(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

cheryl, i also ok to open but not 24/7 cos my gal need to study....

jusmom, mj lure u into the thread huh?

hehe... dort, v tempted leh but will stay away. with my type of MJ skill sure kenna hum tum by all of u. will secretly practice at home first la.
i think my skill u all sure will hum tam me de. cos i duno hw to count dice... jialat hor.... alway i depend on my hb to count... but tiles still ok...
Hi ladies! I was reading the thread today on C-section. Actually, I think why not try natural first and if there are complications, C-section can be your option? After all, it's the wonder of the whole birthing process that makes the experience memorable isn't it?

I wanted to share that I'm very happy today cos I think I've found the hospital I want to deliver at! Hubby and I went for a hospital tour at Samitivej Hospital (Bangkok). I was afraid I couldn't find a pro natural (active) birth hospital in Thailand. But this hospital's birthing room is really nice (see http://www.birthinternational.com/diary/archives/2006_12.html.) complete with a birthing pool, birthing balls, chairs, ropes etc. They also have the normal delivery wards and the operating theatres. Most importantly, there's a team of midwives who will be at hand to give you massages, hot packs, cold towels.

Has any 2nd time Moms here tried water birthing before? I hear that for water birthing you don't even have to have an episiotomy. I'm quite keen to try water birthing but wld like to hear from your experiences.
It's me again. Sorry, I wanted to ask you ladies what your OSCAR tests comprised of. Is it nuchal scan, PAPPA and the free Beta HCG test? What about other blood tests? Also, how much did the OSCAR cost you? That's cos I found out Thai hospital has OSCAR test too. I was going to fly back to Spore next week to do my OSCAR but if I can do here, might as well save a trip home.
haha...i think we have a few MJ addicts in this thread =P

hi patsy, welcome and congrats!! me a MJ fan too...play every fri night. dorothy say dun wan play with me *hee hee*

cheryl, same here. once in a while got sharp pain. but i think the tenderness is what bugs me the most. i just bought some bra extensions...$2 each. so don't need to change all my bras at one go. save $$
Just happen to see some MJ addicts in here
*Wave i am one of them too* Played them while i am in 1st pregnancy and till now i still am playing :p

Congrats!!! Am very happy for you when i saw ur name in Feb thread!
haha we got enough kaki for one table liao! i also play every friday/sat night, but don't worry, standard not good lah, but addicted liao leh

bkkgal: yup, i totally agree, try natural first... although i wont have a choice, i think. my gyne isn't keen to let me go into labour coz he's afraid of complications

cherly, mine is belly, breasts not so much.

hi madeline, thanks!!
hi hi..

hi cheryl, mine no itch.. u must be soo uncomfortable.. must be very tortureous for u..

hi dorothy & garfield i always lie on my tummy.. just wanted to be sure that it's ok.. i think i'll miss lying on my tummy when it gets bigger..

hi babybug, i m really lucky.. no MS at all.. so far only on 3 occassions stomach feel very bloated.. that's all.. i get hungry easily.. every 3-4 hours stomach start growling.. just one thing.. i don't shit as often.. think it's because of the iron in the prenat vit.. so my stomach's quite big.. n i don't know if it's big because of baby or big because of food.. haha..

my next appt on Monday.. yeah, i think u r right that the EDD depends on size of baby.. typically they estimate 40 weeks from LMP, but heard that 36 - 38 actually ready for birth..

hi tong tong.. do take care of yrself..

hi patsy.. welcome!!
hi garfield,

where u buy the $2 extension for bra?i also looking for it,but cant find it at mothercare or kiddy palace
Hi mummies, i am from MTB march 2008 thread.

Here's the updated list for prenatal yoga class.
Pls cut and paste, contact me as well for those who wish to join on
September or October.
Venue: Bishan Blk 145 Community Centre
Fee: $35 for 4 session(1.5 hrs/session)
payment: 3 months in advance
Time: Sat or Sunday(will decide on majority)11am
class size: 10 pp

1. Katechow /March/saturday/sunday ok
2. Red tea/March
3. Bevweb /March
4. Babe_dude/March
5. Adeline/March
6. Kais/March
7. Twinklestars/March
8. Clover/March
9. Dorothy /Feb/ Saturday ok
10.snowbelle/Feb /weekends ok
11.Eliaw Feb/ Weekends ok
talk about my MJ luck, super cannot make it =P

played last night and i was the only loser *boo hoo* whole night only "hoo" twice. feel so sway haha...

hi goodbaby,
i got the extensions from ERO lingerie (their outlets are chinatown pt, east pt, bishan junction, great world city etc). it's for double hook version, and fits triumph bras too (haven't checked out whether it fits the other brands). but so super cheap $2 only hahaha....!!!
i tot preg woman got good luck. haha... buay zhun 1???

mon got 6million toto rite, i go buy tot got luck, haha who knw, alot only kana 3 number... haha
Does bra extension helps? I find the cup too small though. Wonder if i shld buy maternity bra already.

By the way receive a call from nurse that Oscar test and blood test normal. Feel kind of relief.
hi apple,
congrats! you must be relieved. i'm going for mine this friday. can i ask if there is any dietary restriction before blood test? the nurse never tell me anything....

the bra extension works only if the cup size fits, but the straps are too tight. so with the bra extension, the fit is just nice. but if your bra cups are too small then bra extensions won't work for you.
hi garfield,
thanks a lot,$2 is very reasonable,do we need to sew it on or it can be used interchangeably?


any 1 noe we need to continue taking folic acid till which mth?till delivery?cos worried that i bought too much folic acid already
hi apple,

do we need to drink a lot of water before the oscar test?cos there is scan?no meals before the oscar test from the night before or from the morning?
hi cheryl,
ya lor, buay zhun one. my MJ luck actually worsen man.

hi patsy,
ya me playing again tonight also. see any improvement. dun like the play whole night only "hoo" once kind of feeling. last night hubby was my "shang jiao", keep feeding me rubbish. qi shi wo!!
hi goodbaby,
no need to sew, it's interchangeable. super easy to use!! the extension comes with two hooks and 3 pairs of eyes. so you hook it onto your bra's existing eyeS and it's extended already =P

so only need 2 pairs. one to wear one to wash (unless you are particular about the colours matching). it comes in all colours too.
No need to have any food restriction before the Oscar test. The nurse also never tell me I must drink a lot of water before that but I always drink water before I go for scanning at my gynae so my bladder was kind of full that day when I had the scanning done.
garfield/cheryl, me too! think our hb's don't like ppl to think they are helping us lor.. my hb also control more if he sits on top of me... grrrrrrr i always tell him tonight you sleep outside
ya tonight i tell hubby to sit opposite me...to main marital harmony =P

last night i also wanted to strangle him. waiting to hoo a ping hoo, then he go and pong and i kena flower.

cheryl, dunno about cramping, but i still get mild pains here and there. your cramps very bad??
u so funny. arghz, i miss mj.. lol

not very bad lah, mild cramp ba... but somtime will have pulling pain... doc not ard leh.. den fri i have to go TMC for my NT test liao
all of u are majong experts! I dunno how to play majong, only know how to play the computer type where they will ask u if u want to "pong" or not then i know I can "pong" already.
hi girls
i've just returned from my doc visit and mentioned that my edd is now 24th feb. currently 11wks 3days..
so i guess i'm back in the feb thread..
Garfield, hahah, same lah! worse if you calling liao hor?

hehe tonight hopefully luck better!! my friend say we gonna wear red undies! hahahaha
Hi goodbabyb,

Remember to drink lots of water (until full bladder) before your Oscar test... I went for my Oscar test this morning and only managed to get the bb in the correct position at my 3rd scan... coz bladder not full enough...
hi snowbelle,

how many bottles to drink?cos if full bladder,i worried i need to go toilet before the scan,dunno the scan need to wait long for my turn or not
hi goodbabyb,
i was told to go toilet to pass urine before the Oscar test. Strange. Mabbe the machines in US are very different from machines in singapore.

slight cramps are normal, but not normal if u get cramps on a regular basis leh. The pulling sensation is normal cos the ligaments are stretching.
goodbabyb, I drank about more than 1 500ml bottle... maybe you drink until a comfortable level and see whether bb in right position or not... at most wait a while and do the scan again...

This morning my bladder was so full that I almost go and ask them to do the scan for me immediately... I scared I cannot ta-han... but luckily they called my name while I'm still hesitating... and I was so scared it will leak when she pressed on my tummy... :p
Hi ladies

I'm having a bad throat at the moment. Does anyone know if I can take the thick dark sweet herbal syrup (Chuang Pei pi pa gao) that most of us will tend to take whenever we had a sore throat? :-(
I got sore throat in early wks of pregnancy also and was so bad, i juz took Pi Pa Gao lor... it really soothes a lot. I am not sure whether ok but think once or twice shld be fine
Hi Juddy,

Same here having very bad sore throat since last night. Wanted to take that pi pa gao too but hb says better not. So he makes me honey drinks for me...the pain soothes a little but voice still hoarse.
Hi Doink! My EDD is the same date as yours!

Eileen, OSCAR is a comprehensive first trim scan which includes blood tests. They do a nuchal scan to measure thickness of fetus' neck (to check for Down's syndrome), PAPPA and Beta HCG. It's recommended for women above 30 yrs of age to check for abnormalities. Usually, this is done before more intrusive tests like amniocentesis is recommended (if needed at all).
Thanks ladies. I have been coping by drinking lots of water and taking hacks blackcurrant sweet... but u know lah nothing beats having pi pa gao down the throat. :p

But to be on the safe side, I will consult my gyne when I see her next week. Btw my gyne told me that we can drink honey but it must be 100% processed. Does anyone know what that means? Most honey over the shelf did not state whether they are 100% processed or not.

Doink, did u have a dating scan or gynae calculated from LMP? My gynae's dating scan is very accurate, has not changed at all. By LMP, I shld be 12 weeks plus but by dating scan, I"m 11.6 weeks.
