(2008/04) April 2008

farah : ya.. she's very good. Actually she taught me a few tips when weaning my son to solid. Thanks to her, my son's begining to use spoon to feed himself. Haha. I like to see her gal so pretty hor.. I should see more so that I can have a pretty baby gal. hahaha.

Hi mummies
Javier having high fever this morning....yesterday as usaual he still make noise/grouchy until i put him to sleep about 7.30pm...i told myself let him sleep all the way thru...but ...what to do he wake up at 9.00pm, after feeding him FM his playtime start.....i let him do what ever he want true enough about 11.30pm he is tire and get to sleep more easier, so I thought everything is fine , who know this morning...haiz...
his every intake is 220ml...if more then that he will not finish all..

Calamari: my mom also use marmite for my son's porridge .

My receipe : porridge with either carrot, pumpkin,potato, sweet potato cook with pork meat (i never klet him eat the pork meat )..that all haha lasy mummy, luckily only weekend i cook for him...
so good so many babies can eat pasta/minced meat etc. Adel still only takes mushy porridge or mushy pasta, defnitely not the yummy al dente kind and definitely not minced meat

running out of ideas what to give her cos she's not chewing well and is STILL toothless.
re : calendula cream
Calendula cream are in.Please arrange for collection while stock last.

$17 each.
1 pcs : $0.50
2 pcs : $0.80
>2 pcs : self collect only.

Will only reserve 4 for Angel who is collecting with CLO. Others please collect asap.
sigh... elders....

hmm i also running out of ideas what to cook for his porridge. last sat tried winter pasta wif mince meat n pumpkin... ivan doesnt like leh... donno is it coz i put too much pumpkin. last sunday have tried scallop wif silverfish and he likes it alot. finished the whole bowl of it.

as for marmite. i too finds it salty. but if ivan is sick n tired of his food then prob i will juz put a bit n try n see how.
angel, maro: I used the Laughing Cow cubed cheese recommended by Puffish. Its small little cubed cheese. Used to microwave the cheese but discovered that once the pasta and beef is ready hot, open up 2 cubed cheese and mix...they will melt automatically.
mummies, recently julian's drinking very little. I'm not sure if e teat is too small. mummies with babies drinking from avent, anyone encountered this prob? can we use needle to prick a hole?
Angel: yah .. That's why these two days I made one dish to go with the porridge !! hopefully, he can get real used to it, then I can cook "our" meals together !!

Lynn: why dn you try minced meat from carrefour ? I noticed their minced meat is much finer than the ones I bought from NTUC.
prawnie, this evening, we went to my mum's place for dinner. Dana was able to eat rice mixed with cabbage soup and steamed egg (with minced pork)! I think gradually I can stop cooking porridge already! Haha

Lynn, Dana's tooth only sprouted 1 week b4 her 1st bday and she only has 2 teeth on her bottom gums now. But they can chew with their gums w/o teeth, you can try let Adel taste the pasta, just boil till it's soft and feed her in small portions.

Jgal, thanks for ordering and reserving the 4 tubs for me. Actually I'm down to my last tub of California Cream already, when will the CLO arrive?

calamari, thanks for the tip! Will try to look for laughing cow cubed cheese this weekend while grocery shopping.

New maid will be arrving this Thursday from Indon. Pray that she'll be good! *fingers & toes crossed*

Oh yah, Jules' mum & farah, thanks for sharing that useful webby link! Where can I buy wholemeal flour? Never seen it be4...I've cake flour, plain flour, self-raising flour in my kitchen but no wholemeal flour...hmmm....
angel : I'm still searching for my maid. called 2 to interview. their attitude not good. when hear tat they need to take care of kid quickly tell me no experience and not interested. not only we pick maid. e maid pick us too. sigh.

I've been steaming soft rice in stock for julian. I put minced pork, minced Chicken, fish, pumpkin, long/ french beans, eggplant, zucchini, spinach, tofu, etc. julian likes pasta too. I'm introducing tomato soon.
angel, I would think it's plain flour but not processed. I would use plain flour. brenda's not in town. I'll check with her when she's back.
hi, made a small change to my son name...if its not too late.

To those joining the April birthday bash this coming Saturday, please hv the final check on the names. Need to send the name list by today.. Cheers

Name's list for April Birthday Bash - 02 May'09

1 Dana
2 Gideon
3 Tiffany
4 Ernest
5 Alaric
6 Roy Zak
7 Ivan
8 Kayla
9 Sean
10 Issac
11 Kaleb
12 Kang Kang
13 Kayden
14 Davien
15 Caden
16 Maddy replace by Constance (confirmed?)
17 Javier
18 Dominic
19 Claire
20 Jayden
21 Clairese
22 Elijah
23 Javier
re : April bash
16. Maddy replace by Constance (confirmed!)

re : calendula cream
18 tubs reserved. Now only 2 tubs for collection.
angel : clo wont be in until late next wk. You can collect the calendula cream first if you want.
hi all my parents and in laws also enjoy giving him lots of funny stuff. esp soy sauce. shake head man.

for proper meal, he'll hv 3 dish and 1soup.

1)steamed egg plain
2)steam broccoli
3)steam apple
4)carrot, apple, and corn soup.
main meal- red dates porridge

sometimes I'll change to ikan bilis porridge or carrot porridge. vegetables wise - sometimes I'll let him hv cabbage or potato. meat- will give ngor fish or cod fish. but I'll try to give steam apple cos it 'll help in digestion.
RE: Pasta for kiddos...
i cook tong xin fen(macroni) for my ger...she like it...

but she still prefer "mian xian"

RE: veges...
my ger like long beans, tomato, potatoes, cauliflower, carrot(w/o skin), garden peas, black beans(from blackbeans soup)
Angel: wah !! Cool !! Life would be easier !! hahahaha.. hopefully x can upgrade soon !! hahaha

Jule's mum: Thanks for the blog link !! Very useful !!

Cloudme: Can i check with you the blackbeans, I realised after I rinse with water before I cook, the skin of the bean came up. Do I need to remove that ? Or can be eaten after I boil in the soup?

Cath: that's very satisfying for sure !! 3 dish 1 soup !
Mummies... Avent bottles are getting on my nerves... I just changed new bottles and the bottles leak! Does anyone know which other bottles can use Avent teat?
Jules's mum...
can try pigeon? i ever use pigeon wide bottle teat for my avent... hmmm...shld be able to fit ba...

why leak leh...i been using for past few months...so far never leak...
Juke's Mum: I think it's the screw ring. you try and screw it in place.. sometimes, mine leak too. rescrew then can already. Screw a bit tighter .
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+0">Hi Mums, anyone keen in taking over Kaleb's slot. He jus got a fever yesterday evening so i dnt think we can attend the bash

To those joining the April birthday bash this coming Saturday, please hv the final check on the names. Need to send the name list by today.. Cheers

Name's list for April Birthday Bash - 02 May'09

1 Dana
2 Gideon
3 Tiffany
4 Ernest
5 Alaric
6 Roy Zak
7 Ivan
8 Kayla
9 Sean
10 Issac
<font color="0000ff">11 Kaleb</font>
12 Kang Kang
13 Kayden
14 Davien
15 Caden
16 Maddy replace by Constance (confirmed?)
17 Javier
18 Dominic
19 Claire
20 Jayden
21 Clairese
22 Elijah
23 Javier</font></font>

if the skin is off when u rinse it...
just remove it...
and for those which skin intact...
after u cook it ...the skin can be eaten...

but i remove the skin b4 feeding my ger(after cooking)...
cos she will also spit out the skin if i feed her with the skin...haha...
Hi Javier(no.23) still having high fever until today , I also think that he will not able to attend the bash

If anyone want to take our my slot will be great.

Let me know if you interested. thanks

To those joining the April birthday bash this coming Saturday, please hv the final check on the names. Need to send the name list by today.. Cheers

Name's list for April Birthday Bash - 02 May'09

1 Dana
2 Gideon
3 Tiffany
4 Ernest
5 Alaric
6 Roy Zak
7 Ivan
8 Kayla
9 Sean
10 Issac
11 Kaleb
12 Kang Kang
13 Kayden
14 Davien
15 Caden
16 Maddy replace by Constance (confirmed?)
17 Javier
18 Dominic
19 Claire
20 Jayden
21 Clairese
22 Elijah
23 Javier
prawnie, choc : I dunno y my bottle always leak one leh. Screw too tight then he difficult to suck. Yesterday the new bottle leak like tap! I was so pek chek. then his clothes wet. He lagi pek chek. Wat to do.. pek chek mother got pek chek son.

What a way to celebrate Ju's birthday today. he has 3 new tooth to celebrate with him! Haha. He's really cranky today. 3 molars coming out. No wonder he's not drinking well. now i dunno if the teat's too small or he's just not in the mood to drink and eat.
Jules' Mum

Happy birthday to ah Ju!! heheheee... think he not in the mood to drink ba..coz his gum pain ba...

screw too tight hard to suck meh? will affect ah? weird hor... Lol... pek chek can understand... leak liao still got to clean him up...sianz
Hi Joelle
My mum telling me he is making noise...this morning he actually cling on me don't want me to go work...but bad mummy had to sneak out to work...
choco : I feel will leh. something to do with e valve. he like have to suck very hard when I screw too tight. then he gets fed up then dun wanna drink. then again maybe teething la.

julian just recovered from fever 2 days ago. I think e fever because of teething. I let him sleep on e water mat. really good.

hoon, hope javier get well soon. is he teething? ju also. everyday dun let me go work. I must bluff him mummy go toilet. everyday go toilet so long. haha.

I really don't know is my boy teething cos he don't want to open his month for me to see at all yesterday...haha i must wait until he happy then let me explore his mouth...
hoon, actually my son also dun open mouth for me to see. I put my fingers in to feel or quickly peep when he yells. haha. I can feel them la.
but every time I put in sure bite me 1 time. left, right, top, bottom. all together bitten at least 4 times. haha.
can u try to smile wide wide in front of ur boy?
i make such silly smile mine will smile and i can see his gums...
Coudme: Thanks !! I shall try again.They said black beans makes nicer soup.. hee

<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Happy Birthday Julian !!!!</font></font>
yesterday was Adel's birthday, brought her to underwater world, she's so fascinated to see so many fishes, tried to pronounce the word f-i-s-h but still can't.. but the litle terror had lots of fun 'walking' about holding our hands for support, and yesterday the first time she tried letting go of one hand and just holding one hand for support

brought her to the beach for a short while and she's happily kicking the sand and stomping her feet on the sand but when we took off her shoes she hated the feel of the coarse sand on her feet and stood on one feet to minimise contact with the sand lol

bought and cut another birthday cake, this time remembered to take video, but my sis pressed the pause button in the middle of the song! so we only had the beginning and ending of the happy birthday song. oh manz...
<font color="aa00aa">Morning mummies..</font>

<font color="aa00aa">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JULIAN &amp; ADEL.. </font>

Yesterday also Davien's birthday.. haha.. brought him to Explorer Kid at downtown east. He enjoyed himself very much.. then dinner at Swensens with icecream as cake :p

jules' mum..
guess davien is also teething, super moody and cranky the last few days.. my hubby cant stand his long persistent crying and become moody too

think i saw u yday at Ehub but u were with yr friends so nv say hi.. haha.. actually saw Xavier first, he is big boy now
happy birthday adel and davien

maro: we bought juju a swensens ice cream cake too.
1st taste of ice cream. he kept signing for more. haha. I think e ice cream help to sooth their gums too.

ya. julian super cranky and very sticky. esp at night. cry and cry. usually he's not such cry baby. I tot his 8th tooth was bad enough. seems like this time worse.
I really hope e teeth come out quick.

just to share wat this little boy did. my brother has morning sinus. every sunday when we stay at my mum's place julian will see my brother blowing his nose. yesterday he was playing with tissue box. we saw him pulling out a pc, cover his nose and blow. he doesn't know how to blow from nose so he used his mouth to blow bubbles.
jules' mum,
i dont think should poke the teats, irregular flow. if using avent, can buy those with more holes, for example my boy has been using the 4 holes for few mths already. I think he drinks better cos do not need to suck so hard. once this blur mummy took the wrong teats out (2 hole - meant for water) and he refused to drink the whole day, only realised when I rch home :p
maro : julian also using no 4 teat. maybe is teething tat cause him to not drinking well la. haha.

did davien enjoy e ice cream cake?
Good morning Mummies!

finally, the weather is so cool and soothing this morning! A very happy Belated 1st Birthday to Julian, Adel and Davien - all 'graduate' to become toddlers now, big pat on mummies' shoulders for reaching this big milestone

Dana loves ice-cream too! On some evenings, hubby and I would go to our fav ice-cream joint 'The Daily Scoop' for our desserts fix and Dana would keep shouting ''mum-mum'' until we feed her some.
I think she has a sweet tooth just like her mummy! She's also quite adventurous in her tastebuds. We were at Brewerkz for a family gathering on Mon and I ordered pasta in pesto-sauce, she wanted to try, I fed her some and she liked it (keep wanting more)! Hubby was thinking if it's good habit to feed her what we eat....hmmmm....

Btw, mummies, Cold Storage having discount on the 'Petit Miam' yoghurt for babies. Also laughing cow cubed cheese spread - buy 1 get 1 free. I bought some last night! Good deal
Hi all
May I know how you prepare your babies for eating harder solid food? My girl is still eating those very mushy porridge. If it's a little harder she'll keep on wanting to vomit. So I don't dare to feed her with other things yet. So envious when so many of your babies can eat pasta, rice etc...

Also, the pigeon biscuits that all of your babies like, when I gave my girl on 3 occassions, on all 3 occassions, she vomitted all the milk, porridge etc that was eaten earlier. sigh... How I wish she can eat rice, etc
Shelyn : maybe you can start giving abit thicker food to your gal? Slowly abit at a time. Maybe you can remind her to chew?

I've got a friend. When her baby started on solid, she will blend the porridge. Her son's P2 now. Till now, she need to blend porridge for her son every meal. If not, he will gag. He doesn't eat noodles or anything. Only blended porridge. Before I started to wean Julian to solid, she kept reminding me to intro julian to more textured food. Since day 1, I don't blend the food with blender. I mash manually. now, I dice his vege. I give him tooties and honey balls as finger food since 7th months. Or, if you give her cereal, slowly make the cereal thicker. Hope this info is helpful.
Hi Mummies,

The goodie bags have already been prepared. For those who cannot make it and have no one to take over ur slot, you are still entitled to the goodie bag ya!

There are a variety of mixture of goodies, but not all in 1 bag (each bag is of a mixture of items amounting to a final same value): vcds, dvds, rattle balls, washable markers, chunky books, munchkin spoons and biscuits!

So even if you missed out, hope the goodie bag makes up for it!

The problem is the collection, probably can appoint a mummy who is going to help u collect ur share.

1. Vonn - you want me to keep for you?
2. hoon - to collect by ?
thanks to those who have put in so much efforts into the party. am looking forward to 2nd may.

hmmm now tat u mention it jules i think better start giving diced veg. but the problem is ivan still swallow oni. he doesnt chew on his food. how to teach chewing? or is it a natural reflex?
mushloom : wat I was told is if dun intro textured food to them, they will always swallow e food and not chew. tat's wat happened to my fren's kid till now still taking blended porridge. for julian, even if I feed him soup since he started solid, he will chew. in fact, he don't like watery stuff now. he prefers textured food. keep reminding ivan to chew and slowly thicken e cereal or porridge. for potato, banana, u can use fork to mash briefly. take it slow k. julian started taking shredded Chicken.
