(2008/04) April 2008

Leo's mum : Leo, get well soon! =)

Xav's_Mum : Don worry. I'll let you know if I got any job lobang. =)

Angel : Wish you speed recovery. =) I had brought my gal for the MMR jap last month. No fever or rashes appears. The PD whom I usually visited always give japs on my gal's thigh, so same to the MMR.
leo's mum- my son also on off sick for consecutive 2 month. but after that he's ok.

cause due to inconsiderate mummies at school. if u saw anyone sick esp cold in class, be safe to seat 2 seat away. cos everytime, he seated beside one sick babies, he fall sick the next 2 days.
lea's mum, rest more and take care

the flu bug's going around, me mostly at home also can fall sick. and Adel also sounds a little funny after her trial at tumbletots and strated coughing just a little, hope she'll stay healthy
good morning mummies

hugs to all who are down, i'm also recovering from lymph nodes infection. Doc assured us it's not contagious but still baffles me how i get it.

anyway, thanks Jule's Mum for helping to reply Leo's mum. Finally got to meet you and Ju over the weekend! We should go for tea together someday, Ju looks so endearingly cute!
Hi mummies,
Hugs to all mummies who are unwell and get-well kisses for the unwell babies.

Elliot is fine now. Thanks for all your concern.

Angel: thanks for giving the contact for the shoes :D nice shoes! Too bad we are looking for more winter wear for Elliot :p

Wishing all a good week while I am counting down ...heehee
angel...just to share my experience on MMR for my boy lar...

on the 3rd day he start to have those mossie bite pattern appearing on his thighs lar, arms...then by the 5th day start to get more...on the 6th day he abit feverish...

lucky onli reach 38.5 nia...so not so worried...

then the rashes spread to his tummy, his face etc...arrrh...onli subside on the 14th day after the jab...
re: MMR
my son, Jax, took the MMRV (MMR + Chicken Pox vaccine) instead. save him less injection later. he din really have the mossie bite thingy but he developed fever a week after the jab.

Lynn, Adel's CC already gotten MCYS approval for her to start CC earlier? when she is starting her CC? I wanted Jax to start CC on 2 sep, but today the CC can still inform me they haven got approval from MCYS. took so long???? so fed up. i already emailed to MCYS. dunno long time they will take to reply me.

Chewy going to overseas for long term?

those who go polyclinic for injection, the injection was done by nurse or doc? will they be able to answer child developmental questions?
artist, yups gotten MCYS's approval for early enrollment. think i got the approval less than a week after i asked the CC to help me send in the application for the appeal. she's starting 1st Oct..

Jax is starting next week but no approval yet? then what did the CC advise?
i submitted my application in Jul 09 and when i called the CC to check in early aug 09, they said application to mcys could not be submitted too early as mcys would tend to reject it. so CC said they will submit in Aug 09. today when i asked the outcome, they said mcys hasnt got back to them and they asked me to check on 31 Aug!! i am wondering whether this CC is bullshitting with me.
artist, it's true, my CC also said appeal to MCYS usually would be submitted about 2 months before enrollment date (all the CCs tell me the same thing) but i explained that if i need to extend my no pay leave i needed to give 3 months notice, so need to know if confirm can enrol early or not 3 months before the start date. so my CC tried to send in the application for me and i was also surprised it only took a few days for it to be approved..

check on 31 aug? then if approved they can arrange the manpower etc to care for Jax? you also need time to get things ready for him and also to mentally prepare him leh..
Lynn, i submitted application within 2 months (jul to sep) but the CC waited till aug then submit to mcys. if 2 mths is the limit then dunno why they told me tat they could only submit request in aug...maybe they just submitted my request today to mcys!!

i'm in similar situation as yours.. i'm on ML till second week of sep 09. i already told the principal tat i need to enrol my son before i resume my work cuz my mil couldnt cope with 2 young children (mil kept asking me whether jax will start cc in sep. like very scared to look after him n his younger bro).

i also felt 31 aug very short notice... i already prepared some things for jax to bring to sch already... as for manpower, i guess the CC should hv...haiz i guess i have to wait...

actually i preferred another cc in my work building but then this cc is very far from home. scared got emergency, i couldnt take leave n react in time.
ooh thanks koori

jules mum- can share y u din like the place? i was thinking of going for trail there

chewy - when will u be back?

any tips from gals who brought their kids for cruise? wat's the shower like? got toiletries?
leo's mum: Hmmm, when I brought Kayla for cruise, she was only 12 months old. At that time, I brought only Pigeon instant food and cereal. Think now you can feed baby with restaurant plain fish porridge. I bought a Safety 1st inflatable bath tub there cos at that time she could not stand very steadily yet. But since now they are already 16 months old, can just shower with the shower head. I brought her own baby toiletries there cos even I don't use the toiletries provided by cruises/hotels hehe.
thanks calamari & jules' mum

calamari - so i just bring a non slip shower mat can? is shower or bath tub? i ask about toiletries cos lazy to bring for me & hubby :p
Chewy - Take care sweetie, hope baby elliot can adapt the weather there. Quite dry, remember to bring some lotion. Muak..

Calamari - Think i saw ur gal photo in 1 Mother & baby magazine. She is photogenic. :D

Angel - Do take care of ur health.

Really miss meeting up all mummies here.
Hi Jules' mum. :D Kayden is fine. Now he likes to go out. Everytime when he hears someone open the door, he sure run to see and want to follow. LOL.

How is Julian? Saw the pic in facebook, wow.. he is the next Wang Li Hong playing drums. Kekeke..
Hi Xiaozhu, how have u and Kayden been?
Think you probably saw Kayla in the Mar - May 2009 edition of New Mom magazine hehe.

Angel: you are probably going to kill me! I keep forgetting to drop by your place!!!! Will call u later :p sorrieeeeeeeeee..hope your jaw is ok now.
Halo Calamari,
Recently having hard time coping with my office work.
Helping my boss running ad-hoc things like office renovation, new company setup, employed new staff etc. And also my accounting work. Really wanna go crazy. Lucky Kayden at nanny's place during weekdays. So i can concentrate on my work. Thinking of my boy really brighten up my day. I'm sure all mummies also same, looking at our little one, our unhappiess will disappeared. :D
Xiaozhu: I guess it will pass when the new office is set up. Think of it on the brighter side; at least we still have a job to bring in the dough
Xiaozhu : Ju's good. mischievious la. Oh! he loves drums lor. He likes loud stuff. I guess for now the mini one is ok. If he really learn in future I'll buy him the electronic one so less noise. haha.

Need to vent... My manicurist over did my toe now it's swollen. I went to raffles medical just now as I needed some antibiotics cream (can't buy over counter). Waited for 45 min. then I saw 1 doc going into the other doc room and chat with 15 min! Laughing and laughing. I walked to the recept asking when is my turn. The doc didn't press our number for 15 min. Guess wat. our paper still outside! I got fed up. I told her i dun wanna see already. Waste my time! I'm not going back to raffles medical Anymore!
Calamari - Thanks.

Jules' Mum - I also dun like Raffles Medical. :p Unless it's company doc. Their fees very ex. Alternatively u can buy antiseptic cream over counter for cuts.
Jules...Same same..i dun like Raffles medical..u noe why...their medicine given always "buay giaaa" wan...so bek chek...tt time my company panel list happen to have Raffles medical... sometimes for ease of convenience, i went there to get MC...else i will never go liao lor..

hahaaa... hows ur toe now? swollen badly? u got complaint that manicurist?
Xiaozhu, Choc : I was a paying patient la! Not my company's doc. I just wanted to get antibiotic cream so I just go nearby.

Toe still swollen. Went to get antiseptic cream instead lor. The manicurist is my mum's fren's niece! I've got ingrown nail so usually my mum's fren will do for me. She super lazy one la but she is the only few who can do my ingrown so i go to her. WHo knows! She told me let her niece try cos she can do. Regret BIG TIME!

Koori : how to claim.. fren leh.. but i will definately feedback to them. Super painful. it's my 2nd toe that's swollen. DUnnno y my big and third toe also numb.
Morning Mummies,

Me back from the cruise le.. Didn't really enjoy cos i got sea phobia. I watched too much Titanic and Poseidon. Whenever i felt the ship shaking i'll start to think negative. But i ate alot and gain ard 2kg. =D

Jules' Mum : I also had bad experience on my 1st mani & pedicure in one of the shopping in Farrer Park.. Suddenly forgotten the name. Most of my fingers and toes were bleeding after the process.. My cuticles were damaged but luckily it recover after few years. Till now i got phobia when i got for medi & pedicure.
violet: welcome back. You are like my hubby hahha. He didn't enjoy cruises and got seasick even tho its a cruise liner. :p But food shiok huh? Eat like mad hahaha...
koori: must go hols before attempting for #2!Like me, now at 24 weeks, still thinking of hols but looks like i will be just dreaming for the next 2 years :p
Calamari - i cant go now lah! SIAN! Next yr i go if i can haha. Anyway u just back from Oz still wan to dream again.
hi violet mummy,

welcome back!
did the little one enjoyed the cruise too?
any problem with showering him? food wise...?
heehee, my turn will come soon next month.
Koori : Ya lor. Fren how to complain... My mum told me to go back tell them then make them pay for my medical bill. but i paisay la. Haha. Luckily it's better today. I'll definately not let her niece touch my feet again!

I was thinking of bringing ju for cruise too. After 7th month la. hehe. I abit pantan.
Luann_Mummy : I didn't bring my gal along. Was v regret of not bringing her along when we saw so many kids of the same age were on board. I kept nagging at my HB that we must faster settle her passport then bring her for the next trip on next yr. LOL

Calamari : Thanks. =) The food wasn't that fantastic but there are variety of food that kept tempting me to eat and made me gain ard 2kg lor.. =D

Vonvon : Thanks. =) Though i didn't bring my gal along but i don't see any trouble to shower your boy if he is able to stand steadily. Just take note that b4 you shower him, check the water temperature. I almost got scarred by the hot water. As for the food maybe you can check with the chinese restaurants in Pavilion (FOC) if they got porridge for the toddler. There are also plain rice and food which maybe suitable for yr boy too.. Hope you and yr family an enjoy yr trip on cruise. =)
