(2008/04) April 2008

Good morning Mummies!

Geryl, haven't seen you for a while, welcome back! How's bb Clairese doing?

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$30 per family (2 parents and 1 baby)</font>

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

<font color="0000ff">Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!</font>

1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. scubababe, hubby &amp; Byron
3. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
4. puffish, hubby &amp; Tristan
5. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
6. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
7. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
8. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid (maybe)
9. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
10.mushloom, hubby n ivan
11. JuniorRain, hubby &amp; Eshin
12. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
13. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
14. maomi, hubby &amp; sean
15. mifi,hubby n issac
16. vonn, hubby and kaleb
17. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
18. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
19. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
20. goodbb and bb
21. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe)
22. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
23. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
24. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
25. Xiang + Hubby + Ethan
26. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
27. Tratties + Hubby + Adrynna
28. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper
29. ?
30. ?
Any other mummies would like to join us to make 30 kids for JWT pkg?

Veron needs to pay the deposit by friday to confirm the room. Each family to contribute $35, so we have around $9 to pay for cakes and cupcakes?

Just wondering any mummies is a member with JWT? If yest can save a bit of $$ --> Jamie (Barnzilla) is a member.
Morning Mummies

Share a pic of Alaric taken last nite showing his giant upper teeth **Oupss...

Have a great ha-ha day everyone!!

so cute lor.. davien upper teeth only come out one pc.. look very strange now.. hehee..

anyway, saw that alaric's hair is growing liao.. so now no longer botak and bo geh..
and his arm is so so 'bak bak' (** envious :p)
Hi Angel,

Sorry i can't cfm whether can join cos I m signing up GUG for Apr term on every sat in the afternoon. Registration on start in Mar so I can't tell wat time will b Eshin's lesson. But if is on 1st or 3rd May then we hv no prob at all.

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$30 per family (2 parents and 1 baby)

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

<font color="0000ff">Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!</font>

1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. scubababe, hubby &amp; Byron
3. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
4. puffish, hubby &amp; Tristan
5. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
6. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
7. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
8. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid (maybe)
9. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
10.mushloom, hubby n ivan
11. JuniorRain, hubby &amp; Eshin<font color="0000ff">(can't cfm cos mayb gt gug class)</font>
12. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
13. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
14. maomi, hubby &amp; sean
15. mifi,hubby n issac
16. vonn, hubby and kaleb
17. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
18. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
19. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
20. goodbb and bb
21. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe)
22. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
23. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
24. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
25. Xiang + Hubby + Ethan
26. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
27. Tratties + Hubby + Adrynna
28. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper
29. ?
30. ?
Any other mummies would like to join us to make 30 kids for JWT pkg?

Thanks for the compliment :D


Yes, Alaric also initially only have 1 upper tooth, then lately the other tooth is showing up and GOSH there is a huge gap in between the teeth **ugly lorr ;P

His hair is like "mohawk" hahaa only have hair in the middle...i am planning to shave him botak ley huhuhuuu

How is lil davie?
Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

<font color="0000ff">Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH</font>

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. scubababe, hubby &amp; Byron
3. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
4. puffish, hubby &amp; Tristan
5. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
6. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
7. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
8. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid (maybe)
9. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
10.mushloom, hubby n ivan
11. JuniorRain, hubby &amp; Eshin(can't cfm cos mayb gt gug class)
12. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
13. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
14. maomi, hubby &amp; sean
15. mifi,hubby n issac
16. vonn, hubby and kaleb
17. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
18. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
19. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
20. goodbb and bb
21. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe)
22. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
23. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
24. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
25. Xiang + Hubby + Ethan
26. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
27. Tratties + Hubby + Adrynna
28. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper
Hahhahaha nana, A is so adorable..he looks so happy! Don't worry about the gap between the 2 upper teeth. Kayla's was like that too, but as days go by, the gap is closer
hahaaa.....thanks for assuring me on the "GAP"

guess A might not need braces after all (I already have this idea on my head if the gap is permanent thingy :p)


Ah raph so yan dao worr........**drool drooll...hahaaa
so young thinking of braces already.. davien is fine, getting more and more naughty, trying to grab everything and also trying to stand on his own once he got hold of something like tables or chairs.. so must be on constant lookout..

raphael really yan dao.. the teeth below look great.. like a big boy already..

so long nv see u posting in this thread, how hv u been? hope everything is well with u, family and baby constance..
yeah, i bought some books from that bp though my boy dont like to read so far. but this kiasu mum just keep on bbb :p
Alaric and Raphael are both so charming and happy!

goodbb/juniorRain, I think Winter tried to re-schedule the JWT party but 1 May is unavailable. As for 3 May Sunday 4.30pm, I dunno if other mummies are agreeable. Please liaise with Winter as she's doing the venue booking now.

Jesling, most mummies voted for JWT as there will be play gym sessions to keep all the bbs entertained so the venue is switched. Why don't you want to join us? You've been to JWT?
Thanks, I will checked with Winter. Mayb the same time I can check with GUG on wat time slot is their lesson.

wow ur boy is charming and he gt 7 teeth oredi.
Ya my boy upper front teeth oso hv a gap.
Thanks JuniorRain for your understanding. Please share your exp with GUG cos am looking for a good enrichment class to sign Dana up with.

Update on Health
Just seen doc for the 4th time since 22 Jan 09. Currently taking 4th dose of anti-biotics but fever still comes and goes and coughing till almost cough blood
Now passed the virus to my hubby and he's down too. Mummies, what can we take to 'bu' nurse our health back? Very sick of seeing docs already

Just received news that my granny has been admitted to NUH for high fever but I'm in no state to visit or go near her
feel very sad as we're very close - I'm her eldest grandchild and she raised me since young
Angel: hope you and hubby will get well soon. You can go to Eu Yan Sang ask them what herbs you can take to 'bu' back your health.

Re: G*G
Hmmm...my experience: I have heard so many rave reviews about them but I am very disappointed with their service. Have booked a private trial Gifted Babes class with them 2 months back and 2 weeks before the trial class, they simply just wrote an email back to me saying that the private trial class has been cancelled ->"I have just received a memo from the management that w.e.f 15-Dec-08, we will no longer hold private trial classes. This is due to the shortage of class rooms (in light of next year's increased enrolment). As such, i regret to inform you that the trial class that was previously scheduled on 10-Jan-09 has to be canceled." I believe Sherin also has a bad encounter with them. They promised to call but did not follow up. Well, I believe their classes should be good or else they won't have such a big following. But they have to improve on their service ...felt they are a bit stuck-up. And they did not even offer any alternatives to put us in another class whatsoever, not even a phone call. On the other hand, Julia Gabriel staff are friendlier, and they will explain to you what your baby is in for when you sign up with them. But JG is so ex!! *faint*
yeah, pls share yr experience. also thinking of sending my boy to classes so that he can meet more ppl..

for cough, u may wan to try birds' nest. if no time to prepare, buy those pre-packed ones also can. as for 'bu', my mum always 'tun' (like double boil) pork/ chicken with cordyshep, pau sim and woofberries. hope this helps. and wish speedy recovery for u and hubby.

try to nurse yrself back to good health then can visit yr granny. i'm sure she'll understand and will be soon discharged too..

re: GUG
as calamari has mentioned, they cancelled the trial class which we have arranged 2 months earlier just two weeks before the class.
They dont even seem apologetic at all.
One weekend, i was at Suntec so thought that we will drop in to book for a trial class.
The person at the counter attended to us after a loonggg time and she said they will check and call us back. It has been more than 2 weeks since then. I have not heard from them. =(
I am very disturbed by their attitude. I dont expect them to teach very good values to our children.
According to a friend, whose son is with GUG, their lessons are very sit down type. Meaning the babies have to sit down and listen most of the time. I dont think my daughter can sit still for 5 mins, not to mention 45 mins.
Furthermore, Summer is still on GD programme, i dont know if there might be any clashes.
Dana is also on GD prog right?
angel, maro..
hahaa..thanks thanks..he happy till see no eye...jian ya bu jian yan... so happy to see our little one laugh till so happy hor...

he got 8 teeth..haha..the 8th one come out lor
but still drooling badly... haiz... his neck area always wet wet de...
so cham... though i put bibs hor..he will forcefully take out =(

so sad...waste money..now the bib become white elephant... stacking up collecting dust...
calamari &amp; summer's mama:


honestly i went to the outlet in novena before. nothing much. went through their programme, nothing fantastic either. basically, it's juz a lot of marketing and a name well chosen. all mummies want their babies to be GIFTED!

personal opinion is, GUG, it's just like any CC, any classes. if you have excess money to spend, why not, if not, choose wisely! =)

Get well soon! and wish a speedy recovery for ur granny too.

Re: Enrichment class

Anyone heard of wee care before? My boss highly recommended this plc
I have write in to enquire and the principal replied saying that they r full right now and if it is ok for her to put me on waiting list. I think tat's v sweet of her.
koori.. no lah. Not doing the book BP lah.. I ordering from the bp lah..

Not really doing bp nowadays.. just clearing up old orders (happybellies), use up bonus$ from drugstore and buy clothes for bb's first birthday. BTW , happybellies now cheaper to buy locally cos' 1 shop is giving 2+1free offer

I just change department .. *Stress* so much work nowadays and bb very active so when i reach home i spend most of my time with her..

How's your birthday planning coming along.. seem like more ppl going to do it at hort park.. hahaha :p

Winter .. orh. For once i am lucky this year... Cannot believe how unlucky i am this year, lost >$200 in mahjong on the 1st day of CNY along with other unlucky things.. *sianz*
Angel &amp; Maro
Np, will shared with u my exp after my boy has went for their classes.

ya my boy oso drool alot. Oh yes he oso dun like 2 wear bib, will forcefully pull out lor. He very clever, oni 'guai guai' wear when we feed him food lor.
na_na, wee care has been in the market for very long already just that they dont advertise widely. they are quite highly recommended by those who have attended.
I have time and money constraints ! haha . have to choose wisely like maomi said.
I hope to choose a prog that is fun for my baby.
aiyo...at least ur boy will guai guai eat..mine..i tink follow my ah choc pattern...
wan eat all food except baby food...(of coz i wun give)

now still dun like cereals etc.. haha...
Re prog for babies - anyone check out julia gabriel? They do stuff like music/ songs, story time, playtime, art &amp; craft..overall quite relax type of prog. Quite sad, i can't bring Val for any progs bcos of time constraint unlike my 2 older girls, they have the chance to attend JG.

I attended the trial class last sat. Comments is ok lah. its only 1 lesson so difficult to tell yet.

if u take it as bonding time with bb, I feel is good. my boy likes me more after the class.

I signed up for one term starting 28th feb. will keep u posted if its worth continuing.
Angel : Take care.. hope you get well soon. Maybe you can start checking your daily routines. Eat well and rest well will surely help in your health. Maybe you need to take some time to walk in the park and relax. Eat more fresh food, esp tomatoes and greens, or better still, drinks fresh juices in the morning.
Angel, hope you're feeling better.. Still coughing? Maybe the CNY period was too busy and stressful travelling with bb Dana? Take a rest and catch up with sleep!
Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. scubababe, hubby &amp; Byron
3. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
4. puffish, hubby &amp; Tristan
5. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
6. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
7. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
8. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid --- Transfer done. Ref no. 2114328746
9. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
10.mushloom, hubby n ivan
11. JuniorRain, hubby &amp; Eshin(can't cfm cos mayb gt gug class)
12. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
13. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
14. maomi, hubby &amp; sean
15. mifi,hubby n issac
16. vonn, hubby and kaleb
17. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
18. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
19. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
20. goodbb and bb
21. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe)
22. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
23. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
24. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
25. Xiang + Hubby + Ethan
26. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
27. Tratties + Hubby + Adrynna
28. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper
hi mummies,

teething will lead to fever, cough &amp; flu? my girl until nw some got no teeth yet. wondering is she teething? can i let bb take apple &amp; ling yang double boiled soup?
rainnie : your gal also no teeth yet.. Aiya.. i just manage to check my gals mth yesterday.. cos' she always dun let us do that .. her teeth is only showing.. hasnt come out as what we tot .

yalor...still no teeth leh. she suddenly got fever, flu and cough. wondering all these r sign of teething... but mil said her gum is abit swollen..
Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. scubababe, hubby &amp; Byron
3. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
4. puffish, hubby &amp; Tristan
5. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
6. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
7. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
8. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid --- Transfer done. Ref no. 2114328746
9. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
10.mushloom, hubby n ivan
11. JuniorRain, hubby &amp; Eshin(can't cfm cos mayb gt gug class)
12. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
13. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
14. maomi, hubby &amp; sean
15. mifi,hubby n issac
<font color="aa00aa">16. vonn, hubby and kaleb - ref 2114681435</font>
17. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
18. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
19. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
20. goodbb and bb
21. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe)
22. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
23. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
24. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
25. Xiang + Hubby + Ethan
26. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
27. Tratties + Hubby + Adrynna
28. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper

Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)
Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)
Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby) Please transfer $35 to my POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro - Personalised Birthday Cuppies with a Big Number 1 cake?

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we have funds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!

1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. scubababe, hubby &amp; Byron
3. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
4. puffish, hubby &amp; Tristan
5. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
6. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
7. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
8. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid --- Transfer done. Ref no. 2114328746
9. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
10.mushloom, hubby n ivan
11. JuniorRain, hubby &amp; Eshin(can't cfm cos mayb gt gug class)
12. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
13. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
14. maomi, hubby &amp; sean
15. mifi,hubby n issac
16. vonn, hubby and kaleb - ref 2114681435
17. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
18. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah
19. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
20. goodbb and bb
21. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe)
22. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
23. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
24. Swirl + Hubby + Baby
25. Xiang + Hubby + Ethan
26. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
27. Tratties + Hubby + Adrynna
28. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper ---(12 Feb trx 2114681532)
