(2008/04) April 2008

today's my first day keeping track of exactly how much my girl drinks. from morning till now only 570ml and she seems to be fast asleep for the night already. Is this amount too little?? seems very little, dunno if i should wake her up for a feed now..

Hi all,

also a eastern mummy..
raynsky....2 wks b4 i rtn to work my ger also like tis...refuse the btl n just wan to latch...dun worry ur boy will pass this stage soon...gif me a few weeks....its ok to eat slightly lesser so long as he is of a healthy weight range nw...

my ger onli take 100ml each feed...5 feed + 2x latch on...
Re : Bb fair

Not alot of items on offer. Pigeon items gg on 20% discount, but not the wipes! Not very worth it since can get it when dept stores go on 20% storewide.
Bumbo Tray gg @ $14++
Alot of FP toys, but don tik got much discount.
Alot of cheap cheap toys gg @ $5 to $10. Bought a few toys total abt 4pcs @ abt $35.
The Little touch books i saw is $29.90 lei.
I saw the station! Eh the box not very big, wonder if same as Jgal bought one?? BLUR.
Alot of clothings on sale, but i din buy any!
Overall not many worthwhile items leh.
Diapers only HUGGIES, chey!

<font color="0000ff">I aiming for the Bumbo tray end up i forgot to buy! I saw safety 1st booster seat for feeding got cushion one @ $69.90...anyone knows if other retail also selling around this price?</font>
Hi mummies
Am looking to get a 2nd stroller to keep in my mom's house and
need some advice. I recall someone saying the ESPRIT stroller is about $120? Where can i find/ buy this stroller?
Are there any other cheap strollers about $150 and below? thanks alot.
gail, why not look at the stroller BP that's going on now? i'm so tempted to get a 3rd stroller because the prices are so good!
gail: its me! Esprit stroller now going for only $99 at Toysrus. Me dumb dumb, bought at $129, just b4 the sale.
I also bought this stroller to put in my mom's house to be used when baby is there twice a week.

My boy takes about the same amt as your gal and he sleeps well at nite. If your gal is sleeping well at night, don't wake her. They grow faster when they sleep
i usually dun wake my girl up for feed, but when i totalled her milk intake for yesterday then got quite worried cos like quite little..
Good morning Geryl and mummies!

Today National Day Celebrations/Observance in schs and some officers mah, so a sea of Red and White...can't wait for tomorrow's gathering!

wat time can i collect my items from u if i choose today or tom ah? sorry ah..thread too fast...i c till blur...
morning mummies!

Really alot of red and white walking around wor! Its quite a nice sight in fact! Cant wait to see the pixs of tmr's gathering on facebook! Hee...
mushloom: when u getting the package? I hope to go HX this sat w u to try the session. I remember Prawnie said u b getting the 50 sessions only 4 weeks later. If u dun mind, I can get the package for all of us first. I shall sms u tml if i am going HX (at harbourfront?) at 10.30am... woo.. bit early for HB, see if my family can wake up.. heehee
Geryl I be out soon. sms me if on one is getting the flags... I think I can grab them later. oh yeah.. how many cfm going??? think juz buy for babies hor...
ya really bringing up the mood...today is friday already...TOMORROW is the MINIGYM! so exciting!

tomorrow we'll also be wearing red and white! hee hee. think ours even nicer cos we wearing and our baby wearing too! to cute!
Gymboree books postage is $3.35 !!! (By Sherin)
Please let me know who is interested for e postage!!!
I have to post them asap.

Collection at playgym
1) koori
2) simp
3) prawnie (Will be collected by Chewy on behalf)
4) babyliss
5) joellez

Postage @ $3.35 (will post on Friday)
1) raynsky
2) bebe11
3) Cass_078
4) burpy_babe
5) strawberries
6) cyl_16
<font color="ff6000"> <font size="+1">
Does anyone from Saturday's Mini Playgym Playdate use PIGEON PERISTALTIC BOTTLES? I have 2 bottles with teats to give away. I think bottles are about 9oz big. Pls SMS me ASAP if you want it, I will bring tomorrow.
I'm going alone, just to collect my loot from other mummies (and handover some of mine) . :D we have to attend great-grandma's birthday celebration in the evening, thus decided to let bb stay home during the day so as not to tire him out.
ToysRUs Esprit stroller
V good deal. but i find somewhat heavier than i like. not as light as i would want my second stroller to be.
<font color="0000ff">REMINDER

<u>Mini PlayGym Playdate</u>

Date: All Sats in Aug starting on <font color="ff0000">9th Aug</font> National Day
Time: <font color="ff0000">2.30pm</font>
Venue: <font color="ff0000">The Mayfair, Jurong East</font> (near Chi Gdn MRT)

1. Sherin n bb
2. Simp n bb n hb
3. calamari n bb n hb
4. Angel n bb n hb
5. Stefylim n bb
6. joteohl n bb n hb
7. Geryl n bb
8. Jgal n bb
9. Veronica n bb
10. Chewy n bb n HB
11. yo n #1 n #2
12. Babybliss n bb
13. ABCmum n bb
14. scubababe n bb n hb
15. tsukushi n bb n hb
16. koori n bb
17. joellez

Thing to bring: mat, towel
Dress Code: Red or white

CDs i/c: Sherin
Food i/c: Jgal
CD player i/c: stefylim
Drinks i/c: calamari

See you mummies tomorrow!
Random thought -
is anyone taking the train to tomorrow's playgym? if you need a ride from Chinese Gdn MRT to Mayfair, give me an SMS. I drive, can tompang you. Going solo so plenty of room. Meeting time Chinese Gdn MRT 2.15pm.
Is marks and spencer nursing bra on sale too? I wanna to get a few if got sale. Help me check out.
Your mum is not the only 'nan gao' one. my mum too.
Before i started work i tried very hard to get her to commit to taking care of my baby. She love my baby to bits but prob is she die die want me to send her over to her place. We dun have a car and she stays in Yio chu kang one of those landed property along the expressway. Just the walk from her place to the nearest bus stop is 20mins away. How to dash there every morning. I offered her many solutions such as staying at my place from mon - fri or every morning hitch a ride from my sis who will send my bro to sch in woodlands. But no, she turned down all the options so in the end i got no choice but to look for a nanny. After i found the nanny naturally i brought her there for a second option but she not very supportive gave comments that made me qn my decision but in the end no choice i still decided to use the nanny. I was happy that i did coz my nanny so far has proven to be resposible and looks after my baby well. Now that my baby starts to reconigse ppl, and my mum has not been looking after her. She gets so upset when baby cries after she carried her... But what to do...

Just the other day my mil also said something that made my blood boil. She said next time when i have another baby then she will quit and stay at home help me look after the kids... Wah, just that statement made me qn... when i was trying so hard to look for chidcare option no one volunteered to help me. Then why must wait until 2? y baby now not important enough? Or is it coz she is a girl? Anyway, hb also not happy with what mil said so i leave it to him to sort it out in the future...
any mummies using maclaren stroller (without all-wheel suspension)?

i wan to get another stroller that's lightweight. but dunno if it's a good idea cos the lightweight ones do not have all-wheel suspension like like peg perego p3. i have a hand-me-down combi without all-wheel suspension and the stroller is difficult to push on uneven surfaces plus it's a bumpy and shaky ride (it feels so flimsy!). nearly impossible to push on grass as well but i have no problem with my p3.

so wondering if maclaren would be as problematic as well? i'm not talking about rough terrain but more like carpark surfaces etc when the surface is a little bumpy.. any advice mummies?

hubby would object to getting another stroller with all-wheel suspension cos that would mean it'll be big and bulky and that would defeat the purpose of buying another stroller mah..
my experience with my baby is that before she started at the nanny's place i always have prob btl feeding her. She prefers to latch on. was kinda resigned to fate that my baby will be fussy and will go on hunger strike when she starts going to nanny's place. But she very smart. Now at nanny's place she will kuai kuai drink from btl and even finished more than what she would at home. Over the weekends now, when ever her dad feed her she will only finish 3oz, 1 oz lesser than what she is given at nanny's place. and she won't accept it if i were to btl feed her over the weekend. so no matter who takes care of her when you go back to work, she will realise that she has no choice very soon and accept what is given to her. But then again, over the weekend i spoil her. I let her latch on and feed on demand...
amy, your mummy sounds like she love your bb very much leh. sometimes really cannot understand why they're so insistent on something that doesn;t quite make sense right?

another reason why i dun wan my mummy to take care of my girl is cos she's the very defensive type. anything happen it's always someone else's fault or something. there was once she tried to feed my girl but she fussed and refused to drink, then my mum scolded my dad cos she said my dad disturb her from her sleep so she's cranky and refused to drink milk. although that's not the case lah, my girl woke up and my dad entertained her in the end kena scolding and nagging from my mum, so in the end he got pissed

my mum's eyesight is not good and she'll have times when she can trip over things but she'll always loudly complain about whoever left the thing there instead of being more careful wtahcing her step, or sometimes i see her carrying my girl very worried she'll knock my girl's head against the wall or door cos she's not mindful at all leh

sometimes she'll trip over my niece who's on the floor, can you imagine that?! my sis so paranoid she'll trip and land on my niece, and i think i'm even mroe paranoid that she'll fall carrying my baby! aiyo, the more i think about it the more i dun dare let her care for my girl..
Hi lynn,

which maclaren model are u looking at? i use maclaren quest for my no.2..so far ok no problem with wheels and it's sturdy (good for older baby when they are heavier). Weight of stoller is manageable..lighter than maclaren techno xt. I gave up on xt cos too heavy for me to handle alone. Bought combi ricco W very much lighter to use when u are alone with baby..(but not as sturdy as maclaren)
to be very honest, not all grandmas want to be child caregiver. my mom is one such person. i think she v happy that she doesn't need to take care of my boy LOL n who cld blame her? finally all her children independent and she has freedom. she is v lucky my ILs v onz with my boy. i hv to remind myself not to take my ILs for granted.

I think ur mom loves ur girl but childcare is ultimately work - best to start as late as possible :p perhaps that is her mentality. if u need her to step in, b v honest n open abt it. maybe she just waiting for ur signal to start, n now just enjoying herself before she is needed.

on the other hand if u cannot accept the way she takes care of children n hv no confidence in her, then find a nanny. i think no point souring family relationship over childcare arrangements. let grandma take care of baby or hv playtime over weekend - so she can really enjoy the bb w/o stress.
littleprincess, i'm looking at maclearen quest mod. same as the quest only the fabric is different right? the website says up to 15kg or 55lbs, but 15kg and 55lbs are very different leh, so also dunno which one is correct..

is it easy to push on normal pavement/carpark? very bumpy or shaky? ii'm going to test it out in the shops but i doubt it'll tell how it'll perform on normal roads cos the shopping center floor would be smooth and easy to push..
joelle, that's my idea, to let my parents and ILs play and enjoy the baby only.

but my mum appeared very onz (in the beginning lah) and kept saying she wants to take care of my girl. and she's a very proud person, if i were to object she would get angry like why i dun trust her or thinks she's not good enough. my hubby thinks even if we were to tell her nicely and reason with her we just want her to enjoy the baby she'll still be angry with me

i hope she has changed her mind, just dun wan to tell me she dun wan to take care of my girl.. cos since my girl stared being fussy and all that she's less onz already.. so when i tell her she won't be upset with me..
Ya lor. I was so upset with my mum then, dun want to help yet make negative comments. My mum is short sighted, 400 degrees but she dun wear glasses at home. So whenever we go her place for makan we can expect that the dishes not really clean and stuff like that. So hubby was also quite skeptical of her cleanliness level... And also my mum also very one kind. That day we brought baby to her place and put her in the bath tub to swim. It was my gal's first time swimming. Everyone was crowding around looking at baby except my mum who was busy in the kitchen so when she found out that she was missing all the fun she came in and 'scream' so baby was startled by her voice just as she was warming up to the tub and started to enjoy herself in the water. So baby cry her head off and then before she settled down, my mum wants to carry her and baby cry again coz to her my mum is a stranger... so much stimulation liao naturally baby was very cranky, dun 1 2 sleep keep crying. Then my mum start to say like she something wrong and take the pomegrate leaves out, dip in water and rub her legs!!!!

Hubby n me see liao blur...
amy and lynn : aiya nevermind lah.. just let our mums/mil be.
Afterall, they probably also go through alot when we were first born.
maybe our grandparents even worst :p ha ha ha.. Just love them as much as we love our babies for all that they have went thru for us. Just as we love our babies, the unconditional , and no-matter-how-bad-also-love kind of love.
you r not the only one. I've prob with my IL too. Mil always scold my bb for not slping, fussing during feeding etc. She would raise her voice and bb will cry very loud. Everytime have to repeat my sentence "when bb grow older, they tend to slp less. Don't force him to sleep if he don't want." Really say until i pek cek!!

Also, she always like to feed him early, as in 1hr before the next feed. She always assumed my boy is hungry when he's crying and always thinks that she's RIGHT! There's few times i let her feed early, and bb reject the milk, she scold bb and kept forcing the bottle in his mouth! then i will snatch the bottle and bb back, ask her go back room and rest. And she will be unhappy for the whole day. Now most of the feeds i will feed my bb personally liao. And u know what? Ytd best! she said she want to feed, then i let her feed. My boy fuss and kick, dun want to drink, then SHE SCOLD ME! ASK ME GO OUT, say bb saw me, then don't want her to feed. haiz...

sometimes don't know what she is thinking. She offered to help me look after bb and yet she's unhappy alot of things.

you are SAHM? hmm.. my mum will also complain that my son nv sleep long and she so bz with baby till no time for housework -_-''
