(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Hi fairfield and Andrea, I'm curious - are you ladies working MTBs overseas or accompanying your spouses? I'm finding it hard to have nothing much to do all day! After 6 years of non-stop work, I'm finding it quite a challenge to fill my day. What do you ladies do? (Sorry, I don't know how to PM :p
ya hoping that all of you will get good news!! for now, dun worry so much, stay positive and have a good lunch!!

i have sudden craving for bak kwa...but need to watch my stupid weight.

last night, i climbed one flight of steps and panted. i could feel my heart beating against my chest. think i need to start exercising soon =P
We cant take raw food right, what about vegetable like lettuce that doesnt require cooking?

cheryl, congrats! if blood test normal then everything is fine!
eh. i do take salad when i m in my 4week+ to 7 weeks like that.... saomemore raw vege like lettuce... i think shd be fine???
really!?!? haha...scold hubby already. tell me cannot eat =( i tahan-ing since this morning and it just won't go away!!

THANKS Bkkgal and apple!!!

oh yah - i asked my MIL re the bird's nest in bangkok. she said not trustworthy. better to buy in SG at waterloo street (i'm getting the actual shop address). maybe you can ask some family members to buy and air freight to you? or when you are next back in SIN can get some.
Yah read this article the other day. My husband showed me the article actually. Its very scary and its really unfortunate for her. But lucky she is fine in the end. The hospital should be responsible for what she had gone through.
i read it. n show my hb... he say he gonna make sure my gynae to remove everything properly... lol but very scary abt her story
Hi Garfield, I am not in US but am in Aussie. So its kind of hard for me to buy birdnest except when I go to Chinatown.

Hi Bkkgal, am overseas accompanying my spouse as he is here for attachment. I haven been working since we came here about a couple of years back. What I normally do at home:

- watching dvds
- baking
- shopping
- online games
- do household chores
- used to go jogging pretty often until lately gotta stop

What about you? What do you do? hehe..
this kind of thing common meh??? somemore so many time the thing inside is not totally remove leh... argh... i m afraid of such thing happen

worst part is they ask her to pull it herself.. i was like -.-||
Hi Andrea, I was the working partner in Bangkok until Apr this year when my term ended. Ironically, my hubby was the "spouse" during my posting until he got a job offer beginning this year. I took no pay to join him in Jul. So I am now the "stay at home" spouse. Really dunno what to do with myself in the beginning but I've started
- a prenatal yoga class (twice a week)
- trying to cook dinner more
- read
- quilt
- watch dvds.

I feel my brain slowing down these days and fear becoming one of those women who report their household activities to their husbands at the end of each working day :p hehehe.
Yeah, that part was really gross! Actually, in cases where the placenta is not delivered properly, the patient is immediately given a D&C or else the risk of infection is very high. In the old days, women died from these infections.

This lady also very unlucky cos she got her uterus poked during the procedure to remove the placenta! aiyo.

My hubby told me that after the baby is delivered, the obs/midwife will usually rub your tummy to get the placenta to detach from the womb and then the placenta can be delivered in one piece. But sometimes, if the obs/midwife is impatient, they will pull the placenta causing the capillaries to detach from the wall, and sometimes, pieces of it will remain stuck inside. Mild tugging is ok but not if they pull it out forcefully.
i tot they would do d & c when she admit 2nd time due to the bleeding... aiyo.... i tot they shd double check our womb b4 we can discharge ma....
Hi mummies
Finally got my DS test prob results today, and thank goodness, the prob is a good no so gyn says no further test required. At least can sleep better today. However found trace in my glucose test and a slightly low haematocrit (PCV). Nurse only pass me the urine and blood test report after I see gyn so did not manage to check with him and I dun wan to wait till one month later. Anyone knows what it means?
hi andrea and garfield,
the few asian supermarkets i have here are lousy, plus they are either china-owned or vietnamese-owned, so dun trust, esp these days so much problems with china pdts.

garfield, i know what u mean when mil dun explicitly say if she wants to help with confinement or not. i am facing the same problem too. Which set of parents come and when they come visit me is a headache, cos all want to come.

hi bkkgal,
i havent been working since i came to the US a few yrs ago. what i do daily:
- i love cooking, so i cook on weekdays
- read
- surf net
- watch tv
- watch mobtv

u worry too much lah. blood test ok shd be ok.
if blood test is ok, should be ok. My DS prob has been moderated substantially through the blood test. When is your next visit to review the results?
dun worry cheryl, even if gynae doesn't proactively review the result you can ask him about it, k?

i so sad today. colleague say i fat in arms and bum *sighz* super self conscious now.

last night, told hubby i'm mentally unprepared to have a baby (i belong to the category that originally didn't want kids, never really very "kid-loving", and zero maternal instincts). he so worried....
Garfield, don't worry lah, I was also like that! took me 8 years of marriage to even consider having a child and only because i was getting so old liao! it will come naturally....
ya lor patsy, so you can empathize....

i was going through the list of "sacrifices" i have to make, and we have to make as a couple, then the more i think the more apprehensive i get.

hubby say cannot think like that...baby will feel unwanted, not healthy.

so now everyday i sayang my tummy and think positively and tell baby sayang =P
Garfield, aiyo, i went through the same thing... no more trips, etc etc.. but you know, when they call you mama and give you a great big hug and kiss, any sacrifice is worth it lah... don't worry! and i'm sure your baby knows you love him/her...

am super on pins and needles now waiting for my blood test result. I know i should just leave it to God but so nervous still..
patsy, congrats!!

ladies, me veri down... super piss with raffles hospital for "sitting" on my medisave claims n now tell me that my claims kanna rejected!!!!
Congrats Patsy!!! Yeah...we can all celebrate now!!!

Anyone else with results coming up?

Aiyo Dorothy why RH like that? I'm sure you can appeal to Medisave to review.
Patsy/Garfield, i think i made a right choice by not gg back to them.. now i am waiting for Dr. Sheila Loh to get back to me first to see what she planning to do. she is the director of the department now...

tried calling cpf board... waited so long, no answer.....angry!!!!
i really think the medical profession here in singapore leaves so much to be desired... specially in KKH where i had first hand experience of how they treat patients and most importantly parents and relatives of patients! I hope things will be better in Mt. E when I deliver.
hi all

May I check when can the baby apply for singapore passport? i am thinking if I go back Msia for confinement bb must follow me back as well..
hi ladies, just curious, actually do you all rely on doctors to tell you how many weeks u are at now? cos i read abt most doctors use 40 weeks basis (based on LMP?)..altho some uses 38 weeks basis..so sometimes when my doc tells me i'm certain weeks..not sure shoould i subtract 2 weeks or not so that i know when i pass my first tri! :p
my gynae didn't use LMP to determine how many weeks my bb is. he based on the length of the bb, quite accurate b cos i went for OSCAR test where NT scan is done & this scan actually can accurately tell the total of weeks the bb is, only 2 days diff from my gynae.

just follow wat gynae scan loh... cos if gynae scan eg. 12 weeks. den u use the 12 week loh. dun need to subtract lah...

for my cases i cant use LMP. cos i miss my period for 2 week den i conceive de... roughly est... so i can only use gynae scan result to see loh.
Thanks ladies! I guess I got confused, cos when doc scan, he only tells me est EDD date..but hell revert to the 40 weeks basis when he tells me how many week I am. So when I was trying to countback fromm EDD dates..always out by 2 weeks :p

3rd day back to work. surprised that i actually feel better than when i was staying at home. having to walk more outside, it helps relief my bloating and constipation. also, dun keep focusing on eating and snacking haha....!!!

aiyo hubby asking me to go out for a walk NOW =P at this time??!! feeling sooooooo lazy
