(2008/04) April 2008

Maomi, thanks for preparing the goodie bag
see you all tml.

mushloom : ya. I also think it's better than never. it's not too late now. ivan still young. if my friend never share with me I would not have given julian more textured food. good luck and go slow k.
<font color="0000ff">winter

may not attend with my boy as he had a sudden spike in temp wed night not even sure how he got it as i have been home with him for the past week.

To those joining the April birthday bash this coming Saturday, please hv the final check on the names. Need to send the name list by today.. Cheers

Name's list for April Birthday Bash - 02 May'09

1 Dana
2 Gideon
3 Tiffany
4 Ernest
5 Alaric
6 Roy Zak
7 Ivan
8 Kayla
9 Sean
10 Issac
11 Kaleb
12 Kang Kang
13 Kayden
14 Davien
15 Caden
16 Maddy replace by Constance (confirmed?)
17 Javier
18 Dominic
19 Claire
20 Jayden
21 Clairese
<font color="0000ff">22 Elijah </font>
23 Javier

<font color="0000ff">hope fully today is fine then you will be seeing us tomorrow.....</font>
hi Maomi
hmmm I never meet all the m ummies here beside jgal..but she staying far from me...
I wonder any mummy stay Yishun area I can dropby to collect if i really never turn up tomiorrow?

actually Javier is recovering, today I think I will stop his fever syrup anytime since yesterday his temp is under control....but I still think I shouldn't bring him to party scare he may spread virus to others babies....he also ganna from his cousin when we thought that his cousin had recovered.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Happy Belated Birthday to Adel and Davien !!</font></font>

Maro: Ohh.. I din see you !! haha.. I always walked blindy !! hahaha.. I went up explorer kids too.. Seems fun !! Maybe we shall arrange a date there !!

Shelyn: Prehaps you cook the porridge with lesser water. Maybe can start with your usual porridge for her, but dun mesh the veg or carrots. Cut into bit size, small yet soft enough for her to let her feel tt there is something to chew and you show her the chewing action.

Jule's mum: Now X also dun like watery porridge. These two days he is on pasta but with different sauces and veg! And poor X after the pneu Jab, now down with fever....
Hi Jule's Mum,
I am also blending my rice before cooking!!! My mum started it first... cos she says it's brown rice so harder to cook that's why she blend. Now I use the blended brown rice with normal unblended white rice...

I tried to cook carrot using diced one (diced until very small. much much smaller than bite size) but she still cannot take it. still vomit. sigh...

I don't want to feed her with blended porridge all the way til she go to pri sch leh haha... help!!!
Happy Labour Day to all mummies &amp; babies!

Thanks Maomi for preparing the goody bags for us. Can't help but wish the gathering is today instead

Hope all babies will stay healthy or recover in time for tomorrow!
The Details Once Again

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">April Babies Mass Workout Cum Bday Bash</font></font>

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm

Programme of the Day
4.30pm - 5.30pm : games and activities
5.30pm to 6pm : Makan Time
6pm to 6.30pm : More workouts
6.30pm : Bye Bye Time

Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)

Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby)
re: blending rice before cooking &amp; maid.
i was talking to my maid today. And realize that she has been pounding my gal's brown rice before cooking.. Cant help but feel so lucky cos' she did that on her own. Can really see that she really love my gal.
Shelyn: Prob bit sized but not soft enuf?

What is your method of cooking? Try pressure cooker if u have. I used tt. All are cook in chunk. But very soft. so even if it's in baby's mouth, bigger than bit size, no problem for them to chew. If your girl can take it from there, slowly u make it less soft.
shelyn, I think blended brown rice is fine. you never blend white rice ma. slowly cook with lesser water. for me, I never blend my brown rice. I soak overnight. for vegetable, I'll steam them then mash and add into e rice or porridge. like wat prawnie said it should be soft already. if she's taking cereal, try to make it thicker.

have u tried giving her bread, cake or mee sua?
Hi Hi,

Claire is sneezing today but only for a few times. I will monitor and see if she kena flu. If so, she will have to skip the party... don't wanna her spreading germs to other babies...
Long time never log in, as busy busy with work.

Hope Elijah, Javier and Kaleb recover.

Elijah's mummy, I will collect your goodie bag if u not coming.

Hoon, we will c if any mummies staying in the north turn up today.

<font color="0000ff">C all mummies and babies at JWT (East Coast) at 4.30pm </font>
Prawnie and Jule's Mum,
I cook the porridge over stove. I don't have pressure cooker. Maybe I'll try again and cook it softer.

I gave her bread, mee sua and cake before. She's ok with them. And I think she likes mee sua cos it's a bit salty. She only ate it once on her bday. She also likes the graduates stars. But she doesn't really chew. She juz 'kum' inside her mouth until it's soft then swallow haha

Y'day I went out for breakfast and gave her some steamed yam cake and she can also eat them (small pieces). So she can actually eat harder stuff rite? Then why does she keep vomitting her porridge? I already added soy sauce to make it taste better. Or issit becos she's sick of porridge?

How to cook paste for baby? must make it soft and mushy like porridge?
<font color="aa00aa">hope all babies recover soon.. </font>

not really, u were sitting in a cafe facing inwards, carrying xavier, that's y cant see me.. haha.. anyway, sure, can meet up at explorer kids, davien enjoyed himself there.. :p

thanks.... talked to hubby and he says better that we give it a miss. Elijah is now hacking away.... haiz wondering how he got the flu bug since me and hubby have not been out of the house for 1 whole week..... hubby now working from home as i find it difficult to care for my boy... :p
sob sob.... another weekend burned coz of the boy!!!!
i want to go out am sick of the 4 walls at home!!!!

I am staying at AMK, normally i will alight at YCK mrt after work. Let me know if u want me to collect the goodie bag on ur behalf.

Hope Kaleb, Javier and Elijah get well soon!!
i have 2 extra cans of hb cereal expiring in 2 weeks time. to give away for free. I will leave it at the reception. anyone interested please pick up.
<font color="0077aa">Winter, Gideon oso would not be able to make it todae as he was down wif flu &amp; cough, i juz brought him back from PD, very sorry..

Had been in fact looking forward to attend the birthdae bash, hubby felt tat is better to give it a miss, dun wanna spread to other babies...

Elijah'smummy, how's Ej?? Hopes he is better.. now my Gideon sick.. juz fed him his meds.. haiz.. </font>
<font color="0077aa">jaspire, tot i would have a chance to met u in person since we noe each other since from the june bride thread then to multiply and till now haha .. guess got to c another time liaoz :p</font>
Good afternoon..

Really look forward for today baby gathering. :) Happy Birthday for all April Babies.

Re: Porridge
I dun add soya sauce, but think my nanny does add abit. Already told her dun add too much. Guess i need to close 1 eye &amp; not to be picky.
For me, i washed &amp; boil ikan billis (u can buy those bigger size) more tastier for soup base. Add in small ginger, veg stalks, onion, wolfberries, red date etc. Strain the soup and cook porridge. Taste quite good w/o soya sauce.
Soup base, u can change like Fish Tail/ Fish head, Pork ribs, chicken drum, Frog (Tian Ji).

Re: Egg
Any heard need to give baby try egg before gave chicken pox jab?
Sighz...mummies i think murphy's law is at work today.
Dana also suddenly developed fever out of the blue this morning and her temp is still unstable despite us giving ibufen. She was perfectly fine up till y'day night!
She also has diarrhoea today, wonder if it's teething.
Hopefully it's teething and nothing worse.

Looks like we also have to give the party a miss too. Kinda disappointed as we've been planning and waiting for the party for so long
Nevertheless, enjoy yourselves!
re: ibuprofen
angel, my pd told us not to give the ibuprofen that the a&amp;e given us the last time unless very high fever. Cos' ibufen maybe too strong for young babies. He mention something like hurting the stomach.. Dana's diarrhea may be cause by ibuprofen and not the fever itself.

found this reference :
Hi jgal, sighz. We gave panadol once and temp didn't subside so we 'upgraded' to Ibufen (given by PD at last visit). I read that Ibufen can cause stomach discomfort so maybe the diarrhoea is due to this. Thanks for your advice. We'll switch back to panadol. Actually her temp is not too high - hovering btw 37.6 to 37.9 C.
haiz.... so boring at home!!! haiz if only my boy is not barking away.... sob sob.

oh jgal

are you doing a spree for the braun thermometer? if so can let me know? i gave up with the normal ones that i am using already! each time i use it, it say 37 but then when i touch my boy's head its so hot. and if i were to bring him to the pd always temp is 38! really at a loss now.
jasmine : yes..
you want to borrow my thermo first,you can pick it up tomorrow.
? cos' will take sometime before it arrive.
i will put in a order for you if you want.

yeah.. the braun irt4520 one is good.. cos' it has pre-heat tip.. thus, the reading is quite accurate.
unlike other thermo.
Shelyn : Since she can eat things like mee sua, cake, yam cake... I don't think she has a problem with eating textured food leh. Have you tried mash potato or mashed vege? Maybe your gal sick of porridge. Have you tried steam rice? Mash it and see if she's ok with it. I know my son don't really like porridge. We give him steamed rice now. But we add more water la. For Pasta, you can try buying bellamy stars, Bellamy macaroni or ABD pasta. They are quite soft after cooking. I don't use pressure cooker to cook my vege too. I use steaming method.

So many babies sick.. Hope all of them get well soon. Maybe whether not good. Julian just recovered from fever too. I think is because of teething.

Angel : do you have the water mat? Sponge her. Julian don't like panadol. He will throw up after taking panadol. PD gave him progessic.

Xiaozhu : You got a good babysitter. Sometimes really must close eye la. Hehe. Regarding egg, Yes. My mil told me about it. I started giving Julian eggs. He don't like hard boiled eggs so we do scrambled eggs for him.

hubby say its ok... dont need to take yours yet... coz he say now we better self quarantine.... haiz the worried man! :p heheh very ks!

yaps can help me place an order? also can email me coz i seldom check the threads now that hubby is working from home... sigh he hogs the com all day long!


what was i supposed to email you? i forgot... :p heehh the closer to my edd the more forgetful i get leh!
<font color="aa00aa"><blink><font size="+2">BIG THANK YOU </font></blink></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">to Winter, Maomi , Maro, Angel </font></font> and all the other mummies for a wonderful event.
jasmine , angel.. no worries lah.. if you want to drop by.. .
i'm not really worry about baby falling sick.. cos' it's part of growing up.. i hope to "build" up my gal's immune system also.
Hi gals,

Naughty Jayden had a wonderful time with all of you today at the bash. Sorry to little Kayla and Constance, Jayden has not been a gentleboy. Jay was trying to snatch Constance's toys and also caught him slapping the back of Kayla. OMG! But I can tell that he really really enjoyed the bash...esp the bubbles. He was totally mesmerized by the scene.

Jayden fell asleep the moment he was in the car.

I have uploaded the group photo on my facebook. Sorry that the pic turns out to be a little blurish... cos i din want to use the flash.
hi mummies, glad the party went well. Dana's fever continue to climb throughout the afternoon and peaked at 38.9 at 9pm just now. We rushed her to a good family doc in JW and she was administered a suppository. Doc said fever this high must watch out for fits.
It pains my heart to see her so grouchy and irritable, with no appetite for any food or milk. Doc asked me to sponge her every 2 hours and supplement with Ibufen every 6 hourly. According to him, viral fever's incubation period is 2-3 days and the virus is air-borne so she could have gotten it anywhere. Now there's nothing we can do but to wait for the virus to be dispelled from her body. Sighz....we pray that all bbs who are ill will recover soon.
hi Prawnie, agree that running out of recipes to cook for ELliot too... hahaha.. He's eating the below now. Elliot likes to eat with us and our food, so I feed him rice too now and it has to be our adult spoon or chopsticks! He also loves bread, so I spread cheese on bread or let him dip in cereal/milk. I try not to give him outside food as a nutritionist told me not to build this habit otherwise they may prefer stronger flavoured food as they grow up.

RE: food for babies
1. Rice with : Steam egg and minced chicken/pork, minced pork marinated with cornflour and alittle soy sauce, steamed chicken marinated with little salt, steamed salmon /cod fish, egg tofu with minced meat

2. Tuna pasta, Pasta Bolognese, macaroni &amp; cheese, mian xian with minced pork, baby shepherd's pie

Thinking of making baby salad too. Shall dice up the fruits and steam veg like carrots and pototoes to let him pickup and eat. Elliot enjoys feeding himself so i let him be :D
Angel,hugs to Dana, hope she recovers soon. hope all bbs who are ill to recover soon too! *hugs hugs*

Hi mummies, hope the mass party was fun! Do upload pix on facebook!! :D
<font color="0000ff">Nice meeting all mummies at the b'day bash and hope all enjoyed the games. Thank you Maro and Miaomi for the effort put in buying cupcakes and the goodies bag.</font> E was sooo tired then he slept from 7pm to 7am :p I think I am equally tired too with all the running around with him.

Cath, seen the photos, very well taken. Jayden got nice brown hair. He looks mix, is hub or u mix?

Angel, oh no, hopes Dana recovers fast. And the Doc is right, high temp will cause fits, but not for all bbs. Staying in air-con room helps to bring down temp, it works for E, hope it works for Dana too.
angel : hope dana recover soon. my fren's son had fits twice 1 month apart. pd told her usually only 5% of kids will get it. she was told to sponge him and lay on water mat. if u need 1, I can lend it to u.
take care.

goodbb: I'm not sure about e difference but I bought e cheap one and my pd loan me e aquacool. I don't see e difference other than e price. Hehe. my pd told me to get aquacool from kk pharmacy.

chewy : julian likes to feed himself too. I let him la. esp during meantime. easier for me to feed him also.
keep him busy.
hi mummies, need advise on weaning baby. books says that bb can be off FM/BM and weaned off milk essentially or be given fresh milk as supplement for solids. anyone planning to do this?

i think most people here knows my girl has refused milk since 4m, and she can only drink milk while she IS sleeping, not even like drowsy or going to sleep. i was thinking of introducing her to FM from cup since she's turned 1, since most recommend weaning off the bottle at 1 anyway.

i just tried giving her FM from cup and spoon yesterday, at first she was so curious abt the milk in the cup. after i sip, she turned her head away with disgusted look and pushed the cup away or keep waving no-no with her hands. tried from spoon and also same reaction, first sip curious and then refusal

dun know what to do, i can't possibly keep feeding her milk from bottle while she is asleep right? not sure if pediasure choc flavour or other fresh milk or flavoured fresh milk will be ok for her? at least she'll still get her calcium intake..
lynn : is she rejecting all fm and bm or the bottle? have u tried e different brands of milk? I know my nephew too reject milk since 6 months. till now, 5 yr old, my mil gotta feed him 30 min after he sleep. they tried putting milo to e milk but he still reject. he is on pediasure. but not sure if it's suitable for 1 yr old. is adel taking yogurt or cheese? fresh milk is good too. but must not be low fat. is adel's meantime ok? maybe intro some calcium into solid if she really dun want milk?

I'm changing julian's milk from soy to maybe enfa. was suppose to do it last week but he was ill. thinking of changing milk makes me worried. he's taking soy milk quite well now. worry he reject again. thinking of giving him cereal with fresh milk in e morning too.
Hi to all mummies at the party,

Looks like I missed out a lot here. But perhaps its a good idea for Maddy not to come as she is still coughing and had a runny nose. Wouldn't want to infect another babes.

Upload some pictures please

I gave Maddy a combination of Panadol and Ibuprofen a couple weeks back when her temp reach 40. And she sleeps with only light short sleeves shirt and diaper, with no blankie. This help to lower their temperature down, and we constantly compress her with cold towel.

Panadol is not strong enough for such high fever, jgal is right that Ibuprofen might cause stomach discomfort, thus PD suggest to only give along with Panadol after temperature reach 39. Maddy's poo is ok, but she has hard time eating and drinking. She only gets well after a week, but her runny nose is still persisting. However, just want to assure you that eventually Dana will be alright. This just means more work for the parents now

Meanwhile I hope all the sick ones will be well soon. Have a nice Sunday everyone.
Hi mummies
hope babies had enjoy the party yesterday, sorry to miss the looking-forward event.

Hi na_na sorry miss your msg, have you got the goodies bag for me? if not its ok...if have please PM me...thanks alot

Javier had recover frrom fever but now abit running nose....

Food: I cook macoroni for him yesterday....cos he is rejecting porridge...but he refuse to eat even 1 spoon...never give face to me cos mummy 1st time cook...haha my hubby said so plain(only put mince meat and vege) of cos he reject....
Hi mummies, does anyone have any idea on how to deal with mosquito problem? My in laws who are helping me look after my gal during the week stay in landed property, and they have a major mozzie problem. Almost every week my gal gets bitten, I so heart pain and also worried abt dengue. This week she came back with 15 bites, 6 on her face alone!! And the bites take forever to go off, and will leave a black mark which probably take months to fade. Sigh...

Have tried the patches, but no use. My hubby said he have even seen mozzies buzzing near the patches.... and also those electronic devices with the blue light to attract mozzies, also no use. Really dunno what else to do....
It was great meeting up with all mummies &amp; lil ones at the bash. I have posted up some group pics on my facebook.

Sorry, i am not sure if u want me to collect urs so Maomi kept all the excess goodies bags.

Have u tried california baby mozzies repellent before?

oh no...u wan to try call those pest control co. to come...coz its not safe to have mozzies ard small children....

Sputnik, agree with Luann. Better call town council/ pest control. My mum's place (where Jayden stayed over the weekdays) has this problem too. He gets bitten badly around, 6 to 8 bites per week, and very swollen. And, I already think that is very bad enough. Called town council and they did some fumigation. But it only helped for that few days, mozzies back again.

So my parents, in fear that Jay will get dengue, they put up mosquito nets at his playpen, and put lavender gel (glade brand) around the living room and the rooms. And this actually helped. So I am using it at my house too. In addition to the fumigation, you may want to try to use this lavender gel. It is available at all supermarkets.
