(2008/04) April 2008

Hi Jgal
do you still have extra discovery ball to let go?

I will try my best to collect all items from you by these few days
2X tooth paste
2X Destiny cream
and all CB items

Things I have to bring on Sat:
1) Yvonne's Cup
2) Serene's cup
4) Flash Cards? (chinese or English)
5) Chinese nusrery rythms CD
6) Baby Einstein

Anything else to add?

Things to collect from Jgal tomorrow:
1) ynby80 - 1 x HB BRown rice
- 2 x blue 2 x pink First Toothpaste
2) Maomi - 1 x HB BRrown rice
3) Maro's stuff

re: bb einstein
hmmz..from what i hear there are
a few languages selections. what languages do they have?


would you recommend bb einstein? heehee...u know what languages does it include?
<font color="aa00aa">jgal,
please pass my toothpaste to winter, thanks so much
.. </font>

Things to collect from Jgal tomorrow:
1) ynby80 - 1 x HB BRown rice
- 2 x blue 2 x pink First Toothpaste
2) Maomi - 1 x HB BRrown rice
3) Maro's stuff - <font color="aa00aa">1 x FT Toothpaste</font>

Okay.. i bought 20 tubs of Calendula cream from Ima. Anyone wants? $17.55 per tub. Please make your transfer as you put your name in (DBS Saving plus 001-1-053838 )
From Jgal.
Okay.. i bought 20 tubs of Calendula cream from Ima. Anyone wants? $17.55 per tub. Please make your transfer as you put your name in (DBS Saving plus 001-1-053838 )
1.mifi x 1 (paid $17.55.21/10/08)
Veronica - Ernest rash sounds serious. Probably u wanna let him try cloth diaper for few days. By the way, if baby start semi-solid (other then milk/cereal) their butt are prone to have diaper rashes. :)
XiaoZhu, ya... Sat, he poo non stop... at 1st red, then now...

Seen Dr, applying cream, hopefully will dry up.

Considered using cloth diaper, but need to standby a lot of things first... the pins, the nappy cover.. the liner.. blah blah blah...
its red &amp; pimple like. my boy wear cloth diaper also kenna. pd confirm its fungal infection, was given a cream to apply &amp; disappear in a day. so dont worry.
think u air Ernest's bottom by just letting him wear a pair of pants....let the area be airy....it will go away one...dun worry
and must apply the destini creamy(if u have)...

my ger got nappy rash previously...and after apply the destini creamy then it go away...
Things to collect from Jgal tomorrow:
1) ynby80 - 1 x HB BRown rice
- 2 x blue 2 x pink First Toothpaste
2) Maomi - 1 x HB BRrown rice
3) Maro's stuff - 1 x FT Toothpaste
4) na_na's stuff - 1 x HB Brown Rice and 1 x HB Oatmeal
Veronica - Everytime my boy poo, I'll wash his butt. Cloth diaper indeed quite troublesome. Other way is change his diaper frequently. 3-4hrs change new one. Can air the butt awhile. :)
U try washing bb butt with water.dun use wet wipes temporary.air the butt..then apply the cream ur PD give..Will subside after few days.
Issac also got this b4...
can put calendula cream when u change his diaper..think PD's cream apply 2 times a day only?
From Jgal.
Okay.. i bought 20 tubs of Calendula cream from Ima. Anyone wants? $17.55 per tub. Please make your transfer as you put your name in (DBS Saving plus 001-1-053838 )
1.mifi x 1 (paid $17.55.21/10/08)
2.maomi x1 (can pass to winter?)
Things to collect from Jgal tomorrow:
1) ynby80 - 1 x HB BRown rice
- 2 x blue 2 x pink First Toothpaste
2) Maomi - 1 x HB BRrown rice &amp; 1 X calendula cream (if available)
3) Maro's stuff - 1 x FT Toothpaste
4) na_na's stuff - 1 x HB Brown Rice and 1 x HB Oatmeal

thanks winter, and thanks jgal!
Hi Jgal,

payment made for the calendula cream.

From Account POSB Savings
To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 Jgal
Amount S$17.55
Transaction Reference 1940359040

winter, i really know what you mean by money (esp today), just flowing out when you visit this forum often..heehee..BPs by others and sprees by jgal..=p
jgal - are my blankets here? if they are ready i can collect together with the CB cream x 2 on friday evening. Will pass you similac at the same time. Thanks ya!
littleprincesses : blanket now here yet.. I hope they come this wkend. You pass both similac to me then.. I'll pass 1 existing new can that i have to maro to vernoica tomorrow.
Thanks alot.

<font color="aa00aa">Maro </font>: I pass 1 can of similac to you tomorrow with veronica
air baby's bottom as much as possible! change cloth diaper when its get wet immediately. better dun use diapers for time being if possible. see a PD or apply desitin cream aft every change.

my zayden got the rash b4 when he had his first diarrhoea, butt was as red as 'hong ku kway'. heal 3-4 days aft i apply cream from PD together with my desitin cream.
my baby during the 'red butt season', always turn to sleep on his tummy even when he's inside salong. i guess is cos its too painful to sleep on his back.. hehe
Jgal: i will get my hubby to transfer the $ to you asap...

mummies feeding their babies with apples. where and wat kind of apples do u buy? then how do u prepare the apple? izzit just use metal spoon to scrub the apple out?
nappy rsh woes:
Great advice: Use potassium promangate to clean the buttocks. It has this gentle antiseptic effect that cleans gently yet act as a catalyst for recovery. By the 2nd day of use, his skin has recovered much more.
You can get it from Guardian Pharmacy.
Dilute with water and use it to wash baby's buttocks.
It really works.
winter, my girl kena fungal infection before at the diaper area. It's red and lots of tiny bump-like rashes like small pimples. Refused to go away even after airing/wearing cloth diapers and using various diaper rash cream, although it sometimes look better and sometimes worse.

With the anti-fungal cream it's gone within 2 aplications! Do consult your PD if the rash persist after a couple of days..
cheesycake, whatever we feed babies must be cooked (steamed) including fruits. the only exceptions are avocardo and banana which can be given raw.
Hi Jgal!

Just trf S$9.60 to u (ref : 1940756353).
Sorry abt the delay.. din mean to hold back payment.. just tt I was so forgetful.. thot I paid u already.. then realised I paid for the brown rice but not the oatmeal..

Sorrie again!
By the way, can I collect from you this thur or fri at your place? Will sms u !

me just started my boi semi solid yest,i feed him friso rice cereal (abt 1 tea spoon only), but he gave me a frown n wana vomit it out

any mummy facing the same prob when u start ur little one solid?

To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 jgal
Amount S$16.60
Transaction Reference 1940991440

sorry for the delay. let me know when the cream is here
From Jgal.
Okay.. i bought 20 tubs of Calendula cream from Ima. Anyone wants? $17.55 per tub. Please make your transfer as you put your name in (DBS Saving plus 001-1-053838 )
1.mifi x 1 (paid $17.55.21/10/08)
2.maomi x1 (can pass to winter?)
3. puffiet x2 ($35.10 - will trf once service up)
piggy mummy, many mummies here are still trying to figure out what their little ones accept in terms of taste. many babies love frisocrem, but mine also cannot stand it. in fact, my girl rejects anything with milk in it, even brown rice cereal mixed with ebm so i just mix with plain water for her. but she likes certain brands more and refuses some brands totally. so it's a lot of trial and error and patience..

tried giving my girl butter squash today. rejected it
tried sneaking a little of it in her HB cereal but she's in the i-can-barely-tolerate-HB kind of mood. hiaz.. shall try again tomorrow.
re: bb constipation

my girl recently can be seen straining to poop, and sometimes not a lot comes out too. is that constipation? what can i give her to aid in constipation? mine is not crazy over fruits and veg puree. safest is to feed cereal, but is there any cereal that can help with constipation?
Good morning everyone!

HT Barley cereal apparently helps with constipation.
Ethan has been on it and has no trouble pooping since.. though he did strain initially with not much to show for it either.
I don't know if it's the Barley cereal that helped him or if he's simply getting used to slightly harder poop.
Anyway, you might like to try Barley cereal for that reason

hahah have been so busy at work that i have not had time to log on.

re: baby einstein
if you are thinking to distract you bb with the tv while you are handling other things, i would say that this is a good distraction.
but then i must say that this set is actually a pirated set. hahah disney does not sell the dvd in a box set. its all individual package. but for me this is well worth the money as there are 26 dvds. :p

also my boys fave is the baby mozart, also any thing that we play. hahah but for there to have a learning experience i find that i have to be there watching with him to interact with him.
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">Sleepsack will be ready for collection on Saturday.
The shipping cost is $5.20 each pcs. Please topup $1.20 each during collection.

hahah have been so busy at work that i have not had time to log on.

re: baby einstein
if you are thinking to distract you bb with the tv while you are handling other things, i would say that this is a good distraction.
but then i must say that this set is actually a pirated set. hahah disney does not sell the dvd in a box set. its all individual package. but for me this is well worth the money as there are 26 dvds. :p

also my boys fave is the baby mozart, also any thing that we play. hahah but for there to have a learning experience i find that i have to be there watching with him to interact with him.
hi jasmine,

thanks for the insight. this is sthg new. u mean all the boxsets are pirated? haha! ooops.

what selection of languages do they have? english, do they have chinese?

where did you buy this? =)

lovemum: Thanks !! Just a simple blog

Lynn: you can try to give pumpkim. If you can, before the cereal, let bb drink some water (half an hour before) after the meal about an hour you can try to give a little water again.

Winter: Hope Ernest's rash disappear soon *Hugs*

think the languages are english french and spanish this is a us version and i bought it from a friend in the us. but i don think that she carries this anymore after i told her that is pirated
