(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

hi patsy,
sorry just saw your msg re MJ. today went for outing at botanic gardens.

hi cheryl,
what's childbirth education course and where is it held?

have been super bloated past 2 days. and it hurts from my gastric all the way down (the point just under the bra). really pain man =(
have been watching my diet but still kena every now and then.


any 1 bought the skirt/pant extension?where to buy?the extension is to be put at the waist area..

john little is having 20% sale for baby stuff till next week :>
I think Garfield mentioned that she got her bra extension from ERO.

Quite sleepy after lunch. So sian to work after PH.
hee hee apple has good memory...ya i got them from ERO lingerie. hvn't found them anywhere else.

apple, how come didn't take leave and enjoy long weekend?

goodbaby, i think the extension can be found at mothercare and maternity exchange

went for my oscar test today. baby 7 cm long already...so active keep kicking and turning. and i realized i put on 3kg!?!?!? *FAINT*
tongtong: i got mine from thyme maternity, cannot remember how much though, bought it when i was preggy with Sabie still...

garfield, it's ok, ended up spending the day in bed being a piggy

i'm really really starting to get nervous now, going for my OSCAR tomorrow and so scared of the result. When I was pregnant with Sabie the result came that I had 1:48 chance for down's syndrome and other congenital problems.... praying hard to God that He will give me a healthy baby this time!!
hi juddy,
i think processed honey has been pasteurized (like milk) so this would kill any harmful bacteria present, versus raw honey.

but you are right - most brands don't really state whether they are raw or processed. maybe you can ask your gynae what brands are safe for consumption?
hi goodbaby,
i think the one at maternity exchange is $50+. i can't recall who suggested to use an old tube top instead....my memory not as good as apple's =P

hi patsy,
don't worry, we'll all hope and pray for the best for you and your little one! let us know the results okie? mine will only be out next tue...
Hi, er may i know, what is oscar? is it the first tirmester scan? I am going for it next tues, and i am a bit worried... not too sure what to expect, can any one advise?
I wanted to save my leave in case i want to go on overseas holiday.

My memory sometimes good sometimes bad. Think today functioning quite well keke.

I have also put on 2 plus kg............................

All the best Garfield and pasty! Am sure everything will be fine.
i had put on 600g within 2 weeks... now getting even fatter.

cheryl, what is 300 /212 figures that you are reffering to? what does that indicate?
Hi Winnie,
Some pple use the terms OSCAR test and first tri scan interchangeably. It's to test for down syndrome. BKKgal gave a very good description of it. There are two parts
(1) ultra sound scan
They measure thickness of fetus' neck and nasal bone(to check for Down's syndrome)
(2) blood test
They check for PAPPA and Beta HCG.

Snowbelle advised us to go with a full bladder so remember to drink lots of water before your scan.

Thanks apple, will share my results when i get them.

MIL made bird's nest for me today...YUMMY!!! =) i heard 1st tri cannot take so had to waaaait until now to eat *hee hee*
Hahaa... me too... I've been waiting to eat the bird's nest in 2nd trim... and my mom gonna made some for me tomorrow :p

Btw, do we eat weekly or fornightly?
Hi Tongtong

I got my bra extension from the undergarment dept in Metro. If I'm not wrong, I think it cost abt 2.90/3.40 for a pair.
hi snowbelle,
dunno leh...i depend on MIL (not my mum) to make so i cannot choose lor =P of course if you ask me i would love to eat weekly!!

hi cheryl,
ya dun worry too much. actually i would suggest you quickly do the blood test so that you don't brood over your failed NT test. must stay positive for baby!
why dun you try, could be ready (esp if your test was yest mng). i did mine yesterday too but it's KKH so no express service =P must wait till tue.
hee hee...just call lor. or get hubby to call for you.

last time i went to GlenE for some other checkup - mng test afternoon results out already. so no harm checking. maybe they really super fast =P
sorry ah...me a bit blur - when you say NT test are you referring to the US scan then they measure baby's neck and nasal bone?
I got my friend to help me buy bra extension from ERO and send them to me in Australia. Am pretty sure the bra extensions here will be much more ex! Maybe those who are interested can pop by ERO and buy them $2each, good deal I feel!

Cheryl, dont worry too much, your baby will be fine!
Why not try ringing them up and ask for the results?

Anyone here started to drink herbal chicken soup?
hi andrea,
welcome!! lucky you....get to escape the humidity in singapore. i really detest going outdoors these days (i think being preggie makes me feel even warmer).

i've started to drink herbal black chicken soup and bird's nest already. very yummy!

ya cheryl, quickly call them in the mng cos the clinics should be closed in the afternoon on a sat?
hi bkkgal, thank you for explaining abt the oscar. just had an apptmt with gynae this mrng, a nurse came and took 3 tubes of blood from me. i ask her what's it for, but she just say it's a compulsory ante-natal blood test. never mention or 1st tri-screening test.. so i still quite blur :p

the bra extension, i got mine a few weeks ago at this maternity shop beside mothercare at suntec. cant remember the shop name, but when you go up to 2nd floor, there's mothercare and this other maternity boutique side by side, cant miss it.. but think mine was slightly more expensive.. like 5 or 6 dollar for 2.. but cant remember exactly.. memory already failing me

can finally make out baby a bit more clearly in today's scan..last scan was at 8 wk and i had trouble trying to see bb on the screen cos my bladder was not full enough.. but like not moving very much leh.. hmm.. was slightly concerned.. but doc says it's doing alright..
Hi Garfield9,

You mean we can drink herbal soup in 2nd trim now? I dunno can drink or not, so in the end, didn't dare to drink any...

I asked my mom don't put too much ginseng into the bird's nest coz dunno we can eat or not... ended up bird's nest not so nice... didn't enjoy after 3 months long wait... so sad...
REgarding Ginseng.

There is alot types of ginseng some is overly HEATY which cannot be consumed by us at all! and never trust what medical hall introduce you. in order to earn $$ they can ask u to buy ginseng which is actually bad for pregnancy.
During my 1st tri i am already taking herbal soup. For bird's nest it is best to go plain with only rock sugar without any other things.

I am in health food industry so i peanut peanut know abit. Hope the above helps.
huh... that means cannot put pao seng into bird's nest lah... thought some type of ginseng not heaty type... is heaty the main reason why we cannot eat during pregnancy?

Honestly, I hate bird's nest with just rock sugar... got a smell I don't like... that's why needs pao seng so that I can enjoy it...
we can eat herbal chicken soup now? what kind of herbs can we use in the soup? i only know we can cook with red dates and gou qi zi when pregnant.

u all so lucky, got mums and mils to make bird's nest for u!! i am envious. heheh.

hi andrea,
have a great pregnancy in aust!!
basically i eat everything but in moderation. coffee, coke everything that is edible except bananas and pineapple.
not my mum make for me but my aunty. Cause she looking after my 1st girl so whenever i drop by she will make for me.

ya with pao seng is nicer if without pao shen you must soak the birds nest longer lor so that the smell wont be so strong. but for me i try to avoid. best is to get someone who knows to buy hehee.. i dunno how to buy ginseng so i avoid buying them.
Garfield, thanks for the welcome
Its winter now and I am enjoying the cool days, but at times it can be rather cold at night and have to sleep with a few layers of blanket =P And ya, recently weather in SG is bad! Do drink more water to cool yourself down.

I thought of cooking herbal soup for myself in another few weeks time but we do not have black chicken here!! So have to make do with normal chicken. And for birdnest, I know nuts about them thus I think I can only get those bottled type!

Hi Fairfield, thanks!! And I think for the herbal soup, my MIL told me to cook with red dates and wolf berries (gou qi zi) and it will be yummy!

Ya, so many blessed MTMs here got mums and MILs to make bird's nest for them! So envy!
Hello everyone! i'm new to this forum, EDD date 18 Feb. Could i check if any of u Feb MTBs are currently still on daily dosage of hormones tablets (mine is Utrogestan)? During my last check up, my gynae said no need to continue hormone tables..but i'm still a bit worried as my hormones levels were pretty low during the first few weeks...been feeling veri paranoid since i stopped taking the tables...
hi Adeline,

what's with pineapples & bananas? Why can't we take them? I did ask gynae before she says pineapple does not cause miscarriage..
hmm....didn't know about abstaining from ginseng. i took my bird's nest with pao sheng also =P have been eating everything in moderation so i hope will be ok =P

welcome yanyen! my EDD is 20Feb so quite close to yours. i stopped the hormone pills when i was 10 weeks. gynae did a scan for me and said baby more stable no need to take the pills anymore. if you don't feel secure, can ask your gynae to check your hormone levels again or scan to make sure baby is growing well.

went out with hubby's friends last night. they asked him (when i stepped away) if i am P. wa lau....the bulge is really obvious now lor *hee hee*
I guess to be on the safe side, I'll ta-han the bird's nest without pao seng...

What type of herbal soup we can drink huh??? Can we drink "6 smells" (direct translate to Chinese hor), dang "chicken" (direct translate to Hokkien) or shi chuan? Pai sei... dunno how to write those names :p
Hi garfield, thanks for your advice, guess i'll be visiting my gynae earlier than my 23rd aug date...he'll prob think i'm a kiasu MTB :p..

On another note to all MTB, think try not to take ginseng (ren sheng), heard it's not too good, best to check with those TCM outlets on all herbs.

ya snowbelle, same here. better to be safe for baby's sake. hubby told my MIL not to add ginseng next time =P

yanyen, which gynae do you go to? i'm sure he will undertstand a mummy's anxiety = ) are you a first time mummy?
