(2008/04) April 2008

i think i am very lucky like calamari, my mum is taking care of Byron for me (she quit her job too). She also does everything that i ask her too, like show flashcards, dun let Byron watch TV, prepare the food for him etc. I agree that besides us grandparents are the best caretakers but everyone has different sets of circumstances so have to rely on maids/infant care etc.

qn: FTWM that are still TBF, how many times are all of you still pumping at work. I pump twice in office but is only getting total of about 150 - 180 ml. I dun feel like pumping in office anymore then. But i tried once at the end of the day my breasts are quite engorged and need to rush home to pump out. how how how
Calamari - i tried cooking porridge before using normal adult rice hor, then i overcooked and it become mash! so i guess can lei...cos its already so NUA. hahaa
Cherish, my slow cooker is the smallest size available, no knob control, just switch on and off. Not very good, no 'auto' function. If I forgot to switch off, it'll continue cooking!
i think as long as u still want ur boy to take EBM, u sh continue even at this volume. but if u decide it's enough, then stop.
hi mummies,

i am getting worried. my boy is drinking only 60ml each feed and like 200+ml for the day? oh dear. i am afraid he is dehydrated, give him plain water he also doesn't want. i duno wat is wrong with him, it has been a few days already!

i also dun see any white spots on the gums. =(

i tink my boy's food intake is so low = nutrients intake low = slower development. unlike kayla. she is pretty and she has learnt so much!! woah. =)
Jules's mum,
Sometimes I also can't get my bb to finish her cereal but tdy she managed to finished almost all. She still look chubby lor so pple won't think she is light. I was on TBF but now thinking it might not be enough for her already so now i mix cereal wif FM.

Decimal pont,
Mine was 2.7kg at birth, doubled her birth wt by 4mths n since slow down. She also flip at 5mths.

Ergo Carrier:
Thks for adding my name in. Anyone knows where i can try it, pls let me know,thanks!
cherish: i think Born Free bottles are similar to BFree bottles which are sold in SG.

scubie: want to try drinking papaya with fish bone soup again? It always works for me whenever i feel supply is dipping.

angel: thanks for the different translations of threadfin! I needed that! hahaha
scubababe: same here...SS dropping
now i only pump once during work...and i seldom take my pump to office...
i use hand to pump liao...and only latch my girl after work for her last feed

Yup my maid is indon and you are right, she's VERY blur

My mom says she's lost her confidence already, simple things also don't know. Need to keep repeating the same things over and over again.
But what should I do? Not correct her just to avoid nagging? Ridiculous.

I'm very firm, probably her toughest employer yet.
Can you imagine that after changing Ethan's poopy diaper, she won't or rather 'forgets' to wash her hands and will go touch his clean bottles and teats!
So yes I admit, I'm guilty of watching her like a hawk

What problems did you have with your maid? At least she improved right?
I know I'm probably not the easiest person to work for, but surely not that difficult either lah.. As long as she's clean, follows instructions, does a good job, I'm happy.
Try as I might, I don't know what else I have to do to wake mine up!
Angel :
Ngoh Fish = Wu3 Yu2 = Threadfin = Kurau = ??? I stil don't know what it is

Ergo Carrier
I have not tried other carriers, but I do find it takes the weight off my shoulders, I will give it 2 thumbs up

I pump once at work, tried to pump twice a day (morning and night), ss dive till pathetic. So min 3 times a day
Lugging my pump to and fro workplace.
By Winter: Any more orders? Last order in by this Friday.

<font color="0000ff">Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5</font>

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45)
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30)
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

no worries about GST, can go by batches note: rem to keep value below USD$200 (SGD$300?) else will kena GST!

Amt taken: US$ 170.90
Open bal: US$29.10

*converted balances to US$ for accuracy

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)

You go to the wet market/supermarket and ask, I'll sure someone will be able to tell you

By the way, where did you get your thermal cooker from?
diva: hahaha u sound like me! I am so ngiao until my maid can't even touch my daughter, unless absolutely necessary. Tsk Tsk. I had an Indon maid before and she had no sense of cleanliness. What irritated us most was the communication problems. She understood basic English but was bad enough to cause communication breakdowns. And her personal hygeine is bad too. So cannot tahan and got her replaced with the current Fili one.

This Fili one is ok, but a tad too smart, if you know what I mean. She is too talkative and tends to gossip, even about my relatives, friends and neighbours!! Had to tell her off and she has toned down a lot. Otherwise, her work is very good. She keeps the house clean, although it can be cleaner lah hahhaha
hi calamari &amp; cloudme:

recently his semis intake also went down. from 2 tbsp to 1. then juz whiny n irritable. i feed him only lunch. or rather, my mum.

my mum tried barley water he took abit more, but i tink still not enough. really duno wat is wrong with him. no temp no nothing.
The First Years Take &amp; Toss Variety Pack - 28 pcs Spree by jgal - USD9.99
This baby product is BPA (Bisphenol-A) free.
* Reuse, toss or recycle*
* From 6 months
* Includes:
o 4 Take &amp; Toss® spill-proof cups (10 oz.)
o 6 Take &amp; Toss® bowls with lids
o 6 Take &amp; Toss® snack bowls
o 12 piece Take &amp; Toss® toddler flatware (6 forks &amp; 6 spoons)

Every 4 has $5 off Deposit $15.50
1. jgal
2. choc tge25
3. sputnik
4. jolene teo (joteohl) trf on 28oct transactn ref 1949941835
5. Yvonne (ynby80)
6. Puffish
7. cutie188 trf on 27 0ct S$15.50 Transaction Reference 1948121377
8. dolly23
9. joellez
10. maro (Transfer on 26 Oct: Transaction Reference 1947601041)
11. goodbb
12. Poky
13. burpy_babe
14. tratties
15. Cutiebb (Transfer on 28 Oct: Transaction Ref 9912)
16. Chewy
17. maomi
winter: i don't see any, tho he is drooling more and biting more. n i dun wan to bring him to the doc for nothing.

how to make fruit juice? fresh it will oxidise immediately.
Diva, calamari,
mine also Indo maid.. so far no communications prob since i can speak her language. i must admit i'm a hygiene freak.. when she just started, i'll make sure she washed her washed hands when carrying my boy. she even has to show me her hands.. hehe..

also bought her hand sanitiser to use. nowadays, she already knows, will wash her hand more often.. but just dont like her to kiss my boy.. hoho :p

Indo maids cannot make it lah.. most of them have a reputation for being dirty. But of course I had to find this out only after employing her!

Mine too, absolutely zero sense of cleanliness. She has awful BO, bad breath and we noticed a bad smell when she passed us. Not BO smell, but the kinda smell when someone doesn't bathe for awhile.
We asked her and true enough, sometimes she doesn't bathe. Embarrassing but we had to 'teach' her how to be clean; bathe everyday, brush teeth first thing in the morning, etc

Is it a wonder I don't let her near Ethan!

Her English is not bad but she's not very bright lah, so at the end of the day, communication still breakdown.

Hubby and I are now looking at Filis, we're actually going to the agency soon. Ethan's down for a nap so we can sneak out heh.
Quite hard to decide I must say.. and I'm also worried about getting one that's too smartass and chatty.
I don't like to chit chat with my maid much, so if I get one that turns out like that, die lah cuz it really really irritates me.

How did you choose your replacement maid?
I've shortlisted a few but it's very tight, all look and sound impressive.
But then again, so did my current one.. and look how she turned out

Haha.. the woes of having a maid!

I will ask mine if she washed her hands and if I suspect she's lying (which she has on a few occasions), I will ask her to wash them again in front of me!
Sometimes she will actually shake her head, but I'm not taking any chances after discovering how 'dirty' she is.

At least your maid knows what you like and does accordingly, mine either forgets or cannot be bothered to.

How do you tell your maid not to kiss Davien?
I would have a hissy fit if my maid kissed Ethan.
winter, we give him both nuk and avent teats. i know all along he prefers to latch on, but thot he got over that and has accepted that he has to drink from the bottle coz mummy's not around. my mum used to fight war struggling to feed him when i just went back to work.
By Winter: Any more orders? Last order in by this Friday.

Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45)
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30)
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
8)goodbbb: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

no worries about GST, can go by batches note: rem to keep value below USD$200 (SGD$300?) else will kena GST!

Amt taken: US$ 170.90
Open bal: US$29.10

*converted balances to US$ for accuracy

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)
goodbb, it is wide neck bottles.

calamari, currently i using bfree bottles (6bottles), after 6mth must change right? I buying the avent bottles to try..

i wonder do we still need so many bottles? Can we just sterlise once and put the bottle in boiled water for subsequent feeds.
hi xiaozhu
how much is the panasonic rice cooker? my mom has been telling me her rice cooker can cook porridge till chok standard. if it's true, i think a rice/porridge cooker may be more energy saving than slow cooker.
Joelle - Brought this rice cooker early this yr. Price is ard $150+. Maybe now the price drop. But, this rice cooker quite small. Suitable for small family. And yes, this cooker can slow cook porridge till very soft. :)
i give bottle fruit juice...

semis...yesterday dinner my ger also no able to finish the usual intake...so give her some milk wif barley cereal and some apple juice...
think my ger case is due to stomach full cos never poo in 3 days liao...haiz...
Joelle - For adult consume, can set 'porridge'. For baby, can set 'slow cook' with timer. I always set 3hrs to cook. But i find 2.5hrs, the porridge already quite soft liao. :)
diva: my hb and i spent $100+ on IDD calls to the shortlisted maids. We tested them on the english language, and asked them situational questions. So this current Fili one I have was the most impressive, but turned out a bit too smart haha. But what can I ask for? She is in fact quite good lah. And my baby likes to smile to her. :p
Ergo Carrier:

Hi goodbb, princess, beans, and cherish. I've decided to just get my Ergo at Metro causeway point instead of getting from spree. Babycentre/ amazon cost USD105/SGD160 (not including international shipping). And with 20% from Metro, I end up paying only $159.62.

A few mummies including myself have already bought from Metro. So I encourage you all to just get it locally instead. By the way I think sale ends today/ tomorrow? I am not sure but I think ending soon.

The only downturn, they don't have the color I want which was blue. But they have the second option I want which is black/green. So I am happy

Thanks Lynn85/Angel for the info
<font color="aa00aa">winter, have made my payment, thanks for organising

By Winter: Any more orders? Last order in by this Friday.

Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45)
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30)
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - <font color="aa00aa">Transfer 30Oct'08, Reference: 1953968589 </font>
8)goodbbb: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

no worries about GST, can go by batches note: rem to keep value below USD$200 (SGD$300?) else will kena GST!

Amt taken: US$ 170.90
Open bal: US$29.10

*converted balances to US$ for accuracy

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)
Hi mummies, a few qns to ask..
Re: Silver fish
After Washing then we need to fry until golden brown?
I seperate two batch to fry
First batch, after grinding, its grey in colour.
But second batch, is golden brown.
Which is right one? Pls advice. Coz gg to give bb porriage tmr.. Thanks.
Re: Maid
Would like to share my experience with my maid. I was terrified of getting a bad maid cos I am really one clueless mom...so i needed someone experienced and not someone i had to teach. It would be like blind leading the blind. ha ha. So anyway - she had to be Filipino and experienced. Managed to find one who worked here for 14 years. She is 45 years old has 3 sons back home...looked after 2 babies here and looked after an old lady for 4 years before she passed away in April 08.
So i grabbed lor. But i think you will all think I am mad cos her salary is $450....I thot that was normal until all my friends who live in bunglows and have 3 - 4 kids pay much much less.
But she has really been a lifesaver. Anticipates my every thought and prepares everything before i ask for it. Tell her once and she remembers. And i have come home unannounced on many occasions and found her reading to my son. She can cook fantastic chinese food...including herbal soups. And she is a serious clean freak... wash and wash till my water bill is dem high now.
But when i found out i was paying so much...i felt abit cheated lor...and was thinking of changing to $300 maid...but am scared i will get a nightmare maid. Sigh.....dunno la. May i ask how much u guys are paying your maid?

BTW i have Mamil Gold 2 and Enfa Pro 2 .... anyone with Similac 2 wants to exchange?
i actually told her indirectly that only me and hubby can kiss baby, no one else. so far did not c her kiss davien again but if i'm not around, not sure lor..

i think i hv a v good agent who already helped us to call and interview them before shortlisting a few for us to chose.

So we went to the agency and phone-interviewed a few more maids, not bad.
Fili English is still better than Indo English, 4 maids on our shortlist now. 2 with experience, 2 fresh. All in their 20s, good lah.. I want one young and enthusiastic.
Going to review our interview notes and stare at their pictures until one pops out

My current Indo maid's salary is $350. I've never come across a $450 maid, I guess you do indeed pay for experience.

May I ask if you give her off-day? How long has she been with you?
Hubby and I have actually eliminated the older ones (30s and 40s) cuz we're worried that they're less energetic, may not be able to work fast and certainly cannot tend to a demanding baby all day long.
But after hearing your story, I'm not so sure I did the right thing by eliminating them so quickly

Your maid really sounds like a dream. Everything you mentioned is everything I look for in a maid!
Lucky you..
Why don't you check with your agent why she costs so much? My agent offers experienced Filipino maids for $380 max.

That's my fear.. what goes on when we're not looking.
But what we don't know won't hurt us, as long as it doesn't hurt baby!

My agent every maid also shortlist and recommend.. what to do.. I still have to call and interview and shortlist myself

Re: Maid
My Fili maid has worked in HK for 6 years. I pay her $380 now with once a month off day. Actually she is good lah, just that I am ngiao. She cooks very good Chinese dishes too and almost as good as what Gail has described her maid to be hehe.

When I was shortlisting, I did not trust the agencies and hence decided to interview myself. I did not want someone in her early 20s nor someone more than 35 years old. Afraid that young maids only want to fall in love and inexperienced, and older maids are more stubborn, hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Maid therefore must be in her late 20s to early 30s.

I guess I have to start appreciating my maid after reading some of your posts. Hehe. Give and take lah, perhaps.
