(2008/04) April 2008

<font color="0077aa">goodbb

hi that policy called 15 year life
hmm.. is something like u pay fer the policy fer 15 years and thereafter the policy runs by itself.. hmm.. u interested huh???


Try to let ur parents noe lo, im sure they would be understand.. fer ur siblings shud be more easy to educate..


haha my hubby oso sae wanna go fer movies.. leaving baby fer my pil to tk care.. i told him, im already working liaoz.. so not keen to leave him out if we going out.. my hubby peng san..</font>

Your MIL sounds exactly like mine. Whenever I reach home after work, she'll complain and complain about how fussy my boy is, do not want to sleep, dont want to drink milk etc.. She also likes to force milk on him even when he does not show he wants milk, just a bit crying then she'll ask the maid to prepare. End up always have to pour away, heart pain so wasted.. Haiz
used to be SAHM but still prefers to work... so mil agreed to help me look after bb, so i got a part time job at clinic just oppsite my house. but whether i got work or not, she's beening complaining, arguing and nagging ever since bb is born. BUT she insisted in taking care bb, don't know why, and don't know what she want to prove too. She also tend to complain to our neighbours my bb is very naughty etc, make her very tired blah blah blah, sounds like we are forcing her to take care bb, nv let her rest. And when dh talk to her, she said "NO PROB! I CAN HANDLE"

Really dont know what she want......
YA HEART PAIN! everytime have to throw away the EBM she wasted....... she think very easy to pump milk like that...

I think i can only vent my anger and pour out my frustration here... mummies, Sorry for nagging here...
Think women r not easy to manage. We r such interesting characters that at times we sing and at times we fight. I also fight w my mum and tell her that i am now the mother of the bb and how i wan my bb to be taken care of in my manner. Then i wd quote the newspapers, Pd, blah blah blah to tell them yes i did my research. Only on some things that i have nvr experience if i think it is logical, i can accept, else i think i will just keep mum until my tail is stepped on. hahahah. Usually i give 1 to 2 times chance to my mum and if i find her method is not working, i will just use my way after reading books, research etc. Now i do most of the taking care of bb myself and mum just started work. Hurray, no/fewer clashes at the moment. Ayway i am going to kl on mon morning liao so they now treasure the playing time w her.

Mil, so far i seldom go to her places only when hb is back in spore. So most of the time, still fine.

I can understand that it is really trying to live w mil. Really not easy. Too many women under the same roof sure bound to have issues even w our own mummies. I can imagine my ger fighting w me alreadi. Guess i will lose most of the time kekekek. Parents always lose to children de, no matter wat becoz we r their precious ones mah.

Give n take and when really too much, we need to make a stand in a tactful manner if we can. Else really chiam. Only w our mummies, we can no need to give face, but mil, haiz, unless mil is those kind not understanding or blind to their ways, then we need to make a point.

This is really a age old issue that existed since centuries ago and i think they will always be here to stay becoz we are women mah.
paging for Sherin..i need to transfer $$ to you for the walmart spree asap...what's yr acct no? Emailed you.

Amy: Babycubes
Let me know when &amp; where to pay

Discovery ball collection...when? Emailed you.

If i owe anyone $$, please PM me, cos i can only access to the Net every 2-3days. So so sorry. Cheers.
Yeah.. can only vent my frustration here.. Thanks for lending a listening ear.

Me too, always quote, the PD says .... then my mil will listen..
Maro - tat day my mom saw the bf news on tv, say its got 300 nutrients in BM compared to only 100 in FM....tik she got it but never comment. hehe
Koori,told my parents and hb that i helped them saved abt 1k for 6m if i on tbf kekeke. FM so exp, per tin per wk abt $40, a lot of $$$.
simp &amp; maro
at least your mil listen when u quote PD says ..., mine just refused to listen! it all started when i hv my #1. my mil always like &amp; want to feed her with forbidden food, like eggs, strawberries etc, which we shd not feed till after 1 yr. (egg yolks are allowed after 6mths though). she would reasoned with me that she also gave these to her children last time &amp; no problems at all. but to me, i rather stay firm in my belief that these food may cause allergy to bbs below 1yr. i told my hubby during their era, there's not much virus, HFMD, pneumoccal disease unlike now.
anyway lucky she's not staying with me or looking after my kids. but she does stay over for a night every week which already makes me boil. i know she loves her grandchildren but there are other ways to shower love.
sorry, just need to complain lah ....
Maro - bumbo seat is expensive, selling $49.90 at Kidzloft only.

BM - I remember seeing it on the new @ channel 8, that can save $720 for 6 months if TBF. So I told my hubby, though we spent $500 plus on pump but still worth it

Mum/MIL - sayang all mummies! Guess it is generation gap.
yeah my ger is 4 mtt old today...had her jab and enquire PD on if she can use jumperoo...she said no jumperoo for her..only stationery toys...
cloudme : I tot your mil is very supportive of your bf now even let your niece drink the leftover. :p

Yeah, jumperoo for babies that can sit properly.
think my war with my mil will start soon again after my boy can go solid. lucky, i recorded the channel 8 program that was showed on sat previously regarding BF, weaning, etc.. so if disagreement, just show her that program.. haha..

agree, it's a different era, how to compare??? Haiz!
Now, when she complains or grumbling, i just go back to my room with my boy. I know it's rude but really scared i'll flared up and quarel with her.

ya agree, they juz simply don understand, dunno y also, see liao also sian, sometimes i juz keep quiet, cause i don feel like talking also liao...
when we cannot come to agreement i always say "OK Let's go to PD and see how". we go to a PD that we both like.

we just follow wad the PD say. laidat everyone gam guan haha.
Is it too early to plan for CNY clothes??? Aiyo keep browsing bb clothes leh. and shoes, what kind of shoes better? Robeez? Shoo Shoos? Leather shoes too hot or not? Or socks? Or cloth soft-shoes??

**pre-National Day no mood to work**
maro, vyn

same here, everytime when my mil come over, i will juz carry my #2 &amp; do my own things. i'm trying my best to close 1 eye liao but seems like everything she does i really buay tahan leh! these are some of the things she does:

1) she let my #1 play with umbrella (its so dangerous rite?)
2) or she will put her in my boy's sarong. my sarong is those small kind, so cant take heavy weight one leh, think will give way soon man!
3) give tidbits such as pocky &amp; sweets as breakfast when my #1 wakes up! faintz ....

she always grumbles that my #1 so poor thing, got nothing to play &amp; nothing to eat!! aiyo i really very pek chek! like wat vyn said, see liao also sian.
my pil fly over once in a while, i oso sian liao...i arady warn my husband, don yr parents dare to feed my boy junk food....if not i will scream at them , don give u face..=/.....then he show me -_-.....
Veronica - actually when they count the savings they shld count the pump in haha then more accurate, tik they trying make the savings look MORE. haha.
Jolle - i got the habit of buying bigger clothes and keep, don tik need special buy for CNY, take out those i kept and let her wear ,i super KS hor.
i already scream at my mil once liao but she's still like that leh! she's very defensive lor. really can vomit blood. still can complain to my hubby that i always pick on her.
my mil also sometimes like that, give tibits,sweets,biscuits to my #1. she give #1 soft drinks and said that weather v hot, no matter wat water as long as my son drk can liao!

then now tryin to feed my bb porridge! and the sil also can say introduce solid as early as possible then in future their appetite will be gd! i almost faint! wat logic is that!
PD say must start aft 6mths lei. they always one ear in ,one ear out de. this week show them the papers that too much water will cos kidneys problem to my baby. then next week, will feed him water again! -_-
veronica - i thik i spend more on bfeeding stuff than i wld have spent if i fed FM! PIS advance, supplements, storage bottles, milkbags etc etc... thik hv to bfeed for at least 8 mths just to break even!! Not to mention the lack of sleep cos hv to wake up to pump and using my lunchtime to pump in my office toilet. But i tell myself it is for good of baby, so worth it. And since bfed bb suppose to fall sick less often, i also told my hubby we hv to take into acct the PD bills that we save... haha
Sigh.. me also experiencing problems with my mum when looking after baby. Tell her not good to give water then she will say all of us drank water when we were babies wat and no problems at all... sounds familiar? Thik they like to use this against us when we try and tell them not to do something. We must remind ourselves not to turn into our moms when we have our own grandkids next time!!
agree. initialy was SAHM too, then i realise better go work to reduce frictions and disputes. cos the more i see, the more i angry. they always use their 'old traditional' ways
I got a way with my mom , she listens to my cousin who has 2 kids so if she don listen i tell my cousin to tell her. if not i will say cousin say one then she listen, funny!
heng is my own mum who cut out some article that baby cannot drk water and then she is convince. then the next target to 'brainwash' is mil which is more difficult. haiz
I oso want to rant:

Last week, I went dinner with my IL family. my mil ate prawn, zi bao ji and crabs, hands were so oily, yet she never wash her hands and touch my girl face and mouth for almost 2hr.. I was so pissed off with her. I almost shouted at her, but I ren ren ren!

and she like to comment this comment that: say bb must drink water, can let wind blow on her, must bring her out more often, so bb will not be scared of ppl..

now i am so scared that dh suggested to move back to his hse to stay over the weekend, their hse very messy and dirty, i dun think it is good for bb..

I cannot blog this at my blog, cos sil reading else later will jia bian again..

can only vent it here
looks like today is a 'complain' session..
Think we're too bottled up and really need to let go.. haha..

Wat I HATE most abt my mil is that she always says my boy very bad tempered, like to cry very loud unlike her son (my hubby when he was a baby) and some more wonder whose gene is it? Isn't it obvious that she is directing at me..

Bopian, nowadays play deaf and dumb cos need her to look after my boy, worry if only my maid taking care.
Jo - ya my mom say on papers that cannot drink water, then she came to tell me, funny hor now cannot drink water. Ya my mom tot i duno so rather listen to my cousin who has more experience but i read up mah, so i know latest for bb.
hehe, i already train till can close one eye liao if not i can survive till now living together with in law including sil cos she come every wkend!
I also everyday REN REN REN!!! hahaa

Lucky my own mum more understanding, at least when she is sharing her experience, she'll add on to say 'it's up to you young people to follow or not' :p

my PIL same as yours!!...keep blaming me n my mom say we nv bring my boy out, tts y he c pple now, he scare....#$%^&amp;...tink so easy ah..say easy, do diff...they only knw how to play, when my boy cranky, they jus say aiyo so naughty and walk away.....i angry becoz they say my mom..say me, nvm, don say my parents.....my mum arady so tired looking aft him, they nv look aft, come liao, say tis and that..my mom oso angry..then my hubby like mute like that, jus sit there...

so sorry, was so busy the past few days that i did not have the time to reply nor go online.

meet up on either monday or tues is fine with me. do you mind meeting up before work? say about 9.45am at raffles or tpg mrt?
otherwise can call me to arrange.

re: baby einstein

its still stuck in vpost..... am so sorry.

will have to reconfirm all the meeting dates. sorry.

i very angry with them.. always pai pai bi gu and go.. lucky they only come once a week to see bb, but i already buay tahan..

yaya, my mil will say bb eye like her son, face like her daughter, ear like her husbanda dn finger like her older daughter.. as if bb is hers, not my bb..

lucky my girl dun really like my mil, will cry if carried by her.. i think my girl read my mind.. haha
