(2008/04) April 2008

jules... lidat very hard to complain and ask for some claims...haiz... next time dun allow juniors to do ur toes for u lar...
hi violet,

opps...i forgotten that you didnt bring ur little one along. it's meant to be a little honeymoon before u start work right..? heehee!
thanks for the note on the showering & water part. i be extremly caution with that. food wise, i am not worried as i think the food there are quite ok for the little one.

hi leo's mum...wow! we are going on the 23sept.
ur bring the little one along too?

hi Koori_Kaylen...some bad experience with star cruise?
Vonvon - no, not bad experience, i booked a trip for my family but my mom was sick so we cant go, we wrote appeal and they refunded us full, by right less than 1week notice is full cancellation, guess we have doc memo & starcruise is nice enough.
Hi all,

i have 2 tins of Gain IQ 3(400g) sample pack to give away.

My baby do not take this brand anymore so i don't want it to juz lie on my table till expiry.
Expiry date: May 2012.

Anybody interested, pls PM me.
vonvon- yah leo's going too. wif 8 adults! hubby & i, FIL, MIL, 2 BILs & thier wives. no maid thou
mummies, MyGym's new branch at tampines will be conducting free trial lessons

OPEN HOUSE (FREE) My Gym @ Tampines
Date: 5 September (SAT) to 13 September (SAT)
Time: 10am to 5pm
Duration: 1 hour per session
For: Children age between 6 months to 8 years
Cost: FREE
leo's mum (sapphire77),
wow so many of u all. sure very fun one. i always like going in a group. more fun! leo sure enjoy the sail one. saw that there are some playground for them too. so looking forward to it.

Koori_Kaylen (koori)
their t&c very strict. no even allow to change passenger's name if cannot make it. guess it has been luckily that they refund it to you. so when booking for it again, heehee!
hi mummies,
i m also an april 08 mum. havent been comin in this thread for a looong loong time. by now, our kids r are 17-18 mths. have any1 of the mummies have a 2nd child alr?

now contemplatin if shld ve a 2nd one or juz stop at one... any1 has any experiences to share?
hey mummies,

those tots who are in cc, might wanna take note. Not sure if HFMD is back. Xavier has been diagnosed with a mild case of HFMD. Luckily not too serious. Not sure where he contracted the bugs.

Symptoms spotted on Xav are:
-High Fever (Despite Neurofen is given)
-Cut down in fluid intake (Milk and plain water etc) due to the uncler at the back of his mouth, which I have realised but din know tt it's ulcer causing the decrease in fluid intake
- Blisters on the leg
But he can still take in his normal meals without much fuss.

Sputnik: You might wanna try Marina Square level two, after that strecth of Bridal Shops, there is one tt sells these retro mini sofas.
xav mum,
heard the CC principal said oct is peak of HFMD... so scary...

May your son recover soon.

tmr sending Jax to CC... hope he can adjust well..

Hi Blessed.
I have a 2nd child when Jax was 14 mths old.

if you can afford having another child, do have one! 1 child is quite lonely...
artist: Thanks !

Jax will
No worries. Are u the main care giver all along?

OCT is the peak !! Goodness, I knew tt there is a risk of Xav getting it once he goes cc, but it's sooner than I expect !!
Artist: oh, might be easier in this case. Would it be better if ur mil send him to cc instead of you? You can trial and error.

I have to call and check if there are any cases reported. Today's school closed for Teachers' Day, nothing can be done
Xav : How's Xav? Hope he's better. Try to let him drink more water. Poor boy... My fren's daughter had HFMD. Hers was just sore throat but my friend's hubby got it. his was full blown! We were laughing at him. his immune system is worse then his daughter's. hehe.
wish X a speedy recovery. try to give him more water. good thing is he can still take in his meals without fuss
. u must take care too
Hi Xav_mummy, how's Xavier today? Did the doc say how long it'll take for him to recover? Wish him a speedy recovery.

It's Dana's 2nd day at the Toddler Section today in the CC, I'm accompanying her but sitted next door and peeping at her. She's exhibiting separation anxiety! Kept crying out for mummy and refuse to join in the activities....sigh....my heart is aching
maybe the new environment and new faces are making her feel insecure and anxious....She is usually a confident and sociable girl but today she's totally unlike herself
Xav's mummy, hope Xavier recovers soon!

Angel. don't worry, Dana will selltle right in soon
She's still in LSH right? Then the environment should be familiar to her. Did the infantcare teachers bring her to join the toddlers' playgroup activities before? My colleague's infantcare teacher frequently bring her to pop into the toddlers' class just to give her a feel of the environment. Dunno if it'll help but they also sent her her meals from infantcare for the first 2 weeks after she joined the toddlers. If i'm not wrong Xav's mummuy also packed Xavier's lunch in the beginning right? Maybe having a familiar taste will ease the transition period?

Now Adel is teething, I see 4 whites in her gums now, and totally refusing to chew (except om biscuits of cos).. so regressed back to very mushy porridge, really wonder how she'll cope with the food in CC.
Angel : I'm sure Dana will be able to adapt in few days time. Very soon she'll be able to mix around. I think need to give her some time as she was at home for 1 month.

Lynn : Ju also teething. He rejected his formula milk and milk bottle. he wants fresh milk in straw cup now. Maybe becos it's cold la.

Vege : Ju's rejecting al fruits and vege recently. Sigh! Everyday eat egg and chicken thigh. I hope this phase will pass soon.
Jamie & Lynn: Thanks for the wishes

Jules' Mum: Xav is much better. Think I could have got his bug. Yesterday, suddenly I had high fever and my fever is those about 39 degree. Just went to the doc and need to monitor for any rash or ulcers forming.

Angel: The new environment plus being by ur side for the one month could have caused the anxiety in her. She's a smart gal and will soon get over the anxiety
my PD told me usually if kenna also will be abt 5 days later. u monitor & see how.

probably its due to sudden change of routine & environment. give her some time to adjust & adapt.
Jamie: ooh ... sucks ... Think I'm going to freak out !!! hahahaha .. hopefully it's just a chill .. Now I can understand how X was feeling when he had the high fever. But realise, Im so lousy !! hahaha .. At least he can still walk around and play. I'm bedridden from morning till now, almost half dead !
Xav : Ya. incubation period is 3-7 days. Hope you are well. Drink more water. My fren kenna HFMD during chinese new year. Usually adults don't get it. If adult immunity is low then may kenna like my friend. His was very very bad but his daughter was just mild case. Hope you get well soon k
I also just sent Jax to CC but today was his first day. i tried to sneak out of room when i saw him busi playing toys... but he quickly displayed separation anxiety. he also cried when teacher bathed him or changed his diaper... hope both Dana and Jax can quickly adjust themselves. think Dana would adapt faster since she was earlier placed in infant care. ;)

Xav mum, hope you are not getting HFMD.

heard a mummy from other thread said eating vanilla ice-cream can ease the sore throat pain. maybe xav can try it.
angel and artist, hang on! hope both babies adapt quickly

next month time time will be my turn, will have lots to learn from you then
xavs_mummy : Hope you are not getting HFMD, just mild flu. Sorry that yest i called to disturb you.

Yest Olivia 1st day in infant care kena cough and fever of 38.9deg from one sick bb. I think she's having flu too. Was quite pissed off that why the mother did not bring her sick bb home or why the teachers still allows the bb to mixed ard. But after thinking awhile, maybe the mother doesn't has a 2nd helper to help her take care of her bb while she goes work. Now see my gal suffer also heartpain. Feel like halfway give up on CC le but can't. =(
Angel : Is you gal in Little Skool House? Any comments abt tat CC? Cos i'm intending to put my gal in the LSH at SGH once my job stabilised.
Thanks Jule's. I just change her medicine to Blufen. I think it works v well on her. Now her fever finally subside abit le..
Hi Lynn

thanks for the encouragement. Yes today's 3rd day and we've decided to leave Dana full day there w/o accompaniment. My SIL who has 3 kids say when they know we're around, they tend to show separation anxiety, but once we leave,they'll stop crying. I hope that's the case. Our toddlers are now very discerning and aware of the surroundings, so it may take them a while to feel accepted and comfortable with the new faces + environment. Just called the school to check and they told me she's coping well (no crying at all and finished all her lunch)

Xav_mummy, how are you feeling today? Will pray for you and Xav ya?

Violet, how's your gal? Personally I feel LSH's a very good setup with Lit-based curriculum. Their teachers are also very loving and creative with the kids. Now Dana's in toddler class, we receive (via email) the Sept lesson plans on her 1st day of school and even a newsletter with photos of the tods! We were also unhappy when Dana fell ill becos of some irresponsible parents but have given our feedback to the management who was very receptive and immediately implemented some new measures (e.g isolation room etc).
today is Jax's 2nd day in child care. i again accompanied him there and was supposed to leave him alone in the afternoon. but, Jax kept sticking to me and wont join the others to play. so no choice, i was "kicked out" earlier by teacher. Jax cried quite a while... and went to the corridor, cried and looked for me. really saddened me a bit when i saw his expression. hope he is fine there... Jax, dun think of me...
lots of children at CC also sick. got cough and running nose with the yucky green mucus. these children dun have medicine. dunno why the parents didnt bring their kids to see doctor. today even got news tat one kid got HFMD..

now got to give lots of barley water, seven star tea, vit C to Jax...
angel, that's great news, Dana's not crying on the 3rd day! i think that even if we are in another room, somehow our tods will still sense our presence and our anxiety, maybe leaving her there without accompaniment is the right things to do, although it'll take a lot of courage on our part

the isolation room suggestion is very good! i think i can propose to my girl's CC in future..
violet, typically CCs will always ask for alternative arangemnt (who can pick the child up when sick) so i will not accept seeing sick children in class leh. now the flu bug is very rampant and also HFMD coming up, cannot subject our littles ones to the irresponsible action of other parents leh, not fair to our kids mah..
May I ask parents who send their kids to CC, do your children know how to feed themselves already? Are your kids also around 16months now?

Cos I will also send my daughter to CC in Dec but she still doesn't know how to feed herself AT ALL, can't drink from cup properly (still using pigeon magmag) and still shower in bath tub.

Also, I know most CC nap time is 1-3pm. Must the children follow the duration strictly? Cos my girl usu sleep 12.30-3.30pm now. What if 3pm she's still sleepy will they let her continue sleeping?

I really dunno how to get my girl to adapt. From birth til now she can only sleep at home, can't sleep when outside. And she's seldom exposed to so many strangers at one time. sigh...

Also, may I know what is the best timing to chk out CC? Most ask me to go on sat but no kids there what do I see? And what should I look out for?
shelyn, think most CCs will allow time for the kids to adapt to their routine of feeding and napping etc. But since you only intend to start her in Dec maybe you can try to 'adjust' her routine to conincide with the CC's. And can train her to stand and shower, with water running over her head and all that? My girl just turned 16 months a few daya ago and she can't do her feeding well etc, of cos if the CC is prepared to take in a young tod at 18 months they will be prepared to feed him/her until they learn to self-feed. And from what I've seen, even if they say self-feed the teacher is still around to assist and get them 'on task' heehee. not like just leave them alone lah, kids will be kids mah. they are accountable to parents too so they will take care of our little ones

Why would a CC ask you to go on Sat? I've visited like 10 and all only say to aviod 11-1pm cos that is busy time (eat, shower, milk and nap etc). Some CCs even asked me to during their activity or lesson time so can see the teachers and kids. I would feel very uneasy about a CC which tells me to visit during weekends or the children's nap time.
shelyn, Jax is 16+mths n he is coming to 17th mth tmr.

he doesnt know how to feed himself, drink frm a cup n he doesnt even wants to hold a milk bottle. before entering cc i tried training him to drink from a water bottle with straw n to bathe him standing. at else, he is ok with these.

actually many kids in the class dont really know how to eat by themselves. so teachers there will help them. u better check with the cc teachers or principal on this.
Hi Lynn,
I also very surprised why ask me to go on sat. She say cos less kids so the tr more free to talk to me, bring me ard etc. Haha... in my brain i was also thinking bullshXX.

Most CC have tr:pupil ratio of 1:6. How do they help to feed so many at 1 time? I also can't figure out how they shower for them haha. Do they all strip and shower together? =P

after reading your post about your Jax running out crying and looking for u, I really hands up to u. If it were me I most probably will cry and hug my girl and bring her home haha... I think I'm actually not prepared to leave my girl at CC yet but have no choice
i peifu the childcare teachers, must be real good at multi-tasking keke.. for the eating somehow i see they can manage lah, cos some older kids needs less help mah.

the showering part i'm not sure but one CC i've seen the kids all take off their clothes and wait for their turn in the bathroom, but that's older kids like K1 so i dunno how they do it for the toddlers. i've thinking of buying those poncho towels if the tods also need to wait naked leh, cos the older kids i saw all know how to cover themselves up already heehee. my girl is now alway running around the house naked after her shower, need to coax or cocere her to wear her clothes lol. cannot let her run aroudn naked in the CC leh :p

maybe Xav's mummy, angel and artist can share with us how the CCs typically do it?

shelyn, you've been taking care of your girl by yourself all along? the CCs all say the mummies will also exhibit separation anxiety, some more than the kids, esp if it's SAHM taking care all along.
if you interested in enrolling your gal at the CC, you go and talk to the principal on sat. then after that, bring your gal there and give her a surprise visit on weekday morning and request a tour around and get a feel of what how the CC goes. (also a chance to let your daughter familiarise herself with the cc) also ask the teacher/principal on the timetable and give them surprise visits on timings where children having bath/lunch/tea breaks to see how teachers help children.

i happened to talk to a MCYS officer on my son's case and she told me to visit CC on weekday mornings as this is the time where most activities are carried out.
Jules' Mum: Thanks gal
Hope I am just "heaty" Apparently, I have all the symptoms accept for the blisters *touchwood*

Artist: The CC Xav's is attending normally encourage parent to stay with the child minimal 3 days. But most of the teachers there reassured me to leave Xav there. He will cry definately but got to be hard hearted so that he can get used to the transition more quickly.

There are cases whereby the kids can cry for one whole month before they decide to stop crying. Maybe you can give Jax something like a bolster to make him feel more secure ? I understand how it feels. I cried for the first three days when X went into CC. Dun worry, he will be in good hands, meanwhile keep your mind occupy
artist, why did you have to contact MCYS directly? tot the CC will settle for you?

yes mornings definitely the best, but cannot expect them to entertain our questions during the 'routine care' timing (lunch/shower/milk/nap). but if you wan to pop by like for a 2nd visit i guess they can't say no. so far, i've gone during lunch and teacbreak time, but haven't raelly seen the shower and nap time..

mornings defintely the best, and more 'interesting' activities too as most CCs will have their outdoor play time in the morning, then 10 plus will be lesson time. if after nap around 4pm will be lesson time again. After 5pm usually free play liao.

Xav's mummy, ya lor, i've heard of the cry-for-a-month cases. so poor thing, really hope Adel would be ok. cos some principals told me can cry until dun eat/drink well cos throat is sore, and then have nightmares too.

Can share on how the CC shower the tods? same as the older kids? all naked and waiting in the bathroom for their turn?
