(2008/04) April 2008

mummies, need advise on feeding my girl water (she needs a bit more water since she's taking less milk).

i'm feeding her water with spoon when i feed her cereal. she's weird in the sense that she'll only drink water if it's from our drinking mugs. any other cup she'll reject even tough we use the same spoon.. i'm trying to train her to use the sippy cup and i've removed the non-drip valve on my Avent sippy cup. she chews on the sprout and water drips out and she is greatly amused by the watery mess and promptly spit out the water so i dun think she's actually drinking any of it. more like rinsing her mouth?


I used to give Ethan water with a spoon while feeding him cereal too, but he didn't drink too much that way.
And like Adel, he actually drinks water when my hubby gives it to him from our cups. Strange I know!
I started him on his sippy a while back and he's getting better at actually drinking from it, though he didn't always take to drinking water so well.
What I did was to start him on juice first and dilute it with more and more water each time, thereby gradually getting him used to the tastelessness of water!
Worked very well cuz he now drinks water with no complaints

How about trying this method on Adel? Might work for her too

By the way, the FP potty is only available in blue. In fact, I'm not sure if department stores will have it in pink either.
Are you still keen on getting the blue?
Thanks Mummies for your compliments

Chewy, how's Eliot, did the 'baluku' subside?
Our babies are at this stage where they're exploring their environment, Dana today also slump suddenly outside her playmat and hit the side of her forehead on our parquet floor!

Sputnik, how's your bb now? We usually feed Dana her medicine via the syringe just before bedtime. I would swiftly remove her pacifier and squirt the medicine to the back of her mouth so she's no time to spit it out.

Lynn, Dana hates drinking water and we're resorted to feeding her water using the squirt spoon as she associates it with her yummy cereals! I am also thinking of ways to increase her water intake now that she's on fruit purees and porridge.

Diva, the Pokoyo pic was not photoshopped at all
I use a freeware called 'Picasa' to create the collage, it's fun and simple. Go try it!
Amy: Hope Yan Yan will be well tomorrow.

Summer's mama: haha, Kayla has the same pumpkin suit! She looks so happy

Angel: Btw, its Pocoyo with a 'c', hehe. I think I have watched too many cartoons as well...keke.
Babies Kayla and Summer went for a Toysrus shopping trip today and both decided to splurge on this Fisher-Price toy they've been eyeing for 1 week ...hehe... They last saw it at $119 last week and found it a bit too ex, but were thrilled to see it going for $79 today! Its a fun toy,...am sure Summer loves it as much as Kayla!


Kayla with her Fisher-Price Sing Along Stage
re: maid

can't remember who was saying about the maid salary at 450 was a bit pricey but i think its pretty reasonable as thats the price my mum pays her maid. she see to a family of 8 (heheh inclusive of me, my boy and hubby), on top of that when ever we have relatives over to stay.
she also sees to my boy during the day together with my dad. then she will on her own do flash cards that she prints out from online sites that she finds on her own for my boy.
actually she has been with us for coming to 5yrs. think that 450 is a well worth it price for her if you want the peace of mind and someone to love your bb. coz not every maid will love your bb.
Today my ger fell from bed, luckily the booster was on the floor so the impact was not so great. then later at the studio she bump her head on the floor again while she was standing up...2 bumps within 1 day, i feel little baluku on her head....
Hi all,

My gal seems to be better now, managed to get some meds into her :) could not use the pacifier trick cos she does not use pacifier... haha..thanks all for your tips!
koori, nice pics! next saturday will be Adel's turn at studio loft, hope she cooperates

calamari, what toy is that? a dresser? looks so cute!

diva, i won't mind the blue potty if the price is good. i think the pink potty is a new product, hmmm, should i wait for it? it's now only on pre-order on amazon..

or does your supplier have the other potty?

yesterday tried cooking porridge for my girl, she didn't like it
guess she's not an adventurous eater cos after that she happily ate her cereals. goota find more HT barley. anyone still spotting these at the supermarkets?

Kiss lil Kaylen's baluku for me

What a brave girl, she still manages to smile so brightly in all the pictures!
Very photogenic indeed, and she sits up so well!

Seems like she was in such a good mood, all the pix turned out great! I especially like the one with her sitting in the arm chair, smiling so widely and she looks so grown up

Love the lil bucket hat she wore, I'm eying one for Ethan's shoot as well.. heh
I m interested in:-

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90 ($13.41 after 10% discount)

Was it you who said that Metro won't be having a discount on the potty?
Well apparently Taka's discounted price is already $59.90!
I've checked with the supplier and she says that FP has only authorized her to give a 10% discount, but she'll offer 15% out of her own pocket since we'll be ordering more than one.

Therefore, we're looking at her best price of $50.91.
As mentioned before, Robinsons said they're bringing it in but not sure when, and that's if the saleslady knows what she's talking about lah.
And maybe FP discount during sale is only 10%? I don't know..

About the other FP Fun to Learn Potty, the supplier doesn't have it cuz it's too expensive apparently.
According to her, it used to be available here but feedback from customers was that it's not worth the price, so they stopped bringing it in. Pity cuz I like it too

Let me know if you still want the Royal Step Stool Potty

I believe I saw HT Barley at Fairprice Finest Bukit Timah Plaza last week, not very many boxes though..

My hubby is coming back from KL today, leaving at 5pm. Do you want him to bring the cereal for you?
I have a stash at my home there that you can have first since Adel really likes it

If you read this in time, let me know ok?

I'm the one conducting the spree, not Angel

I'll put your name down on the list, please keep track of this thread so you can be up to date with payment, collection, etc.

Fisher Price Spree

I would like to buy the following Fisher Price items and I've found a supplier who will do a cheaper price if we order a few.
I need to let her know how many orders there are, then she can work out her best price.

Please put your name down if you're interested

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90 ($50.91 after 15% discount)
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
1. Diva
2. Maomi (blue)
3. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)
4. yvonne (wanna know price 1st) can i get this in metro?
5. Lynn_ (pink please )
6. Angel (like to know price 1st)

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)
1. Diva
2. bebe11 (would like to know the price 1st)
3. Tulip

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90 ($13.41 after 10% discount)
1. Diva
2. Tulip

1. Royal Step Stool Potty (blue only) - $50.91 (after 15% off)
2. Baby's First Blocks - $17.91 (after 10% off)
3. Stack and Roll Cups - $13.41 (after 10% off)

If your order is confirmed, then please put 'CONFIRMED' next to your name.
If you wish to drop your name, remove your name from the list accordingly.

If all orders are in and confirmed by Monday, I can receive our items as soon as Tuesday and collection can be arranged right after.
Otherwise, I will update you again as to delivery and collection times

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90 ($50.91 after 15% discount)
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
2. Maomi
3. bebe11
4. yvonne
5. Lynn_
6. Angel

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)
2. bebe11
3. Tulip

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90 ($13.41 after 10% discount)
2. Tulip
By Winter: Ordered on Friday.

Please transfer the $$ to POSB Savings 102-18206-5

Exchange Rate : US$1 : S$1.53 (the rate that they deducted from my CR recently)
4 Oz : US$ 17.09 (S$26.15)
9 Oz : US$17.09 (S$26.15)

1) beans: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 3 (total S$78.45) - Transfered 31/10/08
2) maomi: 9Oz Pack of 2 * 2 (S$52.30) - Ref: 1955394802, 31 Oct
3) na_na: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Ref: 1955438046
4) Lynn_: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)
5) Cherishbebe: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) (Transaction Reference 1955037986)
6) Joellez: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 31 Oct, Reference 1955363553
7) Maro: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15) - Transfer 30Oct'08, Reference: 1953968589
8)goodbbb: 9oz Pack of 2 * 1 (S$26.15)

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (weekends TBC)
Hi Diva,

What will the collection points be? =)

Still trying to get the hubby to agree to this. HAHA. My mil just bought 2 pottys from Fairprice...!
Summer_mama: Summer must have loved her suit !! Nice smie

Amy: Hope yan yan recover soon from her fever. Hugs to her

Calamari: Kayla mst be excited to see her own reflection !! Always love to see her smile with her big round eyes n curly hair.

Koori: Nice pics of Kayla. I love the shot when she is sitting on the mini arm chair, looks adult like !! Very cheerful pic.
winter, sorry forgot to transfer the $$ for avent bottles. let me do it later at the ATM okie?

my ger didnt like HB BR either. but i found that she accepts it if i mix it into her other cereals like HB oatmeal and HT brown rice and barley. so i continue to gove her in the mixed form lor, cos i wan her to enjoy the benefits of the probiotics. maybe u can try that?
Thanks Calamari, Prawnie
she is ok now...

Saw summer's pumpkin pic in facebook
So cute, she lotas pattern for taking photo ya

Kayla look so happy
So pretty, next time can be a star... Your toy so cute... been wanting to get some toys that can encourage her to sit... make me gian again....

Kaylen very cute wor. Especially like the pic that she is sitting on the sofa
Mummies, I have a concern

Q1: Can I find out, how many of the babies here still wakes up for night feed?

Q2 : Babies who already have their teeth and still teething, do you all still latch them to sleep at night ? Cos apparently, milk will caused their teeth to decay in the long run. Is it still alright to latchthem to sleep ?

Yesterday I tried not to lacth Xavier to sleep. Super tiring. He wakes every hourly, not sure if he is hungry though. Until 4 a.m, I cannot tahan liao and start to latch him again.

1. Royal Step Stool Potty (blue only) - $50.91 (after 15% off)
2. Baby's First Blocks - $17.91 (after 10% off)
3. Stack and Roll Cups - $13.41 (after 10% off)

If your order is confirmed, then please put 'CONFIRMED' next to your name.
If you wish to drop your name, remove your name from the list accordingly.

If all orders are in and confirmed by Monday, I can receive our items as soon as Tuesday and collection can be arranged right after.
Otherwise, I will update you again as to delivery and collection times :)

**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90 ($50.91 after 15% discount)
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
2. Maomi
3. bebe11
4. yvonne
5. Lynn_
6. Angel

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)
2. bebe11
3. Tulip
4. Sabbie - CONFIRMED

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90 ($13.41 after 10% discount)
2. Tulip

I've already stated the prices after discount.

Once again, for the items you're interested in:
1. Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)
2. Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90 ($13.41 after 10% discount)

If you confirm your order, you must put 'CONFIRMED' next to your name.

There is no shipping charge, so please just transfer the item cost to me.
There is no need to ask me to confirm your total amount

Please transfer payment to: POSB Savings 056-34181-1

Collection point: 16 Greenbank Park, next to Swiss Club/Turf City
Diva, yes I was the one who said there will not be 20% off at metro for the potty. cos the price tag is white - which usually means already on discount or simply they won't offer any discounts on that.

let me go confirm with hubby on the potty. am really hoping to get the pink one, but that will have to wait till end of the year earliest. i also want to start Adel soon cos she grunts so loudly whenever she wants to poop it's easy to see when she needs to poop soon..

RE: Night feed

My boy's last feed is at 10.30pm. He still wakes around 3 - 4.30am for milk. According to Gina Ford's book, he should have stopped the 4.30am feed by now, n should slowly wean off the 10.30pm feed. But he's doing so badly on solids that i think he needs the milk.
dear diva,
1. Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)

here's my transfer:
Instruction Date : 02/11/2008
Transfer Date : 02/11/2008
Reference No : 20081102132402

Transfer Amount : SGD 17.91
thanks, sab
The following, please arrange for collection on Saturday (8 nov ) 11-3pm

(Calendula cream) VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
(FTT)linah29 (2xblue + 2xpink)
(FTT)cyl_16 X 4 (blue)
(HB MG) Esther x 1
(HB OA) Esther x 1
(SleepSack ) Esther (Pink, X-Large)
(SleepSack ) XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large)
(FTT) juniorRain blue x 3 , pink x 3
(mozart cube)Gervynne (Not paid)

... is there any outstanding orders whereby gals havent collect from me beside those for the utensil set??!?!
Dolly, Yes yes, Summer loves the FP toy we bought!!!
I'm still raving over the HUGE discount of $40 !!!!!!!
I'm so glad you suggested going toys'r'us !
Hey Alvin's photography skills is getting better le. I cant really capture just her in the mirror le.

amy, we wanted to call u when we saw the toy but only 2 pieces left. We quickly grabbed. =)


**Royal Step Stool Potty - RP$59.90 ($50.91 after 15% discount)
(Here's a clearer view of the potty without the kid sitting in it http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JNN6Q8/ref=dp_image_0?ie=UTF8&n=165796011&s=baby-products)
2. Maomi
3. bebe11
4. yvonne
5. Lynn_
6. Angel

**Baby's First Blocks - RP$19.90 ($17.91 after 10% discount)
2. bebe11
3. Tulip - CONFIRMED
4. Sabbie - CONFIRMED

**Stack and Roll Cups - RP$14.90 ($13.41 after 10% discount)
2. Tulip - CONFIRMED
I latch baby to sleep. Technically, i feel there is nothing wrong ocz if you read the packaging of the first teeth toothpaste, it did state that it contains milk enzymes that protects the baby's teeth. IMO, breast milk should be fine since we dun brush baby's teeth after each milk feed right? But then again, i am one lazy mama. Hmm, xavier waking up every hrly? Previously when you latch him to sleep he doesn't right? could it be he is nursing for comfort?

Nowadays, i latch her to sleep at about 8plus 9 then at 11plus i will feed her 1 EBM feed then that will usually last her to morning 6plus.
Finally, get to read the those forum post that i missed :p

Calamari : wow, kayle is a sweet little gal.. ha ha ..i think your mum can conduct baby signing classes liao :p

gail : not worth to change a maid, if you gotten a good one. I know a friend who paid $1k/mth for his filipino maid. Anyway, if you got a good one, they spoil less things.. will add up to the ard the same lah :p

Diva , simp, koori : yeah.. come back on thursday midnight. Been busy working and clearing work until just now.
i didnt manage to go shopping cos' my hubby like to sightsee so.. we spend most of the time going to places of interests...Dun really like the place though. Feel very tense when we were there, with ppl rushing from places to places. :| We managed to visit Soho ( the longest travellater) , drinking at lang kwai fang hotel, Lanma island for seafood, Tai yu shan to see the buddha, and drop by macau for 2 days to see the church wall. Quite a good experience..

Orh... found one useful tips when you travel to hk. Buy their local prepaid simm card that can make idd to call back hor. We bought 1 at 88hk, it has value for $120hk.. and after 5 days, we still have hk80+ credit left. We call at last 45mins home each day..:| alot of different if we had use singapore roaming to call home.
Mummies, Dana had low-grade fever this morning, 37.7,we gave her some infant paracetamol and it subsided. Now it came back again, at 38.2. Should we bring her to a doc? Our normal PD and GP are both closed today, being a Sunday....please advise
It's not due to teething cos no white buds on her gums yet
most prob viral fever...
Noted and thanks for the email

I lived in HK for a few years and have to say that I do miss it once in awhile.. left a lot of friends back there

I agree with you that it's so hectic! In the beginning it was fun and exciting to experience such a bustling city, but after awhile I just wanted to stay home.. haha
I think I really miss the seasonal weather and the view from the Peak most.. Did you get to go to the Peak?
Even if there's no snow, it's still nice to experience Xmas in winter.. Bundling up to stay warm and all that silly stuff hehe
So glad you had a good time, whereabouts did you stay?
you can go to raffles hospital.. their clinic is open today. The waiting time is short and cheaper than going kkh.. the docs are good also.. not house man like kkh. they also have baby medicines.. better than the usual 24hr clinic.


If Dana's fever doesn't subside, I suggest going to a doctor.
If the fever is coupled with vomiting or anything else that's out of the ordinary, please don't hesitate. Bring her to a doctor just in case.
It may not be anything serious after all but you and hubby must be worried sick, so go put your minds at ease.
Praying for Dana now, love and thoughts.
