(2008/04) April 2008

koori.. it's okay lah .. anything will do.. got food .. just bring lor.. cos' after lunchtime .. shld not be so hungry.
Re : Diapers promotion
I asked my DH to go ntuc buy, he say Ntuc diaper M size OOS, so KS man! hope they re-stock.
Sorry for the interrupt, anyone want to join postnatal yoga?

$90 for 8 sessions

venue: blk 154 Bishan RC
Time: 1.30pm-2.30pm

pls contact Rita at 94872845
That means if u havnt order, our order can get additional 20% old navy to 25% gap. Hmm let us know.

If u alreadi order, then wd u be ordering again? If not, i will ask another mummy to help me.

simp...thanx for the tip on bb poo poo..i just applied sesame oil on her hopefully it works... ha ha ha...

chewy...hope u r feeling better liow...do take care okies

RE: Shedding Hair

Heard that its normal for BB n Mummy to start shedding hair after 3mths...hopefully mine dun shed so much already dun haf much hair...ha ha ha...
Luann Mummy,
Let me know if it works ok, i havent try b4 too. Learnt from the taiwan show and one mummy also told e it works kekeke.
wow...everyone posting their babies...so so cute!
how are u all mummies? hope u r all doing fine!

thanksfor those who advise me on the supply of milk increase...i am trying it liaos! wish me luck!
hi sherin,

ur acc no in front got another 3 no?ocbc call me cos i put my hp no behind the cheque,say in front got another 3 numbers in front of 852729001,please let me noe,thanx
Hey mummies, something to share here. I went to NLB to borrow some books to read to Xavier. Came across this BOND TO READ, READ TO BOND programme.

MTB or babies born in 2008 can redeem a package consisting of:
1. One baby's first CDs with some songs, stories and Rhymes in it.
2. One hard cover baby journal which can be used for photos from birth to 5 years old.
3. One booklet on parenting, one growth chart.
Redeemable one per mummy =)
All cute babies!!

By the way who is organizing ON/Gap spree? I might want to organize one... but see how first. Prefer to join instead of organizing though

when u put ur girl at infant care, do u provide them with wet wipes?

me thinking shld tell the ctr to wash her with every change or to provide wetwipes...

RE: OLD Navy and GAP Spree

I just placed order last night for the 1st batch of Old Navy and GAP even though some of the orders had not been paid yet.

I was so "sian" to see the email on the promotion this morning.

Some of the orders are OOS. I have consolidated them but yet to post them out..

I will be ordering the 2nd batch only when the package had left for SG. So that, it won't kanna the GST.

So those who still want to order will be via the 2nd batch. Another US$100 more to close the 2nd batch.

2nd batch will be the last batch.
Hi Jgal,
Can PM me your address ? Would like to collect Christine and my order on 12th Jul ...is late morning ok for u ...cant join u all for the gathering as i have another gathering at 12pm...Thks


just called Old Navy to cancel my order but order is already in the warehouse ready for shipping, thus cancellation is not available..
