(2008/04) April 2008

the bubble maker is a dinosaur toy which we need to insert a straw into it for blowing. we just apply soap n water and by blowing through the straw, it creates bubble.

hi mummies! i'm new here. knew about this thread but hadn't had the time to post anything before. thought i'd make my first attempt today... hope to get to know more mummies soon (",)
Deby82 : I think u start slowly la. Don't scare her. Try by just sprinkle some water on her face to get use to it. Slowly use cup to run down her face.. then use the shower. I started Julian at 5 months. At that time I used my fingers to sprinkle water on his face. When I see he can get used to it, then I use cup. Now, he will dip his face into the pool. Check if the pressure from the shower is too hard. Might be painful to her Or maybe try not to touch her head first. Just her body?

Blessed mummy : Hi Welcome to the thread.

Artist : My son's also small size. Last month we met up with my fren's 1 month old baby. My bil ask ju to lay beside the baby then he commented y like about the same size. Hahaha.

Rar: My son is still in kindermusik. He is there since 5 months. Maybe I've met u there before? Hehe. You attend on weekday?

JuniorRain : I just double confirmed with my pd. He said that freshmilk is ok. He said try to heat up the milk. If not, give at room tempt is fine.
How fussy can our boys be ah. Hehe. I also feel that freshmilk hasn't the vitamins. That's my main concern too. I think I'll need to find another supplement for him as he doesn't want liquid supplements anymore. I tried the one Angel intro but he doesn't like the taste. Really fussy ah...
i stay in the east. being sahm is never easy, all my time are spent with the kids, cook & housekeeping. barely any time left for myself. my mum helps me to take care of my boy when i send & fetch my elder gal fr school.
hv been wanting to put my boy in kindermusik but till now, still trying to find time for it.
oh goat milk will reduce cough & phlegm, i did nt know that. Mayb I can try that if Enfagrow give the same prob again. Thanks for info.

Ya will try 2 give him room temp.
Yes lor they very fussy nw. if things he wan and we dun give him he will throw temper. Yup i oso give my boy chewable multi vit & vit c, quite tasty cos I try it myself, mayb u wan 2 try.
Hi blessed mummy! Welcome to the thread! =)

RAR : I also got very stress up when my gal is sick. She recently fell sick during her 1st day in CC, till now still having cough and flu. I had to sleep with her these few nights (usually will let her sleep alone in her own room) just to ensure that she breathes while sleeping after taking the cough medicine. Though I didn't really get enough sleep, I feel that I've done my part to care and make sure she gets well soon. Is indeed very stress and heart pain to see our kids falling sick. I remembered how my gal sat up suddenly in the mid of the night with her eyes closed due to blockage in her breathing. I just don't dare to fall into deep sleep worrying that she is not able to catch her breathe.

Can understand your stress and tiredness when no one is there to help you in the hsework. I'm consider lucky that my mum will come over to my house almost every weekdays to help me take care of my gal or helping me to do some hsework if not my house will be always in big mess till weekends then have time to clear. However, my mum is very aggressive who always want me to listen & follow her way of doing and also believing in those pantang stories. Feel super stress and tired when she started to nag and scold me for being stubborn. She can called me everyday and nag at me. I'm blessed to have her around but also very stress. Am very "mao dun" now. hahaha
hi mummies,

anyone been to Gymboree trial? i went last weekends, my boy loves it!

not sure if to sign him for 10 lessons, any other lesson to recommend..? heard of polliwog, GUG etc...?

any mummies can give me their comments...
Hi vonvon,
which branch u go? i've been to gymboree trial at HF, my boy does not like
crying most of the time.. guess he is not into the gym portion, but strange enuf the singing he does not like too. I feel their singing so so lor and mostly nursery songs. my boy has attended kindermusik for a term and he loves it, sign for another term already.. :p but if you boy likes it then can go for it.

polliwog is a like a playground, no classes there.. have not tried GUG so no comments. :p
I bathe my gal standing up. Mayb nxt time will try to distract her with toys.

The pressure of the showerhead is just right. The moment i turn on nia, tats it. She will start oready.Mayb got phobia. Cos somtimes i just bath her by force.

Junior Rain,
Wich brand of multi vits & vit c do u give ur boy?
Hi Maro (mashimaro08) / blessed mummy,
can see my little boy love the lesson. he spent a total of 45 (trial) + 40mins (free playgym) in it, was "screaming happily" all the while. the teacher sang songs and played with bubbles, most of the kiddos in the trial class love it, i can tell. i went to the one at HBF too. the surprise he gave us is to throw in a ball into the basket ball net which we didnt teach him before. he loves roaming around the class and participate in the games (like the beans instructment and the parachut where mummies and their little ones will play with).
he didnt wanna to go off when we wanted to leave. still went back to the gate (entrance) and signal us for more fun! heehee so cute!

we enjoyed so much that the 45 mins passed in a spin!

is kindermusik something like that too?
i am thinking of going for the trial before making a decision.


try on and off the tap and make funny sound to her..like "quack quakc", "chip chip", "meow meow", on and off the tap the same time. sound stupid...but i successed with this method. now he can showering while standing but must make all these funny sound while bathing. the whole building can hear me...haha!!! hope it helps...
haha.. yeap, can see other kids are enjoying themselves too, except my boy, cry nia. maybe he is too tired la.. :p it's important that he likes it, then he'll enjoy then wil be money well-spent.. hehe

kindermusik is just musik, no gym so more like singing and dancing together, exploring musical items etc. jules' mum can say more since ju has attended for quite some time already. :p
trial is possible, just cal them to arrange. my boy is on sunday, 11am class. I also decided to sign on kindermusik after 2 trials and our boy will belong to village class till they are 18 mo.
hi goodbb, i notice ju usually will peak during 5th day then recover about 2 days later.

maro : e way u say is like i'm e saleaperson or something. only if they knew how much i promote for them hor. haha.

vonvon : like wat maro said, kindermusik is a program to intro babies n toddlers music appreciation. they sing, dance, play different types of instruments, learn about rhytmn. they will do 1 theme for 1 term which is 8 weeks. it's quite repetative. think mothers who send their child there will agree. many parents drop out after going for 2 terms or so. but kids learn through repeating. i'm not how others feel but i feel that my son has developed a love for music n has steady beat.

any 1 noe for unconditional childcare leave,we can go overseas?any 1 noe how to remove white glue stains on jeans?
Hi mummies, i notice some of ur bb refuse to drink formula. Charmaine oso like that. She refuse to drink from her feeding bottle then i tried feeding her formula with spoon(princess cup and spoon), she drinks.But sometimes need to distract her by singing and playing toys. Mayb you can try this.
hi mummies! i'm new here.

one suggestion to solve our tots refusing their formula: can add a little milo powder to the formula milk to make it to delicious choc milk! my boi loves his "milo"...he will go yummmy yummmmmy after finishing his milk. cheerio!
vonvon: thanks for the info...

deby82: hi there! i started by showing my boy how fun it could be. when i splashed water at him, i laughed. i make him stand under the shower, i praised him. i try to make it real positive. i also have toys to distract him. now he loves standing up to shower.

XuanXuan mummy: guess i'm lucky. my boy still loves his fm. 180 ml twice a day. once in the morning, once in the evening...
any mummies experiencing the same thing as me? i can't seem to access the forum. when i click on the link i get a blank page. the only way i'm able to is through my recent posts page. trying to get to the bp page. wanna do some shopping. this is so frustrating!
ya i cannot access for the last two days too. today finally got in.

Thanks to the mummy that posted here on the My Gym free trial! (Think its Lynn
) I just went today, pretty good so I signed up. I feel its more systematic than their great world branch. I like the trampoline! ha
scubababe, i signed up too! i also felt it's better than the great world branch.. Adel absolutely loves the mini stairs thingy, went up and down and forward and backwards all by herself, didn't wan to come down lor...

didn't know they have the sign 2 terms get half a term free, so it's a pretty good deal. which session did u sign up for?
really? I have not met you before I think, we can catch up there

they did not brief you on the offers? Call them again and ask for it. I sign up for the Waddlers class, going on Thurs 3-4pm.
scubababe, they did tell me, but it was not in their flyer so i tot only free registration

so i signed up for 2 and a half terms, also waddlers class but sat 1030am.. will also go for the free play session on sat afternoon lor, so sat will be her 'gym day'
Hi Xav,
Will add u in the msn... btw i do not know Cindy. Hahha... thanks for looking upon me to be a part-time baby sitter. I can never be one cos tending for my son is already a big chore and stress to me...hehehe. thus not possible lah. Yeah, is good to do some biz so cud have more time for the kid too. I wish that you cud realise your plans soon with hubby. How about food biz...? Can i chk is putting our tot in the cc safe cos i am indeed worried my son may just get sick easily with loads tots mixing around even when some may be unwell with flu, etcs... do you have any encounter for such cos that is my topmost worries, can u adv ? thks
Hi Artist,

U make my day with the laugh that the aircon man is simply so silly to comment Jax is 1week old... how a big silly ignorant man he is...heehee. I totally agree with you that mouth is "evil" with all the nonsense and hurting comments sprouting without knowing that it cud hurts others... cos i had experience that before too. No worry about it cos as long they stay happy and healthy and fit, is what it matters, really. Even till today when pp came up asking me how old is Ryan... and i told them he is 17mths and though no comment but surely they give the look that "huh..u mean he is 17mths already, he looks much smaller and younger to me leh,...? I am getting more indifferent now to all comments as long i know best. bTW, Ryan just lost almost 1kgs due to lately stomache flu with bad dishorrea...
Hi Violet,

Life sometimes can be indeed contradicting but i must assure u that is truly blessed to have a mum by your side to care for yr child. Yes, they can sometimes be very naggy and irritating though caring and that honestly makes us stressssssssssss instead at the end of the day. I used to feel so when my mum was around till when she passed on 2year plus ago... i feel that i missed her nags and concern tremenduously but she is no longer around with me. HOnestly i missed her alot till now. So, i cud understand how you feel but just tell yourself that she is afterall a nice caring mum and learn to appreciate her from her angle too, god bless and take care.
Hi Jules,

My son had only started at 11mths and end at 15mths old when the swine flu started that i put to a stop first till now. I dont think we have met before as he only attended a short period of 4mths only. btw, he attended the sunday session at 4pm slot at Tanglin, how about you. Btw, i am still keen to put my son in the kindermusik... can you share how it benefit your son...?? Any advice for me whether i shd continue for my boy....??
hi, it's been a while since i visited this thread.

I went there recently n my son likes the place. I bought the gym pass w is 6x entrances at $39.90. I do notice they have some classes or playgroup available.

My little gym
I signed up my boy for the fall term at the marina square branch. Anyone signed too? =)

My ds at 17m+ weighs over 9kg. He's small size n i have resigned to our fate,i.e. He being small n i will cont to be nagged by "concerned" relatives for still giving him bm. Actually i know my son is v active n has a healthy diet so it's hard for him to gain weight. Aiyah, tell myself to heck care lah.
Rar : My son attends weekday at Kindermusik.

yours on Sunday 4pm?... is it same as Choc? After attending Kindermusik for so long, He responds very well with music. Ju has quite a strong rhytmn sense. his beat is quite "chun" one. hahaha. Some of the ladies here saw him "sing and dance" before. haha. Our boys will be going to the next stage, Our Time, at 18 months. Why don't you continue when 18 months which is just a few weeks away. Honestly, I felt like giving up before cos it's too repetative but I'm glad I didn't. Maybe you would like to PM me.

Clover : Well said! As long as they are active and healthy, everything doesn't matter. My son's also just over 9kg. Before people can tell me my son small size, I'll say 1st, "ya. he very small size hor" then people will paisay.. say "no la. quite ok." hahaha.

U r continuing with the class on wkday now..? In what other areas do you think it has also help your boy in his devt in Kindermusik cos i am still contemplating other enrichment classes to enrol him ....?? He loves music too but he hardly speak thus i am thinking of how to make him speak better and more with some enrichments..?
Hi mummies,
can u share with me what kind of supplements are u giving your child to boost their immunity? and where to buy them? issit effective?

My girl will be starting CC soon so I wld like to get her some supplements so she won't fall sick so easily.
shelyn, i'm also just about to post the same qns as you..

my girl have been quite prone to runny nose these couple of months, at least once a month she will be having runny nose.. so am finding immunity booster or multivits - any recommendations?

what's sambucol all about?
Hi Shelyn , tratties...

Same question i have here too for my son on the supplements cos plan to send him to playschool soon.
u still bf? it really make a diff, my boi seldom fall sick as compare to other babies in his infantcare centre the past 1 year. erh...me planning to stop bf by this month...so thinking to give him cod liver oil to boost his immunity after i stop bf.
hi mummies,
just wanna share. i give my son scotts emulsion. not as high class as other mummies but it seems to work for my boy (cheap and good). and i make sure he gets his supply of fruits and veggies daily. it helps (",)
Hi Linda,
sadly, my girl was only breastfed for 2 weeks.. sigh sigh... i really regretted not continuing. I stopped cos my stitching was infected, difficult to sit/stand and was on antibiotics. Though the doc said it's ok to continue breastfeeding but I stopped and then that's it... sigh...

Hi blessed mummy,
I intend to put my girl in cherie hearts and heard that they give all the kids 1 spoon of it everyday. Is it enuff? Is your boy in childcare? Compared to other kids, he fall sick less frequently issit?
Choc : Paisay. Hehe. I tot ur class 4pm.

RAR : I will be continuing till I find something else... Or, you wanna try Little Neuro Tree? I just signed up Ju for Little Neuro Tree. Can't really comment much as he just started. 1 thing I realised is Ju is able to understand abit of mandarin now that he attends this (really abit like where his eyes he will point). Before that, he don't understand at all.

I'm interested in putting him in childcare but really worried that he will fall sick easily. Saw so many babies here going to school and fell sick.
So for the time being, I guess I will be sending him to LNT and Kindermusik.

Vitamins : I got Ju childlife multivits and cod liver oil.
Shelyn : I breastfed for 10 days only.
I had to take steriods cos I had hormones disorder. *touchwood* - so far my son's quite ok.
Hello all, hope everyone's doing well..

Re: supplements
I give my girl daily Childlife multivitamins and DHA. Can either get from GNC or spree from US.

Re: CC
I am also keen to send my girl to half-day CC but will only start later at about 28 months. My mom's doing a great job taking care of her, hence no rush. So for now, its just The Little Gym and Julia Gabriel for enrichment.

Re: bf
Don't be too upset that you did not bf your baby lah. We all tried our best. If cannot, also bo bian. Your babies are still doing well

I was also planning to get him multi vit and Dha at Gnc ....but e salesgirl told me their cod liver oil is only suitable for tot above 2years old.... so maybe you wud like to recfm abt it if you are giving to your younger boy now ? Btw, what you think of their vit c cos salesgirl says is stronger for boosting immunity thus i am still thinking which to give multi vit or vit c soley...? Do you also give him babylife probiotics cos i plan to buy for my boy to protect his digestive systems due to his late spate of bad diahorrea... any advice and suggestions ?
re : Cod liver oil
Can get the childlife brand which they have at GNC, suitable for toddlers our age.

I also give childlife colostrum and sambucol (but not everyday). But I don't give vit C cos my gal takes quite a lot of fruits everyday. So far my gal only fell sick twice since she was born. But maybe also becos i bfeed until she was 1 year old.

calamari - u give the childlife DHA? Is it in capsule form or chewable?
my boy is not in cc yet. my mom's taking care of him at the moment. i give him 15 ml as on the packaging. not too sure if that amounts to 1 spoonful. since he started taking this, he has not fallen sick. guess it works for him.
jule's mum:
don't be too upset. i stopped bf at 1 month. i agree with calamari. we're doing our best (",)
good for you that your gal's immune system is so strong. fruits + bf = happy and healthy gal (",)
what do they do for enrichment at julia gabriel? thinking of signing up my boy for some classes... asking around for feedback and suggestions (",)

Welomce Linda Chang & Blessed Mummy

RAR: I think quite common for the tots to fall sick esp for the first half of the year when they enter CC. Within a month, Xav already got twice runny nose, twice fever and worse recently was the mild HFMD. But once they are used to the virus, their immune will be stronger.

Blessed mummy: I also give give Xav scotts emulsion and those vit C rich fruits every day. But I KS abit, I still give him the sambulcos.
