(2008/04) April 2008

just gave my girl some carrot + apple. she accepted carrot before although she wasn't crazy about it.

the apple i tasted after steaming, it's a itsy bitsy sour but still sweet. but add that to the carrot can still taste a bit sourish, but not terrible cos it's like sour + sweet. i was hoping that she'll be ok with it, but she pluckered up her face as if i'm feeding her lemon. after a few mouthfuls she threw up everthing, including her previous milk feed. hiaz... after that still can clench her fist and close her eyes and mouth and shake her head as if i'm still feeding her a lemon.. give up..

winter, i always give her semi-solids feed one hour plus after her milk feed (cos her drinking interval is like 2 hour plus) cos she'll not be too full and disinterested nor too sleepy and frustrated (cos she naps whenever drinking milk)..

where to find apples that are not sourish at all? fruit acids are normal in fruits mah.. hiaz..
serene, think no diff in content of DVD and VCD, just that DVD has better image quality? by the way, i posted before about the lobang i have on the YBCR series. Forgot exactly how much but i think i got the VCD and book flashcard set for only $70..
kea, lynn
Thks for your advice on the baby carrier. The pikkolo carrier looks good. lynn, how much you pay for that? where can i get it? your girl can sleep in it? So sorry, so many questions. coz paying for 100 over bucks, most do some research first.thks
Maybe u can do a spree for us on leapfrog dvd kekeke
Looks gd to get.

hahaha at most papa panda & mama panda only. cos ur gal can slp in the day.

sometimes really wondering how u all manage? if i wake up in the nite, i will have problem at work. not enough slp will have headache.
Hi mummies,

Do you know of this BP by Querida, this lady call Adelene Khaw? Ever bought from her? How is her credibility? I am afraid she is up to something...hmmmz
Hi Jgal,

I've already trf payment to your uob acc last sat.
Pls see detail as follows:-

To:Jgal 388-374-128-3 SGD
Transfer Date:18/10/2008 (Immediate)
Transaction Reference:100001102852060

Pls kindly confirm receipt.
Hi yvonne & cyl,

I dunno I just hav this gut feeling. Mabbe she sees that I am a v new member, coz I noticed another new member mummy also seems to be not getting her goods. I ordered 3 items from her only recvd 2, both the cheaper items. She claims to have sent the other one ($25) in a separate envelope saying 1 envelope no space. But if I were her I will just use a bigger envelope and save postage cost also. And personally I think Singpost is very trusthworthy, v seldom will hav lost mails. Sigh. Very bad experience for purchasing online leh. =/
maomi: I have dealt with khaw many times. She is a very reliable and honest seller. Khaw does not like to consolidate her orders as its very messy for her. She has usually 3 to 4 threads to monitor and her delivery is always very prompt.

i've purchased from Querida several times. all good experiences. i hv a sunsuit still pending delivery. when did she mail items out? did u opt for registered mail for the $25 item? i beg to differ on reliability of singpost, i've read accounts about lost mail and some even arrive opened and shabbily patched back too! hope u receive the item soon.
good morning Mummies!

Scubababe, Bb Byron looks very good in the baseball cap! Should buy more for him!

Maomi, I've also bought many times from Khaw/Adelene and my items always arrive promptly by normal mail. I find her credible except that the velcro on carter bibs I bought from her last BP are not very sticky (tends to come loose at the slightest pull). This time round, ordered more bibs and a sleepsuit, all arrived within 3 days!

Lynn, how's your blocked ducts, any improvements? If bb Adel doesn't like carrot + apple doesn't work, then try apple + pear, dun give up ya? Just like me, just now passed the infantcare teachers a babycube of papaya puree, hope Dana will not reject it *fingers crossed*
<font color="aa00aa">Morning mummies,
Disappear for a few days as went for a short trip with hubby..

me also bought a few things from her, so far prompt and quality is good

for YBCR, me bought the VCD from this lady (think some mummies from this thread also), cheap and v reliable too. VCD is $30 with flashcards $10. If you're interested, let me know, i'll pm you her contact.. Think she also has DVD set </font>
Re: diapers at night

i have that problem with Jay if i dont change his diapers before he sleep at 7+pm. Otherwise Pampers Active baby is good.

Re: lost in appetite during teething
ya... jayden drinks less than what he should be drinking, about 50ml lesser. And, MORE CRANKY! Always cry for nothing and want to munch on anything.
a short trip with hb? I am so envious!!! where did u go??? do share, at least can enjoy ur experience while i'm stuck here *hehehe*
ya maro .. me too - very envious! if i go, hubby can't go, if hubby goes out (just to meet friends), i can't go, have to stay with bb.
joelle, simp,
You've got mail..

Check with her the price of the DVD cos can be cheaper than wat she posted at her blog.

VCD is ok, not that sharp lor. For the YBCR series, someone has to be around as it teaches babies how to read unlike the Eintein series. my boy dont really like it, hehe.. so now showing him the flash cards instead.
btw, me only show my boy the first Intro VCD and has not continued since he does not like it (5 VCDs total). anyway with this first VCD, i find the content quite the same as the flashcard.

joelle, cath,
ah, did not go anywhere fantastic, just visit my bro at Indo for his shop opening. a nice break without baby.. oops.. sort of training for my holiday in Dec :p but regret it immediately cos my boy fell down yday at my mil, haiz
RE: Flashcards....
i got some from popular book store....
shown it to my ger but she is only interested in grabbing them to put in her mouth...wahahaha...

Things I have to bring on Sat:
1) Yvonne's Cup
2) Serene's cup
4) Flash Cards? (chinese or English)
5) Chinese nusrery rythms CD

Anything else to add?

Serene - I think u are sharing with a new mummy, with the nick, Lin.
me too then KS, also got both

anyway, transfer the shipping cost to you:
Amount S$6.20
Transaction Reference 1939840589

ah, my boy too.. now know how to grab and out everything into his mouth. if dont give him, he'll scream.. :p
Maro, my boy best! Will twist his body if u don't let him face the thing he wants to grab

Sigh! Now cannot carry him with one hand... Must make sure both hands are free
Cath - My boy on Nan2. So far ok. :)

Now, quite difficult to bring baby out. He tends to cry super loud when unhappy. Then ppl will give me tat look. =.='' haiz..

<font size="+1"> Outstanding.
Please pay up before Wednesday!! Else you will be remove from my spreeist list.. :p </font>
My account is DBS Saving 001-1-053838. Please deposit to this account to avoid confusion. And state your nick!!!

single outstanding
(Toothpaste) Puffiet: $16.60
(Mozart Cube)gervynne : $45
(HappyBellies OA) Porkie :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Cutiebb: 39.20

Multiple outstandings
(HappyBellies OA)gemini05 :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Gemini05 : $9.80
--> Total : $19.40

(HappyBellies OA)cheesycake :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cheesycake :$9.60
(sleepsack) cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
--> Total : $49.60

(HappyBellies MG)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) maomi :$9.60
--> Total : $28.80
