(2008/04) April 2008

Brightlings Exploration Station by LeapFrog
(for 6 months to 3 years)

Hi i have an extra Brightlings Exploration Station(brand new, not open at all) to let go at $85, self collect in Jurong
Selling at $149 in kiddy palace and Robinson. email mi: [email protected] if interested. Thanks


pai seh. type too fast lah.. ;p
oh okie dokie.. So which area of redhill mrt for collection?

Sori for asking so much cos 1st time order from you leh..
i finally fed Byron cereal yesterday! And he luvvs it too! Wow now must start my marketing like Sherin to buy the fruits and vegetables to start for him soon hee.

hehheheeh scubababe!! Long time no see u and hb and byron! I always like to see Byron! SO cuteeee! And Kayla and Byron got the same Dura bib!
hi dolly! Ya i also miss kayla! was asking chewy just the other day when we having playgym at your place again! hee

The bib so cool hor! Thanks Jasmine hee
but at first i dunno how to button so took a while to figure it out.
scuba: aiyah...sherin and i joining The Little Gym on Sats...dunno how to set up our own playgym leh
perhaps we can do on sundays?

Hehe guess I wasn't too clear!
We'll be in the town area but please call/sms me in advance to let me know when you'll be coming.

We'll be moving around town as my MIL will want to shop and eat, so it's very important to make a prior appointment with me so we can arrange to meet at the most convenient location

Sorry for the confusion!

Please note that you need to contact me in advance to arrange the collection day and time.

Due to my MIL's arrival, I will be busier than usual. But as I believe we will be spending a lot of time in the Orchard area, that is the best place for collection.

If this doesn't suit you, contact me and we'll see what else we can come up with.

Thanks all!
dolly: so u and sherin confirm joining ah? do what at The Little Gym?

one more pic for the road, my hb like to take shots of Byron at different angle hee
Sorry for not replying, my phone isn't with me when I'm busy with Ethan

Wednesday is fine, my MIL will be here by then so I doubt I'll be home but you can just collect it from my helper.

Let me know the time when you've decided and I'll instruct her to expect you
scuba: we are joining the Bugs class...for babies 4 months and above, think good for their development, self-awareness, coordination...etc. hehe...we tried Gym**r*e...don't like it.
Calendula cream 2 Oz.
Please pays $17.55 per can to DBS Saving 001-1-053838
1. jgal X 3 (self)
2.cutie188 x 3 (Paid. Transfer 23 Sept. $280)
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2 (Paid. Transfer 29 Sep.$35.10)
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3
16. Cass_078 x 3
17. dolly23
18. Babybliss x3 (Transfered $75.00 - $25 for childlife colostrum )

-----------------Spree closed -------------------
Jgal - u can drop my orders for CB cream as i have ordered from her on my own...but collection can tong pang u to collect for me? haha.
<font color="aa00aa">Diva,
Okie, if i'm at town tml/ Wed, will msg/ call you.. cheers.

Btw, I'm supposed to collect for:
1. maro x 2
2. nana x 2
3. prawnie x 2?? (think my memory falling, isit for u?? :p)
angel, sure..

I'm supposed to collect for:
1. maro x 2
2. nana x 2
3. prawnie x 2?? (think my memory falling, isit for u?? :p)
4. angel x 2

Else, I'll go your place on Friday during lunch time
hey koori: ya, we see them everyday we feel they look the same but many pp have also commented his looks have changed
I saw kaylen on FB too, also look bigger already too ya!
Maro: yup yup. You're collecting for me as well. If you dun mind, superbunny's too.

Diva: Can you pass superbunny's share to Maro too ? Can I have your account no. so that I can transfer you the $$. Thanks for your help =)
feeding of cereal
i spoonfed by boy cereal. think it is something new to him and he found it quite interesting. juz tat he will wanna grab the bowl and spoon. i juz fed 1 table spoon of cereal mix with ebm. then after he has finished, i will latch him. if he full then he wont wanna feed.

koori so nice ur girl can sit for so long. mine like sit oso not very stable. he will tend to lean forward instead of leaning backward. tink he haven found how to balance himself while sitting down.
Any suggestion where can i see a good selection of high chairs huh?
I tried to go Robinsons just now, not much designs lei...
hello everyone...

The Little gym - i signed justin up after the trial session cos he and hubby enjoyed it. we are looking forward to having more big bugs join us!Calamari - which day are u joining? there is a wed n sat class. We are on sat

Maro - thksfor helping me collect.

Amy - i got a chicco one.. from the robinsons at centerpoint. Btw, so how about our playdate?
Yes, sale is on but not sure about the details. I went there coz hb got vouchers.

I am onz, shall we make it next week? How much is your chicco one? i just went there to see this afternoon. The designs all boy boy type lei...
Okies! next week sounds good. How about friday?? Can't wait to see yan yan again! Mine is the one with colourful spots.. i think it was quite expensive but i paid for it using vouchers that my boy got during his baby shower.. i heard that there is another chicco design, but they didn't display it there.

calling for all the mummies - playdate at my place next friday at 3pm
Jamie, earthbaby, kangkang mummy, prawnie - are u all free??
Steph: Glad that you and hb have enjoyed the trial. Sherin and I joining sat's class cos we are FTWM leh. Yeah, i enjoyed it very much too! Can tell that Baby Kayla likes it also keke...

By the way, Sherin and I just got the last 2 slots left for BUGS class this term! Phewwwwwww....
Calamari - heng u managed to get the slots! My kaylen don seem to enjoy such playgym one...she prefer to play on her own, haha antisocial.
Calamari - Cool!! i will see u this saturday then! The teacher told us that he only has 2 slots left last week.. so glad that its an april mummy who got it! See u on saturday!
Re Chicco highchair
think there's only 2 different designs but same prints. One adjustable and the other is not.
Adjustable in height and able to recline.
The adjustable one is going for $300+ at robinsons. Non adjustable one is going for $200+ at mothercare.
BUT robinson is having a warehouse sale. The non adjustable one is $129 or $149 if i'm not wrong.
Quite pretty. Suits boys n girls
Calendula cream 2 Oz.
Please pays $17.55 per can to DBS Saving 001-1-053838
1. jgal X 3 (self)
2.cutie188 x 3 (Paid. Transfer 23 Sept. $280)
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2 (Paid. Transfer 29 Sep.$35.10)
5. littleprincesses x 2 (29 sept- S$35.10
Transaction Reference 1906801063 )
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum
10. simp
11. princess-j
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3
16. Cass_078 x 3
17. dolly23
18. Babybliss x3 (Transfered $75.00 - $25 for childlife colostrum )

-----------------Spree closed -------------------
highchair: i just bot the Activa Highchair (Jane) from Isetan private sale. Its $199 then. Can convert to a mini table and chair when our baby get bigger so I tot quite cool. Amy did you go for the sale? You are working near expo right, shld check out the robinsons sale now!

steph: i wanna go your place next Friday but i dunno can take leave again, took a few weeks ago to go littleprincess house hee
koori: actually its not really playing with the peers...also interaction between parent and child + promoting self-awareness and coordination etc etc...

steph: yeap, we will see u this sat at 3.20pm!

scuba: I like the Jane highchair..but my place too small to put a non-foldable high chair! Hehehe..
Ya but these few days i not working :p Hmm wonder when is the sale until...

Me just saw the fisherprice highchair at amazon... Very nice lei, hands itchy liao.... Not a good sign... Anyone know if Combi highchairs r sold in SG? where can i find them?
amy, sale until 5th oct.

scubababe, bet u got e blue n green one? I like that too. Can recline right? If i'm not wrong original price is $239.

Amy, e FP one quite bulky even when folded, u can go mothercare to take a look. It's $239.
Combi's chair is like those convertible ones where u can rock also le. Think jgal has one?
Yes i have 1.
orh btw, i hear fP highchair from states has toy attach to entertain the bb while waiting. Not bad.

I personally dont suggest getting a combi convertible high chair now. Cos' the high chair is not stable as other high chair because it has rollers at the bottom. I using the Chicco now.. but my gal dun like it.. *sigh* now she eating while sitting in the jumperoo.. She is a real Queen of the house.

But then again.. i was worst when i am young.. I used to refused my meals and my grandfather have to drive me to mt faber , gay world , great world just to get me to eat.. *Retribution*
Re: Highchair
Actually yesterday I saw a very cheap high chair at Mothercare but forgot the brand, its some kiki lala brand lah. Only $69. But upon examining, hb said the material lousy.. :p

wow summer mum...ur summer can really eat alot...

calamari...kayla has 2 teeth nw...wow...maybe tt's y she been refusing her milk lah...hope nw the teeth is out feeding gets easier...

my darling has diahorrea 2day....brought her to PD, he said she may have eaten something dirty...must be all those things she put in her mouth incl her hands...haiz...
