(2008/04) April 2008

Lynn and Maomi,

I'll email the supplier to check if she has the potty in pink.
As for price, she needs to know how many orders we can consolidate before giving me her discounted price.
So I suggest you put your name down, that way I can give her an accurate number and get the best price possible

I considered the Baby Bjorn potty too, but it's just a standard potty for a high price cuz of the brand

The FP Royal Step Stool Potty, as the name suggests, doubles up as a step stool too.
And to have a potty shaped like a throne is just perfect for our little princes and princesses, no?

I would like to buy the following Fisher Price items and I've found a supplier who will do a cheaper price if we order a few.
I need to let her know how many orders there are, then she can work out her best price.

Please put your name down if you're interested

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
1. Diva
2. Maomi (blue)

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90
1. Diva

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90
1. Diva

I would like to buy the following Fisher Price items and I've found a supplier who will do a cheaper price if we order a few.
I need to let her know how many orders there are, then she can work out her best price.

Please put your name down if you're interested

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
1. Diva
2. Maomi (blue)
3. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90
1. Diva
2. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90
1. Diva

I would like to buy the following Fisher Price items and I've found a supplier who will do a cheaper price if we order a few.
I need to let her know how many orders there are, then she can work out her best price.

Please put your name down if you're interested

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
1. Diva
2. Maomi (blue)
3. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)
4. yvonne (wanna know price 1st) can i get this in metro?

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90
1. Diva
2. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90
1. Diva

It could be a sign of itchiness..
Ethan sucks his gums when he's teething, so your daughter could be doing the same

Is she cranky?
If she's teething but isn't cranky, then she's coping very well with the pain/discomfort and may not need teething gel at all.
It was unbearable for Ethan, so we started using the gel which did help him.
He's coping better with the pain now, doesn't get cranky anymore. It's just his appetite that suffers, unfortunately.

Chances are, the discount will be as follows as long as there is more than 1 order of each item:

Royal Step Stool Potty - 15% discount - $50.91
Baby's First Blocks - 10% discount - $17.91
Stack and Roll Cups - 10% discount - $14.31

I may be able to negotiate a better discount if there are more orders, so keep the list going!
I want a potty too.
Summer's poo times are pretty fixed. Think could be easier to train, though seems too early to me.

I have the first blocks. My girl throws it all over the place. She is pretty amused by how it falls from her sight.
Summer's Mama,

Haven't seen you here for awhile, how are you?

Ethan turns red, grunts and gets all focused when he poops so I plan to pop him on the potty when he's about to go.
I wanna try to get him used to the potty before he associates poop with the diaper and can't do it anywhere else.
It does seem early but what the heck

Ethan's throwing just about everything else already, why not blocks too? Haha

Here are the links, add your name if interested please.


I would like to buy the following Fisher Price items and I've found a supplier who will do a cheaper price if we order a few.
I need to let her know how many orders there are, then she can work out her best price.

Please put your name down if you're interested

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90 ($50.91 after 15% discount)
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
1. Diva
2. Maomi (blue)
3. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)
4. yvonne (wanna know price 1st) can i get this in metro?

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)
1. Diva
2. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90 ($13.41 after 10% discount)
1. Diva

Thanks for the info if the discount is more than 20% then i will be keen. if not i will wait for the 20% sale in metro to get it.

Any idea if OG, Tangs or Robinson selling?
I would like to buy the following Fisher Price items and I've found a supplier who will do a cheaper price if we order a few.
I need to let her know how many orders there are, then she can work out her best price.

Please put your name down if you're interested

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90 ($50.91 after 15% discount)
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
1. Diva
2. Maomi (blue)
3. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)
4. yvonne (wanna know price 1st) can i get this in metro?
5. Lynn_ (pink please

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)
1. Diva
2. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90 ($13.41 after 10% discount)
1. Diva

Actually, I saw the potty in Metro, white tag which means no further discount when Metro runs its sale. But perhaps can try Robinsons? Any idea if Robinsons carries this? Did not see it at Robinsons centrepoint last week

No problem

I'll keep you in the interested list ok?
That way if I do manage to get quite a few orders, I'll see if she can give us 20% discount at least.

I'm not sure about OG and Tangs, but I called Robinsons and they said they're bringing it in maybe as soon as next week though they can't confirm.

Any idea when Metro is having their sale? Is it for cardholders only?

I'm still awaiting her reply about the pink potty, will let you know

Thanks for clarifying.. I hardly ever go to Metro, mostly Robinsons and Taka.
Robinsons should be having a sale soon right? Christmas sale?
I don't know what their discount for FP is like though it may be worthwhile if there's an extra discount for cardmembers.

Haha anyway let me see what I can do with the supplier here first
Hi Diva,

I am not sure if $50 is too much to pay for a potty. Just keep me updated. If over here they have 20% discount in retail, then will be cheaper.

Is it available online? Plus shipping, worth it if we share?
Koori: Kaylen looks so sweet in those hats! Hahaha boys are boring, not much accessories for them.

Jgal: welcome back!

scubie: How have you & Byron be? I still yet to bring Elliot for Swim!!! The konfidence wetsuit is collecting dust in his wardrobe man...

Hi Babes! Wow.. these days so hard to login. Been playing & organizing play time for Elliot. Poor Fella had a huge bump on his forehead when he slipped from my bed a few nites ago as I was taking towel to wipe his face. My heart skipped when I heard the loud thud and saw THE bump. Thankfully the cold press immediately after helped to subside the baluku... Can't wait to get my LG mat. Oh that was his first crawl backwards and he had his first adventure.

RE: TV programmes
So far I only expose Elliot to BYCR, he loves the first 2 Cds! Sitting through it all the time. I tried not to let him watch too much TV tho' as I find him really GLUED to it at times when we watch.

I'm very curious how much it will cost at Robinsons during the sale.. if they do bring it in like the saleslady told me.
The next time I go down, I guess I could ask them what their usual discount for FP is.

FP potties are available online, at Amazon and a number of other retailers.
Even the Fun to Learn Potty which I was initially interested, which is also more expensive. http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2002&e=product&pid=34819

I have no idea what shipping will be like, I've not conducted overseas sprees before. But maybe not worthwhile since shipping might be through the roof?

I'll see what I can get from this supplier first

Haven't seen you for awhile indeed

Poor Elliot! He's a tough kid, what's a boy without a few bumps and bruises?
Did you put Elliot in the middle of the bed?
I always put Ethan in the middle if I have to leave him for a minute, less likely he'll roll off the bed. But still, we shouldn't take that chance.
Next time 'barricade' him in with pillows if he moves really fast.

for the playmat, i am eyeing the parklon yellow bear.

alien sells it for 160 but ssw for 175. but ssw can deliver next week and it comes with a carrier bag. is the $15 justifiable? haha...duno to save money, or what? =p
would like to buy the following Fisher Price items and I've found a supplier who will do a cheaper price if we order a few.
I need to let her know how many orders there are, then she can work out her best price.

Please put your name down if you're interested

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90 ($50.91 after 15% discount)
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
1. Diva
2. Maomi (blue)
3. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)
4. yvonne (wanna know price 1st) can i get this in metro?
5. Lynn_ (pink please )
6. Angel (like to know price 1st)

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)
1. Diva
2. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90 ($13.41 after 10% discount)
1. Diva
Oh gosh Angel,

my heart skipped a beat

I can't decide who's cuter.. just kidding of course!
Dana is such a beauty, I only hope to be able to meet her soon :p

Your hubby's photography skills + your photoshopping magic = really really great images!
Can I just send you Ethan's pix and have you jazz it up for me? Hehe

can't help but really agree with Diva that your hubby's photog skills + yr photoshop skills really is magical! Very beautiful pixs!
Hihihi mummies
So many posts kekeke

Thanks for the sharing in the threadfin fish, really help me to clear my doubts on wat' wu yu, kurau etc

Yes ur hb's photo skills superb i must say, agree w jaspire
luv every photo of Dana n also the food pics.

I like ur ger' pics, very sweet and dainty. So girly i like.

Ur ger can do many things hor. I wich my ger like dat kekeke think she only babble, and cry, sleep, wail hahahah. Not doing too gd a job like ur mum. Really kudos to her so diligent.

Back from hk? When did u go? Must kpo a bit hahahah. Hope u enjoyed her trip.

Ok catch up soon w everybody k
Hello mummies!

Just wondering, for those of you who are cooking/ intending to cook porridge for your babies, how do you cook it without salt and all and yet make it tasty?
I haven;t tried porridge yet..so far just cereals and fruit purees..
Hi Shah,

You can grind/blend ikan bilis and add it to the porridge, that will definitely give it flavor.
You can also use threadfin (fish) or boil the porridge with pork for sweetness

Alternatively, puree vegetables like carrots, potatoes or broccoli and add it to the porridge.
This will give added flavor and nutrients.
hi diva!
thanks for the tips!
guess we are so used to eating nice, spicy food..hehe.dun tink baby food will ever taste nice to us..
Nice pix of Dana, i think Dana is cuter than Pokoyo, hehehe
. Ya agreed with the mummies that ur hb's photo taking skills is superb.
Hello Mommies, how's halloween night?
Summer wore her pumpkin sleepsuit. I saw some lil' children dressed up and walking ard e streets. Good fun.

Here' Summer in her pumpkin sleepsuit.
Diva: Hi babe, did put Elliot near middle of bed. He was unexpectedly fast that night which really surprised me. Have been barricading him with pillows on our bed when I am away for even alittle while. Sometimes he can even push them down the bed, hence now we lower his cot & plc him there instead.

Summer's mama: Hahaha Summer looks so cute!!! I ordered a little halloween slpsuit for elliot too from ON .. but not here yet.... chey! Miss our the fun.

Angel: hahaha Dana looks so cute! Dainty little one.

Simp: Yo babe! HOw r u man? You back now?

RE: cereal & puree
Gosh, Elliot hasn't been pooing for 5 days!!! So today I tried giving him tofu & banana puree.. yum yum taste really gd! Elliot loves it! Hope to see his "chocolate cake" by tomorrow. Yet to start on green veg. So far the menu is:

1. Eu Yan San Si Shen brown rice cereal
2. Nestle Oatmeal with Prune, Nestle White RIce/brown rice cereal
3. Snacks: Apple, Pear, Carrot, banana, tofu & banana, avocado

Elliot still drinking milk well but latch on duration shorter. Oh, he still perfers FRESH milk.... Been giving him water too every time 40ml in his bottle 2/3x daily.

RE: sleeping habit
Elliot's been fussing alot and refuse his dummy. Only wanna suckle to sleep. Daddy no longer can settle him... need some invention for daddies to have fake boobs to assist us man.. hahaha
RE: playmat
I got a LG prime yellow bear mat from Alien. Good price! Got the largest available now so my BOSS can enjoy the mat too... hahaha

Diva: Oh i got both the FP first blks & cups. Elliot's been playing isnce 4th month but only recently he enjoys more. Would like to get a potty too.. but must reccee first hahaha... homework for this weekend again.

Need some advise on how to feed bb medicine. My gal down with flu, took her to PD just now. When i gave her medicine, she threw up quite violently a few min later and most of the medicine came out. After i gave her another type of medicine, same thing happened. Wonder how to give her medicine so that it will stay down. I'm using the syringe, do we squirt towards the back of her mouth or the front? Cos i squirt towards the back, thik she choked a bit, but squirt towards the front then she dun swallow....help!!
I am also feeding my gal medicine coz she is feverish from her jab. What i do is i hold her in cradle hold position then squirt against the side of her mouth. I was told they r less likely to choke that way but she will hold it in her mouth and refuse to swallow so i will tilt her head backwards until she swallow then shift her upright. Then again she still will lose some of the medicine when she close her mouth...

I agree with Amy about squirting towards the side of her mouth.
In fact when I had to administer medicine to my cat, the vet also taught me to aim it towards her cheek.
Another way I can think of is to add the medicine to your daughter's food. I'm not sure if there's any particular reason why the PD would advise against this, but it seems to be the next best thing if all else fails.
The food/cereal helps to mask the medicine taste and it'll still enter her system and do what it needs to do, I think!
Check with your PD if you're still unsure.
u hv to squirt at the side of the mouth so our bb wont choke.

the reason why PD wont advise adding medicine to their milk or food coz they may not finish the milk/ food thus not taking in the correct dosage of medication.
Jamie and Sputnik,

Yup, that being the most common rationale.
All I can say is to add the medicine to a small amount of cereal/milk that you are sure they will finish.
That way, baby does get the entire dosage.
Hi mummies,

anyone has jgal's account number? I need to transfer the deposit to her. Jgal, if you see this msg, can PM me your account number for me to transfer the money to you. Thanks
Hi all,

Thanks for the advise. I also tried squirting towards the side of her mouth, she swallowed then a few min later throw up. Thik she just not feeling well, will try feeding her a bit at a time, hopefully the meds will stay down...
sputnik: Try using a baby spoon. Feed her when she is not sleepy. Talk 2 her saying will help her recover. At times u might hv 2 take some 2 let them know it's ok to take it. My son likes it when we use the spoon, the syringe might squirt too fast hence shocking them. I wld advise not to add in baby's milk/food as my bb can associate the new taste with food hence rejecting food later. My HB 's fren's daughter refused milk after tt.

sputnik, my ger also throws up the medicine + cereal or milk or whatever she took in like within the last 2 hours..

my latest strategy is to squirt a tiny bit into her mouth when she's sucking on her paciifier. like pull the paci a little out at one side and squirt in a tiny bit of med. then repeat dunno who many times. this seems to keep it down best for my ger..

i used to be able to feed her her med by squirting it towards the side of her mouth but now seems like this can't really work already. she'll take it and then have a vomitting fit half a minute later. think she's really disgusted by the med taste. i've tasted the med, it's sweet lor, dunno why she's like this.

one thing she really loves through, her probiotics drops. once she sees the tiny bottle she'll get excited and try to grab it and open her mouth lol.. and that i tasted - tasteless!
