(2008/04) April 2008

Cloudme: Your girl so cute. There is a belief that if bb suck whole hand, bb loves everybody, if bb suck only thumb, bb only loves mummy and daddy. Don't know how true....

Re : Anti BF by Mother/MIL
I also faced the same situation during confinement, Mother keep emphasizing on feeding FM. That's y I didn't latch on much after 2nd week. Gave bb EBM. Mother then give way, cause she can see how much bb eat and how often.
Read to her articles on internet showing BF is good, and explain to her that even WHO is supportive of it. Hope she will listen.

my bb suck 2nd and 3rd fingers leh...how? hahaha

my boy still wear mittens when slp..he cant slp w/o mitten..he feel v insecure...alway put his hands ard his ear when slp, so must wear ...haiz...how ah
sure we can meet up.
yup near mrt will b more convenient.

Simp, thanks. Ya sometimes me oso feel like pinching his cheeks. hehehe

koori, that time my boy oso hv heat rash on his face & forehead. Then my confinement lady teach me 2 apply a thin layer of nappy rash cream (the brand is Drapyolene, pink colour packing) and the rash gone 1-2 days time. u may wan 2 try.
calamari, u are indeed another partner in crime (shopping). I'm so dead tired frm work... this dont tie, that dont tie, now month end. No time to keep checking, u sms me once details are up ok? Thanks alot !

I found 3 eric carle books at home, the hungry caterpillar, e grouchy ladybug and one more, i think the moon one. Hee. TOld my hubby i want the whole collection. Can go crazy just frm buying these books.
Think ur bb girl can join contest, so pretty!

Ur ger looks ok. My ger also looks like boi boi de.

I was talking to 1 mummy and she told me that she bf her son for 7 mths and a week after no bm, he fall sick. Now her son is 2 yrs old and drinks bm from another mummy, complimentary. The other mummy has so much milk dat she sponsored 1 poor mummy 1 yr of ss. Now she sponsored this other mummy for her 2 yrs old son and continue to bf her bb boy and 2 yrs old ger. So bf bb has stronger immunity than non-bf bb. The moment we stop bf/b for bb, their immunity drops! Tell grandma abt this!!!
Simp - i was complementating whether to continue Bf when i get back to work. Now tat i got my ameda pump i can still continue hehee. But see how hectic is work life first.
koori: i now also pumping out during the day after i returned to work...
so can still maintain supply incase over the weekends i wanna let bb latch on...
calamari: envy ur bb's hair...my ger not much hair...and i keep applying "old" coconut oil to her scalp...hopefully her hair will grow...
RE: Pigeont warmer

after i bought the warmer and find it difficult to use as its seem like not working cos button not light up. So i call the pigeon office to find out what happen, the customer service guy told me the warmer is to keep milk/food warm at fix temperature so if you need to thaw the milk from cold to warm its take longer time. the light go off when the water temperature reach 40 degree but our milk bottle still cold. so he ask me to heat the water to 70 degree and when light goes off turn to 40 degree. its work faster this way. therefore I seldom use the warmer unless my boy can't finish his milk or prepare milk earlier while waiting for him to wake up , I need to keep warm for longer period then I will use it.
Chewy, my son also sama sama... Not much hair after grandpa shaved his hair at 5th week.

I can't capture my son's smile yet. Wait till I capture his smile then I upload.
Chewy, Calamari,
Aiyo! love your babies double eyelids lei!!!

Kaylen drop hair? I thought that time during gathering i thought i saw she has quite a bit of hair... When i saw the photo i actually thought you shaved her hair...

Hmm, notice how everytime someone post a photo of their baby the rest like to join in the fun and post their own baby's photo

JTS, my baby zhiyan

how many pieces is there in mamy poko jumbo pack?
I just bought mamy poko M size - 44 pieces for $15.80 from Shop N Save. I think it's relatively cheaper than from other sources already.
Anyone keen to buy FRISO 1? The provision at my block is only selling at $27.50. I know Cold Storage is selling at $30.95 already.
I think that particular case that your mil seen might be that the baby has been latching on n maybe the mum stopped bf as in stop latching on cold turkey thats y got such extreme reaction from the baby... hmm, maybe bring you mil to see a professional? In anycase as long as your baby accepts milk from a btl, it doesn't matter if its FM or BM, procedure wise its still the same for your MIL. Hmm, have you been feeding your baby the frozen EBM? you might 1 2 start trying soon coz frozen EBM n fresh EBM taste quite different for some babies they may be very particular about the taste.
Hi Mothers,

I am new to this thread but has been reading the postings. My son is about 11 weeks and i have been giving him ebm in bottle in the day time and latch him in the middle of the nite. Recently he has rejected the ebm bottle, given by my husband, at the 9-10pm time slot for more than 2 weeks already. Need advice on how to get him to drink from bottle at that time so that he will sleep longer.

Sherin = the promotion for MP jumbo pack like more ex than normal price, dunno if there's a typo. Jumbo pack M size is 66 pcs.
I will be going back to work in mid July & i have been TBF my gal. Recently I tried feeding via bottle & she screamed at every feed. Ask my MIL to try feeding her & at the same time, for both of them to get used to each other. It seems like my gal will be giving my MIL a hard time. She simply reject the bottle although its abt 4 hrs after the last feed.
what shld i do? Is there any other way to train? I have abt another week to train her.
Starling: are you feed baby with frozen milk? or fresh ones? My gal die die also dun want to drink frozen ones. when i mix frozen and fresh ones.. she drink.

You can also try to spoon-feed or syringe-feed your baby. then intro back the bottle later.
Hi starling,
when did u start intro ur gal btls? Cos my sil's boy oso hv that problem when she go bk 2 work in Apr cos she oni intro btls 2 him like 2wks b4 she went back 2 work b4 that she oso latch him nv btl feed. so her boy refuse 2 drink from btl. It will take awhile like 2-3 wks b4 he start 2 take from btls. My fren was telling me that hv go thru the hard way, which is if he will eventually take when he is very hungry... but wat my mum do is that she spoon feeding him.
Koori, calamari,
My baby is also dropping hair... Everyday can see her hair everywhere. On the nappy cloth that we use for her as pillow, every morning sure have alot of hair on it... Now we are really worried that she might have bald patches eventually
Thanks for the photo thingy. Next time i can do it myself too, dun need to ask HB to do liao

Dropping Hair
BB and i have started dropping hair.I dropped hair like e size of an egg daily during bath
. Bb started
dropping 1st followed by me. She kept turning her head that there is a botak patch rt behind her head.
RE: dropping hair
Oh man, Elliot starts to shed some too.. it's common as it's their foetal hair.. but poor fella alredy so botak...

jrRainL thks hahaha... yeah, love his dbl eyelids
<font color="aa00aa">LP Collection cum Outing will be on 12 Jul (Sat) 2pm@Redhill ( Jgal's place)
1. Simp
2. Koori
3. XiaoZhu
4. Chewy
5. Rain
6. Xiang
7. Sherin

who else is coming
Potluck ?

Jgal - potluck i prepare agar agar can? cos i don really have time to get the makan stuff...or if not just gathering will do heh.
