(2008/04) April 2008

jgal- k will keep for you
pass to u when I collect my loots- cb cream n blanket.

(Closed)Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations from babycentre
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow . Deposit : SGD$30.40
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog. Deposit : SGD$35
Size : Small, Medium , Large , x-large

1. Jgal (Pink , x-Large):$30.40
2. littleprincesses (yellow large & blue large) :$60.80
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large):$30.40
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
7. jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
8. Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
9. cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
10. Choc tge25 (Blue X-Large) :$30.40

Please place the above deposit when convenience. WIll refund if less $4 in shipping for each pcs.
Order will be done today. Hope to get it. Will be in next next saturday.
back from PD too, bb weight and height at the 90% percentile.. so happy. PD go ahead to start porridage.

Note- No dry scallop as it falls under shell food (till 2 yrs) and no soy bean milk drink ( till 1 yr)
Playdate: 25th Oct 2pm-5pm
Place: Serene123 house
To do: Nursery Songs + Flash Cards (winter, i will call you to arrange)
Drinks: Serene
Food: Jane (rest mummies do not bring food.)

List (Capped at 8 babies.. playmat size to fit all little ones in)
1. Serene + RoyZak
2. Yvonne + Tiffany + maid
3. Jane + Ryan + Hubby
4. Winter + Ernest
5. Cherish + Charis
6. maomi + sean + hubby
7. mushloom + ivan + hubby
8. Zishumo + Hillard
does any mummies have any yummy vege puree recipes to share? going to make another batch of sweet corn + carrot puree since my girl enjoyed it but dun wan her to get tired of eating the same thing everyday.

just opened my HT barley cereal which i bought from ntuc (bought 2 packs since thsi shipment is oos menas will prob be oos islandwide soon for quite a long time).. luckily no creepy crawlies! phew.. and my girl enjoyed it too, although it doesn't really taste like barley to me? my impression of barley is the boiled barley water.
hi mummies: just found out this thing behind my girl's head. when i press it moves about. i am worried... so wanna check with u all does ur babies have this also? wondering izzit the soft bone.

Something interesting.

I just bought a box of HT brown rice cereal and the texture of the cereal is different.
It's not powdery grains but instead flaky like the barley cereal.

I'm very curious about this; did HT package it wrongly or is it meant to look this way I wonder.
New packaging (plastic inside box instead of outside), hence new look for the cereal too?
Saving grace: No creepy crawlies! Heh
checking do i need to register to Want to sell thread? cos i want to sell my bb bjourn Snergy White Carrier?

Or anyone interested? bought at mothercare and still have 9mth warrranty to go. let go at good price.

Condition used a few time cos bb too big and don like to be inside.
Diva - bought my HT oatmeal from cold storage, no plastic outside n inside (early sept)!! My first time buying HT cereal so didn't suspect anything, thot it's the standard packaging. and the content is flacky looking, minus foreign object (i hope).

2 weeks ago bought HT brown rice from vitakids -Plastic inside! Went back to vitakids last week, asked the girl n she told me it's new packaging. Also flacky looking...do u find any black spec in the cereal??

speaking of HT brown rice, since Val is not taking so well to it, i helped to finish by mixing the cereal in my milo. Taste quite good actually
no prob, thanks

my boy used to have a lump at the back nearer to the neck when he was born but it does not move. Did check with doc previously, they say no issue and so far the lump has disappeared. better bring your girl to pd immediately.
lynn - i hv tried butternut squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoe n garden peas. unfortunately, my girl is not taking them well. However, mummy is enjoying the puree...
Hi mummies, I missed Jgal's spree on Happybellies cereal spree coz I seldom log on this thread as it is moving too fast. Bought 2 HT brown rice fm Diva's spree but my girl doesn't like it! I m getting Happybellies cereal from Amazon to let my girl try but they cums in pack of 6. Any mummy wanna share?

HAPPYBELLIES Brown Rice Cereal Contains DHA and Probiotics, Organic, 7-Ounce Canisters
1. BBRoYcE&LeBelle

HAPPYBELLIES Multigrain Cereal
1. BBRoYcE&LeBelle

1. BBRoYcE&LeBelle
Hi BBRoYcE&LeBelle ,
What is the estimated cost?

HAPPYBELLIES Brown Rice Cereal Contains DHA and Probiotics, Organic, 7-Ounce Canisters
1. BBRoYcE&LeBelle
2. Jane

HAPPYBELLIES Multigrain Cereal
1. BBRoYcE&LeBelle
2. Jane

1. BBRoYcE&LeBelle
2. Jane
Hi Jane, pack of 6 @ US$25.11, per canister will be US$4.19. I will based on exchange rate 1.5 but if CC rate is higher, I will have to adjust. As for shipping, I will advise later but will be split depending on no. of canisters u order.
maro, littleprincess :
i share share with maro okay ? each take 1 can ? you can place them with me.. maro come and collect from me
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning, mummies</font>

jgal, really very nice of you for sharing with me.. thanks v much
i'll collect on my next visit to your place.. hee..

thank you
Good morning all!

I'm reassured to know that your HT brown rice is flaky as well!
My previous boxes were all powdery and grainy so it's strange to suddenly see it looking like barley cereal.
Weird why it looks different now though..
And it does taste quite nice, a healthy and unsweetened Nestum!

I've recently started Ethan on Nestle rice + mixed fruit cereal and I mix it with HT brown rice/barley on alternate days.
Smells divine and he likes it very much!

He had porridge for the first time yesterday, brown and red rice porridge courtesy of my mom who's a health nut

It was surprisingly sweet and tasty even without boiling it with pork or adding ikan bilis, looking forward to trying it again today.

We went to the PD 2 days ago and was given a cream to apply on Ethan's BCG jab.
6 months in and it still hasn't completely healed, the area looks bruised but doesn't seem to cause him any pain. And the scab still bleeds occasionally.
Any other bubs have the same thing?

my boy BCG oso like that...a red round patch...like scratch scar....previously got some bleeding..but now dry up, ok le...but still , look unheal with red patch..PD say is ok.. as long as no bleeding....dunno y tis time round their jab like tt..rem for me last time, my mum say heal v fast n no red patch scar....haha
Sputnik and Jules' Mum,

There's no discount on the wetsuit itself, only a special deal where you get a 20% discount on the swim nappy/aquaband/change mat when you buy the wetsuit.

Retail price before discount:
- Swim nappy: $24
- Change mat: $18
- Aquaband: $16

We need 5 suits at least if we're to take advantage of this deal, are you ladies still interested?

Please let me know your status

Are any other mummies keen to get Konfidence gear?
did u check out at mothercare how much the wetsuit? remember it's about $60 but not very sure.. maybe i'll go later in the evening to check

I guess it's fairly common then, since my PD wasn't alarmed at all!
The cream that was given to us is supposed to soothe and dry it up, which I hope it'll do soon.
I'm disturbed cuz the skin breaks occasionally and I find a blood spot on his diaper

His recent 6 in 1 also left a hardened spot on his thigh where he was jabbed.
I hear this is quite common and silly me forgot to ask the PD about it.. heh
I think it's getting better though, I'll have to check it later.

can i ask when u all give bb tk the pneumococcal jab? coz i understand that if before 12mths old, must take 3doses...while tk between 12mth to 5yrs old, needed only 1jab....
diva - yr discription of ethan's food certainly sound very yummy. maybe i shld just bring val over to yr plc for food sampling *grin*..
Is ethan feeling ok after the jab? that reminds me i hv to bring val for her hep b jab..

maro / jgal - so kind of jgal to share

me still thinkin..coz if wait, means the risk taken.....haiz....tk liao, scare bb miserable from the side effect...as PD tell me this is quite strong and side effect v xin ku...like fever, swell etc..
actually i have tat lump on my head also..been wif me 28 yrs liao..
But just be cautious abit,bring her to PD to check and also monitor if it increase in size anot
I did go to Mothercare a few days ago and saw the wetsuit but I forgot how much exactly! Hehe

If memory serves me right, I think it's either $64 or $69. Definitely $60+

I'll call Mothercare when they open and let you know ok? So you don't have to go down after work just to check
Jgal..deposit made

To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 jgal
Amount S$30.40
Transaction Reference 1933135544

(Closed)Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations from babycentre
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow . Deposit : SGD$30.40
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog. Deposit : SGD$35
Size : Small, Medium , Large , x-large

1. Jgal (Pink , x-Large):$30.40
2. littleprincesses (yellow large &amp; blue large) :$60.80
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large):$30.40
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
7. jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
8. Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
9. cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
10. Choc tge25 (Blue X-Large) :$30.40 Reference 1933135544

Please place the above deposit when convenience. WIll refund if less $4 in shipping for each pcs. Order will be done today. Hope to get it. Will be in next next saturday.
Kea &amp; Maro, we're bringing Dana for her pneumococcal jab this Sat. She's in infantcare so highly recommended to take this jab as she comes into contact with other children everyday. Also afraid she'll develop fever
but no choice...

Is the side effects really that bad?
okie.. thanks.. also remember 69 but if with mothercare disc of 10%, then would be less than $64..
anyway, let me know later, cheers

littleprincess, kea,
same here, me stil not sure whether want to take the pneuomococcal jabs for my boy. if after 6mths, 3 jabs.. now still considering, hubby not keen though cos need 3 jabs, the poor boy will be miserable.
Does your baby go to infant care?
My PD told us that Ethan doesn't need pneumococcal since he doesn't go to infant care and isn't exposed to other bubs for long periods.

Then again, many vaccinations ride on the parents' concern and fear, and the 'what if' factor.
It's a nice and neat lil preventative measure until something goes wrong anyway.

Hubby and I want to limit the number of vaccinations Ethan gets, keep it to the important/compulsory ones only.

I've read too many disturbing articles about vaccinations and their side effects.
It's scary cuz it seems so 'luck of the draw' so for now, we'll keep it to the bare minimum until we feel otherwise

ya...the fear and 'what if' factor is annoying!! =/...

my boy dont go infant care....is with my mum.... so i thinking want wait till 2yrs old anot...but i m those abit paranoid mummy =/..so scaring myself and making myself in confusion..... my PD did tell me is optional and ask me think abt it.... but he didnt mention to me can take aft 2yrs old...is recently then i found out..so confuse now..if not actually my boy is taking it nxt mth end....on his 8mth then 10mths then 12mths...3doses
kea - personally, i feel the risk is low in singapore. discuss with yr pd n voice yr concerns. wt the pros n cons in taking the jab now or later.
my 3.5 &amp; 6 yrs old girls just had their jab this yr.

i ask PD before...u know doctors la...keep telling me is optional, up to you.... then if scare, then let bb take lo... haha.....well...decision still onto me...shall discuss with family first then decide... i think my boy will travel before the age of 2yrs old.... so tinking....
jgal, ib done
Amount S$60.80
Transaction Reference 1933172864

Closed)Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations from babycentre
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow . Deposit : SGD$30.40
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog. Deposit : SGD$35
Size : Small, Medium , Large , x-large

1. Jgal (Pink , x-Large):$30.40
2. littleprincesses (yellow large &amp; blue large) :$60.80 Transaction Reference 1933172864
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large):$30.40
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
7. jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
8. Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
9. cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
10. Choc tge25 (Blue X-Large) :$30.40 Reference 1933135544

Please place the above deposit when convenience. WIll refund if less $4 in shipping for each pcs. Order will be done today. Hope to get it. Will be in next next saturday.

I seriously think Ethan eats better than I do!
My mom says I put more effort into planning his meals than I do mine! Hehe.. that should be the way no?

I can't imagine eating the same thing day in day out so I try to spice things up for Ethan, keep it interesting so my prince doesn't have a reason to start being difficult

The Nestle rice + mixed fruit is nice, I add brown rice/barley to it so that it's less sweet. Perhaps worth a try if cutie pie Val isn't taking to organic cereals well.

You're most welcome to drop by anytime, I'll prepare the food (adult+baby), you just bring your princess and an appetite!

I know a few other Bukit Timah mummies but we've yet to meet, though we chat occasionally. You should join us at our first gathering, which will be soon I hope!

Ethan is doing well, he's never actually fallen ill after a jab so our infant paracetamol is still sitting very much intact

Though after his recent 6 in 1, he did have a lil runny nose but his temperature was only 34.5 which was alarming for being rather below normal!
His daddy's regular temp is below the normal 36.5 anyway, so maybe cold blooded men run in the family?? Hehe
