(2008/04) April 2008

i'm sure u've set a routine for him, but if bb unexpectedly keeps breaking the routine on his own accord, what can we do? LOL ;)

lately, my boy wakes up twice rather than his usual one milk feed. so when he wakes up the second time at around 6am, we give him 2 oz of water. the surprising effect is that by 7.30am, he does a morning poop! i think it is something like the cleansing effect of a glass of water first thing in the morning @_@

mornings mummies!

princess-j: its call yin (silver in chinese) yu.

ah Byron is having all the same symptoms as all of your babies too. He is taking less milk, or rather i have less milk for him and he is not taking to FM very well. He is always looking for something to grind and will latch on longer, he bite me more often too! And he loves to throw things on the floor and wait to see our reaction!!
morning mummies...

Feel so guilty. Julian cried so hard yesterday. I tried to pacify him but he just couldn't stop. I scolded him and left him alone. My maid saw him crying so she picked him up and tried to pacify him. At last, he calmed down. After my shower, I went to see him. He stretched out his hands like want me to carry so i carried him and he did something that really melted my heart. He actually put his face next to mine with his mouth open like kissing me! I felt bad for scolding him.
Julian's milk intake is lesser and lesser! it's only 560ml yesterday! Like bryon, he's also biting alot. He rejected his pacifier and rather bite the plastic part. either that or he will put the pacifier in his mouth and pull it out hard and repeatly. He love to throw things on the floor and make us pick up. Hope it's a phase that babies going through and hope it will pass quickly.

I dunno if i'm sensitive or wat but my maid saw it too. Then i told him how sad i was when i scold him.. kinda reason with him, dunno whether he understands or not la. Haha. then i told him again.. "kiss mummy"... he actually did that action again. Really so touching. then i kept asking him to kiss me. Hahaha
From Jgal.
Okay.. i bought 20 tubs of Calendula cream from Ima. Anyone wants? $17.55 per tub. Please make your transfer as you put your name in (DBS Saving plus 001-1-053838 )
1.mifi x 1 (paid $17.55.21/10/08)
2.maomi x1 (can pass to winter?)
3. puffiet x2 ($35.10 - Trans Ref 1942470627 )
4. choc tge x 1 Reference 1941587698
5. jules' mum x2 (ref. 1943111828, 2 x 17.55 + 1.50(top up for blanket) = $36.60)
6. maomi * 2 (still available?)
Speaking of milk intake, mine was really little. I am considered lucky if she can take 500ml a day. And now, I only pump once a day.... I think will soon end one hee....
My BM is almost clear though, and little Maddy seems to prefer FM.

Ignoring or giving your son the cold shoulder can make matters worse.
Babies cry cuz that's the only way they can communicate. If you leave him to cry/scream his heart out, he'll start wondering where mommy is and why she's not there for him.

Your son may 'cry it out' and fall asleep eventually, but he'll do so with a feeling of hopelessness cuz nobody came to him when he called.

It's not easy to come running whenever baby cries, moms are human and have limits.
I do not advocate the 'cry it out' method, but even I am not always able to tend to Ethan's every wish cuz there are times when he can be impossibly demanding.

I let him whine/complain when I know he's just having a fit but when it escalates and his cries get panicky, I go to him.
Like you said, your son only needs to be cuddled so cuddle him. The sooner an unhappy child is pacified and attended to, the easier it is to calm him down. You may also discover that he will be less clingy, resulting in a more secure child.

This in a nutshell, is what I've learnt from 'The Science of Parenting', one of the best, most practical books I've ever read on parenting.

To all mommies,
This is a heartwarming checklist of 'Tips from your Baby, With Love'.
Hehe...just something to share. Baby Kayla has mastered 5 actions haha.

- Sayang (she will move her head towards me and rub my face to my chest wahaha)
- hi-5 (hit hands)
- bye bye
- full full (rub her tummy)
- clap hands.

Hehe, all thanks to my mom's training.
Calamari, wow...so impressed.
Mine i think can say ma ma...but cant confirm its mummy or mum mum (food) and do hi-5 (depending) on his mood.
is maddy is teething?
For my girl, the last round her milk intake reduce was due to her teething.

calamari, kayla is so clever!
Charis only know kiss kiss and beat beat..
cherish/vonn: i think my mom is so bored at home with her haha. Cos she used to be working FT. This is really a big change for my mom, thank God she is taking care of my daughter. So she is very on the ball teaching Kayla stuff, like flashing GD cards to her, playing with her, teaching her actions so that when hb and I come back from work, we will be happy to see that Kayla has learnt something new, hehe. Awwww, what should i get for my mom for christmas? hehe.
tsukushi: yup !! For someone like me who hardly step into the kitchen. This blender is an easy one to start with.

Jules Mum: Julian's so sweet to know how to do that !!

Re: Teething
Xavier's first tooth might be erupting anytime. The whitish appearance on his gums is more obvious and I can feel the sharp and hard edge. hee.. so excited and scared at the same time (fear that he bites sme during latch on)

Vonn: Xavier is only clingy to e during meal and bed time. Last night, he cried when hubby tries to put him to sleep and he cried, at the same time watching me leave the room. Keep screaming until hubby brought him to the kitchen and pass him to me, he quickly open his arms when he saw me. After I take over, then he smiled. hahaha.. Hubby culdn't do anything.

Re: Slow cooker
Mummies uing sow cooker to prepare porridge. Any recommendations of which brand to buy ?
Good on Kayla!

Ethan can sayang, hi-5, and reach for and grab what he wants. And he kept saying 'oh oh' while playing this morning.

He's also made 'ma ma' sounds, and he looked right at me while saying it!
Haha so of course I want to believe that he was indeed calling out to me
thanks Diva...guess sometimes i'm so tired (work, cook dinner, clean etc) tat i kinda "shut off"...so guilty now..Awarded the Most Terrible Mummy!...Sorry darling!!

You lucky thing!
It's great that your mom is happy and willing to care for Kayla and take an active role in her life.

Aside from me, my dad is Ethan's other main babysitter. He's 'kong kong's' little darling

My dad loves to talk to him and teach him new tricks, hehe he was the one who taught Ethan to hi-5. Really gotta hand it to my dad.
The only thing he doesn't do is clean poopy diapers!

My mom on the other hand, is always running out of the house. She's still got too much of her own life to settle down and play grandmother full time.
diva: i guess so. Sometimes I feel bad that she has given up her job to take on this full time nanny role. Sigh.... But nowadays she has been bugging me about No.2 so that she can justify her leaving her previous job more! :p
Calamari - u are very lucky! Your mum is doing a great job.

My boy so far can only do Hi-5.

Re : Crying
My MIL is not incline to carrying, often leave my boy there to cry his heart out, cause SIL's verdict is that my boy is spoilt
Maddy's Mum,
If u r getting Ergo can let me know cos I'm thinking of getting one too. Seldom post here cos I'm always too slow to catch up as this thread moves v fast but have been learning things here silently ;p

My bb also 6 mths n feeding quite little...now giving her 2 tsps rice cereal wif 30ml milk, one meal onli. Her wt is just 6.2kg, PD said gotto give her more.

How's your maid situation? My maid is awful, am in the midst of looking for a replacement.
Did your mom quit her job due to an untrustworthy maid or simply to spend more time with Kayla?

Parents make better grandparents, as they say

You're very blessed if you and your mom are on the same page when it comes to parenting Kayla

I think my mom would laugh if I wasn't around and I asked her to flash cards at Ethan.
My son can't even finish his 1tsp of rice cereal today.
he is also 6.2kg. PD didn't ask me to give him more la cos I think he dun wanna stress me. Hate it when I see relatives and they comment.. hey! why ur son so skinny, u give wrong formula milk? ur formula milk not good... u never force him... last time my son this my son that... Cannot tahan.

Ya. I envy Calamari too.
My mum wants her freedom thus dun wanna help me and my mil is busy taking care of my brother in law's kids. So, little Julian is left with the maid till I get home from work.

no 2 babies same leh. Even if they are siblings, their character will be different ah. Ur sil's baby very guai? My parents always tell me... it's better I have a naughty boy then have a boy too guai then I'll be more worried. Dunno if they trying to comfort me or not la. Haha.
Wow.. all the babies are so fast learning stuffs.. davien is still far far away.

he'll only cry if he sees me in the hse but not carrying/ playing with him.

agree, think read somewhere (or some mummy share at this thread b4) not to let baby cry for too long, it will not be good for his development. my mil always says we've spoilt him but who cares.. our only son.. hehe..

really envious, dont think my mil can do that. even ask her to play the DVD for my boy also difficult, haiz.. anyway, think u can award yr mum with 2nd bb. hehe.. or sponsor her for a holiday so that she can enjoy a break..
Princess (baby08) ,

my bb also ard 6kg, 6.1kg to be exact. when i asked pd, he said ok for her to be on small side cos her birth wt only 2.5kg. but i think she got to eat more. anyway, got to try!!!
Re: Crying

is scientifically proven not to leave bb crying ...attend to them immediately when they wail. coz if leave them crying, they will alway cry n cry for attention nxt time no matter wad they want...crying become a habit instead of a need
wow, kayla so clever!
My mum & dad oso taking care of my boy & my nephew(2mths gap), i dun think they hv the time 2 teach them cos they are super buz everyday with 2 infants, I think is very tiring for them so I nv requested them 2 teach.

My co is oso very generous cos they r give 6days CCL tis year.
RE: New Childcare Leave Scheme

Mummies, I checked this morning. My co only gives <font color="0000ff">5 days of childcare leave (including 2 days of leave which need not predicated on any condition i.e. child illness)</font>. So when some of you mentioned your companies gives 3 or 6-days, it is for child sick leave or childcare leave (dun have to be supported by child MC)? Anyone can enlighten?

Diva, just saw the FP Royal Potty on 20% discount at Metro Causeway Point but didn't check the price. Looks cool though, has music!

Prawnie, the slow cooker I'm using is 'Takahi' brand, 0.7L. I used it to cook my 1st ever porridge for Dana y'day evening

Calamari, baby Kayla is indeed very fortunate to have so much guidance and stimulation from her granny. All those actions are not easy for a 6-mth old, she's such a fast and intellient baby
Here's the porridge which I cooked with the slow cooker yesterday, very smooth texture after 4 hours, no need to mash/puree before feeding

I tasted some myself, quite yummy actually but Dana only takes few mouthfuls before she started to fuss
but it's a good start, her 1st time eating porridge!

3 day or 6 days is for child-care(w/o the support of child MCs)

my co. is giving 3days per the MOM website and 6days from next year onwards...
my co will not que us on the use of CCL cos it is rule by law...
Angel, the photos you posted are always so nicely taken and even edited to include wordings! What software do you use? Is it difficult to edit? My hubby knows, but hor... to wait for him to edit seems to take ages. So thinking of learning how to diy.

BTW, i see liao oso want to eat... so yummy lidat!
diva: my maid has improved quite a bit after a 3 hour lecture by me and hb wahahahah! By nature, I am a very 'ngiao' person. I don't trust maids to take care of babies, so I had to negotiate with my mom lor. Besides, I would think next to myself, grannies would be the next best person to take care of my baby. Maid is there just to help my mom with the carrying of water/bathtub, heat up milk etc, and my housework.

My coy only gave us 2 days CCL this year

angel: your porridge looks so yummy! Must use slow cooker to cook this? I haven't tried making porridge yet. What rice/grains do you use? Can we use Royal Umbrella rice? *blur*
Re : CCL
My company gives 3 CCL (prorated) + 2 childsick leave (must provide child's mc)...so total 5days, same as Angel one.
ergo carrier
beans (keen but need to try it out on matty first)

anymore please add on :>

I'm just like you. I do not and cannot trust my maid with Ethan, I'm very demanding and expect my maid to do exactly as I do, which I suppose can be seen as ridiculous. But what to do, I am this way.
For all I know, it'll be the same with the next maid. I will be 'ngiao' and insist on doing everything myself again

My mom is not prepared to be Ethan's 'nanny' and I don't want to ask too much of her either. And since I can't entrust him to a maid, I've got to stay home and do it myself.

Right now, my maid's job is to do housework and assist me. I do everything, she just helps and follows my instruction. She does not look after Ethan.
My mom has told me how ridiculous she thinks this is, that a maid should be looking after the baby too. But I just can't let her do it lor.

Anyway she's proven herself to be quite unreliable, cannot follow simple instructions, cannot listen properly, what else is there?

Hubby and I have given her lectures but not 3 hours long, maybe should try your way and see how :p
Koori &amp; Angel

both of your co so good. then next yr will be 6CCL and 2childsick leave?

my co got award for good benefit but nv give us 3 or 6 days. only 2 days only.

I'm new here
I also started my boy on porridge today. Same like angel, My boy only took a few mouthful of the porridge that my mom cooked using slow cooker. A bit sad that he doen't like it but guess have to keep trying. Also used "new" rice to cook and add sweet potatoe and fish...
Jaspire, my hubby is freelance photog, so he takes the photos and I do simple editing using Adobe PS (photoshop)

Calamari, I used slow cooker cos I dunno how much water if I use the thermal pot. I didn't get the chance to buy the 'new rice' so I used out 'Song1 He4' fragrant rice. Heard Royal Umbrella is a bit hard.

<font color="0000ff">Simple Baby Porridge</font>
1 Chinese tablespoon of rice
1 tbsp of cubed potato and 1 tbsp of cubed carrots (or any other vegs/meat)
Water = 1 cup (250ml) of ikan billis stock.
Let it boil in Slow Cooker for 3-4 hours

Btw, brought Dana to doc again this morning cos her runny nose and cough doesn't seem to heal. Doc suspects she's allergic to our dog
Says if we don't remove the allergen, Dana will prob have this allergy rhinitis on long term basis and we'll have to see doc every month. In serious cases, may even develop into asthma
but my dog has been with me for 14 years, can't bear to give it away. *dilemma*

I asked if can add 'Threadfin' or (Ngoh Fish) into bb's porridge, she says sometimes it may induce phlegm so ask me to wait till 7-8 mths. Then we visited Cold Storage, and the manager told us that <font color="0000ff">Ngoh Fish = Wu3 Yu2 = Threadfin = Kurau</font> (malay name).
my MIL is of the "cannot cry at all" school. she picks him up immediately when he fusses. she even watches him sleep, so that she will pat him back to sleep immediately if he stirs! LOL I know cos my maid tells me she and ah-ma take turns to watch boy sleep LOL
ergo carrier
beans (keen but need to try it out on matty first)
cherishbebe (can try first?)

anymore please add on :>

charis just took the porridge today, but w/o ikan billis.. i cooked the porridge for l.5hr only..

did ur slow cooker has low/high/auto switch?
mine is very smalle slow cooker, auto one, cannot adjust the heat...


Same same, i think ur MIL and my MIL from the same school hahaa...sometimes i think a bit too much liao, boy cry a bit also cannot!!
