i pump and latch but still cannot increase...plus inconsistent pumping coz most of the time i look after bb myself. i will try fernugreek.

i can't believe it!!! i got blocked ducts again in the left breast!!!after so long. sigh... usually can get around 50ml for one pumping session, can only around 10ml??? tried all the hot towel and massage liao still like that.... very scared of getting infection again if the milk cannot come out. sigh....
