(2008/05) May 2008

I received notification from POSB and MCYS on the account number allocated to the CDA liao. Ask you, if I deposit $200 into the POSB CDA account, MCYS will also put in $200 right? Then can i draw out the $200 I deposited in future? Or all money that we deposit inside is fixed? I think OCBC has recently been appointed to handle CDA accounts too. Their interest rates sound better.

Men are like that one. I dunno grumble how many times already when we had our first kid. The men cannot multi-task and they cannot stay up late at night to look after the kids but they can stay up late playing game or watching soccer. Now with our 2nd kid it's worse! My hubby totally hands-off this kid.

i bath baby once in the day and wipe him in the evening. I dun use shampoo on my baby as he got cradle cap. Will use shampoo on him in a later stage.

i opened the a/c and have received the notification, even receive their monthly statement although i haven deposit any $$ yet.

he cried a little then after that i guess the flow of the water make him calm and he fell asleep on his float. Prepare a bottle of milk when you go, in case baby cry then can feed him a bit to calm him down. Before going down i pat some water on my #1 chest to let him know the temp but he already wear 2 layer of apparels so i dun think it will be too cold for him.

you can't withdraw the $200, can only use as GIRO deduction for child care, education fee etc and although the a/c is open under your #2 name, it can be use on your #1 too. OCBC will only start on Aug. Actually hubby wanna open wif OCBC but have to wait till Aug so we open the a/c wif POSB. Standard Charter also having CDA too. Now my question is how to deposit $$ into CDA a/c via ATM transfer? MCYS will match whatever amount we deposit into CDA but only up to $6000 for 2nd child.
Dear mummies,

I have 1 small tin of opened mamex gold for infant age 0-12mo. Used half. Willing to give it for free to those who needs because it will be a waste if it goes bad and you can't keep FM for too long. Come to my hse for pick up only. I live in Woodlands, near Marsiling MRT.

sms me if you are interested at 91271942
icebubbles/twinky, thanks for the info regarding the injection...now i decide to let bb take 6 in 1 , at least dont have to inject so many times..

kelcqi, you not bad already, can pump 240 ml, me only 20 ml max!! so gave up breastfeeding liao..drank finished 1 tin of annum milk for breastfeeing, still no breastmilk, cfm gone case..
today's straits time has an article regarding rotavirus...after reading it, i think i will let my bb take the dose but dont know how much it costs, got to ask around...
i got a bit lost in the thread.

where is the place to get the cheapest mamy poko? im using it day and nite.

what do u all use in the day?

mine is 3rd child.


Hmmm...you lucky got ur a/c fast. Haiz...i still waiting.

Yes, if you deposit $200, by the end of the month (or the next..depends on cut-off). govt will top up ur a/c with $200. You can "withdrwa" the $200 after govt has match (to be safe).If you do not have much cash to spare, and your older child is going childcare or any sch that allows CDA withdrawal...what you do is, get the school to deduct the school fees from there every mth, while you put in the school fees (cash) into the a/c. This way, you dun need to dig out extra every month.

For me, I normally place the amount that I get for baby bonus (in this case, I am getting $1.5k each 6 mths from govt and put into the CDA a/c). Then to get the remaining $6k, I will get my sons' school to deduct their school fees from their baby sister's a/c while I put in their school fees each month. =) Sounds complicating hor.


How come you all so fast one! I still haven't receive anything. Okay...which means MONDAY I need to call and ask them liao.
Hi, I am new to this forum. Have a question which is kind of worrying me. I have let my baby sleep in Yaolan and realised he tends to put his hands (with mittens on) on his nose while he sleeps. I really wonder will it hinder his breathing? I try to take away whenever I see it but cant be 24/7 staring at the Yaolan. Any advices?

Thank you.

i have got 2 packs of Dryers for newborn, up to 5kg, can your girl still use this size ? If can, i can pass to you, as my boy is only using Pampers for day and night.
hee hee, no lah...i also thought my hubby handled all the night feeds that day in order to let me sleep through the whole night...
after checking with him then realised bb only wakes up one time that night, at the 6am feed lor, when i also woke....

icebaby, i got my first payment of the bb bonus quite fast also...within 2 weeks i got the credit in my acct already. i submitted the form personally at KKH.

yesterday brought bb to my sister's wedding. damn shack. missed the march in and the montage and the champage etc....cause hb smelled some odour and immediately so kan cheong say bb poo poo, BOTH of us have to go out and change...a bit angry cause i feel just ONE of us need to go out and change...then i bring bb to ladies turn out he is not done with his biz yet..so little bit only..i wipe clean and then went out. by then its too late to go back in...
i mean, if everything is so kan cheong, then i will shack out real first..if bb poo poo, let bb wait a while mah...he also don't mind, if he mind, he will cry one right.
i should think its ok. i never encounter this before. My bb also puts his hands near his nose but not directly onto them.
if you really worried and your bb is very young, perhaps you can swaddle him?
gina and jo,
me posting the photo i took with my sister at her wedding on my facebook so you can take a look ya..

Thought of swaddle him but the weather makes it so hot. I am still monitoring, maybe will take away the mittens. He is pretty young, just 1mth+. I do not think he is pressing against the nose, just resting on top, but whenever see it, just cant help but kind of worrying.
may i know how do you deposit $$ into cda a/c?

you may take away his mitten, just make sure you cut his finger nails. My boy also 1mth+, he never wear mittens already.
Hi mummies,

I have some additional Brand New milk bottles for sales...
anyone interested, please PM me. Thanks

1) 4 BN Bfree plus bottles (9 floz - 260ml twin pack). Selling at $34 per pack
2) 1 BN Dr Brown natural flow (240ml). Selling at $10
3) 1 BN Pigeon Glass bottle (240ml). Selling at $17
4) 1 BN Pigeon Peristaltic Nipple wide neck bottle (300ml). Selling at $10
5) 2 BN Bfree plus level 2 wide neck teats. Selling at $6
6) 4 BN Avent level 2 teats. Selling at $10
I submitted the form at TMC 1wk after delivery. Think I got the MCYS and POSB notification 3-4wks later.

This CDA thing sounds complicated. I think we can transfer money into it using internet banking?
i v kuai recently.hehhee. i listen to cherimoya and try to pump more often like 3hrs if i am free or 4-5hrs if i am nt free...*i try to pump la*
nt bad le..at least got see some increase in BM...a little bit i also happy.hahhaa but sometimes in the nite i too tired to pump when zzzz monster overrules my mind. =P

ur hubby so nice!!! my hubby ho...i wan kill him...nite time i am doing most of the jobs unless i specifically ask him to do it...even if he helps, sometimes i feel like killing him...
example: i v tired so asked him to bottle feed the baby aft i warmed up the milk...end up he dozed off when baby also dozed off while drinking n he assume baby dun wan the milk already and my hubby just conveniently leave the milk bottle with the milk on the bed!!!
by the time i wake up n notice it, the milk already went bad liao lo...then over the weekends, even in the daytime when i asked him to bottle feed baby he also abit unwilling..ask me to do instead so i nag at him saying mon-fri i do liao weekend also expect me to feed? cant u do it? then hubby will says give me the honour -_-'''
haiz...i miss the days when hubby took leave...those days were the days he genuinely help me out w/o me asking him to lo...
envy u la! at least ur pants can go past ur hip lo..mine got stuck there..till now i am wearing maternity pants n some of the tops...dresses wise, those pre-preg dresses i can fit in but abit tight at the bust area...wonder when can i really fit back into my pre-preg clothes....
oh.okok. once my baby stop drinking *as in doze off* i will burp him then cont to feed again. i have try the ru yi you yet but will try tt soon. thanks! =)
i can understand no time to pump in the day lo..for me same...i alone looking at my boy so sometimes really no time to pump when baby whines n fuss...somemore my boy when he fuss and saw me pumping, he will stare at my breasts n if i dun give him my nipple soon he will whines even louder so how to pump?

ya lo..i agree...wonder if they feel that its the mummy/woman's job...only once when outside my hubby volunteer to feed coz he has finished his meal while i havent started..hehehe but i tell u i am glad he volunteer. =P its feels gd when hubby/daddy volunteers to help with the baby lo...

Re : 6-in-1 Jab
ya, there is one nearby my hse..so near that i can walk for 10mins and i can reach liao. hahhaa. yes, the polyclinic i went to do carries 6-in-1 coz the other day we checked with the nurse over there.
where do u live? is there one near ur place? mayb can call up and ask?

i am using the Pigeon milk bottles..those standard sizes ones and wide neck type.
ya, ur hubby nice enuff to feed baby at nite (he auto do it w/o u aksing ba?) mine need to ask him and sometimes he will feed sometimes he will ask me to do myself.
huh?! urs still sore ah? hw cum? i did talked to him le but no improvements over weekend but i shall see how it goes again coz cant expect him to change overnite lo..i know he is tired frm wk also la..but i think him waking up once in the nite nt so bad right?
i think we share alot of similaries.ehhehe. i also staying in the same blk as my mum lo. hehhee. my mum helping me when i go back to wk but its really nt easy taking care of baby alone lo..
lucky i stay near my mum, daytime if anything or i cant cope i call her she will come up immediately...she actually resigned to help me look aft my boy lo..cant imagine if she nv resign to help me...that means i cant have a proper bathe *as in taking my own sweet time to pamper myself while bathing* or do my own things liao..
heheheh. yest i was telling my hubby...i wan a 2nd one..hahhaa.
oh ya, the exact price for 6-in-1 in polyclinic is $325...i also prefer to go back KK coz at least there is a PD checkup...the checkups done by the doc in the polyclinic arent tt professional, i feel so la but hubby wanna save $$ lo..-_-''' somemore he says since polyclinic so close why wnana save time n $$ go KK...i am trying to persuade him again since i will be the one to bring my boy for vaccination nt him...waste my time n transports $$ i also dun mind...hehehe.

hehe. the more i think of it the more tempted i wanana bring him for a dip in the pool..but then i probably will nt be going under the water coz of my fats n bump that still lingers!!! hehehe

thanks for the info..i go find out more. hehhee. $40 for 30mins is ex!!!! both adults n baby need to pay? so a family of 3 will need to pay $120??!!
Hi mummies,

have not been posting since my dau is born on 5th may ,too many things has happen, still follow the thread once in a while but not able to post. My dau is born with congenital heart defect which is diagnosed when she is admitted for jaundice 4 days after she is born.

Initially very sad & worried but after reading up & getting more opinion fr doctors am resign to the fact she will require surgery.

She is now on medication coz doctors says she is a bit breathless. She also develop milk rash on her checks & scalp. Any one got any good remedy, have apply hydrocortisone but it cause her skin to dried up & very scaly like.

Last week hubby got a bout of food poisoning & landed himself in icu coz got acute kidney failure thank god he is discharged now & the kidney is now ok again.

want to ask u all where to get medela binder & nursing bras am wanting to get them, got any lobang to share. Anyone organising a spree i want to join lei to buy the medela bras am using the mothercare bras at the moment but they are not so good.

which of the milkbags is better medela ones or lansinoh, want to start collecting bm b4 starting work next mth. Where to get cheap medela / lansinoh milkbags ??

Anyone use tommy tippee milk bottles , are they really good & similar to our nipple ?? Tot of getting it coz am sending my dau to bbsitter hse when i resume work. My dau has been breastfed totally she doesnt seems to like to those normal bottle teats.

Sorry to trouble u all just hope to get some tips before deciding which is better, thks again.
anyone eating fenugreek its really good to boost our bm supply ? Am not taking any yet bought already want to ensure can have enough ebm for my dau to continue to be fed on bm till at least 6 mths old.
Me again very lor soh of me but got loads to ask lor pls bear wif me ! Anyone using lilypadz ? Am using the medela mini electric but found it to be quite troublesome coz have have 2 keep adjusting to ensure it pump properly tot of getting medela dual pump PIS but quite ex lei.

I submitted about 1 mth ago via mail. I think i shld be recieving the letter soon. So the letter will hve the POSB CDA account no., no need to go down to POSB to open the account?
RE pumping
hi all. recently i realised my medela PIS pump is failing me. it can only get a bit of milk out, like 5ml, from my left breast. then when i use my hand to squeeze, it can actually come out abt 50ml!!! although hand squeeze take a longer time.

can i ask you all who do pumping regularly? do you realise the nipple change a bit? the nipple on my left breast will become yellowish/whitish when hardens. very scary... doesn't look normal at all compared to my right breast. suspect that's due to frequent pumping. and also possible reason why i cannot get milk out even i pump. sigh... i realise i have so many problems with breastfeeding.
taking care of baby.
anybody has oredi make arrangement of who to take care of baby after maternity leave?

was discussing this topic with hubby ever since pregnancy but with no conclusion. today he finally buay tahan and we had a very emotional talk. sigh... have 3 choices.

1) getting my parents to come and stay with us in bishan. in fact, so far my mother has stayed with us to take care of the baby. but this weekend she went back to her house to take care of my father who is not willing to stay with us cos he has prob sleeping at my home and their house is also nearer to his work place.

2)if only my mother comes over, we are prepared to get a maid to help her out with general household chores like washing and cooking. but this needs to be done fast so tat the maid can come before i go back to work so tat at least i can train her first.

3) this option i think my parents will like it. is for me and baby to stay with them in bt panjang. but if tat's the case, my hb is quite reluctant to move tog. and also from bt panjang to my work place will be 1hr plus travelling time. tat's also one of the reasons tat i am reluctant to move. and for how long then we move back to bishan?

sigh... cos of this we have quarrelled quite a few times. my MiL actually suggest the 4th option which is to get a baby sitter, but i am quite reluctant leh cos i dun really trust a stranger.

mummies, do you have better suggestions? i think this is only the beginning of many many problems and disagreements to come after the baby is born.. HEADACHE!!!
Hi mummies

Posting at this timing cos juz finish being a cow. Sigh. 5 hrs only 140ml. Pathetic. COs I pump like hell. Spend 2 hrs pumping. Can die.


U really li hai. Pei fu pei fu. U must let ur hubby know lah, tt now his statues is different liao. I also spoke to my hubby. We came to agreement tt weekend he'll bear e responsibity with me. Weekday I not tt heartless, he can still go for once a week session of pool wif his friend.

I lock e door and my hubby pacify me lah. He said dun later let his parents come out n interfere. His parents got the key to our room door. KNS rite? I think liao then open e door, but I still angry with him till e next day.

I nv go to the extreme of calling his friends unless emergency. Wah, U power leh, can check his hp. I nv check my hubby's phone before. Nv once. I give him e benefit of doubt, but he better dun break my trust also. Everytime ppl msg him I'll also ask him who issit? Den at times he also unhappy with me when I'm engage at smsing my friends when we're outside. Sometimes he'll peep also. Haha... But I've nothing to hide also.

Haiz, my marriage also came a long way. Not easy. Esp when there're PILs involved. I can tell u 80-90 percent of our quarrels last time happened cos of my PILs. That's why now I'm very wary of them also...

Haiz, it's my CL lah. She said the older generation said cannot cut, den Malays also believe cannot cut. So my hubby kiasi and pantang, so say I cannot cut also loh. I seriously think can cut one loh... Stupid logic...

Wah, u tempt me sia. Dunno when I can club again. My hubby will kill me if I leave bb with him n go clubbing. Cos he himself nv club n he confirm dun let me club one. Last time before pregnant or even before marriage, he knew I went clubbing, quarrel like hell with me. Haha, but got once I went behind his back. Cos we had some agruements over his parents, den he went to meet his friends n left me home. I super angry n went clubbing. Came back abit tipsy somemore. But I think I very steady leh. Nv once I really drunk even I drink alot esp like my bday whereby my friends will all make me drink. N even if I really feel drunk, I can still come home, den shower before I sleep. Den next morning always wonder how I manage to shower, wash hair etc. But that was yrs ago liao. Now abit of dom I feel giddy liao. Dunno issit the loss of blood during C-sec. My hubby said I lost quite abit of blood cos during C-sec, my BP went really low.


Wah, You very hardworking and patient. U deserve the milk supply. I think my supply like tt cos I not as hardworking also. I cannot tahan 3 hrs pumping, so do it like 4-5 hrs interval. Den after pump, I latch bb if she's not sleeping. But my supply seem to go down leh. I dunno issit the dom I'm taking at nite. The dietician told me if I take dom, 6 hrs dun pump or latch. So I only take before i sleep at nite.

I lost 10.5kg already. Still have 8kg to go. Haiz. Dunno how long it'll take to go off.

Yalah, Marie France not cheap leh, plus I nv see alot of promos from them also. I saw Mary Chia hav promo, expression also having those promo packages. Like 388 or 400 plus have dunno 10 sessions etc. My CL said last time she got one client went Mary Chia on her 3rd wk, den very shortly got results. I hear already so tempted also.

My mum said I siao. I said yaloh, I rather save money to firm my breast after BFing. She said I too spoilt liao, and dunno why my hubby spoil me and agree to such ideas also... Haha... I said cos my hubby dun wanna come home n feel disgusted if I have sagging breast n a deflated balloon in front of him, that's why he willing to spend money to let me maintain my appearance... Hehe... Machiam like both me n my hubby so shallow like that...

Yaloh, Men very idiot at times also. They nv think for us how tired it is. I got one friend becos she had bad experience with her hubby at the first one, cos her hubby nv help much. When she accident pregnant with 2nd one, she went to abort. Only until her first one almost 9 yrs old den they kept the 3rd one cos her hubby felt guilty abt the abortion.


U got take Fenugreek? Mine also drop until very jia liat, so now depend on e pill to maintain my pathetic supply...

My CL said all the mummies who BF their bottles also oily one leh. Urs not oily ah?

Damn sian rite, see the clothes all cannot wear. My CL said I too Gan Jiong, but I'm like not having any clothes to wear for bb shower next wk wor. I'm still wearing my maternity jeans. U?

Can someone tell me wat is 6 in 1 jab use to replace for? If can cut down on jabs, I also wanna let my bb take e 6 in 1 jab...

U're not the only one facing problem with bb sitting loh. Me also.


Yesterday my MIL told my hubby to ask me to move back. So claimed she'll help with bb. For 1 mth without staying with my ILs, I feel much happier loh. Haiz, now confinement ending, seems to be starting of hell and nonsense liao...

But she said weekend she no time cos she needs to manage e house. Then I was like since when so many mths I stayed there she do housework on weekends one? Think she wanna reserve her energy for MJ loh.

And weekdays she look after? I dun trust her loh. Weekday I not working, hubby at home, she of cos can manage lah. But move back is a no no... Cos go back there I cannot use the sitting toilet bowl, no proper meals, have to wash clothes everyday. I rather be at my mum's home. She wanna see bb, at most come over my place lah. Why need to go to such extend?

Furthermore, I dun wanna render her help even the least bit cos I don't want later she next time can say she help me with bb while she handles her kids alone last time. Enough of her comparison man. Becos of wat she said last time, I go eat n make sure bb hit 7 pounds and above, ended up bb too big n I had to c-sec cos my pelvic bones too small.

Then now still claim bb looks like their side one. Have her family nose which look like hubby, say got "fu qi", then forehead look like FIL etc. And the mouth abit qiao qiao on top tt's like me. My mouth where got qiao qiao? Bloody hell, all good stuff is from them n bad ones from me. My bb got my big eyes loh. My hubby n his family side, non of them got big eyes with big pupils one loh, only me have. I almost blunt out n say my bb has the most ugly nose I ever saw. Worse than Jacky Chan. See she wanna keep quiet or not...
no need to go down to POSB. They will send you the letter with the account number allocated to you.

Glad to hear you are staying strong despite all that. I've heard of babies having the heart defect and went thru surgery successfully so I'm sure your baby will be fine.

Medela milkbags are more ex if bought locally. I buy my Lansinoh milkbags from overseas sprees and they are very cheap and good. Quality wise same as Medela's.

Have you tried Pigeon teat? My boy is ok with Pigeon teat and i direct latch him most of the time.
Hi Yanling,
Re: Breast pumps

i realised from my 1 mth plus experience, u cannot just rely on the pump.

u have to "massage" the breast a little to help the milk to come out as well. For me, i pump and use hand the squeeze at the same time

i am back to work, still trying to get used to the routine and now reading the thread from office ... and missing my boy.

i think he is really a darling. Last night during his last feed around 1230am, i kept telling him that "mummy needs to go back to work from today onwards so he has to be good boy and wake up for the next feed around 4plus5am , so that mummy can sleep" ... True enough he only woke up around 445am for his feed this morning. At least i have around 4hrs of sleep. After feeding him, at least i can pump milk, and get prepare for my work.

So it is really true to talk to our bb, they do understand although they cannot response back to us


this is the messenger bag that i am talking abt.

Item name: Messenger Diaper Bag (SKU30864)

URL: http://www.babymallonline.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/35_26/products_id/1132/osCsid/bc0fb84b9226966912fe042a48e612c3
Size: 16 x 11 x 5"
Color: Black
Quantity: 1
Price: US$9.99
Lukemommy, I also going to let my baby take the vaccine for Rotavirus cos that time 2 of my nephews kena and they lost quite a bit of weight and buttock always red and pain.. When BIL tried to wash their buttocks, they kept crying cos pain. See already heartache.

Winnedy, I always get mine from Giant leh. Didn't really see how much is it cos anyway, still need to get one. But we save quite a bit cos in the day, my baby is at my mum's place and she uses cloth diapers unless baby going out then use mamypoko.

felval, I think pigeon milk bottles shld be able to fit in the Avent bottle warmer.
My hubby will auto wake up when baby cries. Sometimes I didn't hear him cos my left ear cannot hear at all and when I sleep on my right ear, I can't hear a single thing. Haha.. I will wake up when I hear my hubby talking to baby or baby cries but usually when that happens, hubby is already feeding him. Sometimes when I can hear him, I will wake up and make his milk lo cos try to help as I know hubby has to work and is tired too. But he never needs me to ask him to do this or that one. He will auto wash the stuff at night and sterilise them. But those milk bottles that my mum used in her home while my baby is there, we will come home, soak in warm soapy water for a while and asked the maid to wash then hubby will sterilise.
My vaginal entrance there sometimes will still feel sore when I walked too much(too much pressure on it). I thinking maybe cos of the forceps delivery + I didn't rest alot during confinement cos I took care of my boy alone. My friend told me takes 2 months to heal. I also not sure but see how it goes cos anyway, seeing John Tee on 10th July for pap smear.
I understand some guys don't feed/change baby at all lo. So I guess you prob shld feel glad when your hubby tries to do some things. I'm sure if he's not so tired, he'll try to help ba. For me, I think I'm one of the lucky ones that have a hubby that does alot. So sometimes, when I mood swing and scold him, I feel really bad.
Haha.. Ya.. We got so many similarities.. Since you stay near your mum, why don't bring your boy to her house and stay at her house? At least let the baby and your mum get used to the day routine first before you go back work then when it's time for you to pump, just go home and pump lo. I'm doing that now so I'll come home to pump my milk when it's time and sometimes rest alittle while and surf the net. Hehe.. But my maid and my 14 month-old nephew are at my mum's place somemore. It's definitely not easy taking care of baby alone, I have experienced that totally during confinement and almost went crazy and I guess that's why I still feel sore cos didn't lie down much probably about 7 hours a day only.
For me, my mum resigned last year when my nephew was born so now she is quite fresh from taking care of baby so not so bad for her. Hehe.. I think we're both lucky to have mummy to take care of our babies. At least we know they are in good hands.
You told your hubby you want 2nd one, I was telling my hubby I don't want anymore cos my boy everytime at the last feed of the day after 10pm one, he doesn't want to be bottlefed, he will cry and cry. Then I will latch him on, if he good mood, 15 min on each breast, he will sleep liao. If bad mood, will drink then when unlatch will cry then can go on for like 2 hours at least. Wow.. Can die. My hubby can't help so will just watch and see what I need then sometimes dozed off. Just waiting for him to outgrow this.
6-in-1 is $325 for 1 shot only? We going KKH also cos got PD mah, then can prepare tons of questions to ask him. LOL... For us, think already spent so much on baby, this little one won't be alot more I guess. But not sure how much more it will cost as compared to polyclinic.
Are you driving? If you are, then far or near also doesn't matter lo. Time is not an issue ba, can always take leave when working lo.
Btw, you stay in Yishun right? Then how come that time you are at Tampines Giant? Haha.. So far for you. I thgt you staying nearby.
I think the baby swimming that ant1712 mentioned is only for baby ba. Cos I saw one in Harbourfront Centre next to Mothercare. My hubby wants baby to go there also. But think cheaper than what ant1712 mentioned leh, not very sure though. But I got the free trial voucher. Maybe can go for a try. Hehe..

cutie188, pray that your girl will be doing well! As for the milk rash, my boy also had that last week and now alright liao. We bought hazeline and apply on his face. Maybe you can try and see if it works. His skin also became dry, tight and scaly after a few days when the milk rash didn't clear up. After hazeline, now it's smooth.
As for the medela binder, I got it from eBay and helped Dolly and panpan to get theirs too. Nursing bra, I got it from Amazon.com but this one got to use parcel forwarding company like Comgateway. The medela bra is a sleepbra and it's like racerback kind but think medela got other kind of bra also.
As for milkbags, I haven't use any yet but planning to use it when I go work. Heard Lansinoh ones are not bad, I'm going to organise a spree to get them soon. If you want, can let me know.
Haven't try tommy tippee milk bottles before but read some forums in US and seems like Dr. Browns one is good for colicky babies.
Haven't taken fenugreek before cos now milk supply increased and is more than enough for my boy(supply building up in freezer).

Yanling, I believe if you didn't use a pump that suits you, you will probably get little milk from it. I didn't pump regularly la. Sometimes 4 hours, sometimes 5, sometimes 6 and this morning about 12 hours. Haha.. But on the average, I get at least 40ml per hour. My nipple on my left is different from my right cos it's a normal nipple ba. Think it's either flat or inverted so when pump, the nipple will become hard and abit pinkish. Did you try using Avent Manual pump before?
As for care for baby after ML, my mum will be doing it. In fact, she's doing it now. Hehe.. She is staying just a storey above me. So every morning, I'll bring my baby up and then sent my hubby to work. Come home and pump, then go up for lunch. Sometimes linger upstairs for a while. then afternoon come down and pump again. 6pm pick up hubby then go my mum's place for dinner then about 8-9pm bring my baby home. How come you don't have a 4th option to bring baby to your parents' place in the morning and bring baby back home after work?

Kelcqi, that time when my supply not enough for baby then I tried 3-4hourly pumping to help increase la. Now stabilise liao, not so regular liao but still pump at least 4 times a day. Haha.. Try to take DOM right after your last pump before you sleep lo. So that if you wake up at night to pump/feed baby, the alcohol already gone.
Sometimes, feel like just walk into the salon to lose weight la. But sometimes, feel like waste of money since hubby n I got lots of debt.. Sigh.. Dilemma leh..
I used to check my hubby's phone and msn messages last time cos his ex gf always sms him and his ex colleague(super bitchy) always msn him, then I will flare up at him when I see funny messages exchange. But I understand my hubby is trying to be friendly la. But now I didn't liao cos don't have such time and effort and I also know my hubby don't have time liao la. Haha.. And since we're already married and have a baby, don't think he will do anything funny lo cos he will break my heart and also his parents' heart cos I will take away baby from them. Haha..
I also realised that my milk abit oily leh cos sometimes can see the oil on top of the milk and milk bottle especially the teats very oily after use so I will soak them in warm soapy water and use brush to wash them.
Kelcqi, ignore your MIL la. If you get angry and pissed off with her, you got into her trap lo. No point.. Baby will keep changing so you won't know who she looks like until she grows up so doesn't matter now. Just enjoy your motherhood. Hehe..

Re: Sticky eye
My boy's right eye got sticky eye problem since birth. Always got green stuff there. Use the prescribed eye drop for a month, it was better but never got well. Anyone got any idea what's wrong? Didn't use the eye drop liao cos can only use for 4 weeks and have to discard. Now it became worse. Sigh..

Re: Gathering
Should we have a gathering? Think it's fun to have all the babies together. Hehe..
Hi mummies,

I have for sale a maxicosi car seat, hardly used, green and black brought at $319, now selling at $250. And a Brand New Still in the Box Beco Butterfly Carrier selling at $190. Pls PM me if you are interested and I will email you the pics.


Great! I need the CDA account no. for the cordlife and also the jab at 3th mth.

Your boy's eyes very big!The double eyelid very deep too. *wink*
hi Tracy,

yes, i will be ordering, do you need me to order for you, as i am waiting for Jo, may also help her to order as well...

hi Cheri,

on yes .. we shall have a gathering to have all babies together, it will be fun
thx. this 'big eye boy' turn older and wiser. now knows how to demand to be carried!

Can order one for me too pls? Thinking to use this to transport my pump n FTG to work. actually used vouchers to buy a allerhand diaper bag wanna use dat to tpt pump but would still prefer a black one. lemme know how much n how to pay you hor. thx!
Tracy, your boy's eye very big. Hehe.. Looks so cute..

Dolly, I think it'll be fun. Can't wait. Hehe..

Winnedy, my boy is 5.2kg as of yesterday. He has gained 2.3kg over 7 weeks. Not alot I think.
