(2008/04) April 2008

Haiz.... I knew it...I am over paying her.
Thing is she was with the 1st family for 10 years... and the next family for 4 until that old lady died...so every year they just kept increasing her pay till her last drawn pay was $450. ( i checked with her previous employer).
She asked for 1 day off a month...but we actually give her every Sunday off cos my husband hates hates hates to have a stranger in the house when he wants to laze around on Sunday. ha ha. Lucky her huh??
Energy wise.... she still has lots of stamina and eats like a mouse. Cannot sit still type la.... if my dog leaves a trail of a bit water on the floor after drinking....she will run for the mop. ha ha ha.
So i am really at a lost as to whether to replace her once i send my boy to play school...won't need a maid so badly then.

ya, yr maid is really good, some more read to your baby. $450 is a bit steep though.
I'm paying $330 (Indo maid), additional $20 for the no day-off.

agree completely, dont know -> wil not hurt :p
this maid was chosen really in the rush, as my mil needs operation when i was abt to deliver and desperately need someone to take care of her so no time to interview etc.. so just trust the agent. lucky, no big prob so far!
I just tried my ger on JR hats & headbands....hehe....thanks Sherin & Calamari for sharing.

Kaylen is such a lovely model!
I like her in all the shots, but especially the white daisy.. she looks so demure and as though she broke into a smile the next second

Too bad there are only regular hats/caps for boys, nothing quite as cute like these flower ones for girls!
By Winter: Any more orders? Last order in by this Friday.

Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45) - Transfered 31/10/08
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30)
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 30Oct'08, Reference: 1953968589
8)goodbbb: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

no worries about GST, can go by batches note: rem to keep value below USD$200 (SGD$300?) else will kena GST!

Amt taken: US$ 170.90
Open bal: US$29.10

*converted balances to US$ for accuracy

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)
Calamari/Amy/Diva - thanks for compliments! i took these before she sleep last nite, luckily she's cooperative. This KS mummy wan to see which one suitable for her photoshoot on Sat, hehe.
kaylen looks so sweet! looking more and more like you leh koori

yeah Diva I agree, we can only indulge in baseball caps or fisherman hats for our boys
By Winter: Any more orders? Last order in by this Friday.

Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45) - Transfered 31/10/08
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30)
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) (Transaction Reference 1955037986)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 30Oct'08, Reference: 1953968589
8)goodbbb: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

no worries about GST, can go by batches note: rem to keep value below USD$200 (SGD$300?) else will kena GST!

*converted balances to US$ for accuracy

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)

i got my maid thru agency. the lady will bring her girls over to me for interview. Once, i selected 1 then i can use her for a few days to see how she perform. if ok, then get paper work done. my maid is quite ok in the early mths but now i find her stubborn. forgetful also. need to repeat n repeat like i very nagging. tell her not to put those raw meat pack on top of ice tray cos may cos food poisoning. 1st time-say not she put one, say my sis. then ok. 2nd time-only me, hubby n her hm. then she tell me its ok. to proof me wrong, she use the ice for her water. faint men!!! she got many excuses. think too soft n good to her liao. stubborn & the bad attitude is her main minus point. the plus point is she really take good care of my girl and my girl is putting on weight well and like quite happy with her. so temp will not chng her. cos i got no one to train n supervise the new maid. who know, the next one more worst.


if ur maid is really good, then treat that u r paying a premium for it. not every maid can cook good chinese food n so clean.

Your gal looks nice in those hats. i like the 1st one where she put her thumb in the mouth. so cute!


your gal is pretty n photogenic. so many hair. my still look like boy boy. fantasitic men. your gal can do all those action. how to teach ah??? wanna teach my gal lei.
Maddy's mum,

Thks for the info...but dun think i can go down these few days. Think by the time i go, the disc is over aredi
Ya wanna chk wif u wat colours r avail?

Nice pics!
Hi Koori, baby K looks so sweet and demure! She has those doley 'Precious Moments' eyes
I like the one with the pink daisy. Am sure the photos will be great this Sat. Is it with studio loft?

Goodbb and Princess, only black with green or black with camel avail, that's why on discount (I guess). Maddy's mum bought green, I bought camel

RE: Maid
If you can get a good and reliable maid, paying a premium is worth it, saves you headache and heartache!
Kaylen look very sweet in those headbands & hats...... she look so innocent in pic 1

Scubababe & Diva
ya gals' hats r so much more attractive & colourful so envy. Boys' hats so boring manz.
yvonne: i think my mom day in day out keep repeating the actions to her hahahah! of cos not all the time Kayla can remember lah, sometimes will do sala actions haha.
Koori :
Kaylen so cute!!! :p

re: Childcare leaves

Yuppie.. my company allow 6 childcare leaves , but they remove the existing 2 days child MC for 1st child. Only if i have my 2nd one.. then i will entitle to another 2 additional child mc.
Hey mamas, good morning!

Ethan loves 'My Friends Tigger and Pooh' on Playhouse Disney, seems like it's one of the few cartoons that keeps him engaged throughout the show!
Gives me time to type this hehe..
Hubby left for KL this morning so it's gonna be a busy day and weekend, I'm a single parent again heh

Scubababe and JuniorRain,
Yep boys only have caps and fisherman/bucket hats to choose from.. and in this weather, I'm not inclined to strap a hat on Ethan's head!
But I've been eyeing a few though.. Janie & Jack has some classic ones; vintage airplane, plaid, etc
Too cute lah!
Hmm.. think I should get one bucket hat for his photo shoot though.. time to buy again :p

Is Kaylen's photoshoot at Studio Loft?
She's gonna look great, be sure to share the pix!

I envy all mummies whose babies can sit up already, I'm still waiting for Ethan to sit up steadily before bringing him for a shoot.
My little guy is still floppy, I sit him up and leans way forward like trying to touch his toes haha.. either that or he sways sideways!
Hopefully can do so before Xmas though.. would like to take some festive shots too

You're so descriptive!
It's so cute how you came up with 'doley precious moments eyes'

And you're right, Kaylen really does have that huge, innocent eye look!

Do you have any tins/containers at home?
Ask your mom to drum on it and let Kayla do the same.
I use an empty milk tin and did that with Ethan this morning. He's been banging his fists wildly on them, the noisy phase is coming! Oh no :p
My girl likes Mickey Mouse Club, Tigger and Pooh, Handy Manny, Dibo the Gift Dragon, and most of all Pocoyo. She is a Playhouse Disney addict!! *faint*
Hi Mummies,

May I know where can I get those gel to apply on babies gums?

My girl has been rejecting milk but yesterday when I feel her gums, there is no signs of teething leh.

Recently, her average milk intake for the whole day is only 480ml.... which is very little. But she is taking cereal twice a day (morning & evening). Duno whether is it I am feeding her too much.
marshmallow: my girl is taking cereal and fruit puree twice a day too...2.5 tbsp each time. But EBM intake is still constant at 750ml per day. Not sure whether this is normal also :p

I would like to buy the following Fisher Price items and I've found a supplier who will do a cheaper price if we order a few.
I need to let her know how many orders there are, then she can work out her best price.

Please put your name down if you're interested

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
1. Diva

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90
1. Diva

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90
1. Diva
Diva: i am quite keen in the potty but am considering the combi one as well. Let me go check it out this weekend to compare then leave my name if i want the FP.

you also become one of the lobang queens now hee
I like Pocoyo! It's very cute.. Haha
Ethan likes Dibo and Noddy too.. also depends on his mood lah, sometimes he cries the minute I turn on the TV so I guess he's not an addict yet :p

My son's intake has decreased drastically in the last 1 week. He's been consuming an average of 400-450ml everyday, but he does have 2 x 5tbsp cereal too.
However yesterday, he only drank 420ml but did eat 7 tbsp cereal.
If I give him milk and he doesn't want to drink, he screams. If I don't give him cereal and he wants more, he also screams. I want to scream too!
I don't know whether this is normal, but I guess whatever baby wants is normal lah :p

Are you referring to teething gel? I bought Dentinox brand from the pharmacy, it's widely available.
Ethan likes it very much, it's sweet like candy

I was considering the Combi one too, but hubby found the 'handle bars' too weird haha
He probably doesn't want Ethan to associate peeing/pooping with riding the bicycle or anything else with handle bars! :p
Okie you check and just put your name down if you still want it

Lobang queen.. die lah.. it's only gonna mean more buy buy buy.. I may have to start working soon!
Hey, Dana is a Disney playhouse fan too! In fact, my hubby started calling Dana as 'my little Pocoyo' cos he says she resembles it.

I particularly like the 'Little Einsteins' series, every episode introduces a new composer, how educational!

Potty, I may be interested. Scubababe, can you let me know how much the Combi one costs as compared to FP? Thanks!

Jgal, welcome back!
Diva: really? i like the handles! ha. I feel coz babies tend to fall forward so its good to have something in front of them to hold on when they lose their balance. But your hubby reasoning is valid too

Sure angel! I am on half day so will go check it out later! Shopping time so happy hee
Hi Calamari,

750ml shd be considered normal... my girl has 4tbsp of HT cereal in the morning & 3tbsp of Frisocrem in the evening. then 4 times milk. Each 120ml.

Hi Diva,
Same same, my girl will scream & keep struggling when I tried to feed her milk..... haiz.... everyday...keep worrying that the milk intake is not enough...

The Dentinox teething gel is ok to apply if haven't start teething yet rite?
hoons...only 1 tin though. Need to collect from my cousn's place, probably only next wk. Wanna change for friso 2. Matty's taking friso now. Let u know when i've collected ya.
Hi Winter, payment made.

By Winter: Any more orders? Last order in by this Friday.

Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45) - Transfered 31/10/08
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30)
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) (Transaction Reference 1955037986)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 31 Oct, Reference 1955363553
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 30Oct'08, Reference: 1953968589
8)goodbbb: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

no worries about GST, can go by batches note: rem to keep value below USD$200 (SGD$300?) else will kena GST!

*converted balances to US$ for accuracy

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)
Hehe I actually liked the handle bars too.. and my reasoning was the same as yours!
But kids make lots of associations and if Ethan does indeed associate peeing/pooping with anything that has handle bars, then we're in trouble! :p
You're going to compare the Combi and FP later? Let me what the verdict is ok? I haven't seen the Combi myself, so I'm keen to know what you think

Lynn saw her PD a few days ago and was told that increasing cereal feeds is fine. Nutrition comes in many forms I guess.
If baby won't drink milk, what to do.. so we have to adapt and give them more cereal if that's what we want.
I'm worried that Ethan isn't consuming enough milk/liquids either, so I make sure to give him juice/water in his sippy a few times a day. He's getting better at drinking, so that helps

Is your daughter actually teething yet? Are the symptoms present?
If you suspect she is, then it's alright to apply the gel. But use it sparingly as it's very sweet, it tastes just like honey.
If there's no sign of teething or crankiness, perhaps just have it on standby for now. Use it only when you need to
Hi Jgal
Deposit of $15.50 made.

The First Years Take & Toss Variety Pack - 28 pcs Spree by jgal - USD9.99
This baby product is BPA (Bisphenol-A) free.
* Reuse, toss or recycle*
* From 6 months
* Includes:
o 4 Take & Toss® spill-proof cups (10 oz.)
o 6 Take & Toss® bowls with lids
o 6 Take & Toss® snack bowls
o 12 piece Take & Toss® toddler flatware (6 forks & 6 spoons)

Every 4 has $5 off Deposit $15.50
1. jgal
2. choc tge25
3. sputnik
4. jolene teo (joteohl) trf on 28oct transactn ref 1949941835
5. Yvonne (ynby80)
6. Puffish
7. cutie188 trf on 27 0ct S$15.50 Transaction Reference 1948121377
8. dolly23
9. joellez (Transfer $15.50 on 31 Oct, trx ref 1955367937)
10. maro (Transfer on 26 Oct: Transaction Reference 1947601041)
11. goodbb
12. Poky
13. burpy_babe
14. tratties
15. Cutiebb (Transfer on 28 Oct: Transaction Ref 9912)
16. Chewy
17. maomi
** Hope I didn't miss out anyone on the attendee list unknowingly, if I did, sorry!

Hi- I already booked the function room.(by serene)

any more mummies keen with the party??? its a good time for all of us to meet up and catch up. the birthday party for our precious will only be in May 09 which is more than half a year away. So the Xmas party is a good time for all to meet up!!!

Xmas party!!!

venue:Serene123 condo Function room (I try booking on monday and confirm)
Date : 20 Dec
Time : 11-3pm
Food: Caterer??, Angeli www.angeli.com.sg - must book early if not no slot.
Budget:$30 per baby with a small present for them???
Theme : Red for girls and Green for Boys. Mummies and Daddy come in white (ok?)

1) Serene123 (How about get x'mas hat for all?)
2) Mushroom
3) Yvonne
4) Winter
5) Vonn
6) na_na
7) jasminechenx
8) strawberries
9) joellez
Hi Winter, payment made.

By Winter: Any more orders? Last order in by this Friday.

Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45) - Transfered 31/10/08
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30) - Ref: 1955394802, 31 Oct
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) (Transaction Reference 1955037986)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 31 Oct, Reference 1955363553
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 30Oct'08, Reference: 1953968589
8)goodbbb: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

no worries about GST, can go by batches note: rem to keep value below USD$200 (SGD$300?) else will kena GST!

*converted balances to US$ for accuracy

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)
Hi- I already booked the function room.(by serene)

any more mummies keen with the party??? its a good time for all of us to meet up and catch up. the birthday party for our precious will only be in May 09 which is more than half a year away. So the Xmas party is a good time for all to meet up!!!

Xmas party!!!

venue:Serene123 condo Function room (I try booking on monday and confirm)
Date : 20 Dec
Time : 11-3pm
Food: Caterer??, Angeli www.angeli.com.sg - must book early if not no slot.
Budget:$30 per baby with a small present for them???
Theme : Red for girls and Green for Boys. Mummies and Daddy come in white (ok?)

1) Serene123 (How about get x'mas hat for all?)
2) Mushroom
3) Yvonne
4) Winter
5) Vonn
6) na_na
7) jasminechenx
8) strawberries
9) joellez
10) Javier's_mum (TBC if can take leave)
11) yo( TBC)
Hi Jgal
Transferred $15.50

The First Years Take & Toss Variety Pack - 28 pcs Spree by jgal - USD9.99
This baby product is BPA (Bisphenol-A) free.
* Reuse, toss or recycle*
* From 6 months
* Includes:
o 4 Take & Toss® spill-proof cups (10 oz.)
o 6 Take & Toss® bowls with lids
o 6 Take & Toss® snack bowls
o 12 piece Take & Toss® toddler flatware (6 forks & 6 spoons)

Every 4 has $5 off Deposit $15.50
1. jgal
2. choc tge25
3. sputnik
4. jolene teo (joteohl) trf on 28oct transactn ref 1949941835
5. Yvonne (ynby80)
6. Puffish
7. cutie188 trf on 27 0ct S$15.50 Transaction Reference 1948121377
8. dolly23
9. joellez (Transfer $15.50 on 31 Oct, trx ref 1955367937)
10. maro (Transfer on 26 Oct: Transaction Reference 1947601041)
11. goodbb
12. Poky
13. burpy_babe
14. tratties
15. Cutiebb (Transfer on 28 Oct: Transaction Ref 9912)
16. Chewy
17. maomi (Ref: 1955397504, 31 Oct)

By Winter: Any more orders? Last order in by this Friday.

Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45) - Transfered 31/10/08
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30) - Ref: 1955394802, 31 Oct
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Ref: 1955438046
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) (Transaction Reference 1955037986)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 31 Oct, Reference 1955363553
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 30Oct'08, Reference: 1953968589
8)goodbbb: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

no worries about GST, can go by batches note: rem to keep value below USD$200 (SGD$300?) else will kena GST!

*converted balances to US$ for accuracy

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)
