(2008/04) April 2008

hoon: can u pm me your CL contact pls (just to keep in my records after i passed my 1st trimester smoothly)? my good CL is fully booked till Dec 09
jules. noted. actually the issue is nt really with the soya sauce. juz don like her to do it sneakily behind our back.

sigh as usual she complained to my father and my father spoke to me... gotta give in again.

sleeping through the nite
my boy still cannot sleep through the nite. last feed at 8+ but he will still wake up at 1 pls followed by 2 hrs interval for comfort sucking. i oso too tired to let him cry. tink wait till i hol then try to wean him from that.

calamari when ur girl on total fm, does she get constipation?
mushloom, I understand it's not just about food. I feel maybe we should just learn to close 1 eye. just to share, my mil takes care of my bil's kids. from day 1 she told my sil, she does her own way and my sil cannot tell her wat to do. my mil has been feeding her 4 yr old grandson with Chicken rice, duck rice, roti prata, mac daily. she doesn't cook at home. when my sil pointed this out, my mil scolded her saying she find nothing wrong and dun teach her how to take care of e kids cos she took care of so many. my sil dun trust maid alone and mil dun allow her to send e 2 kids to childcare so bo bian. she just swallow it.
Thanks ladies for ur advise...

took my ger to see doc...and indeed its false measels...but already fading loh...
and was told that her ezcema is acting up too as due to the change of "body wash" (mil trial)...

so going to get her usual body wash again...

phew luckily it's not allergy to antibiotics...
any mummies used kidsloft's birtjday 50% off? it says for house brands right? any idea what brands are those? looking for buy a potty for my girl..
<font color="aa00aa">Morning Mummies..</font>

same thing happen to me, my mil wanted to add soya sauce to his porridge as my boy was ill and hv no appetite a few mths back. i objected strongly and ask hubby if she did that i'll not let her take care of my boy.. then she relents, at least she did not do it sneakily.. but really not sure if she will so on and off i'll spot check my son's porridge if i'm home early.. but what they do in the afternoon i dont know, sometimes will check with my maid too.. hehe..
To those joining the April birthday bash this coming Saturday, please hv the final check on the names. Need to send the name list by today.. Cheers

<font color="0000ff">Name's list for April Birthday Bash - 02 May'09</font>

1 Dana
2 Gideon
3 Tiffany
4 Ernest
5 Alaric
6 Roy
7 Ivan
8 Kayla
9 Sean
10 Issac
11 Kaleb
12 Kang Kang
13 Kayden
14 Davien
15 Caden
16 <font color="ff0000">Maddy replace by Constance (confirmed?)</font>
17 Javier
18 Dominic
19 Claire
20 Jayden
21 Clairese
22 Elijah
23 Javier
Good morning Mummies,

this swine flu pandemic is spreading like wild fire...pray it will be contained very soon.

Hoon, can PM me your CL contact? I'll let my colleague speak to her directly.

Thanks Maro for ordering the cuppies, looking fwd to the mass workout this Sat!
mushloom: my girl is not totally on FM yet, still 1 feed of frozen BM. So far no constipation. Maybe you can let baby drink more water and eat more fruits/yoghurt.

actually the kidzloft one rite its for all items except their clearence items!
oh do note that they have a change in addy hor. on longer at 154 targor lane. still in that area but i cant remember where. got to find their name card. :p

u wan to take a look at here

soya sauce..
i also strongly against use of it and my mil always up to no good.. hahahaaa

she always wan to feed my boy her porridge which she added salt lar, soya sauce, pepper..
i tell her no..then will ask hb to tell her too

oh dear.. my hb always tell her..after 1YO anything also can eat... ohoh...my trouble will start soon

Any mummies cook baby porridge with wolfberries and red dates for baby for nourishment? Wondering if ok?

Also my son has slight fever after his 1 year old vaccination, does it mean his body is weak?

Thanks in advance.
i don't understand why the eldery like to add salt or soya sauce to bb food..

my ILs same too, wanted to give bb try but dare not..
cos dh told them that doctor say no salt for bb under 2YO as it is not good to bb kidney, plus they also scared I not happy cos I dont give face(bad example of DIL), whatever they want to give bb, they will ask for permission..
charismama at least your husband is on your side..mine will even feed him keropok!! so mad..fighting a lone battle...good thing my mum takes care of him so not too bad...if my in laws take care i think curry also they will feed.
calamari, I also doing that too.. think my gal also like it..

As for feeding of savoury food, I'm more relax with it since my gal has passed 1 yrs old. As long as it is in small portion, I'm fine. My mil also very keen to let her taste EVERYTHING. Think she even feed ice-cream to my gal when she's just like a few months old!!
i'm fine, thanks.. my boy is turning one tml.. haha.. super naughty, cry to get wat he wants now, but does not work for hubby and me.. think he spoilt by my maid and mil..

yeah, my boy has been having porridge with wolberries and red dates stock with ikan bilis since he is 6th mth during wkend cos mil refuse to follow my way.. not sure about the noursishment part. my mum taught me so just follow.
Happyblue: I have been adding wolf berries to xav's porridge. Red dates maybe advisable not as it belongs to the "heaty" catgory. Cook soup can add a bit.

Calamari: ahahah.. Din tot of Marmite ! Been years since I ate that. I should try it !!

These few days been cracking my head on what to cook. Gets pretty boring to cook the same thing everyday but with different ingredients. Wanna try to give Xavier what adults are eating.

I have tried the follwing:
1. Steam egg with meat and chopped asparagus
2. brocolli with cheese sauce

Any mummies cook more than this? Can add on to the list?
choc: I also regret telling my family 1 yr old can eat anything. From his lunar birthday onwards, my family has been feeding him coke, fruitpunch, bak kwa!!! Sigh. I give up la. As long as they feed him after his normal meal I'm fine la.
i worst..i added abit of the Bovil (similar to marmite) since my boy started on porridge... coz he simply dun wan to eat no matter what stock i use...

jules' mum...

i dun allow lar... must go thru me first.. i dun wan them to feed my boy rubbish knowing their pattern... my worries is he dun take his normal meal after tt... develop sweet tooth how

aiya... those pple who feed "foreign" food are normally those who are not main caretaker... such that in the event stomache after eating.. none of their business mah... they happily kiao kar or sleeping middle of nite..is us/caretaker xin ku nia (my feel lar)
RE: Marmite
but i thot marmite is very salty?

i dun let my ger take marmite yet...
planning to add after she get sick of her normal porridge...

but for rest of the stuffs...
as long not too salty or too sweet...i am ok...
now she also eat some of the food off our plate during our dinner(after her feed)
choc : you are right! they just feed.. see how happy the kid is.. then none of their biz already. I dun allow also like that. They all gang up against me say y i want my kid to be sua ku ah! Feed when I'm not looking. GRRR... Then say my son so skinny cos i restrict this and that. My grandma better still. Give him curry puff! me and my hb against the whole family is no joke. They more people, louder, win lor. Luckily Ju's got allergy so I always use this to stop them.
any mummies have prob logging into msn?

my mum also adds soya sauce to Adel'sm porridge although i'm against that. sometimes very ridiculous, wan to feed her outside duck porridge (note that my girl cannot chew meat yet so they mean eed the plain porridge with the seasoning only!) or feed her plain porridge with the 'sauce' from their stir-fry meat or vege. i was very very upset, like they wan to feed my girl plan porridge with seasoning got taste but no nutrition! i go home rather throw away the porridge and feed her cereal lor.

but luckily now i cook and take care of her, she's still happily eating her porridge even though i do not add seasoning. but i add dried scallops/ikan billis/red dates/wolfberries depending on my mood, so the porridge is also a little salty sometimes.
oh wow the kidsloft 50% off is on everything ah? i was still thinking what falls under house brands.. MUST make a trip there.. aiyo so last minute, left a few days in April nia..
Lynn... alot of sales going on leh!!!

maybe u aim liao then go down take a look be better?

tink robinson n toy'rus also sales leh..

jule's... hehe...same lar..wan secretly feed..i always stay close to my boy one..

they dun even have a chance lor... then heng thing is my boy hate solid..so when they push those food to his face..he give them the disgusted look... WAHAHHAA!!! and if they put the food into his mouth..he give the "vomit" look..
hahahaaa...after that i always tell my boy.. good job! LOL
Hi Prawnie

can share with us how you cook the cheese sauce? Thot of introducing pasta with cheese sauce for dana cos she's now eating tomato-based sauce for a week already

i also add bovril to Luann's porridge esp when she is sick and during my trip in melb...if not porridge less tasty coz no time to cook stock...

so far she loves it...

as for food...i guess i'm a pretty relax mummy...will let Luann try most of the food that I eat....ha ha ha...
cass: er...go to sauce section? at supermarkets

angel: i melt cubed cheese for pasta and mixed with steamed minced beef..

prawnie: my menu includes
- pasta with cheese and minced beef
- porridge/cereal with minced chicken/beef/pork, then with other ingredients like asparagus, spinach, chye sim, french beans, kailan, beancurd, egg, pumpkin, tomato, carrot, potato, sweet potato, broccoli
any cheese or must be bb cheese? any brand?
thanks for sharing..

bb can take tomato already?
wow.. think i'm guilty lor, till know my boy only had the usual 'ngor her' porridge.. haha..
calamari, thanks for sharing the recipe.

What brand of cubed cheese is nice and how to melt them? Using microwave or conventional over the stove?

Maro, yes, they can take tomatoes already. Infact, we gave dana some raw cubes when we ate salad and she loves it! For pasta, I use 'Hunt's Tomatoes' in a small can, avail at NTUC/Cold Storage
Angel: I tried using cheddar cheese, melt it and stir in 1 scoop of FM powder with 60 ml of water, depending on your preferred consistancy.

Calamari: Thanks ! I am thinking if should upgrade to feed X rice. hahahhaa.. These two days he simply dun want his porridge, wants only my food !!! *faint* thats's why i cook one dish to go with his porridge..
Prawnie, Dana's like Xavier too! Rejecting her porridge and shows more interest in what we're eating. I think they've been eating porridge for the past 6 months, sick of it already. So have been feeding her pasta now
also running out of ideas what menu to plan for her!
It is great to share recipes!
I think my boy is sick of eating porridge already!

What I have cook so far:
Pasta with Broccoli and cheese
Porridge: Ingredients include: Cod Fish, Ngor Her, Minced Pork, Chicken, 2 Vegetables minimum: Spinach, Carrots, Pumpkin, Beancurd, Broccoli, Egg.

Please share what else can I cook for my child...running out of ideas...
angel : extracted from Little Gastronomy

Cheese sauce:
50-60g Grated Parmesan
300ml Fresh Whole Cow's Milk
2-3tbs Wholemeal Flour
30g Unsalted Butter
ya and i read on her blog her girl is like wow! self potty trained , picks up reading , eats without needing toys or tv..so good


i went to kidzloft last sat. there is not much there. u can get brand like i m toys, baby safe mattress n so on. i saw some potty there but nv look in detail as i already have it. the website got alot of items but its limited thr. i go there to get the safety gate for my gal but can't get as alot sold out.


wow your boy can eat bak kwa. its so hard.
