(2008/04) April 2008

training pants by kidzcottage
princess j, i wanted to get for my ger, but dun know when can use and to buy which size. It's very cute rt. R u planning to get 1 too. Maybe 2nd time mummy can advise us on the size and time to use on our bb

hi mummies,

sorry to intrude..

any of u who intend to continue bf via expressing bm n using medela pump, i hv the following brand new accessories to let go. reason being, i bot extras n i intend to stop bf soon, so no use for me..

1. quick clean wipes (1 packet)
2. bags, micro-steam disinfecting (1 packet)
3. soft-fit breast shield (2 boxes)

anyone interested, pls pm me or email me at [email protected]. thks
Good morning mummies!

Winter, how's bb Ernest's nappy rash? Better with the ointment? Hope he recovers soon, must be really uncomfy...hug hugs.
<font color="0000ff">EC Books Update:

I have sent an email with the updated price from supplier, please check and reply me at the soonest so that I can proceed with the order.

Jgal..payment made for the calendula cream
To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 jgal
Amount S$17.55
Transaction Reference 1941587698

From Jgal.
Okay.. i bought 20 tubs of Calendula cream from Ima. Anyone wants? $17.55 per tub. Please make your transfer as you put your name in (DBS Saving plus 001-1-053838 )
1.mifi x 1 (paid $17.55.21/10/08)
2.maomi x1 (can pass to winter?)
3. puffiet x2 ($35.10 - will trf once service up)
4. choc tge x 1 Reference 1941587698
rannie, just to clarify that my HT spree is buying direct from distributor, i'm just consolidating orders for all to enjoy the discount.

So far I've opened a box of brown rice and barley (both older stock) and have not had such problems. *touch wood*
Hi Jgal,

have transferred $ over to your ac via ATM for my items: cereals and sleepsack.

Ref no: 7944 via ATM
Date: 22 Oct 08
Amt: $49.60

Pls check thanks.
any mummies started on oatmeal already? i was reading up and it seems oatmeal and barley should help with constipation. i know HT recommends that the pack of cereal be consumed within 30 days of opening, anyone knows if the same goes for HB? can't find the recommendation on the tin leh. my girl already has HT brown rice and barley and HB brown rice all opened and rotating for her feeds. if open another pack then sure can't finish all within 30 days..

but dunno if my girl is considered to have constipation. she went from seedy bowel movements 4-5 times a day (when on full ebm) to now once a day. her poo is not hard but she seems to be straining so hard to pass motion. my mum says she's not used to her poop not being watery that's why..
my boy takes barley about 2 x a week. it is already opened for more than a month LOL i keep in air tight box. i 'm not that strict with HB / any brand storage period (but that's me). cos can't finish so quickly.

constipation means the poo is hard like pellets. ur girl's poo now is ok. it is not watery but like paste issit? e.g. cookie dough texture. paste is fine. once a day v good alrdy, my boy poo every 3-4 days ! when he poo everyone rejoice. lol.
Lynn, my boy started on HT oatmeal 2 weeks ago. =) his poo has become very regular at once a day ever since i started on cereal, quite soft but not watery.
random review of little einstein dvds
personally, watching these dvds puts me in a trance. its the constant repetition, the revolving mobiles, swinging shiney toys, the dripping liquid lava thingies, etc etc .. it's like hypnosis. i zone out after a while, my eyes go @___@. boy seems to tolerate them fine though. he can sit and complete a disc without fussing. personally i think the ones with talking and puppets e.g. shakespeare are better, cos the narration provides some variety.
btw, regarding those blank flashcards i shared with u. what have u done with them? are you flashing to girl? mine still in plastic bag leh :p
joelle, yup my girl's poop like cookie dough but she 'gek' so hard and loud until the face goes red, seems like having a very hard time wor.. and best part is she likes to 'gek sai' when she's sitting in her highchair (during feeding time) so feeding time is usually interrupted by multiple episodes of straining to poop and a diaper change (when she finally succeeds)..

my blank flashcards ah? still pending to buy red marker before i can start! proscrastinating..
Maro: EC books, are they books suitable for babies?

Mummies here, do u find that ur babies seem v bored sometimes? how do u occupy them? mine will suddenly heave loud sighs, and I take them as sighs of boredom! Tinking of buying DVDs and books to occupy the lil boy but not sure what is suitable and helpful. Any recommendations?
Hi Mummies, what do you think of Bumwear for babies? Apparently it's 1 size fits all and lasts 3-4hrs. Anyone tried? Supposed to be good to the skin, less rashes etc.
maomi, i tried bumwear when my girl got diaper rash, it really helps with the rash. but i guess i'm just too lazy to wash up cos my girl used to poop like 4-5 times a day. now she's more regular and only once a day i think i can perhaps try using them again.

or anyone wants to get them off me? all sitting prettily in my cupboard now..
DVD - most babies respond well to little einstein so IMO this is a safe buy. any of those educational dvds should be fine. take a cue from ur bb - if he likes to listen to music, get dvd that has music.

books - my boy takes well to books. safest are soft cloth books because bbs have arm strength to swing the books around but no control to avoid hitting face with book. board books are sturdy but difficult for bb fingers to turn pages . i just buy a variety to switch around. sometimes i give him town council newsletters to read and tear apart.

RE: loud sighs
HAHA yes once my husband was trying to entertain bb and bb just heaved a loud sigh at him. broke the hb's heart LOL
my son also poo while eating/ drking milk and poo once a day normally. so it takes a longer time to get my boy finish his milk/ cereal aft washing and diaper change.
princess j
we use high chair occassionally but most times he sits on our lap. bad habit i think. walker can be used, but u may hv to lock/hold the walker down. my bb hates being in locked walker mode n will fuss.
i put my girl in highchair cos must train her to get used to it. but i'm very lazy and dun buckle her up, think must start doing that so she won't object even when she gets more mobile.

cannot feed her in walker/bumbo/on our laps cos she'll be so distracted and start looking around etc.. ever tried feeding her in her rocker (not in rocking mode) and she struggles to sit up straight instead of half-lying and will get frustrated when she can't sit up.
princess j, my bb sits on his rocker for cereal feeding. He still not used to sit in booster seat, tends to swing left and right. =)
mil last sat also feed boy sitting on her lap..
i have highchair at my hm but mum hse dun hv, cos she insist that walker in stationery mode is gd engh already. but i dun like lei. looking for a highchair which do not takes up big space for her hse.
princess j
some mummies here use booster seat. the most compact feeding chair that comes to mind is the old-fashioned bamboo seat that can convert into stool LOL . or the ikea highchair, simple, cheap and functional.
lynn: i was thinking of getting bumwear. they say to make it easier to clean, use nappy liners inside. i also saw similar cloth diapers going for cheaper. think they are not bad, but must buy in bulk to enjoy lower prices, and i think only 1 colour. haha. any mummies interested?

joelle: haha! so cute..babies do the "right" stuff at the choiciest moments. =D

RE: poo habits

my boy used to poo 3-4 times a day b4 starting on semi-solids. after that he can dun poo for a few days. now its more regular, abt once a day. so i supposed the intro of solids will re-regulate the bowel functions.

RE: feeding

i feed on walker, coz the high chair we bought looks nice but is actually nt v practical. haha.
yeah, the EC books are suitable for babies. they are very interactive. with some titles for older kids. bought from previous spree but not enuf, that's y organising now.. u interested, i can pm you, but u must let me know yr order by tonight :p
My boy used to poo 4 times a day and once started on Brown Rice cereal, he only poos 1-2x a day only. I will feed my boy water after his brown rice cereal. Was advised by PD that brown rice more heaty!
bum wear

my gal is using bum wear. we did put the nappy liner but the poo poo will still seep through so still need to wash whole thing. then the pee pee will wet the dress sometimes. when wet chg whole thing instead of the insert only. cos feel smelly n dirty. jus my personnal opinion on it.

however, i m still using this when at hm n nite time. try to minimise my diapers exp. hee hee :)
Meeting on Friday Evening
- princess-j
-(princess-j )for maddymum
- littleprincess

Meeting on Saturday
- Cutie188
- JuniorRain

Meeting on Sun
- CuteBB

Meeting at IBP

- veronica ( for yvonne , na_na , maro, maomi)
- mifi
<font size="+2">The following ppl .. please arrange for collections before Saturday. </font>

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">VON_TEH_SU_SU
<font color="ff0000">
Choc tge25 </font>
<font color="aa00aa">
<font color="ff0000">
jules mum</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Vonn

Here's the list of things you need to collect.

The following, please arrange for collection on Saturday 11-3pm
(Calendula cream) VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
(Calendula cream) dolly23
(Calendula cream) XiaoZhu
(Calendula cream)Babybliss x5
(Calendula cream)jaspire
(FTT)linah29 (2xblue + 2xpink)
(FTT)Limmasters x1 pink
(FTT)Puffiet blue x 2
(Calendula cream) Puffiet blue x 2
(HB OA) Porkie x 1
(HB BR) Porkie x 1
(Calendula cream) cyl_16 X 3
(SleepSack ) cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large)
(HB OA) cyl_16 x 1
(HB MG) cyl_16 x 1
(FTT)cyl_16 X 4 (blue)
(SleepSack ) Choc tge25 (Blue X-Large)
(HB OA) choc -tge25 x1
(HB BR) choc-tge25 x 4
(Desitin Diaper Cream) choc - tge25 X 2
(HB OA) scubababe x 1
(HB BR) scubababe x 2
(FTT)scubababe x 2 blue
(HB OA) ynby80 x 1
(HB MG) ynby80 x 1
(Calendula cream) Cass_078 x 3
(HB MG) cass_078 x 1
(FTT)Cass_078 blue x 2
(HB BR) Puffish x 2
(HB MG) Puffish x 1
(HB OA) Puffish x 1
(HB MG) Esther x 1
(HB OA) Esther x 1
(SleepSack ) Esther (Pink, X-Large)
(HB OA) Jolenebeh x 1
(FTT)Jolenebeh 2xpink
(HB MG) cheesycake x 1
(HB OA) cheesycake x 1
(SleepSack ) cheesycake (Pink, Large)
(HB MG) maomi x 1
(HB OA) maomi x 1
(HB OA) gemini05 x 1
(Desitin Diaper Cream) Gemini05 x 1
(FTT)jules mum x2 blue
(SleepSack ) jule's mum (yellow, Large)
(COLD &amp; FLU)Jule's mum
(SleepSack ) Vonn (Blue, X-Large)
(SleepSack ) XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large)
(HB MG) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
(FTT)Lynn_ (pink)
(HB OA) na_na x 1
