(2008/04) April 2008

Xav_mummy, Calamari & Jamie
Thanks, ya hope he will recover soon

Vy heartpain pluz oso vy tiring when he is sick cos he will b cranky. Ya did gave him some vit C & multi Vit chewable tabs. Btw i did not know that bb massage can help 2 improve immunity, i tot massage oni 2 relax them, hahaha.......

Talking abt speech, my boy oso dun really know how 2 talk. He can oni called mama, papa, ma(granny), mum mum(eat) & nei nei(milk milk), other words dun know liao. But watever we say he understands cos when we say ha chew(sneeze) or pretend to cry, he will make the action, so funny.
violet, maro : I was so relieve when he said tat pacifier is not e cause of crooked teeth. I got 2 examples. my younger brother suck pacifier till about 3 and he has very straight teeth. my hubby dun suck pacifier yet his teeth is crooked. I think pacifier is better than thumb. pacifier can be weaned off but thumb more difficult. I suck thumb till 10 yr old. haha.

ways of weaning off pacifier : I heard of some interesting ways of weaning off pacifier.
1. my mum dip e pacifier in chilli before giving my brother. after tat time he dun take anymore.
2. my gf poke a whole in e pacifier. no more vacuum so not nice to suck. e gal stop taking.
3. my friend's boy was doing biz on e toilet bowl. he yawned and e pacifier drop into toilet bowl. he knows he dropped it so dun ask already.
Re: Weaning of pacifier
jules mum,
Agree with you that its easier to wean off the pacifier than the thumb. When my nanny initially asked us to give yan the pacifier, we were abit unhappy but since she requested and was confident that she can help yan wean off eventually we gave in... So now Yan has already weaned off her pacifier liao. According to nanny, coz yan didn't look for it so she never give then gradually she dun need it anymore. So lucky me, no need to worry about it anymore...
ya, yr mum should be proud.. haha..

my boy just did it, drink water from straw.. i changed to the Pigeon cup (not mag mag), recommended by nana.. very good.. less than a wk, he can drink already.

jules' mum,
thanks for the different methods.. wat i'm gonna to try is to throw away the tu tu in front him and tell him 'no more'.haha..

for my boy, he will not look for tu tu unless he is going to sleep.. automatic one.. he'll look for it, other than that, he wont.. hopefully he can naturally wean off like Yan.. :p
Re: Pacifier
Jules'mum, thanks for the sharing that pacifier does not make teeth crooked. We were worried it might! Dana needs her pacifier whenever she's sleepy or cranky. She's quite reliant on it and we're afraid she can't wean off. Hubby even attributes dana's slow teeth growth (only 2 teeth at 15mths!) to the pacifier! Is it true?

Amy, so good that Yan's already weaned off it. We tried to make her sleep w/o a pacifier and she almost cried the roof down so we gave in and returned it to her....sighz...gonna be hard.

Re: Milk Bottle
Read from the 1st year book that we should wean our babies from the milk bottle by age 1+. Any mummies done that (as in feed babies in straw cups instead)?
tried liao, no ribena as well. i'm using avent sippy cup, took out the magic valve so water will auto flow out so kinda "force" water in his mouth lor. most of the time he will scream & refuse to open his mouth. when feeding him also cant place him too upright, he will throw up all the water!

i tik i know which pigeon cup. shape someting like hour glass?
amy : I was reluctant to give ju e pacifier too. I thought since it's difficult to wean off so why start it. like maro, my son only takes it when going to sleep. he won't look for it but he will make a lot of noise. when we pass it to him, he'll fall onto his bed and sleep almost immediately. after he fall asleep, we will take it out. I'm trying not to give unless he fuss alot.

angel : I'm not sure if it contributes to e slow development of e teeth but I doubt it. according to e dentist, babies are born with e teeth waiting to erupt. nothing will change it. even now their adult teeth are developing too. I think dana's teeth not ready to come out.

maro, jaime : I'm using e 'hour glass' straw cup from pigeon too. I prefer this to mag mag as the water won't leak like mag mag. but when we go out I use e munchkin bottle as e pigeon bottle is too small.

jaime : your boy doesn't like sweet drinks too? ju takes water, juice.. but doesn't take diluted juice. he'll spit it out. he doesn't take formula in straw cup but takes fresh milk in straw cup. not sure if he associates cold drinks with straw.

another thing to share from e talk : e dentist advise us brush their teeth before going to bed (not that they need to but to form good habit). also not to let them hold e bottle to sleep. they may take long to finish and even sleep with their bottle in their mouth. this will cause tooth decay.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning Mummies..</font>

yeap, shape like an hour glass.. agree with jule's mum better than mag mag, at least it wont leak.. i think it's a jap version cos cant get a pic from the Pigeon Website..

jules' mum,
my boy dont like to brush teeth le.. headache.. will try again.. :p the tooth decay i read before so everytime after his night feed, will feed him water, dont know will help or not.. hehe :p but sometimes he will fall asleep with the bottle (with water) in his mouth, not sure if this is ok?
RE: speech...
agree that also depend on individual too...

oh ya, my ger recently pick up hokkien from my in-laws... "bo"..."no more" in hokkien...
she will say it when her fav tv commercial is over or when she finish something...
so cute loh...

RE:Mag Mag...
i never experience leaking from it...
do try to align the white rubber thing...

RE: water bottle...
my ger have been drinking from her water bottle...(those normal cartoon characters one)
and outside drink from straws...
but not milk yet...
RE: pacifier...

think for #2 i am going to intro pacifier...

that time u bring ur #1 for mmr, u how many mth preggi with #2?
if no adverse problems ...
think will be on schedule for #1's mmr jab...
cos by then me 9mth liao...
jule's mum
be it diluted or not, any fluid my boy refuse to take except milk. thats y need to force feed him.

i agree with jule's mum &amp; maro, the mag mag cup does leak.
i gave my #1 MMR when i'm 6mths.
the mag mag got a small hole on top...so will leak abit...
if never topple and close proper will not leak like river...

my mil and sil dun know must align the white rubber thing and everytime they used theirs...
will sure leak big time...
and they everytime comment how come my magmag never leak loh...

ok, thanks for the feedback...
die liao...my boy sucking his thumb as a "pacifier" leh... sob...sometimes till got blister...how to wean off ah?

i tried giving pacifier..but he give me the disgusted look...

jamie...i tried giving my boy plain water using the "adult" method...meaning i drink from a glass and i let him sip...surprisingly he also follow...but if i put in his milk bottle...mostly he will reject...maybe u can give a try?
Oh yah, the Pigeon Mag Mag leaks. I have stopped using that 2 months ago. Now my girl is using the Munchkin Dora straw bottle. Leak-proof.
hey babyliss! I was about to look for you in regard to this. Have you decide where to send your bb to for cc? I have decided on Agape Little Uni at Blk 789 because it's the nearest to my house. I have tried to check out Wharton Junior Academy on a few sat but always cldn't get hold of the in-charge to tour the place. Anyway, heard that the fee is sky rocket high! How's tumble tot?
cloudme...same same...mine also suck onli when sleeping....
hai.... i pull out he gets angry... so i just let it be... =(

urs got suck till blister or hard hard de? the thumb?
Choc : I suck my thumb till very big. My thumb 1 big 1 small one. Hehe. That's the reason why my mum gave in to pacifier when she gave birth to my brother 5 years later. pacifier u can take away. Thumb u cannot chop off leh. (aiyo. phael will be so angry to know this aunty so bad. haha)

Kindermusik : Mummies, I have the time slots for program "our village" for toddlers. It's a 45min session with one accompaning adult. The fee for a trial class is $25.50. You can let me know the time slot u want or call them at before going down.

Mon 2.30pm
Tue 9.30am
Tue 10.30am
Tue 3.30pm
Wed 2.30pm
Thur 9.30am
Fri 3.00pm

Currently, I'm in the Monday 230 class with 3 other japanese toddlers.
hi mummies, any idea how we can 'prep' our little ones for childcare? i doubt by 18m she'll be able to feed herself well, although she keeps wanting to do it now, but very little food intake and mega mess! she also still cries while showering (running water over her head), takes 2 naps a day and drink milk while asleep. All these seem to be no-nos for childcare..

anyone went to Kindermusik before? one childcare i'm looking at ties up with them to provide 'enrichment' every week, but fees very high

many other centres i visited claims to do their own 'enrichment' and one i went to was playing kids music video from youtube to the kids! the 'teachers' are like super young, maybe not even finish their polytechnic education kind!

any mummies with recommendations of good childcare in Sembwang area?
Jaime : no prob.

Lynn : According to 1 of the cc, the kindermusik in cc is different from the one at their studio. I'm not sure of the program in cc.
lynn: coincidentally I was just speaking with the principal of Pat's Schoolhouse in the morning. She told me to only send Kayla to hald-day childcare (with enrichment classes) when she is 24 months or older (which was my intention anyway), and not younger than that as many kids find it hard to adapt at such a young age. She's got to pull out many kids who came in at 18 months as she feels they are not ready.
<font color="119911">esther_zhang ive yet to source ard for an ideal ccc as still contemplating on other alternatives. my utmost concern is my boy's readiness as well. i do know some mummies raves abt Cambridge Child Development Centre at limbang, the only down side i feel is it's near a kopitiam- 油烟(environment factors).

mamas are there any recommended center which provides cc &amp; presch available near west area?</font>
calamari, I also feel 18m a bit young to send to cc, but what to do, nobody to take care of her unless i extend my leave for another 6 months which will be very straining. I'm not sure but when I look at my niece, by 24m, she's super sticky to my sis. While she used to be more 'independent' she's now so super sticky and will cry even when my sis goes out of sight for a while.

Some principals of the cc i visited these few days even say should come in at 18m cos they're slightly more adaptable when they're younger.. but i think it will be more difficult cos they can't express themselves well yet and cannot understand as well as 24m. guess there's pros and cons at both ends, dunno which is the 'optimal' age to send to cc.
any babies recently going thru a screaming phase? has been happening for the past 2 weeks.. every little thing and he will scream.. super paiseh...

we went for gymboree trial last sunday and i was looking forward to the parachute portion where most mommies said their babies enjoyed.. wahlau.. mine screamed his head off lor!??! i dunno where to hide my face... sigh.. now every night also scream and cry before sleeping.. dunno what is going on..

ppl progress.. but this one seems to be regressing.. i've checked, but no molars erupting yet... hope this phase ends.. i got mj game tomorrow night.. need to 'relax' ;)
I guess there is really no optimal age when it comes to sending your child to CC. I will say send when you think she is ready at least when you feel that she could express herself well enough coz in CC when the teachers have to deal with a class of 12 tods... They will not have the time or patience to play the guessing game with your child. No matter how caring they appear to be when you visit the centres they will only allow a certain period of time for her to adapt and after that she is expected to join the class. Sad but true... coz when the teacher pays too much attention to one particular child all the time, its only a matter of time that the rest of the class acts up or someone else in the class acts up.
Re: thumb sucking

Jay loves to suck and bite his hanky when he is sleepy. No thumb but ultra attached to his hanky. If we pull it out after he is alseep, he could just wake up immediately.

Cotegr, Jay loves to scream too, esp if we are hvg our meals and he wanna eat too. He will even bang table. He is still small, otherwise we believe he will throw chairs too. *faintz*
mine the thumb have abit of skin harden liao...not really blister...

but i find if i can feed her full b4 her sleep...
she will just toss round and sleep w/o sucking of her thumb...
if she's not full, she will suck her thumb to sleep...
Cath: yah.. now i'm wondering whether we should have pushed harder with baby signing.. maybe if he can communicate with us, he won't be screaming and banging things all over the place..

mommies with signing babies - do you find that they are not so frustrated coz they can tell you what they want?
cote gr : my boy is signing baby. I do feel tat he's less frustrated cos he's able to tell us wat he wants. not sure if it's because of this so he dun see e need to talk. haha.
cloudme... sob sob...same liao lor...the thumb thumb not nice...so i trying to apply the dr lily aloe vera as my friend recommend and say is good for healing such "hard" skin...

ohh...for me i notice my boy hungry also will suck more violently... then if feed full full..he will suck too..but maybe not as violent ba... =(

cath... lol..i tink our kids need some stuff to self soothe ba...

cotegr...ME ME...my son always scream and pretend to cry in restaurant..so now i always prepare a box of biscuits...one hand let him try to take biscuit to eat..the other hand settle my own meal...

else is play some video and keep him occupied... hai...i understand how u feel...so paiseh rite...
Jule's Mum: that's so great! what signs can he do? i really wanted to start teaching.. but coz i'm not the primary caregiver, it's not easy to be consistent.. mine doesn't talk much either.. can only say mama, dada.. but if pushed to the max, he will shout "I DOWAN!" but so far only happened 4 times.. when he totally refused to drink his milk! dunno whether it's too late to start now..

choc: yah! i really dunno how to stop the 'pretend crying' also! i've tried distraction also.. but food doesn't work for me.. have to give him my chopsticks, spoon, book.. when will they understand "sit still and be quiet!" rofl!
Cote gr: I started signing since 6 months or so. I actually taught my maid so she will help me "remind" him. His 1st sign is All Done. Follow by Milk, More(want), thank you, eat, drink, please, play drum, hat, shoes, shower, umbrella, i love you, Open, Close, then the usual ones like bye, sorry, that (pointing), one ... I don't teach everything. I only teach him those I find he will use. I think it's not too late to teach. According to baby sign, the kids learn how to express themselves which aid them to talk. I haven't see this coming. but don't be like me k. He sign pratically everything that he dun see the need to talk. hahaha. you can try 1 or 2 words at a time. Keep doing the sign when you say the word. They will pick it up. Think Xav is also a signing baby.

pretent crying : Ju also like that. No tears one. My parents love to see the way he sign. They will bait him with biscuits make him do tons and tons of signs before giving him. Sometimes he do until pek chek then will pretend to cry lor.

Choc : My son's like Phael. As long as he has biscuits I can enjoy my dinner as long as i want. haha. But you think it's the correct way? That day I itchy backside feed him my teriyaki chix. Regret big time. He eat faster then me! Keep shouting for attention. I don't like to give him utensils cos he purposely drop on the floor then tell me "oh oh" ask me to pick up. My friend's gal will do scribbling. She prepares crayon and colouring books. i might try it.
Jules...Same same...i dun like to give him things to play..if i give those packet tissue..he will purposely drop on floor..then pretend to keep looking till i picked up..next moment..drop again...utensils worst..he hit n hit to create sound...so the noisy...then bored liao throw and ask me pick,....

so i onli give him biscuits and watch video lor...

oh ya..now i very careful when feeding him food i ate... tt time i remember i feed him cheesecake..coz he keep looking at me mah..so tot is ok to feed...the next moment the fork out..he vomitted all his porridge... haiz... smelly and messy...regret giving him tt...

so now onli feed those "safe" food..hahahaa

your boy so cute...still ohoh....aiyo..can become buddy
haha mummies. dominic also terror at restaurants and very embarrassing. we are limited to going to noisy, family-friendly restaurants so that it's too noisy to hear his antics - banging spoon on table and etc! everytime like to drop spoon, fork, toy on floor for us to pick up! we need to eat in shifts so someone eat and the other does baby sitting, then switch. v jialat! but whole week stay at home for meals also v jialat LOL
from my photography teacher, william.
anyone keen?
PM me

Course on Photographing Toddlers

Toddlers are fun to photograph. Toddlers are new to walking. Most children learn to walk around 9 to 12 months. But some learn much earlier than others. I think of a toddler as a child up to 2 years old.

As soon as they are able, children constantly explore their environment.

Because they move around so often and fast photographing them can be exasperating. The best photos you will get are likely to be candid.

Many parents are delighted with their photos they take for their children, because their minds and hearts are only seeing their beloved children. What they may not be seeing is the photo quality. They do not see that the photo itself is not doing justice to the children.

Helping you see your children through photographs is the goal of this course. You will learn to make photographs that show the genuine child, capturing a range of emotions and spontaneous moments that show delight, puzzlement and even stubbornness. Candid photos require great patience, lots of anticipation and shots, and a certain amount of luck.

This 2.5-hr course will provide you with 15 tips to create incredible portraits. The content covers equipment, composition techniques, background control, and how to make great pictures at playground, swimming pool and birthday party, just to name a few.

The fee is $35 per person, or $60 per couple. Concise course notes will be provided.

Class size is limited to 6 to 8 persons to be held at Blk 417, Bedok North Ave 2, #14-01 on 18 Jul 2.00 - 4.30pm or 19 Jul 10.00am – 12.30pm.
joelle... ur dominic also like tt ah... got once my hb get so fed up and tell me..can we eat like human for ONCE? hahahaaa...

then i ask him..u mean u eating like ghost now? hahahaaa.... haiz... terrors are terrors... mine is monster...

amy...yan yan be guai guai when u all eat? coz i see her..like a good girl girl...
Choc : u know wat my dad give ju at the restaurant or not... wanna die leh... he gave ju the waitress metal tray and metal spoon to play. i took it away he scream his head off. So angry.
haha..choc,jules mum and jo,
iz also like tat...somemore he go disturb pple @ the nxt table.. :s

norm we will go to places where is not crowded and the food will b serve fast so we eat fast also lo..
if the waiter or waiteress are not bz..they will play wif iz..so i can eat in peace
if not is 1 babysit,1 eat..like shift.
aiyoh. how come so similar to my boy too.. haiz
will scream if not giving wat he wants, at restaurant too, if give him will purposely throw, no pick up wil scream more.. super paisei.. taking shift during eating is common now.. but give him food also messy, cos he spit out sometimes and the floor wil be super dirty when we're leaving. i always say that restaurant 'suay' got us as customer, they hv to clean big times after we left.. haha..

oh another trick that davien likes to do, keep on looking at our neighbours table at restaurant (tilt his head to one side and innocently look and smile at ppl).. ppl bopian hv to play with him but some just ignore him, so poor thing le.. :p
Jules' Mum, my fil no any better. Gave my gal sealed sweet, spoon, plate, bowl, chopsticks.. whenever she threw on the floor, he will pick up and give to her again!!! Also keep letting her drink soft drinks... can faint lor...
aiyo.. all the same la. disturb the other table. Like wat Maro say, Some people will play with him la. Some find him noisy give me the kind of nasty look lor. Those neow ones.

oh! my boy got another weird habit. He love to poo when me and mu hubby having dinner outside. Very paisay lor. He will face the other table than gek. When i see it, i'll pull him towards me then he get angry. He like wanna let the whole world know he poo. hahaha. once I brought him out he dun wanna poo already.
