(2008/04) April 2008

prawnie: about the "bond to read read to bond" program...what must we produce and is it island wide program? are the items "while stocks last"?
<font color="0000ff">Morning...

Bring the caretaker - mil or mother to the PD when u bot ur child for jab, ask the PD to explain to them the good of bfg.... the older pple tend to listern to doc more than u... I did that, bot my mil to all her checkup, as my gal having milk jandice for the whole month of my confinement, if i bot my gal to private PD, they want want to start on FM, as it clear jaundice faster.... as wat was told by Venus,..... haha but as I'm see PD in polyclinic, they say BF is the best, and i ask again and again every visit the ensure my mil that BF is the best... so now she is happier heating the EBM for my gal, now i'm back in office for 2 week.... she is still on total bm.... plus my mil take the effort to bring 18 bottle of EBM to her place when she bot my gal home for overnight stay..... she now ask me to buy FM, she say if possible..... feed as long as possible... .coz my boy not on BM now keep falling sick, now I mix my extra supply to my boy FM (3/4 EBM, 1/4 FM) for 3 month already, he hardly fall sick, before every month he is on cough or flu.....

Hi Amy,
Shave the hair lah......</font>
Simp, live in CCK. Can someone gimme the link of disney spree?


the items are supposed to b 'while stock last', but i jus collected mine last week at woodlands lib, so i tink still available. Jus have to produce ur ic n fill up a form.
Re: Bringing frozen BM on plane
Hi mummies
Wld like to check if any1 know if we can bring any frozen BM on plane? Was tinkin of gettin away on a short hol with my hubby but wont b bringin bb along. But need to express out the milk and bring back to sg. Does any1 know if can bring EBM on board the plane in 100 ml bottles?
Blessed, it will depend on the airline and the destination u are going. Certain destination like UK and US and certain airlines, cannot bring glass bottles.
Wah we need to keep track of who is doing what spree now lei... Me abit lost liao...kekeke...

Who is doing the babymallonline spree? me want to place order
<font color="119911">Leapfrog learning system Collection on Sat 2pm</font>
1. cyl_16
2. stefylim
3. cherish
4. strawberries
5. Lynn
6. Puffish

<font color="119911">Leapfrog LS to be send to Burpy Babe (Punggol) a/f 12 jul</font>
1. Burpy Babe's items
2. Violet's items
3. Swirl's items
4. Sputnik's items
5. Tratties' items

<font color="119911">LP Collection cum Outing will be on 12 Jul (Sat) 2pm@Redhill ( Jgal's place)</font>
1. Simp
2. Koori
3. XiaoZhu
4. Chewy
5. Rain
6. Xiang
7. Sherin
8. joellez

I want to cancel it cos i can reorder again to enjoy the discount for all..

but i didn't realise that they had increase the price again.. so the "discount" doesn't seem worth it cos they jerk up the price to factor the promotion.

Koori, yah lor.. so fast prepared my order already. I ordered on the 2nd.
Thanks for the offer
But i did not order the system from jgal. My friend bought me the system from states liao. Thanks
BTW, i also went to the john little sale at expo yesterday since i was in the east side... hahaha... i see the combi stuff so nice n neat i also BBB... almost wanted to buy the whole set of accessories :p
amy, you also BBB liaoz! ask you, did you see what price was the combi shoes?

jgal, can i collect from you today then?
Didn't see the shoes lei coz i was kinda in a rush to get home to pump... You so fast want to buy shoes liao ah? Me only started to buy clothes for 6mths onwards LOL... This mummy here buy alot of rubbish but didn't buy clothes :p But i did saw the lucky baby safety gate think its going at dunno 69 or 89... Dunno should i buy now lei...

I work in the east but stay in the north sembawang area
Are you a SAHM?
sherin, no fleece in singapore ah? what fabric do you recommend to use for blanket? cos flannel like not very lasting..

or maybe i should buy a big fleece blanket to cut up. hmmm...
kea/ xiang,

yes! i also notice last nite that keck up the price then less 20%, so overall still more ex than what xiang order.
yeah! have new shorts liao
lynn, i just check the map, u r staying at the oppsite street from me! u collecting from jgal later? Ard what time u will be back? hee! so anxious to see my LF stuff...

amy, which blk u staying? guess we can meet up ya! hee~

jgal, i'll transfer to u the topup $ this weekend, left my IB pin at my mum's place.
I didn't order anything from LF...

I stay at 359A
seems like quite a number of mummies stay at sembawang hor?

My workplace is in simei
goodbb, ok thanks. i'll check and revert.

btw, i saw someone mentioning that ON got additional discount. Is it a discount code? Luckily i havent ordered! some of the products are even cheaper now, like the shorts which i wanted. But bras are more ex now. So gotta reconsider the shopping.
Xiang: Sorry i have started work and haven been here alot. I will track your spreadsheet and make the tt to you tonite. Thanks so much!
jgal, me come by later ok? abt 4pm perhaps? did you sms me yesterday?

amy, i thought i saw your name on jgal's LF list, me blur then..
Jgal: I want to order the Blue LF from toyrus. Thanks for checking out for us. Are my books here? If so I tong pang in Burby babe at punggol okies. Thanks!
flannel is ok la. i use some flannel for my girl's cloth diapers. Spotlight got really v pretty flannels for children! i still got extra pink monkey pink ones. my hubby bought alot. he wanted me to make a dozen of monkey print diapers for my girl!!! i will use some of these to make a pillow for my dogs. hee. quite soft and comfy le. Dont buy flannel frm chinatown. Plain n boring. Flannel is quite cheap frm spotlight already. i think $3.99 or $4.99 per metre.
But i wanted to make a quilt for my girl later on when she starts to use blankets. You know u can buy the cartoon character cotton frm spotlight then just put e quilt stuffing in. Very pretty.
But hor i'm not sure if these cotton are soft enough. Ahh. I must stop this buying problem. Now i feel like going spotlight already!
Baby kayla's face cleared liao

Hmm, notice that all the girls with lots of hair the hair tends to be 'standy' hor? how come it dun come down flat huh?
puffish, yeps help you collect. hubby driving

maybe when we get home today will drop by your place and pass you your stuff? cos not sure what time we'll be home today also..
lynn, no prob! i'll be at home the whole day. give me a call or sms when u r coming. Thanks!

jgal, u can pass my blue system and 3 books to lynn. I'll email u once i trf the topup to u. =) thanks!!
Amy, thank God that Baby Kayla's face has finally cleared... but hor... she likes to rub her eyes and she can rub it until her eyes red and swollen like panda. So i gotta watch over her like a hawk and when she rub her eyes, i hv to stop her and tell her "No". LOL!

Ya ya... her hair till now is so 'standy'. She now sleeps in sarong during the day and thot the sarong will keep her hair down but no leh... still stand up for Singapore. Hahaha... most of our frens say her hair is very cute and some say like Beckham. Muahaha... I noticed she drop her hair but not alot... everyday few strands. If she drops alot... guess may hv to shave her head at 4th mth liao... shall see how ba. Right now luckily no bald patches yet. Keeping my fingers crossed that we can keep her hair intact.
Leapfrog learning system Collection on Sat (5th Jul) 2pm
1. cyl_16
2. stefylim
3. cherish
4. strawberries
5. Lynn
6. Puffish
7. yo (qn: must collect exactly at 2pm? can come earlier ard 11-1130am tmr) i've pm u my hp. i'm no accessible to Internet coz my monitor has blown. got to get it fix.

Leapfrog LS to be send to Burpy Babe (Punggol) a/f 12 jul
1. Burpy Babe's items
2. Violet's items
3. Swirl's items
4. Sputnik's items
5. Tratties' items

LP Collection cum Outing will be on 12 Jul (Sat) 2pm@Redhill ( Jgal's place)
1. Simp
2. Koori
3. XiaoZhu
4. Chewy
5. Rain
6. Xiang
7. Sherin
8. joellez

Is my order for LF ready for collection?


Have you processed my order for ON? If so, pls advise on your a/c no so that i can trf u the $. Thks!
jellyfish.. your system not ordered yet. i will order it later because yours is last few to confirm. i need to a logical batch before ordering to ensure that the shipping cost is lower.
Sorry Jgal I put myself in the wrong list. See you tomorrow at Redhill - is it MRT?

Leapfrog learning system Collection on Sat (5th Jul) 2pm
1. cyl_16
2. stefylim
3. cherish
4. strawberries
5. Lynn
6. Puffish
7. yo (qn: must collect exactly at 2pm? can come earlier ard 11-1130am tmr) i've pm u my hp. i'm no accessible to Internet coz my monitor has blown. got to get it fix.
8. joellez

Leapfrog LS to be send to Burpy Babe (Punggol) a/f 12 jul
1. Burpy Babe's items
2. Violet's items
3. Swirl's items
4. Sputnik's items
5. Tratties' items

LP Collection cum Outing will be on 12 Jul (Sat) 2pm@Redhill ( Jgal's place)
1. Simp
2. Koori
3. XiaoZhu
4. Chewy
5. Rain
6. Xiang
7. Sherin

My baby's hair also standy... hahaha... i comb it down for her when she bathe but still 'standy' lei... kekeke...But hor now its my gals's turn to have rashes... dunno whats wrong but its not on her face... My gal dropping hair coz its quite long so can see strands everywhere... No bald patches also but like thinning like that can see her scalp...
