(2008/04) April 2008

haha... good good.. open a CC then u employ me and send me to get a specialised dip. now this course got govt sponsorship. only need to pay less than $1000.

xav's mum,
maybe u only got throat infection. not hfmd. ;p

also very thankful for your encouragement and sharing on cc stuff. ;p

Hi Mummies,

Will like to check with you all, when you are preggy with your No.2, did you carry no.1

I found out that i am 6 weeks preggy and my son kept wanting only me to carry him and after carrying him, there's this aching feeling on lower part of my tummy.

I tried not to carry him and he will cry very sadly and so i cannot resist and carry him again.

Please give me some advise and i felt i am shortchanging him...
it is recommended that when preggy should not carry heavy stuff, including our child. but hor my son that time kept wanting me to carry him. so i carried him till i gave birth. tat time i was spotting also.

maybe right now, u just sit down and hug him?
cass: congrats! I am at 24 weeks+ and I am still carrying my 16 months old girl (she is 9.4kg), although not for more than 5 mins cos my tummy is in the way. If you feel aches, better to refrain from carrying, particularly in the 1st trimester.
Hi Artist and Calamari,

Thank you for your advise, I try to refain from carry him and only hug hug but he not satisifed. Seems like he knows that the love will be share and not solely his only. SAD!!!

He is coming to 12kgs. heavy to carry liao...
cass..paiseh ah..i kpo abit..

i tink hor..ur boy can feel that got another lovely baby coming to your family and i tink its normal they are sticky during these period...coz somehow their instinct tell them that their mummy attention will be shared...

hmm..if u cannot carry him..maybe hug hug him on the bed?

12kg!!!! wah...how about using those pouch carrier? it does take off some weights
Cass congrats ! Do rest more and avoid exerting yourself ya

Artist: yeah !! I'm clear from from HFM. Just went doc, it was tonsilitis causing the consistent fever and pain in my throat. Phew !
xav's mum,
that's great!

now my turn to be illed. think i got those flu bugs from cc when i accompanied my son there.

my son also got fever and flu after 3 days at cc... sigh... gotta bring him to see doc later...
any mummy uses training pants for potty training?

sorry to ask how is the training pants like... does it have a pvc lining or made of thicker cloth to hold urine?

do u think it is worth to invest in training pants?
Hi April Mums,

I had been busy & out of tis thread for a long while. Glad to be back again. I hv been stressed & busy with son's stomache flu lately. He had diahorrea since Mon till today for up to 10times even few times in his nite sleep. Busy cleaning up non-stop. He lost his appetite and had lost fair weight too. Being mum seems not easy esp when our beloved little one is unwell. Also he is 17mths now yet he cudnt speak nor utter words besides mama and papa only...is it normal ??? His walking is yet stabilised too as also getting worried that he may fall when he walks unstably. Well, that is life with a little tot to worried and care for. Thanks for hearing me out and hope to know your more... Do you also have similar experiences like me to share and any advices for me...?? Hear from u mummies !Thanks - RAR
Artist: ooh dear, gulp down more water... Inevitable for them to get sick after in cc, just tt wouldn't expect it to be so soon.
Hope you and Jax gets well soon ! Hugs ...

RAR: Did you bring ur boy to the doc yet ? Try to rest if you have the time. Hope he recovers soon.

Think you dun need to be too stress. each develops at their own pace. Only worry if he couldn't even utter a word. At least he can address papa and mama. Xavier still can't do that.

Maybe you can try repeating some words to him everyday.Dun be surprised if suddenly he gives you a surprise by saying tt word.

I really find tt it takes time. Xav has been watching YBCR since 3 months old till now. Only today, I realised he can recognise one word and did the action before the show can say out the word. I was like.. so happy to be true. Finally, our effort paid off although it's only one word.
glad to hear u are ok liao, false alarm lah!!

its unavoidable for our little ones to fall sick once they enter cc. my elder gal also fell really sick so often that i decide to change to a non-aircon school for her. although it doesnt mean non-aircon place wont fall sick but i believe it does help compare to aircon enclosed area.

being a first time mum then, i got some training pants for my elder gal when i start to toilet train her. mine doesnt hv the pvc lining, material is just abit thicker compare to normal panties. actually it doesnt even hold the pee though its suppose to only hold 1 pee according to seller (i got fr BP).

do let your boy take plenty of water as he will be dehydrated due to diahrrea. wish him a speedy recovery!
my boy also cant speak much except, mum mum & pa pa. i feel boys tend to be slower compare to girls. but i believe also that each develops at their own pace so dont worry too much.
Jamie: hahhaha .. yah !! So paranoid .. cos no rashes follow by I have history of tonsilitis.. hee heee.. but still can't take hard food yet.
Xav's mummy, glad it's not HFMD
Adel also watched YBCR, it was the only thing she wanted to watch, except the past month she wanted to watch wheels on the bus instead.. did you get the YBCR cards? Adel loves playing with the cards, and when I hold up 2 or more cards and ask her which word syas she usually can point to the correct word. Except words that look really similar, so i guess that's like sight words for her.

artist, i also got the training pants, there's waterproof lining but urine still leaks out cos not tight like diapers. but then, my girl loves the colouful disney pics on the training pants lor! could be an incentive to tods to strat potty training?

recently my girl can tell me when she wants to pee, clutch her diaper and make the 'shhshh' sound. but still dun wan to sit on potty, i guess not time yet bah. but sometimes she's so stubborn refuse to wear her diapers i gave her the training pants or panties she sooo happy wearing. i think after a few accidents she a bit anxious before she pees, even tho she's in diapers..
Xav, thks for yr comforting words. Ryan had seen the doc Mon thus will send him for review if still diahorrea... Meantime,i trust that yr boy will soon call u Mama too. I used to teach him call Mama by singing as a lullaby mamamamamam... to him & he picked up the word. Btw, my boy is born 04-04, how abt yours ? Can he walk well now as mine is kinda wobbly still..

thanks for yr advice. indeed i hear alot saying that boys are usu slower than the girls in speech or steps...? btw is yours a boy or girl ? Your firstborn like mine too ?

All Mums,
Do u know of any good playschool to enrol my son who just turned 17mths in ?
my #1 is a gal & my #2 is a boy. thats why i feel boys are slower coz when my gal was 18mths old, she can talk more, compare to my boy who will turn 18mths soon.
rar n jamie, i think it's quite true that boys talk slower. ju still bladdering too.

btw, any mummies can advise if any of e formula milk taste like fresh or uht milk? ju haa been rejecting formula but is ok with fresh or uht. he doesn't want bottles too n i just bought new bottles n teats!
Lynn: heee.. yah .. Xav only watch these two too ! No interest in others like barney etc .. I got the flashcards as well in a set. When I flash for him, he will demand me to keep going, even if it means repeating the whole set again. Minimum must repeat thrice, if not he will make noise ! hahaha..

RAR: Xav born on 23-03. I wouldn't say he can walk very well cos he will occasionally trip and fell. He is impatientt, at times wanted to run ! I feel that he still walks like erm .. humpty dumpty ! hee

Jule's mum: why dun u wean Ju off bottle since he can drink pretty well from straw ?
xav : ju can drink from straw but cannot take formula from straw. he refuse to drink. haha. but fresh milk he ok. maybe cos it is cold?
Xav's mum & Jamie, thanks for your encouragement Jax and I getting better but we both still blur blur.. cuz we were down with fever... now Jax cant go to CC... dunno if he can re-adjust himself later on when we send him to cc... poor thing..

PD said children will be sick for the first 6 mths before they pick up immunity...

Jax same birthday as Ryan! Jax started walking when he was 11 mths old. at first he couldnt walk. but after a few rounds of bringing him to playground, he decided to stand up and walk. however, he will still trip and fall occassionally. maybe u could also bring Ryan to playground so that he could practise walking.

Jax can bubble quite a few words like daddy, ball, star etc but just not MUMMY.
Jule's mum,
maybe can let your son try pediasure's bottled milk. it tastes more like fresh/uht milk. it has more vit and nutrients than usual fresh/uht milk but it is expensive in the long run... $2+ for 8oz.

i find the taste different from the usual pediasure's powered milk.
Artist: I feel for you too.. Gotta let Xav readjust himself too after the one week break. haiz ... But I belive they can do it !

Jule's: hee heee... Ju sure knows his stuff !! hahahah..

But bottle with teats for FM he is ok with it?
Xav, now he reject formula with bottle. Formula with straw also spit. We haven't try freshmilk in bottle but we suspect also dun wan la. Cos he see bottle he shake hand already. Haha.

Artist : Maybe I"ll buy 1 set to try. Maybe give him that in the morning or evening. Better than not drinking milk hor. Haha.

Angel : I'll take a look. Need to get PJ for him too.
leo's mum : I tried all kinds of cups leh. He dun wan.
Woo!! Congrates! Leo's reached 9kg! Sure he's growing well.
Our boys belong to the small sized one. Haha. Just curious, how many bottles of pediasure leo takes a day? What about his solids? Does pediasure affect his intake of solids?
now we use the powder so i TRY to get him to drink 100ml AFTER each meal but i'm lucky if he drinks 200ml a day.

if he only drinks the pediasure for breakfast then i'm also ok wif that.

he's FINALLY eating more (only if fed by my maid, not if fed by me)!

he has breakfast, tea, lunch, nap, tea, then dinner & maybe supper
leo's mum- that's very little milk @200ml a day. my pd mentioned not to exceed 600ml if he take bf, lunch and dinner.

he used to take ard 800ml to 1000ml than reduce to 700ml for the past 2 month by the doc. 200ml when he wake up and before sleep, 150mlX 2h during morning nap and afternoon nap

my son also love pediasure, cos its super sweet.
serene123: i think it all depends on the child's size. My daughter is small-sized (9.4kg) and PD encourages milk intake at 700ml to 800ml a day even tho she takes breakfast, lunch and dinner.

i remembered your son is quite big-sized. How come he is taking pediasure?
Glad 2 know is not HFMD. Do take care & rest more.

My boy oso same as ur boy, dun like FM even drink with straw or btl. At first i tot is the particular FM taste he dun like so change then afew days ago juz change to Enfagrow oso same dun wan. Btl dun, straw dun wan. But if we give UHT or fresh milk he drinks and can finish. Alamak............headache. Everytime he drink FM, will take very long 2 finish must coax him 2 drink, aiyo. Btw can we give toddlers drink UHT or fresh milk instead of FM huh?
jrrain: yes, can give baby fresh milk after they turn 1 year old. In ang moh countries, many babies also turn to fresh milk after 1
Hope this helps. Easier when u go AU oso, just buy fresh milk from supermarts
hey mummies, anyone knows where i can find freezer paper in singapore? can't seem to find any in our supermarkets
JuniorRain : ur boy exactly like my boy la! UHT or freshmilk can drink lots. FM not at all. This morning I tried again. Put the formula in the cup he always use for freshmilk. He was so excited. But after 1 sip, he spit out all. Then I have a sample for Nan Pro. Tried again. Spit again and kept signing milk to me. I took out the fresh milk he finish 180ml. My pd did tell me ok la. But i still feel uncomfortable. Maybe I'll give him freshmilk then give him supplements lor. At least he's drinking something la. Do you give him cold milk or do u heat it up?
Hi Mummies,

Thank you for the encourgement and tips.

I talk to my no.1 and tell him he is going to be a gor gor and ask him to be more gentle with mummy. Surprisely it seems that he understand and never ask me to carry him at all over the weekend. But he only want me to feed him and read story to him...
Feeling tired but at least my son compromise and me too lor...
Going to visit gynae and bring no.1 along to introduce him to the baby.
Haha, yr description of yr boy like humpty dumpty sounds cute to me coz that is wat i feel same for ryan too... goodness he is already running even before he cud take his steps well & that also explains of his unstability. Btw, did you enrol xav in any enrichment classes or coming playschool ....? I am planning and working out some good places for him as being only child home is kinda boring for him...so i hope to nuture him more and exposed more sociably...how about you xav's mummy...?

Hi Xav,Artist, jamie:
I am a sahm currently and are your too...? I find myself so ineffective being sahm cos used to be an aggressive and career person. So moody at times now that life has changed though blessed with a cute lovely boy which at times also really gets on my nerves, contradicting, right.... Yeah, honestly that is my state of thoughts now.. Do your want to share more ??

thanks for your encouragment... you are right. i have also tried to inspire ryan to walk by bringing to park and playground and even to the rainforest at the zoo which he loves the splashing of the water there. Is so coincidental that yr boy bear same birthdate as my son.... wud they also happen to be born in the same hosipital too...haha?? Mine is delivered in Gleneagles, yourself ??

Hi All,
My boy ryan is now 17mths and weighs abt 11kgs but due to recent stomache flu diahorrea & vomints. He had lost weight to abt 10kgs... i guess so as much lighter as than before when i carried him. I am curious and wonder any mummies there cud share about what is your son's weight and height now .... cos most people when meet ryan would comment he looks like 11mths old and that sore my heart cos i have made huge sacrifices and efforts to care much for him esp in his diet intake too... can you share more ??? Btw, how much milk (ml)& how many times does yr tot takes in a day and what solids or other snacks...??
Hi Mummies,

When i first known of this motherhood thread...i am impressed and somewhat touched by so many nice mummies out there willing to lend a helping hand and ear to share about their experiences of parenting the child of similar age ranges. I have stopped writing for a while due to fatigue & stresssss...haha. But, now back again & wish to catch up with some nice mummies here. I dont know but guess maybe i cud be the most "senior" memeber here in terms of my age ...heehee. Btw, i am now in mid thirties already and first time mum. Anyone out there in the same shoes as me..?? Used to be an aggressive career minded pax but now seems so "demure" staying home being full time sahm...Though, i am truly happy and feel blessed with a son but i honestly also feel so depressed at times to be a SAHM cos probably is just not the right lifestyle i wish to have... If only a balance of both wud be ideal but seems tough though very much wanted...HOW ? I am lost at times. Anyone out there having the same or similiar life experience to share??? I hope we cud chat more on this along the same line...Catch up and hear from you mummies....Rdgs
I am currently on Maternity Leave and going back to work soon... so i am a FTWM. hehe.. no choice need money. wanted to be SAHM but cant. hehe the other side of the world usually have greener pasture...

Jax was born on 4 Apr 08, 2333hrs at Mt Elizabeth. not at Gleneagles. else really very coincident with Ryan. ;p

Jax actually weighted abt 9 kg (finally go up to 9kg after a series of night feeding) on Fri but today weighted him and found him lost 0.3kg due to his recent flu and stomach flu... sigh... he doesnt even want to drink milk... he only takes in plain porridge and his fav apple... now i wouldnt care much abt his weight, i just want him to get well soon.

haha.. talking abt age. i am also quite elder... reaching mid 30s soon...
i'm a sahm with 2 kiddos. u are not alone, i'm also very elderly too
already in my mid thirties!!

dont feel depressed. i know, mixed feelings lah, but sometimes we just cant hv the best of both world. we win some we lose some. look on the brighter side & enjoy every quality time spend together with ryan. our little ones grow up very fast & before u know it, they hv their own friends & may not want our company anymore.

well, maybe u can return to the workforce again once ryan started preschool, unless u planning for #2??

My gal 16mth + is now 77cm and ~10.5kg. Actually I should be very satisfied with her height and weight as compare to some of the kids of the same age. But I just dunno why there're some aunties out there commenting that my gal is very small size or gave remarks like "wa! i tot ur gal only 14mth!". I was quite bother by these comments since my gal turn 1yrs old. But now i don't really bother le. Cos the more i bother, the more i feel stress..

I have been a SAHM for 9mths and is going back to work force next week. I never find it easy to stay alone at home with my gal when i need to do hsework, cook and look after her. I feel more depress & stress than working. However, when all my hsework are done I had a satisfaction there that I really can do it. Try to look in a more optimistic direction so that you'll feel better. Else it can be very torturing.

Sorry that i'm not good in consoling but just share abit of my own experience to you. Jiayou K!
RAR: Xav is already enrolled in a full day CC. I used to enrol him in TLG. But we found him already super active, so decided to discontinue with it. Will wait for a period later before I sign him up for some music class. The CC at the moment would be great enough to build up his EQ,as he gets to migle with kids of older ages in the noon.

I'm a SAHM too since he was born. I too belong to the group whereby I seriously cannot stay at home the whole day kind, must get out of the house kind. You're right, very contradicting. On one hand, I wanted to work so that I can have extra cash to buy my own stuff and help to lighten hubby's load, on the other hand, I wanted some time to spend with Xav at the end of the day. But most of the jobs now knocked off at 6 pm, which puts me off somehow.

I was asking my hubby, can I dun work, but i will still find some other work to do, to earn a little allowance.. hahhahah... I dare not even think of planning for no.2 as I find it physically and mentally tiring after the 17 months of looking after Xav by myself. But of cos I do get rewarded by his progess as he grows
Thanks for info. But hor fresh milk & UHT dun hv as much nutrients as FM lei. So still hv 2 give FM rite.

They r very smart wan, cannot trick them wan. Normally I will take out the milk from the fridge for awhile then give, so it will nt be so cold, but still abit cold lah. hehehe
Hi Artist,
Coincidentally, Ryan also just had stomache flu passed on by me and had lost some weight too due to poor appetite. You are right, after a while we seem to be more "seasoned" being not overly obessive of their weight anymore as long they are well, healthy and happy...U indeed have a long maternity leave or did you had a second one after Ryan...? In anyway, i trust & hope that you wud find another side of joy too getting back to work besides gaining financial enhancement cos being full time sahm can be quite boring and depressed at times...btw, hahha...I am glad to know another mid-thirties mum cos at least i am not alone. I am putting up in the West area, how abt you ...? Keep in touch. God bless.

Welcome & heartwarming to have you into my mid-thirties club...heehe. Thanks for your comforting words which i agree that spending quality time with him during my stay home period is sth that money cant buy. As i watch him grow from a newborn to now 17mths is the least achievement i take pride and joy in. As a result now, honestly ryan is pretty sticky to me most times even when i have "urgent call" to toilet, he wants and enjoy to tag along too... hence i agree that one day when he outgrow bigger...he will sure say "aiyah, i dont want to follow you anymore cos chou chou..." haha. Btw, no plans for No2 cos i am already aged at 36now... abit too old for me to restart all over again and i am scared of the whole episode of preganancy Where do you stay and what do you usually do being sahm...?

Hi Violet,

Yeah, thanks for your advice... You are right. We become too stressful with all the remarks around us about our child thus i have also now learn to laugh it off cos no one knows best except his own mummy, right. Afterall, we have tried our best and each child develop differently thus i have came to accept so long he is well and healthy and happy, i am fine with it. Cos whenever he is sick... my heart ache and stresssssssssssssss. Meantime, i am hoping to so sth part-time or some small business to get going too... but at a loss what shd i do...?? Any thoughts to share abt it ? rdgs

Hi Xav,
Am i right that you are also fulltime sahm ? If you have enrolled xav in full-day cc playgroup thus does that mean lesser time to spend with him at home...? but is indeed good for him to gain better independence as compared to my ryan who is clingy to me as being only child and having me with him only most times... quite boring for him thus plan to send him for 2-3 hrs class daily for playtime... Btw, ryan had used to attend kindermusik for 4mths at 11mths old... which i personally find pretty good cos it does help to stimulate his interest in music and socialabilty.
Xav mummy, i really think i share the same sentiments as you being the only person to tend for our son cos i have no one to help me too. I dont even have a mother-in-law to care and concern for my son which usually most people have attention in this aspect but i dont hv at all. It is indeed very stressful, tired and upsetting at times on the thought of it. Thus, i could only wish for ryan's well development in all aspects so that is sth that i cud still feel my worth...You r right that we really feel rewarded when we see our child grows and develops well. U r indeed a good mummy too, so deserve a good pat !!! Btw, i am also planning to do some small business or sth that i cud still earn my keep and find my worth to keep my boredom mind at bay too...At least feeling effectively happy to keep myself more balanced. Do u have any ideas or suggestions to share...??? lets catch up.
RAR: ya right, a FT-SAHM hee... I take it as a break for me when he is in CC, at least I can rest and prob meet up with some friends during their lunch plus, there is a limit to what I can teach him. So CC or PG will benefit him somehow.

Still trying to save up with hubby for a small biz,mean time, I'm still thinking of what I can do.. Maybe you can do adhoc bb sitting ? At least you wun be tied down the whole day for full time.

Hee .. any msn ? Can add me at [email protected] if you have one.

BTW,are u the one who know Cindy ?

My gal still very scared of taking shower. The moment i turned on the shower, she'll start screaming & crying. I tried letting her hold the showerhead, splashing water with her,etc but nothing seemed to help.Anyone can help?
haha you meant Jax not Ryan right? hehe... ya, got a second one after Jax hence on ML. had always wanted a second child to accompany Jax but din realise God gave the gift so soon (I was preggy when Jax was about 5mths old and gave birth last May 09). hehe. ;p

yah understand being a full-time mum at home could be depressing cuz its always cleaning, feeding, making bb sleep and worrying about bb. hehe.. was quite bored during ML period but luckily got Internet to keep me occupied. haha... well... on the other hand, your child will keep you happy whenever they are able to achieve a developmental milestone or to utter a word to you right? I am staying in the north east area. west is far for me... ;p Ya! keep in touch and God bless you and family too.

Violet and RAR,
Jax is small size (8+kg) too but people commented why parents big size n child small size. bleh... :X my whole family no thin genes one meh.. cannot be fat parents and fatter younger generations right. i was once slim also.. ;p
people also commented tat they thought Jax was 3 years old.. gosh... there was 1 air-con repair guy who came to my hse n thought Jax n my 1 week old (at that pt of time he came) were TWINS! pengz...

the worst thing is this world is gonna be the mouth!


Jax also afraid of shower. he kept grabbing my pants n hid his head in between my legs. i almost need to wear swimming suit to bath him! my shorts all got wet.

u bathe your gal standing or in bath tub? do you get toys to distract her? get her some toys that can make bubbles to make bathing fun. i recently got a $2 dollar daiso bubble maker. Jax loves it and i got to distract him from his fears.
calamari- my boy born big 3.7kg, but after 11mth. his weight only increase by 1 kg for 6mth. the last time we see PD 2mths back 10kg, he is already at the 50% chart. now hopefully he is 11kg. he should by 11kg by 12mth but now 17th mth only 11kg.

same same the rest of the babies, refuse to eat porridge (ramdomly every 2 day skip 1 day). so i alternate his milk between pediasure and enfalac.

pd say keep the milk intake low, so they will eat at meal times. actually he want to keep at 600ml, but my son really loves pediasure. so now he loves drinking milk. i also add si-shen (from yu ren sheng) to his milk.

kiasu mom, what him to keep his chubby cheeks.
serene: hehe, looks like your boy same pattern as my girl. My girl also born big at 3.52kg but now only 9.4kg. Think its alright lah. As long as within 10th to 90th percentile, I am happy.
Funny thing about my girl is, she eats and drinks milk quite a lot but weight is increasing so slowly. Her chubbiness only at her cheeks and tummy, lean limbs.
