(2008/04) April 2008

i was watching how the cc pple bathe the children. my cc has a cleaner auntie to help showering the kids. so in tods class, a teacher will bring half of them to go shower first (the kids are asked to bring their bags along) while the other half stay in class playing under another teacher's supervision.

while a tod is being showered, the teacher will take off clothes from the next queuing kid and take out clothes from his bag. the teacher doesnt really take off clothes of all waiting kids. when the kid finished bathing then teacher will quickly towel him dry and help him put on diaper n clothes. after which the kid will be asked to walk to classroom with his bag. teacher will got on prepare the kid next in queue.

oh i see.. thanks artist! but tat means we will need to prepare a bag for the kiddos for their shower stuff? our little tods know how to make their way back to the classroom ah? should be so cute.. sorry stupid question ah, so the wet towel will be kept back into the bag immediately? sorry for asking all the nitty grity cos me preparing like how mnay sets of towels etc then will be enough to rotate.

once i visited an infantcare and saw the CC kids waking up after nap, sooooo cute each one dragging their matteress to the teacher in another room to be kept away. very very cute leh.
u remembered my earlier postings on not able to get confirmation frm cc on mycs' decision, in the last week of aug 09, for jax's enrolment on 2 sep 09? so i kiasu... emailed n called mycs to expediate jax's case. it was then i got to speak to the offr. i was also notified tat the cc only submitted jax's application to mcys only on 26 Aug 09! my goodness. i submitted my application to cc since early jul 09 but submission was delayed till the last week of aug 09. i keep telling myself tat the cc might be too busi n had too many admin work to settle before they could handle my case....
My boy will be going for childcare too...Im very scared...cant bear to leave him there alone and if he start crying I think I will panic!!

At home he is very sticky to me..Whenever I leave the room for bathing, even with Daddy he will still cry. I wonder how he can cope in the centre.
Angel : My gal is feeling better now. She can now talk more than morning time where she looked so lethargic. The LSH activities sounds interesting. Yest I saw the Tod class in my gal's CC having coloring session. The teachers seem a bit impatient with kids that can't color properly.

Artist & Lynn : Actually I was unhappy when previously the Principal told me that they'll sent those sick child home or quarantine them if the parents unable to fetch them immediately. But nothing was done yest. This morning I voiced out to the teacher and the principal. Am giving them another chance, if such thing happen again, I'll consider to change CC immediately le.
the tods classroom in my cc is located just beside the common toilet. i am very amazed tat the young kids as little as 17th mth old could be trained to carry (in fact they drag. not carry. so a trolley bag will be good)bags back to classroom.

ya. need to prepare a bag to put all your gal's barang barang. need to put a plastic bag in the bag for the wet towel n soiled clothes (they will be put bk to bag immediately. yesterday the teacher never put wet towel in plastic bag but into bag directly.
). gotta bring extra clothings, diapers, mattress cover n water bottle.

xav mum,
cant bring boster there. jax will anyhow throw boster n get his boster dirty. i also dun wan him to bring germs to his bed. ;p
Actually I've been taking care of my girl 'full time' only from June onwards. I used to bring her to my mum's pl everyday but found it very stressful cos my girl needs to wake up very early and she was not even 1 yr old then. So I took no pay leave from June. I also have a maid to help me.

Ever since June, my girl is closer to me. Even my maid also says now that I don't work, she tends to look for me more.

My girl is quite active one leh. My HB and I was thinking whether she's hyper active haha. Dunno whether the teacher is patient enuff to look after her or not.

I've not chosen my CC yet. Dunno which one to choose leh sigh... did research but sometimes gets contradicting feedback so also dunno which is what
leo's mum & Angel: Thanks for the well wishes.

Violet: No worries gal
Hope Olivier is better. Hugs to her. Dun give up, once they are in CC, cannot avoid to being sick frequently, treat it as they are building up their immune.
On our part, we just have to ensure that, we give them sufficient nutrients and vitamins

Lynn: Xav CC normally will let the kids wait in the classroom fully clothed. Normally, they will be bathed one by one. One teacher will bath, one will assist in dresssing them up.

Shelyn: Xav entered cc when he was 16 months. He too doesn't know how to feed himself and also sticks to my routine which I set for him.

Agree with Lynn that most CC will allow time for the child to get adjusted to their routine. So far, CC that told me to visit on sats were during the H1N1 peak. But the current CC Xav was in is good enough I feel, to ask to bring X down during their curriculum time so as to allow X to observe what they are doing.
jax also sticky to me. he will cry n fuss even when i go to toilet. so sometimes i gotta do biz with door open n him watching me. haha...

must tell ourselves to harden our heart... really no choice to send them to cc... haiz

violet, maybe the cc has not enough manpower so they cant start the quaarantine "prog"?
Artist: Maybe can buy another one for Jax just meant for his CC? I bought one for X to put in school, by end of every week, I will bring the bolster back to change the cover and sun the bolster.
just curious, wat milk you feed your child & how much does he/she drink each feed & each day?

i can't gt leo to drink more than 200 ml od pediasure a day! he want to bf most of the time.
Thanks Xavs_mummy. She a bit better now but the temperature still maintain above 38deg. I also think that maybe is good to let her get immune to the virus too, somehow still feel that the CC can do their parts too.
Hope u & xav get well soon.

Oh dear, hope olivia get well soon 2.
Ya me oso planning 2 put my boy in cc in dec, starting with half day 1st. I think when they go cc, i think chance they get sick quite high.

Btw any babies here drink FM nt suit and cos them to hv phlegm? Cos my boy gt phlegm in the throat area for like almost a mth oredi, he has no coughing but when latch on, drink milk or slping can hear the phlegm sound. Seen PD & GP 2-3 times oredi, take med for phlegm but no improvement still same, even neubelise once oso same. Then GP suggested mayb is the FM nt suit that cos phelgm. Nw i even stop giving fruits like banana, grapes and even raisins. And oso change to soy FM. Previously my boy drinking Mamil Gold. Any mummies can advise me? Thanks.
I think i'm being overly concerned about how my girl will get used to CC hor??? Since so many of u have sent your's and all are coping well, I guess it shouldn't be too difficult rite? but still can't help worrying... sigh...

anyone send their kids to CC at Bt Panjang / CCK area? I still haven decide which one to choose. Shortlisted to Agape at Cashew, Kinderland at Lot 1 and Learning Vision at Sunshine Pl. Was interested in Learning Ladder but too bad they don't take in 2008 babies. I also wonder how Cherie hearts at Gombak Camp and Cashew is...
Artist : This one I'm not sure le cos the N1/2 & K1/2 are separated fr the Toddler and infant classes. There're only 2 teachers in the tod & 2 in the infant groups. Only feeding time, they'll have one more extra teacher ard to help out in the infant group. Before we sign up for this CC, the principal told us that if any child is sick, they'll quarantine them, i also saw a "sick bay" in her office. Hmm.. a bit contradicting.. Only can see how it goes as time passes le.
Hi shelyn
me staying in Bt panjang. I will b sending my boy to Ichiban kiddie college @ blk 631 senja road cos is my boy nw everyday daytime is at my bro's place @ blk 631 looking after by my parents.
That time, I oso consider cherie hearts cos hb's fren child is here, she feedback is good but i find the distance to far cos i hiring a maid dun know the maid can manage my boy when taking public transport or nt. I oso gt consider New Life CC in a church at Jelapang, heard was good but oso same hv 2 travel so finally cfm the one below my bro's blk more convenient.
Hi JuniorRain,
May I know which cherie hearts u referring to? Cos there's one at cashew and another at Bt Gombak camp and they're very near each other.
JuniorRain: Thanks. There is a type of medicine to dissolve the phelgm in sachets form, it's orange in colour, mixed with a bit of water and just take it. Did Eshin have that ? Works pretty well for Xav when he was down with bronchitis and those phlegm stuck in his throat.

leo's mum: Pediasure can be quite filling as it contains more carbo. Did you give it to him after his lunch or as a supplementary to his meals ?

Xav is taking Enfagrow, 120ml for breakfast, 240ml for last feed (Sometimes lesser about 210ml if he did not managed to finish)
ya Eshin did tried that oso, oso dun work for him tis time. Then he try Mucolix oso, same no use. Nw I giving him mucosolven, hope this works. Dun issit the FM nt suit cos the mamil gold FM inside gt natural honey in the ingredients cos if I dun remember wrongly when last time i give similac he dun seem 2 hv this phlegm problem.
leo's mum : Maybe Leo dun like Pediasure? Try other milk? Recently I found out that Julian prefers fresh milk or UHT. So, on days he dun wan formula, I'll give him fresh milk or UHT. He drinks much more. My pd said is ok to give him fresh milk. it will help Ju to put on weight too as it's full fat.
Maybe you can try too.

JuniorRain : I've heard of kids having phlegm after taking certain formula. I think it depends on individual too. I've got a friend, her son can only take Nan H.A. Others, he will get phlegm. Another gf told me her gal took cow's milk and have phlegm so she's taking goat's milk. I agree with xav. maybe you try taking Similac.
To all babies in/going to cc: hope they will cope after a while...they should be fine

Xav: Serene, take care!! Just read about your possible HFMD contraction...

Leo's mum, jrrain: Kayla drinks Gain IQ. Taking about 850ml per day (240ml 1st and last feeds + 180ml x 2 feeds in the day). I know quantity is a bit too much, but she loves the milk!

Lynn: Thanks for the Little Tikes info at Toysrus! I just bought a BN Little Tikes slide yesterday from WTS, at a very cheap price hehe.
Angel : Happy to know that Dana adapt well now. So proud of her. She's so easily adaptable.

Other kids in childcare : Jia you!
Xav & Jules,
I juz bought a can of Enfagrow. That time i switch 2 Mamil gold bcos the similac stage 2 gt a rusty smell and my boy start 2 reject, not sure issit bcos of the smell or due 2 other reason. Mayb will try Enfagrow see how 1st if still same will change back to Gain IQ.

check with u, Gain IQ gt any rusty smell after u mix the milk powder with water? Cos last time similac stage 2 hv rusty smell.
Calamari : Thanks ! How have you been coping with your pregnancy?

Not sure if JuniorRain refers to GAIN IQ or Similac tt Eshin has tried.
jrrain: hmm...don't have rusty smell leh. I got some sample Gain IQ packs. Sms me if you want to try ok?

xav: good
So far so good. I am so blessed to be symptoms-free in my 2 pregnancies. In fact just went to gynae today and saw my little boy hehe. 15 weeks to go!
JuniorRain: you want any enfagrow samples? I can pass u a few to let Eshin try before you get a tin?

Calamari: Good. No symptoms means your body is quite strong. 15 weeks comes fast !
Sigh mummies, when hubby picked Dana from school this evening, we were told Dana fell and sustained a cut on her forehead. Now it's bruised and still red. We wrote an email to question the teachers how it happened. Feel so sad that we've to send her to CC so young and leave her to fend for herself
But when I asked her "Dana, do you want to go to school tomorrow?", she still replies with a loud "Yes". Hope the cut will not leave a scar and no more such accidents will happen. Such is the emotional turmoil a working mum goes through
heard Gombak Cherie hearts not bad. but parents entering troublesome right? unless u work there or they issue parents perm entry kinda of pass..

Juniorrain, ur son got try wyeth's progress Gold? the taste not bad and wont have metalic taste. u can call their line to get free sample too.

Angel, sorry to hear Dana's fall.. hope it wont leave a scar on her.

Jax today cried on and off when i am not around. when i came to pick him up, he cried even harder and ran towards me. but after that, he stopped crying and his naughty self came back... maybe he is adjusting well. just tat kept thinking why i was not there with him
need your opnion.

Jax's CC starts tods class at 9am though it is opened from 7am. so from 7am to 9am, kids are gathered at a common area to eat breakfast and to do their own things under some teachers' supervision. As Jax was just brought to join CC last wed, i thought that i should bring him to CC at around 8 to 8.30am so that he wont need to wait that long for class. come mon, Jax will have to readjust himself to CC life and i intend to bring him there the same timing and accompany him a while before i leave him alone totally. but, the coming wed, my ML ended and i need to resume work. so i will have to bring Jax to CC earlier at 7am.

Do u think
1)i should take another few days leave so that i can continue to bring Jax to CC at 8am the whole of next week
2)i should leave it as it is and bring him to CC at 7am from wed onwards?

would 2nd arrangement too abrupt for Jax? what worries me is the long hours that Jax needs to wait before class starts and i am afraid he is still not familiar with the environment by next wed...
artist, why not bring Jax at 7am from next Mon onwards? Then he can adjust with you around for 2 days. Cos even if you take leave and bring him at 8am for the whole of next week then the following week he still has to adjust on his own at 7am.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning Mummies..</font>
hope you and xavier recover soon.. take care.

oh dear.. dont think will leave a scar, no worries. i feel u shd get the bottom of this since dana just attended this CC.. i can feel for u, must be super sim tia.. *hug* *hug* and sayang dana too..
angel...apply the california calendura cream..shld help...when my boy got cut or anything..wun have scar one... their healing power very good one... =)
Artist: From the way you descibe the operation of the CC Jax is in is very similar to theone X is attending.

Agree with Lynn that you can start on Monday, let Jax get used to the other teachers @ the common area on Monday while you're still around. You can perhaps "hide" and observe him. As time pass, he should be able to get used to them.

Will he be staying for a full day care? If it's a similar practice, Jax would be able to mingle around with the bigger kids and other teachers by noon time ?

Maro: Thanks ! We're much better. Finally, my fever is gone after three days !

Angel: Dana's sure a darling ! Hugs to her ! At least she is still enthusiastic in going to school !
xav's mum, thank God that you are well. you got HFMD?

which cc Xav is attending? Jax is attending My First Skool. initially thot of sending him to Cherie Hearts located next to my office, referred the environment there... but later thot that it wasnt that convenient.

haiz at 17th mth, Jax is still unable to mix around with other children. just pray very hard that he can quickly adapt to the new environment and people and wont cry that much..

Lynn and xav's mum, thanks for your opinion. perhaps i will bring him to cc at 7am onwards the coming week.

today Jax looked stone when i said bye bye to him... and the next moment, he cried... made me wanna cry too..
Hi mummies who had sent your child to the CC, can share how do you make dinner for your little ones after work everyday? The CC i sent my gal to don't provide dinner unless i pay. And by the time i reached home after fetching my gal will be 7pm+ le. Dunno how to handle my timing. =( Any tips to share? Thanks. =)
Artist: Not sure if I got HFMD. hahaha.. cos rash yet to appear.. fever is gone.. now left with the terrible sore throat.

Xavier is attending Rainbow Cove along Upp East Coast Road. Not to worry that Jax is still unable to mix around, just tt he is too young. Xav too, the teacher told me, most of the time, he will walk around, do his own "stuff" as in play and observe his friends, sometimes if mood is good, he will join in their singing and phonics session. But he's learning though he is not involve because he is listening. This is part of it where they learn. Dun be surprised when Jax after a period starts displaying signs that he learnt something in school !

I realised after Xav attended CC, his language skills picked up. He can tell me sit, star, train, car etc though he still babbles.. heee.. ButI can tell he makes an attmept to pronounce when I teach him new words.

Violet: ya, problem right. Xav's school also dun provide dinner. Normally what I did was woke up earlier, cook his lunch and dinner portion and placed in the thermal food jar and passed to the care taker in the kitchen. When he gets more adjuste to the CC food, I will only cook his dinner portion. HOW I WISH I DUN NEED TO WORK !! HAAHAHAHAHAHA
Xavs_mummy : Yes. Very big problem lor. I also wish that i no need to work leh. Which brand of thermal food jar are you using? Can last for how long? I had been using the tiger brand thermal food jar which can last long hours but the containers are made of plastics which is hard to remove the fishy smell after each use.
Hi artist,
Thanks for recommendation. I was also considering the Gombak cherie hearts. Looks quite good from their website.

Sometimes I feel like setting up my own childcare centre so that I can look after my own child and work at the same time haha... Not a bad idea rite. Can save on CC rate and earn $$ at the same time =P
Hi Violet,
Maybe u want to try the shuttle chef? There's a BP going on now.

My mum bought 1 for me and it's very useful. It can help to cook the food so no need to cook totally. Maybe cook until it's half cooked, put inside the thermal pot. After 5-6 hrs still very hot, got steam come out.
Hi Shelyn : thanks.
I had one at home too but super big one for whole family use. Maybe i shld go look ard for a smaller one.
Violet: i'm using Zojirushi. Can last pretty long hours too. I think Tiger equally good. You just need to wash the container and air it over night. Should helps.
Shelyn : Thanks. If got smaller size then easier to cook.

Xavs _mummy : I did it everytime after wash but still got smell... use hot water also still have. I wonder they got sell the plastic container so i replace with a new one.
Eshin was drinking Similac stage 2 b4 switching to Mamil Gold. It was the similac stage 2 that has the rusty smell. I hv try 2 called abbot 2 checked on that b4. The nutritionist told me cos the iron is higher therefor hv that smell. My hubby oredi buy 1 tin of Enfagrow.
Thanks for offering.

Sure, I will sms u when I happen to ard ur area. Thanks.

My boy hv nt try wyeth's progress gold b4. Mayb I will let him try Enfagrow 1st, if oso nt suit then will call wyeth for sample. Thanks.
