(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

hi all,

i think we can take pao sheng but not sure about ginseng.. i dunno that we cannot take birdnest in the first trimester cuz i did take for the first 3 months.

eliaw, i think accordingto chinese belief pineapples and banana are too "liang" or cold for the womb so it's not advisable.

Heloo mtbs, long time since i am here. hope everyone is doign fine..

as to the bananas - my mum tell me its those long ones cannot take (i think like del monte etc..) cos very liang. pineapples i am not sure but i see my gf take like nobody's business - so i think in moderation ba..

between has anyone lose more than 5kg already due to vomiting? sigh..i been feeling giddy and weak due to the constant vomiting..i wonder if i am on the verge of dehydration, having not much appetite also..from my 6 weeks till now (almost 14 weeks) lose already 5 kg..i wonder if there's any cause to see the doctor earlier..any comments?
hi ladies,

Your M/S ended already? sigh...mine abit 'Zhi dun' (slow in chinese), only like started these 2 weeks and i am supposed to be in my 11th week now...feel nauseous after meal, before meal...like all day nauseous...din vomit though..just had this uncomfortable feeling and a siap siap taste in my mouth...

eliaw, yah..it is because of the chinese belief that pineapples are 'liang' so not to take otherwise may lead to miscarriage...gynae will say there is no proven medical studies on that...but my gynae said, since we are chinese, dun purposely go and take them ..just eat in moderation...so i will only eat them occasionally and only a small portion each time... actually like alot of fruits also quite liang...so what i do is i try and rotate and eat diff kinds everyday...the only fruit that i take quite regularly is apple, think it is the safest..
my MS havent end yet leh.. still have that siap siap taste in my mouth loh..... haiz... tot shd be end liao. but still have leh, somemore whole day
all gynaes are very believes in proven medical studies. so they will tell u "you can eat everything" they dun believe in too cooling or heaty.

What my gynae always tell me is that "baby abstracts the most basic nutrients from you. even though if you are missing out from your daily calcium, it doesnt means that the baby is without calcium. they wil definitely find a way to abstract all the nutrients and what they need from you. All food are being broken down into different types of molecules and baby will only take those tat they want, the rest will be absorbed by the mommy herself."

Because of what he said. i stop taking my calcium cause it is too big and hard for me to swallow. so he say if any supplements when consume makes one hard to swallow or dun feel comfortable after swallow, dun take them. baby has no lack of nutrients. We can always nourish our own body after birth.

Pineappes i only heard dun take in the early trimester but in the late part like 3rd tri, you can take pineapples. Bananas is only those long long type but if u do not know how to differentiate, dun take them.

My MIL and aunty tell me if we eat too much ginseng or too "bu" the baby will be too big and hard to come out. There was once i didnt know tat ginseng isnt good as well. My mom went to hock hua and bought for me. When i tell my aunty, she scolded us. From then on i stop taking already and leave all the boiling of tonics to my aunt.

Long post up there. Hope you ladies dun min i intrude this thread heheee.. Hope the above helps!..
hi starry,
hmm...i think it is possible to get de-hydration from vommitting (a bit like de-hydration from diarrhea). so hope you get lots of liquid into your system - maybe tonic food drinks like milo, horlicks so that your body can get a bit of nutrition even if you don't eat so much? i dunno about the weight gain - i'm suffering opposite problem from you (i've gained 3+ to 4kg so far)

hi blurfairy,
your MS sounds like mine. it affected me the worst from 6-11 weeks....also never vomit, but feel nauseous throughout the day. i still get it now and then, so not totally free from MS yet. i find lime juice really helps (more effective than sour plums).

my first day back in office after 6 weeks working from home. everybody say i put on weight *sigh* i guess +3kg is obvious lor. hope my weight gain slows down.
hi adeline,
dun say intrude...really appreciate you sharing your info with us.

my mum/MIL belong to the "modern type", so i dun really have tbe benefit of diet advice. really dunno what can eat what cannot eat. as you say, gynae will say can eat anything except raw foods and alcohol.

so personally i just eat everything in moderation to be on safe side. i try not to eat the same stuff repeatedly and try to make every meal a balanced ones. so like fruits - also rotate every day lor.
cheryl, i'm so envious....you're so young - whatever weight you put on will also be easy to loose.

not like me...*sigh* metabolic rate probably slowed down by half - harder to burn fats.
Starry, try taking isotonic drinks like 100-plus. It replenishes salts that you lose during vomitting. I found that helped me alot and doc also said it's good for dehydration.

Yanyen, I was given Urogestan too but I was throwing up so much that I decided no use to waste them, so I stopped taking. My gynae said later it's ok for me to stop taking Urogestan. It's quite expensive and I have a whole box of it sitting at home!

I'm so envious of you ladies who have moms and aunts cooking birds nest! Enjoy your 2nd trim!
Garfield, tell me about it!!! Everytime go to the gyne scared what the scale will say.. think i've gained 2+ kgs so far... immediately after confinement will go gym everyday!!!! and Garfield, i think i'm officially the oldest in this thread

went for triple test on Saturday, NT scan ok, just waiting for the blood test results.. getting scared but keeping faith that God will bless me and the baby...
but but but...bkkgal, isn't bangkok the land of wonderfully CHEAP birds' nest?!?! =P it's soooooo expensive in singapore

hee hee hee

actually my mum taught me how to cook - actually very easy, just that i'm lazy. if you want to know how let me know i share with you.

er.. no wor.. i have problem losing weight 1.... cos i already plump b4 pregnant...

i m tempting to call my gynae clinic to check for the result. but duno gynae go thru it liao anot.... scare make them think i like so kanjiong...
congrats patsy!! can heave a sigh of relief now =)

ya hubby and his buddy say will force me to go and take part in triathlon after i deliver. i was thinking "siao ah"...can't even run 2km ask me to go triathlon. sure die one.

i thought i'm the oldest first time mummy....i noticed most in the thread are like 30 and below =P
cheryl, no leh.. with Sabie my NT was ok but blood test still show high chance of chromosomal abnormality.. that's why had to go for Amnio
Garfield, ok lah.. dun worry, I was also about yoru age when i got preggy with Sabie! One part of me is relieved, the other part anxiously waitiing for teh blood test result
cheryl, well.. we wanted to know if ever got problem to mentally prepare ourselves mah.. but risk very small only... wait for your gyne to advice you lah, you still young mah.. NT scan not 100%!
hi everyone, long time never post(act just a few days lah...)

my gal was sick... for the past few days... then yest, i cant sleep( it is in me loh-every year, the 1st day of the 7th month, i am like this(sleepless)... a bit siao loh...)... so now i super sleepy... will be lunching in so that later can nap....

Cheryl, dun worry so much.... if u wan to know the answer, just call the clinic to check...

Patsy/garfield, wow... u two competing who is older... heehee.. i also not young lah...

recent topic is on tonics.... i think when we wan to take tonic, best is to let the med hall ppl know that u are preg, then they will advise whether can preggie woman take or not... best is go to place with good reviews to buy-YRS or fu hua....

blood test- i havent take mine leh... all of u made me kanchong already... i only had mine NT scan....

weight gain- so far, i yet to gain anything... my hubby said cos b4 preggie, i already veri fat... that y no weight gain... hahaha
also thank god that my gal got no ca if not, i think i will be stressful again...

result havent reach them yet... den i realise my thu appt with gynae, my hb cant go with me leh.. haiz... last nite i din slp oso. now very tired like zombie ah
hi dor... how come they didn't draw blood same day as the NT scan? i had to go for glucose test also coz have history of gestational diabetes, now on carbo/sugar restriction already
cannot anyhow eat.. hb pitied me on saturday and bought me a scoop of ben and jerry's.

cheryl: you should be able to get the result in 3-4 days i think..
hi ladies...

sorry may I know what is NT test or triple test?? i am very lost, tomorrow going for my first trimester scan at TMC, hope things will be fine. Is that a NT Scan??

So far I only took one blood test. doctor just says everything is fine.

my gynae told me not to take pine apple, other than that everything is fine.

for me, i did not take any chinese medicine, but hor, I look quite pale, my hubby is asking me to visit one....

but on the whole, i get the siap siap taste in mouth, very feel like vomit, esp when eating half way, but so far only vomit once....

i think i put on quite substantial amount of weight.
wa dorothy....long time no hear! hope your gal is feeling better now.

i thought with my NT test cleared i can sleep in peace. looks like i need to wait till blood test results tomorrow.

my mommy's method super simple:
1. Clean and soak the bird's nest in water till soft
2. Prepare and wash red dates, gou qi zhi (and paosheng if desired)
3. Rock sugar to taste
4. Add water and all the ingredients (except bird's nest) and double boil for 1 hour.
5. Add bird's nest and double boil for another hour. Bird's nest not added right from the start cos if boil too long it will "melt" and disappear into the water.

alternatively, if you find double boiling too troublesome then can also use slow cooker instead.
hubby just called....i get to eat bird's nest AGAIN *evil laughter*

going to feel indebted to MIL very soon =P

cheryl, how come hubby not going with you? is gynae going to discuss blood test results with you then? or can get them earlier?
hi bkk gal, i didn't realised it's Urogestan that causes the vomitting, no wonder when i stopped taking them, the vomitting reduced quite a bit..

on topic of bird's nest, anyone tried to boil with cordyceps? wonder if it's alrite to take cordyceps?

thu nite hb has to go back camp to do IPPT training... haiz. tot today result reach gynae liao so can go see tonite... but result havent reach them. maybe afternoon or tml will receive ba...
IPPT training can postpone one or not? hope you can get your results before thur then hubby can go with you!

hi yanyen, dunno about cordyceps. i think what dorothy says makes sense - go to a reputable place like eu yan sang (they have TCM doctors there) to ask. hard to find western literature that endorses these herbs since they dunno anything about them.
you call the nurse or receptionist and tolong ask her help call you quick quick when she receives result (she will know ahead of your gynae). say you very worried cannot sleep but dun wan to kachow her.

next time you see her buy her kopi and curry pok....make friend a bit = )
Hi dear all,

I have also not logged on for some time, Hope all are well!

Starry, I lost 4kg due to vomiting too. I was also dehydrated as when the nurse tried to draw blood for my first trimester screening test, the blood was hard to pump out. Drink water will also throw up! So Dr advised me to take very small sips of water but do so very often, every couple of mins, even if its just the tongue touching the water is better than nothing.

On my own, I tried taking honey water and it does help. You may want to try.

Dr even told me her record breaking patient is one who lost 10kg due to vomiting but once she could eat, she put back a record 30kg. So I think our 4-5kg drop should be ok.But Dr did give me medication to relieve my vomiting on week 12 so if you really cannot stand it, check with your gynae. I guess Dr gave me the medicine cause I have bad gastric pain. The medication does help to make me throw up less but not totally gone.

BTW,a couple of questions to ask all of you,
1)Anyone taking Annum, is it good? I am taking but sometimes can't keep it down, as usual.
2)Do you all have sleepless night and the tendency to pee even though not much to pee and then feel really tired in the day?
3)Anyone who feels bloated ,discomfort especially at night?

I thought all these are problems for later pregnancy but I am experiencing them now, so would like to check if all of you are experiencing the same thing.

Looks like I am not the only one whose vomiting has not stopped. I am already in my week 14. Sian ah! Also has the funny taste in my mouth too, plus gastric pain, especially at night, Arrg.....
Hi jd06,
1) i'm taking anmum, try to force myself drink twice a day. My gynae didn't give me calcium as she thnk i got enough intake of calcium
2)&3) Both are normal..this will last til u deliver. later part even more pee. Normally afternoon start i'll feel bloated liao, at night even bigger loh..all these are normal. Dun worry
Hi JD,

poor thing..you have quite a bad bout of M/S...i am at my week 11...my M/S only started 2 weeks ago...but mine is not as bad...only had nausea feeling but did not vomit, or had the vomit sound but nothing came out....also had this funny taste in mouth...

i felt bloated after meals and especially at night after dinner...i became like a puffer fish...the tummy 'woosh' balloon big big...so now i try to keep my dinner light...once i feel like about to be full...i stopped eating..you try that and see if the bloating helps....dun stop eating after you are full...cos by then i find it too late...

i dun have sleepless night though...but tendancy to wake up at least once or twice pernight to pee...if i wait till morning then pee, the peeing process can be quite painful..but sometimes really too lazy to wake up...sometimes after i woke up to pee, had difficulty falling back to sleep again...but i gotto force myself to close eyes to sleep lor....luckily, this dun happen frequent...hmmm, do you take afternoon naps? realised on weekends when i take aft naps, tendancy is harder to fall asleep at night...
Hi Garfield, thanks for the birdnest cooking tip! I have a more basic problem here - how to choose good bird's nest? BKK is not like Spore with reputable shops like Eu yan sang - at least you know pay more can get better quality. And so many shops these days are flooded with cheap chinese goods, I'm afraid I'll get cheated buying fake bird's nest. Any tips on how to choose bird's nest? I just went out to get the bottle type. hehe.

Yanyen, Urogestan is actually progesterone which induces nausea and vomitting. Vitamin B6 is said to help reduce the nausea. Ever since I stopped Uro, I started taking B6 which helps a little but not much. Nowadays I feel the nausea more but actual vomitting has reduced which is good, it means I'm retaining more food.

JD, I'm experience (2) tendency to pee but not much. I go to the toilet every hour, damn troublesome and sian. Also, I'm bloated and gassy every night after dinner, together with that nasty aftertaste in mouth. Aftertaste only after dinner, not other meals. I don't know what to do with the bloatedness, try walking around your estate after dinner or take eno?
hi JD,
i experience (2) and (3). i go to toilet >10 times a day. as for bloating, very very very bad. i wake up in the morning looking like i'm not pregnant. but by end of day, i bloat till i look 6 mths (i puff out from under my bra onwards) and it actually hurts. for me, i have to take small meals cos when i eat too much too quickly sure will bloat one.

haha blurfairy....i like your analogy of puffer fish. so funny!! reminds me of that cartoon (is it sharks?!)

hi bkkgal, re choosing bird's nest, i will ask my MIL for some tips. my PILs produce bird's nest in indonesia so i think they should be able to advise how to choose. let you know later.
Hello JD

Tks for the advice - will try sipping some water frequently. Hope you will get better too.

Yup, metallic taste in mouth. wonder if its because we drink too little water?

I think we have to jia you jia you. Lets pray our MS go off soon..i miss food..but now they make me puke..haha..sian..i realised 1 mouth of rice is just the right amount for me. My MIL exclaim - huh? eat so little??..haha..
Thank you all for your reply.

Yeah, the same bottom I can wear in the day, I can't wear it by late afternoon or evening, due to the bloating. So I went to buy maternity bottoms yesterday.

I do take afternoon nap at times but I tried not to nowadays so that hopefully I can sleep better at night, but still did not really work.

Also, though only about 14 weeks, I find lying straight on my back not comfortable, have to usually lie on the left hand side. Don't know due to the bloatedness or baby, but baby supposed to be still very small right?
hi jd,
i read that from 2nd tri onwards (which is 14 weeks onwards), we should sleep on our left to maximize flow of blood and oxygen to baby. apparently there is a major artery on our rightside so sleeping on right is no good. sleeping on back also no good cos weight will press down on baby.

i invested in a bolster yesterday cos can't sleep on my side without one =P
Dear Starry,

Yeah, we all have to jia you! You know, sometimes even watching show on food can make me feel like throwing up plus sense of smell also become very acute.

Sometimes I feel so bad towards my mother and MIL as so many things I don't feel like eating or eat so little.

Please, please, let the MS go away soon for all the mother to be who are still experiencing MS.....
Thanks Garfield, for the info.

There was once a few months back in the news about Ginseng having effects on women homones. I was revealed by some TCM physicians after some women in Taiwan experiencing reduction in their menses or even stopping of their menses after they have taken Ginseng while having their menses. So for those who want to take ginseng, may want to check with their Gynae first.

My Gynae advised me against taking any chinese herbs during the period that I was taking duphaston (not sure if I spell correctly) but basically if you are taking any homones related medication, don't take chinese herbs.
u are so lucky, ur mil makes bird nest for u! :)

u're not that bad too lah, at least u can still get bird nest in bangkok. i am in US, and there are no shops selling bird nest in this part of the country.

for those mtbs without MS, and already in 2nd trimester, do u find that you get hungry very very fast, and u must eat almost immediately once u are hungry? i get that now, and if i dun eat fast enough, i will feel faint and want to peng san. Scary!
hi gals..

my mom just cooked bird's nest today.. but she said i cannot eat.. wahahaha.. said only till 6 months then can.. so how huh? eat or not.. feel like secretly eating..

bananas ~ heard it's the green type that's very cooling.. all other types can be eaten..
pineapples ~ gynae says pineapples do not cause miscarriage.. anyway, eat a bit also won't hurt..

oh what the heck.. so many versions.. so many restrictions.. just do everything u want in moderation.. chill MTBs..

anyone has remedy for bloated stomach? do onions & ginger work?

n lastly, i went for my checkup today.. baby was awake when i did the scan.. it was very exciting.. it was moving around alot.. stretching legs and arms.. n could see even fingers, toes, ribs, spine & nose!
hi eliaw,
i thought onions cause more gas to be produced? I've heard that drinking gassy drinks work for some people with bloated stomachs. U may want to try.
Yah my mum told me the banana that we cannot eat is the del monte kind as well and is green in colour?

Why cannot eat bird nest until 6 mths? Both my mother and MIL says I should start eating bird nest in the 2nd trimster.

I am starting to feel ache and pain in my abdomen. read that its due to the uterus growing in the 2nd trimster. Its more uncomfortable when I am sleeping. I find sleeping on my right side more comfortable. Sleep on left i felt a bit of pain leh. Lying flat my back ache!
Hi all, I am also having the bloated stomach by lunchtime and got worst by dinner! Like Garfield mentioned, I woke up with flat tummy and go to bed each night with a huge tummy! Haha... And the problem is I dont dare to take drinks like coke which has caffeine in them. Any remedies?

My MIL told me to avoid Del Monte bananas and pineapples as well, which maybe too cooling.
Hi Fairfield, is that Chinatown nearby to your place? I am trying to get some bottled bird nest the next time I am going to Chinatown, hopefully can get some!

wah...i just bought a bunch of del monte bananas leh...now got to force hubby to finish them all. before P, used to eat lots of bananas (very good for preventing constipation), so have to find alternatives now.

hi fairfield,
i prefer my mum to make it (then i can eat without guilt mah...so bad hor). last night MIL asked me confinement how....i also dunno how to answer cos dunno whether she asking cos she want or doesn't want to help. luckily hubby beside me and he said "mum you help lor"

i experienced the hunger pang symptoms that you described in 1st tri instead. had to eat every 2 hours it was scary. i stocked my house full of cereal, fruits, biscuits, cos as you say - don't eat will faint. i've been back to normal 3 meals plus maybe an afternoon snack for about 2 weeks now.

re birds' nest - maybe you can get the bottled ones from chinatown as andrea suggests?

hi Andrea,
are you also in the US like fairfield?
