(2008/04) April 2008

leo mom me keen in the aqua duck swim trial. do email me if you mommies are starting one

calamari, now got BP for the iron-on stickers, but something like $38 as opposed to the estimated $22 or something like tat. I bought from overseas spree from this website last time, and the BP price for wall decals was and is still much higher lor..
esther, i have one of those cups, super cute but Adel didn;t know must drink from the longer end. Most times she'll just drink from the shorter end which defeats the purpose. She can drink from our normal cup without spilling much already, only not very good at holding it without slipping as she tilts the cup, so the handles will definitely help..
Thanks Lynn for sharing. Think I will not buy it then. =)

Anyone giving Pedisure Complete to your child. Can it replace the formula? I'm quite puzzled about the instruction on using cold water...
Hi Violet,
Are u tending to yr child solely ?

What stock wud u use ? Is a special one recommeded for their age ...?

Thanks for yr encouraging words of which i must agree now after a guy swimming at the pool with his preschooler told me yday to take it easy when he saw me walking my son along the poolside with his arm-held hands... i sense the panic in me at that point of time getting him to start walking asap... thus i reconcile with yr words that is ultimately parents to shower them with the right attention, love and importantly patience, yeah. heaps thanks - RAR
sorry,.... it should be to Jaspire :
Thanks for yr encouraging words of which i must agree now after a guy swimming at the pool with his preschooler told me yday to take it easy when he saw me walking my son along the poolside with his arm-held hands... i sense the panic in me at that point of time getting him to start walking asap... thus i reconcile with yr words that is ultimately parents to shower them with the right attention, love and importantly patience, yeah. heaps thanks - RAR

Do you know how i cud help son to talk and utter to two-syallabus words... is signing good for him ? any other ways of teaching him the right method to speak better ?

Yap. I'm the one looking after my gal but sometime my mum will come over my hse to play with her.


Thanks for yr advise. I think i'm just very impatient to wait for my gal to speak. heee.. Sometimes she just get into my nerves by crying non-stop with no sign of what she wants. :S
where you mummies get your CB Bubble bath? spree or locally? feel like getting one but spree takes forever.. anywhere to recommend for reasonable price?
I am giving yan pediasure. Pediasure is more 'filling' coz it has more calories compared to normal formula. Its supposed to be that per ml is 1 calorie if you mix as per instructions. So its targetted at picky eaters who dun eat enough. So if you mix say 220ml for a feed it will have 220calories. Some parents feel that it won't hurt to replace formula but some parents use it as a supplement. For me, i am afraid of overfeeding so i only give yan 2 feeds of pediasure per day. The other 2 feeds for the day i feed her enfagrow. For me my decision is coz when she starts to eat more and eat better, i will stop giving her pediasure coz i feel that a variety of solid food for her will be better than supplementing her with pediasure. Just my two cents...
maro: thanks! i also saw this BP, but collection is so long.. sian.. haha! i'll try calling brown rice paradise @ tanglin and see how much more expensive it is..
Jules' Mum: Think you dun need to worry bout Ju's speech. X is also still not talking !! Only blabbering.. lol..

RAR: Welcome ! I'm a SAHM too
Each baby develops at different pace too. My boy now 15 months also, cannot even speak yet. Slowly ya, you never know that they are silently building up their vocab
cote - the CB at tanglin mall more ex than bp

RAR - welcome. me also SAHM. leo's 14 months n also not talking yet. it's ok. dun stress. they'll be talking back to us b4 you noe it! LOL
amy : I intend to supplement 1 milk feed with Pedisure too.
wat flavour u give yan? dun have plain one right?

any mums have this prob? ju will be extra sticky during e night. me and hub wanted to go out. he cried so hard I stayed back and hub went alone. his main care taker is e maid. afternoon she could make him sleep but not during e night.

u are not alone. every night ONLY ME can put my boy to sleep, he doesnt want anyone. if i'm not around, he would rather cry himself to sleep without taking any milk!
hi everyone! i'm new here..also SAHM. my son's 14 months and is still breastfeeding and co-sleeping with me. Am getting worried that he'll still sleep be in my bed when he's 4 or 5... Is it too late to train him now? In between he's also slow talker, just mama, dada.. have not yet given him MMR jab cos scared it can cause autism...
jaime : yesterday was so bad! scream n shout. never seen this before. like tat how to go out... cannot pak tor with hubby already. haha. he wants either of us. everytime we go out maid will tell me he cry but didn't know he cry for 90 min!

janine : hi. i'm ftwm with quite flexi hours. my son is 14 months. it's not too late to train him sleep on his own bed. in fact I just trained my son 2 months ago. he needed to fall asleep on our bed. my friend encouraged to train him now since he's young. her daughter still co sleeping with her at 4 yrs old. regarding mmr, I'm considering to take separately. actually my pd told me mmr not proven to cause autisum. he gave it to his daughter. but if we are uncomfortable, we can take individually. he told me measles most important.

amy : ok. thanks. may supplement him 1 feed a day.
welcome, i'm also sahm with 2 kids. i tik its still not too late to train your child. my younger son also sleeps with me in the same room but in his own cot.

jules' mum
hub & me hv not pak tor for a very long time liao since my #1 is here. i guess will hv to wait till he's much older then we can hv some time of our own. haiz ... parenthood
Thanks Amy for your 2 cents worth. ;) Shall supplement 1 meal during noon time. Found it abit sweet. Bought the Golden Honey and Chocolate favour.
thanks for yr recipe...


Hi gals,... SAHMs . Maybe we cud meet one day for a little gathering to chat and share more, yeah.? - RAR

Hi Mummies,
My son will usually point to my bed to sleep after his night-time milkfeed but i will usually transfer him to his cot after 2hrs on my bed which he will be adapted to accept then and thus sleep till the next morning. Btw, cud i ask how many hours usually wud they nap in the noons and how many hours overnight they wud be into their dreamland...? cos my son will retire to bed ususally on a fixed schedule daily at about 8.30-9pm and awakes between 7-7.30am with a noon nap of about 1.5 to 2hrs... each day.... Care to share more with me, mummies...?? His weight seems a little stagnant after turns 10mths old since... very slow indeed. HOw many mths ? & What is yr child height and weight now ?? I am quite concerned on his growth chart.... lets catch up more then. hr frm u gals - RAR

Help! I am kind of bored staying home since the swine outbreak and esp is rampant nowadays... we fear to be out on malls and many outings... Are there any good and suitable places ideal for our 15mths old kid to have fun in at this point of time ...? Any suggestions for me. Thanks ! - RAR
Jule's mum: hahaha.. wait till he sleeps already then you can go park tor. That's what I did occasionally, our secret date starts 10 pm ! hahaha..

RAR: sure ! Can always meet up for tea ya !

Xav is 15 months plus, with height of 79.5cm, weight 10 kg, just managed to hit the 50 precentile.

Sleep timing is almost the same as your boy. Just that Xav naps twice a day. Each nap about 1 and a half hour to 2 hrs. Woke at 6.30am after he was discharge from the hospital. So now I follow his wake time and try to get him to sleep earlier.

it would be great to meet up for gathering & catch up! my boy is coming to 16mths, height abt 85cm & weigh 11kg.

nowadays he also only hv one nap ard noon time which is abt 2.5hrs. he sleeps at 9pm & i will wake him up for diaper change & milk at 6am. will sleep again & wake up ard 8.30 or 9am.

my pd said usually after 1yr their weight gain will be very slow so dont worry.
wow.. my baby seems to be sleeping really little compared to the rest.. day naps total max is 2hours.. usually 1.5hr.. i try to put him to bed by 8pm.. but sometimes he will only sleep at 830pm.. and gets up at 630am on the dot.. i wonder if there's an alarm i don't know about in his room... don't understand why he always get up at the same time everyday..
hi hi all.

has anyone been to vivocity for d baby photo contest? strongly recommended you to bring your babies there. its v fun. they've some baby gap clothes tt your child can put on for d short photo shoot. and you get to collect a free photo print out.

just go to huggies booth. the ladies there are v helpful too.
Today went to PD for Adel's 2nd prenavar jab, at 14 months only measured to be 70cm, 8.15kg

PD is worried abt her being so short and has referred us to do some testing, so worrying.. I dunno why her skirts and dreses are looking shorter and she's reaching higher places but the measurements are simply not showing. But she is definitely on the short side though, just that evey 0.5 or 1cm would make her chart look better..

My niece was also on the small side, i believe almost the same statistics as Adel when she was at this age. But neither me nor my hubby can be considered short, and my sis is even taller than me but both our girls are short.. Hiaz I remember my sis fretting over it, now my turn has begun..

My girl is 14 months and 5 days old, but my PD has already done the 15-18 month assessment (age written as 15 months on the assessment), and all her growth charts are also plotted for 15 months, seems like a mistake but i was already too distracted by the request to send my girl for checks until i didn't realise until we've left her office.. Heng on her assessment only one box is checked 'no', if not then will seem like she has failed her test lol.. maybe should with my PD again what is climb up several steps without holding onto a person, cos my girl can manage like 3 steps up the stairs holding onto railings before getting scared and demanding to hold my hand instead..

very depressing day..
lynn cheer up cheer up. kids grow at different rate. don stress yourself out. happy parents=happy kids.
smile smile. its still weekends. so must enjoy before we go to work on monday.
cath, thanks my mood totally spoilt manz.. so retail therapy today lor, bought books from borders (go download 30% off) and then collected part of a playhouse from a mummy. silly me forgot to measure the car the panels too big to fit.. headache now.. impulse buy cos the other day my girl so happy playing in the playhouse at the store, cried so hard and drama mama when we had to leave, so hubby agreed to buy one even though we have no space in our house for one!

just measured my girl sleeping, from head to heel 73cm leh, why PD's nurse only got 70cm? my girl did put up a fierce struggle every time she's being measured though, only before 6 mths she was very cooperative..
Thanks Jamie, Jules' Mom and Leo's Mom, it's so comforting to know i'm not alone... Will also be checking about individual jabs, thanks for that!

Lynn, I think head to heel measurement can be difficult to measure cos maybe she was bending her knee which makes her appear shorter on that day? On another note, I found my son growing much taller since I started giving him cheese everyday. My only concern now is his head diameter which is small... they say big = high IQ.
RAR, meeting up will be great for all SAHMs. I've been so bored at home. Sometimes I wish to go back to work.. but cant bear to leave baby behind.
Corte Gr : My son's like that too. His internal clock will ring at 630! His usual bedtime is 830-9. I tried delaying to 10. Also wake up at 630. But good thing is he will play by himself till about 7 before waking us up.

Lynn : I think the measurements in the clinic is not accurate. Ju measured last week and he was 73. I doubt it cos he doesn't look that short. He also struggled when trying to get his measurements. His head was not straight, abit tilted, and the nurse just pull his legs to take the readings.

Xav mum : by the time he sleep we tired already la. how to pak tor. Haha.
pigeon mag cup- ask another mummy why hers not leaking and mine leak like crazy... she show me there is a white plastic cap in the bottle. need to put in.

maid lost it so bought another new one but i got the munchkin bottle.. test it not leaking.
on weight and height.. same same my son not growing much.. used to 95% percentile.. now drop to 70% percentile.

reason too active + maid feed him less for 2 mths. (porridge too watery and lesser too).

but dr say.. they should but on 200gm per month starting from 1 yr old.

now my son, after shower.. with no clothes on. his head v big and body v skinny.. can see all his bones.
Hi Hi to all SAHM,

I'm also fine to meet up one day. Has been thinking for that since long long time ago but didn't have the chance.

So when wanna meet? =)
Hi Xav,Janine,violet, mums...
sure we cud have a little gathering...kp me posted ...

Yr boy is pretty tall cos ryan is only abt 81cm and have same weight at abt 11kgs as well... His head circumference is pretty big of which i cant remember the figure though but a truly consosled when u mentioned that big head = high IQ cos it have been a big worry to me. Hahah i am flattered and relieved and hopefully is true hor.. ? Thanks for the equation though.

Hi Lyn,
Cheer up... cos my my niece when young is very tiny and short. My sister used to worry so much during her slow growth sprout for being very short and small built for her age then... but guess what time outgrows their built whereby she is now so big and tall that i found it unbelievable too... u take it easy and worry not, yeah. Tc! - RAR

I am unsure... some of the postings showed that yr tot sleep pretty much compared to ryan's as he only have a total nap hrs of 1.5 to 2hrs at noon only... well i have read about this healthy and happy baby sleep hours which was guided at about at least 11hrs sleep overall wud be least sufficient for a day rest for age up to 2yrs old...? Do any of your tots here sleep on "yao-lan". I am now stucked with this knotty problem to help him overcame the habit of napping in yaolan instead on bed or cot... cud anyone have similiar experience to share ....? Thanks.
Lynn: don't worry... at which percentile is she at height and weight for her age? Anything more than 10% or less than 90% should be fine. Kayla's growth also very slo-mo kind. 73cm and 8.8kg. Adel sure looks bigger leh...is she eating well now?
Re: food
I am running out of ideas for Kayla's meals. Currently she alternates rice, pasta, noodles and kway teow with all kinds of veg and meat. Any other ideas for lunch and dinner meals?
hi mommies, currently ivan is going through "back to basic" for almost 1 week. he is refusing all kind of solid food and wants nothing but milk. is any baby going through this phase? since his rejection of solid food, i have changed his milk to pediasure. but not sure if it is nutrious enough for him. can anyone advise?
jules mum: yah! i tried that too! sleep later at 9 plus 10pm, but he still wakes up at 630.. and he doesn't play on his own.. immediately call us to go over and get him.. sigh.. he's our alarm clock now.. ;) was just telling my hubby.. dunno when we can go back to waking up at 11am again.. ha!

calamari: wow! kayla's eating a wide variety already! is she picky or bored of her food already??

lynn: 15 months can walk up steps already?? i dun think mine can either leh.. hehe.. climb up considered?? he can climb all the way up 3 floors..

we haven't brought for 15 month checkup yet, so dunno how his weight and height will be.. but my hubby and i are not very tall, so i'm not expecting baby to be above average.. maybe if don't expect too much won't be disappointed.. :p
