(2008/04) April 2008

Jule's mum, nana, Luann_mummy, Jamie: Thanks for the well wishes! Hope he recovers soon too and guess, he freaked out at the sight of nurses coming to him for fear of being injected or poke to put on drip and felt so insecure. Now he doesn't allow anyone apart from hubby and me to carry him.

Chewy: Luckily, he din get tired of it !! hahaha.. We are continuing at home when we put him on the neub. hahhaha.. He kinda get used to the monster mask !
<font color="119911">xavs_mummy,
nothing beats the home bed.. great to know Xav back home
lotsa of hugsss and kisses to mama &amp; Xav

calamari/ chewy,
oh gosh, thanks for reminding me.. im still sitting on the JG reg. form..
hope to cya, calamari &amp; kayla

yes chewy agree wif u.
acc to 'em.. there's no 'pao' get in by 18mois even i reg. now.. haa meanwhile will 'stuck' at GUG then

happy hunting for Elliot
Hi Xav Mummy

didn't check this thread for a while. Just saw that Xav was discharged from TMC 'chalet'? What happened? Hope he'll have a complete recovery soon and you can get some good rest too.
<font color="119911">xav_mummy, thanks thanks

we suspect he's hving some tooth sprouting time.. keep putting finger right to d back of his mouth, could be the big one coming. Pretty clingy over the wkends lor
Angel: Xav had viral and bacterial infection that cause him to have continuation of fever for a few days despite having taken the antibiotics, coupled with a bad cough which resulted in acute bronchitis.

Owen_mama: ooh.. so big one coming ! hugs .. distract him with some activities might make him feel more comfortable.
i can understand ur feeling. They put him on drip ,both hand bandage up? My boy was admitted few months back. Xav will recover very soon. U hear before, old people says each time when they are sick,when they recover they will become cleverer. U take care too, if not more and more people want to donate fats to you lor.

Hee, i still around. Still shopping in this forum. Still looking at ur facebook to see kalya once in a while. Hope my next one is a girl, so sweet, but not now. Oh, congrats on your second pregnancy. Super mummy..
Morning mummies

re: mmr
me decided to let my ger have her 15 jab liao...

agree wif mummies here
that the thread is for sharing ideas and sure will have ppl's thinking different from u...

RE:enrichment class
hmm, i haven't let my ger enrol in any of those classes...
seems that i have deprived her of this kind of enrichment classes....

maybe after i given birth to my #2...
then i make up to my ger...feeling so bad...
lovemum: Me no super mummy. Its more Kayla's super daddy + super granny haha.

cloudme: you counting down? How many weeks to go? What is 15 jab?
me counting down liao...
now i am 32wks liao...(got feeling he will be out early)
if #2 give me surprise than it will prolly be around 38wks...

but hope #2 will be like #1...hang around till 40wks...

15mth jab lar...guess too hungry just now ...
ate the "mth"...hahaha
Hi Xav_mummy, that must be such an awful experience for Xav, glad it's over now. Perhaps you can give him Sambucol to build his immunity? I've just started Dana on it few weeks ago on Maddy's Mum's recommendation. You take care ya?
cloudme, you have finally decided to go ahead with the MMR jab ar... I postpone mine cos i'm still in my 2nd trimester when the jab is due mid july.

I'm also guilty of not sending my gal to any enrichment course. Wanting to let her try out soon before sending her to childcare when she 18mths old. I'm concern more about the location so tumble tots is the ideal as I stay in CCK but I din see you ladies discuss about it so guess that's not popular...

Currently my gal is at home with my mom doing practically nuthing while I work. Think it's affecting her speech. Till now she still do not direct her "mama" at me.. =(

Anyone started toilet training?
Halo mummies,

is been awhile nv log in oredi, has been buz with work. Eshin is down with flu &amp; cough again, seem like he is hving it almost every mth, poor thing. Dun know how 2 prevent it also.

Xav_mummy: Hugz to Xav, hope he get well soon.
<font color="ff0000">cloudme</font>
wow so fast, u must be excited

<font color="0000ff">esther</font>
since tumble tots is near your place, maybe u can try out their gym class?

<font color="119911">juniorRain</font>
u may like to give some supplements to eshin to build up his immunity. i'm currently giving my boy childlife colostrum with probiotics &amp; manuka honey.
<font color="ff0000">lovemum</font>: One hand on drip, the other bandaged up to prevent him from pulling off the drip needle.

But somehow this nottie fellow pulled off on the second day. Luckily no need to poke again, they gave him injection instead. hahaha ..

Talking about fats.. I need them !!! hahhaha

<font color="ff6000">Angel</font>: Xav's been on sambucos for the past 3 weeks. After when he is fully recovered, I will restart him again.

<font color="aa00aa">Esther</font>: I only managed to get him sit on potty. Not much progress but after he pooed, he will point to his diaper to get our attention to change for him.

<font color="119911">Juniorrain</font>: Hugs to Eshin. Apart from givving supplement, maybe you can send Eshin for those baby massage to improve their immunity. I heard of one at Bt Merah. But yet to go and try.

Mummyfel: Is your litle one drinking from straw yet? So far, I have tried on and off to let Xav drink milk from his cup using yakult straws or if not i will use the pigeon mag mag for him. Hence, slowly doing away with bottles.
Hi Xavs Mummy,

Yes, Kiefer started drinking from Pigeon mag mag bottle at 9mths old. Now he upgraded to use water bottle with those thick straw.

Was wondering if I should pour his milk in for him to try? hmm... I guess I can start trying that soon.

1 more thing, has anyone wean off your child with the pacifier?
xavs mummy
at least xav still sits on the potty. bryan refused to sit but like xav, he will point to his diaper after he poo poo.

if u keen to go for massage (tui na), there's one at kembangan which is very popular. its much nearer for u compare to bt merah.
jamie, just checked the website and realised the trial lesson cost $45, raised from $23! Haha.. me like more concern abt own pocket and convenience than child's development.. tsk..tsk... But yalar, most probably will let her try out tumble tots soon.

xavs mummy &amp; jamie, both of you bought which brand for the potty? I'm still deciding between the seat to be placed on the real thing or kid potty... dunoe if shd spend abit more to get a reputable brand...
wow the trial fees almost double!!

my potty its those cheap cheap kind, no brand one lah
its pass down fr my #1. i also bought the 2-in-1 family toilet seat, my elder girl now uses it. probably will let my boy try when he's ready ba. now its really a challenge just to put him on the potty.
i feel a potty its just a potty, no need to get branded ones lor.
Mummyfel: think you can try that. Maybe you pour in half the amt at a time, incase he just wants to play with the straw.

Jamie: Are you referring to "Yu Guo". Prob you can give him something to distract him. hee .. I put him there every morning, be it he poo or not. Just to make it a habit for him.

Esther: hahaha.. mine's was from my Guo Da Li.. hahahha.. The traditional red kind of potty. hee

For me, I feel the same as Jamie, dun need to spend so much on potty. I normally dun give choices to Xav with regards to certain issues. It's a choice of whether if you wanna give the
kid to choose. hee.. But I do know of a friend who bought nearly all potty until her girl is willing to sit!
Hello mummies,
long time never login..

xavs mummy,
speedy recovery for Xavier.. meanwhile take care of yrself hor.. agree with nana, u're oretty slim.. *envious*

fast le.. u're in yr 8mths already.. all the way man.. the moment i think of confinement i very scared to get preggy.. haha.. :p

re: JG trial class
I have attended a trial in Mar, I'm impressed but the class for below 18mths are at weekdays but i've not signed up for any class yet.. haha.. maybe this lazy mummy should do something liao..

Anyway, the programme is as followed:
1. Play time
2. Singing
3. Arts &amp; Craft
4. Snack time
5. Music time
My boy enjoyed it very much.. i especialy like the snack time cos babies sit together and learn from each other.. but the arts &amp; craft was disastrous, v messy.. haha
Hi mummies,
I am from the June thread =). Saw that some mummies are interested in Kindermusik so just want to share my views. My ger just turned 13mths and she has been with kindermusik since 3wks ago. Last term, their theme was Dream Pillow, this term their theme is Cock-a-doodle. Yesterday was the 1st lesson of the new term, not too bad. Songs are associated with animals, teacher even uses puppets =). We bot a set of home materials and yest the teacher was reading from it. My ger has fun there and can see she is slowly adapting to class environment, not so scare of other kids and adults anymore =).

I would say Kidnermusik is better than Gymbroee in my own view because I brought my ger for the play and learn trial class on sat and the instructors there only manage to capture some kids'attention. Most of the time was spent on the gym equipments like slide, tunerals,balls etc. I would still prefer Kindermusik =).
esther my boy oso doing nothing much at home. now he cant even utter a single word. but i guess he will do it sooner or later. now babbling all the time but i don have any idea of what he is saying unless he is pointing to something. me staying at bp but shifting to cck soon, near lot 1 . looking for those playgroups which i can enrol him when he turns 18 mth. i prefer those like daily two or three hours kind. any to recommend?

thanks feifei for the feedback on kindermusik. is there other branch other than tanglin mall? like a bit far for me.
me wanting to start toilet training by hor my ger dun like the seat...
i bought the one put over the real seat...

xavs mummy,
i also got one from "guo da li" type of potty...
but hor hard to get my ger to seat...
btw, did u place water in the potty b4 letting ur boy seat over?

my niece lately then start calling her parents...she is 18mths now...all along she talk bb talk...
she talked to me alot but i can't understand her talk at all loh...
me think 1 reason is that her parents come home late(reach home around 9 or later) and didn't really read or sing to her so she didn't learn much...

meanwhile my ger start to call earlier 11mths or so...and speak more clearly...
bcos i will always read/sing to her b4 she sleep...

think parents played a part(interaction) in their speech loh ...
how are u and ur boy?
yup, so fast i am in my 8th mth liao...

ya...getting excited..
but wondering how to split myself into 2...?
cos need to share the love btwn #1 and #2...
estherzhang, cloudme: my PD also told me last month to postpone the MMR till Kayla is closer to 2 years old after I 'download' in Dec.
In fact just last month after she took her chickenpox jab, she stayed with my mom for 3 days before I brought her back just in case she has any pox outbreak after her vaccination which could have passed to me.
cloudme: think of it as not splitting the love between 1 and 2, my hubby says think of it as multiplying the love x 2, hehehehehe

As for speech, caregiver also plays an important part as they spend a good 8 hours or more with the baby. Glad to say my girl has a vocab now of about 50++ words
But then again every baby develop at their own pace. My girl only walks at 14 months. And eventually all will talk and walk!

jrrain: hope Eshin recovers soon..
mummyfel: yes she does for 1 or 2 syllable words
3 syllable words like 'banana', she will pronounce as 'A-nana!' And 'butterfly' is 'ter-ter fly'...so 3 syllable words still a challenge hahaha
wow! That's fast! My boy still doesnt know how to talk..except babbling ahh...eeee.... daddy...ma...ma...

That's all, but he knows the meaning by signing to us.
mummyfel: I think girls generally could be faster in speech. Think by 2 years old, all will be more or less equal in vocab liao...
Hi calamari, how do you train your gal in speaking? had been training her for few mths le, only yesterday then she said banana as "nana".
that means after i download then can bring my ger to have MMR huh?
ok...can consider also cos going to use the same PD for #2...

but hor my sil also bring my niece for MMR when she preggi too leh...

for speech...
both my niece and my ger is looked after by the same caregiver (granny and aunt)...

so thats why i feel parents interaction is very impt in their speech loh...
Maro: thanks for the well wishes
hahaha.. I envious you, you envious me.. Never ending heh !

Cloudme: yup. I do put a little water in it before letting him sit. Easier to clear the poo poo away. Hee..

Re: Speech

Xav still blabbering away.. hahhaa.. He recognises objects though when I asked him like train, wheels, birds etc.

The only thing he can "say" is tar. His way of saying Star .. hahahha.. And his way of saying water is Ber ber.. He develops this himself so I go along with him.
violet: hmm, more of my mom cos she is her caregiver in the day. She reads to her everyday and whenever she speaks with her, she will ask questions. E.g. This is a butterfly. Can you say 'butterfly'? Then somehow my daughter will try to pronounce the word. Then keep revisiting the same words everyday so they will remember. Also whenever she asks for something, my mom will make sure she asks her "what must you say?" ...then she has to say "please" before my mom gives her the thing. And after giving her, my mom will ask her, "..and you must say..." then my daughter will say "thank you". I guess TV in a way also help. She watches Hi-Five, Yo Gabba Gabba and Dora in the morning so she picks up certain words. Some are not very good words though...like "oh man!" from Dora...oops.
<font color="0000ff">xavs_mum</font>
yup, its Yu Guo. hv not tried though but heard its really good.
hv tried to distract bryan but the minute i put him down the potty he start to scream!! i gave up liao.

<font color="ff0000">cloudme</font>
for me, i will spend time with my #1 when #2 is napping, esp for the 1st few mths, newborn sleep alot. if both awake, let them play together, u will be surprise that both share a special bond. dont worry, when the time comes u will know how to manage lah. its not that stressful
Haha.. Calamari, your gal so clever and polite. I did try to train my gal to say XIE XIE or asked her to name out the food i'm gng to give her, but she just refuse to say and by all means want the thing in my hand. My gal best word is TA TA (beat beat) :p
cloudme : we speak and sing a lot to julian leh but he still dun talk. like wat calamari mentioned, we also ask him questions he'll either do e sign or ignore us. the only time we can get him to talk is when he wants biscuits from us. I feel bad like trick him to say. maybe boys talk later lo. then again my friend's boy started talkin at 10 months. I think depends on individual la.

potty : jaime, ju's like ur boy. he will cry when get him to sit on potty. like going to murder him. after he poo he'll do e smelly sign then we change diaper lo.

milk bottle : I tried giving ju milk in straw cup. he'll spit it out and drink much lesser than with bottle. maybe must change slowly la.

pacifier : I wanted to wean him off now but without it it's difficult to get him to sleep. i tried a few nights without it. just to share, i was at a talk. a dentist told us to wean off around 2+. by then usually they dun want already. but dun over use e pacifier. he also mentioned pacifier won't affect kids teeth development. will only affect if e kid still sucking it at age 6 or 7.
i'm fine.. my boy is good too, just starting to walk and had a hard time chasing him when outside cos they are very curious right now..

ya.. already given up to lose weight.. haha.. happy can liao

re: talking
my boy also dont know how to talk yet, blabber a lot but all make no sense yet except: neh neh (for milk), yday new word 'no more' (suppose la).. haha..

your mum is really great. wish my mil can be that hardworking.. but thanks for the tips, gonna to teach my helper that, then we parents can practise again with baby at night..
jules' mum,
thanks for the reassurance regarding the pacifier.. i gave up weaning the pacifier.. like winter has advised me, wean off when they understand you maybe after 2, rather than by letting them cry.. he cry u sim tia, then all cant sleep :p

i tried last mth, i hide the pacifier and he cried. i ignore, he cried non-stop and in the end i relent but i try again the next day. the funny thing is that he knows where i keep the pacifier and went to look for it.. haha
so suan le, will try again when he is bigger.. :p
jules' mum: haha, my girl also wont drink anything from the straw other than water. Think she associates straw with water taste only.

violet: hehe, soon lah...it comes with practice ;)

Maro: hhehehe i will go and sing praises to my mom tonight, make her happy wahahah...
Yap yap, Calamari. I need to work extra hard in reading and talking more proper sentences to her le.

Jule's mum, thanks for the info. At least now i need not crack my head on how to whine my gal off her pacifier. Hope she can slowly get rid of it when she enters childcare center.

jule's mum / calamari

at least your little ones know how to drink fr straw already. my boy is far from it. only drinks fr bottle &amp; milk ONLY. refuse to drink any fluid, be it water/ barley or juices. everytime hv to force feed him
