(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

*hee hee* reminds me....maternity packages are similar to bridal packages - most are not apple to apple comparisons. so super confusing.


thanks for your explanations. hopefully i will be offered a package on my next visit.


which raffles clinic you went?
when's your EDD? didn't see your name in the table.


you changing from raffles to mt a?
agree with garfield that the packages very confusing. have you done your sum carefully? mt a shouldn't be too cheap either.

thanks apple and cheryl for the info. seems that cheryl one is really worth it. including usual sickness some more...
yes. it is really worth it.. somemore near my place... alot of fren was like cannot believe my gynae package so cheap... lol...
n most of the gynae dun include usual visit for fever or flu...
i did the oscar test and blood test on sat. result supposed to be out today but i have not received any call yet. dunno if i shld call them or wait till tomorrow.
hi xiao yun,

i go to the women's centre at raffles hospital cos my gynae is there.
my EDD is 4th feb (2 days before CNY!!). not in the list cos never included my name b4...heehee
hi xiao yun, i was with gynae for something else... then i got preg.....so initially wan to continue cos like her char....

after doing my sum... on avg, every visit with her cost me $180+ so i decided to opt out... also i had a bad experience with raffles too(not on the doc but with my claims from medisave)
also i think the bill will not be cheap too....so decided to change... choose mt a because it's near my office(bishan)... but then hor... i need to move back to HQ at lengkee(redhill) faint!!!

btw, does anyone have stiff neck or shoulders? me veri bad... thinkin of gg for pre-natal massage....

hi Grumpus, welcome welcome....

nowadays, i everyday will tell bb to come out after cny... hopefully it will work....
hi ladies, one more price to throw into the pot. i hear peter chew's package is 1.6K inclusive of all visits and scans + normal delivery.

dorothy, pre natal massage i want!!! any good recommendations? i don't have stiff neck/shoulders, but my back starting to ache like old woman. also i may have mild water retention, almost couldn't take out my wedding ring this morning. so jia lart hor *hee hee*
Hi apple79,

I did my oscar test two Thursdays ago. Before i went for the test, the nurse at gynae clinic told me results should be out in abt a week's time, so can call them to find out the results.

So called them last Thurs, n true enough, e results had reached them. But nurse usually won't tell much, all she told me was that everything is normal, and not to worry, just to set our minds at ease. She mentioned that when we next see the gynae, he will go thru the results w us and explain in detail.

So perhaps u can call e clinic up to ask if they don't call u up?
hi dorothy,

yr case similar to mine. i was with my gynae for something else also. at that time he was at gleneagles. then he moved to raffles and i actually wanted to change but on my first visit at raffles found out i was preggie! so no choice i decided to stick with raffles lor. would prefer a gynae who noe my history as this it my 1st bb.
hi Ladies!
New to the thread.. my EDD is 25 Feb.. coming 12th weeks now..

Anyone knows if it's ok to lie on the tummy??

Hi tong tong,
I also feel weird after taking the prenat vit.. causes bloatedness after.. but not nauseous.. so i try not to take after food.. n i also got bad habit.. i don't take in the morning.. i take it at all times of the day.. not sure if it's ok or not..

I started taking EPA.. got too sick n phobia of eating fish.. n it's true that not all fish can be eaten due to levels of mercury.. apparently, there's a different concentration ratio for EPA for pregnant ladies.. so make sure the EPA u buy is suitable.. i got mine from my gynae..

I am keen on the Yoga too..

here's the updated list..
1. Katechow March saturday/sunday ok
2. Red tea March
3. Bevweb March
4. Babe_dude March
5. Adeline March
6. Kais March
7. Twinklestars March
8. Clover March
9. Dorothy Feb Saturday ok
10.snowbelle Feb
11. Eliaw Feb Weekends ok
hi ladies,

need to start some maternity clothes shopping cos my pants and skirts are getting tight man!...any good suggestions for places?...sorry to ask that, know some of your posts already mentioned but that time i still v yaya din wan to buy maternity wear yet...thot can tong till after first tri...

waht i know is Suntec area...what are the shops with nice and affordable maternity wear?
hi garfield, this is what i gathered from jan thread.
1)siti 98363699- $50 per hour(can do pre/post natal massage)
2)91090584-$50 for 90min(got this from a preg mag)

apple, no news is good news!!!! but do call them if u wan to know earlier...

eliaw, welcome!!!!i think it is ok to lie on yr tummy if u ok with it... when i had my gal, i cant sleep laying on my tummy... this one so far so good....

blurfairy, da pi gu!!! u know tower 3? toyrrus? that area....

u can buy those stretchable pant @ bugis street... got alot... can last till very big..

cos i think maternity pant is abit too big for us....
i think i ask this before also...memory getting shorter nowadays
...bugis street meaning the area opposite junction 8 with alot of small small shops one? second storey also got some store, referring to that area?
damn...yah..i meant bugis junction...chia lat...now you know how my nic comes about
...my frens are all worried that my sotong'ness will get worse due to preg...think it is materialising..hahah...
My memory also getting worse! Last night i forgot to turn off the stove after i turned it on to heat up the soup. Lucky my husband discovered in time!
My memory also getting worse! Last night i forgot to turn off the stove after i turned it on to heat up the soup. Lucky my husband discovered in time!
blurfairy/apple, u are not alone..... last sun, i was boiling my eggs, then suddenly i got craving for steaks, so i quickly on the pc to get botak jines ctc, then quickly hurried my hubby n gal out of the house to avoid the dinner crowd...when we reached downstair, then i rem my gas stove was still on!!!!
lol... we become not only forgetful, blur plus lazy.. haha... i reach home just bath n den sit/lie on my bed till i slp... omg.. i m getting more like pig...
Elicia Aw

Hey there.....our EDD date seems to be quite close.....

Yah.....I am also coming to 12 weeks.....phew!!! but morning sickness still on and off these days................

How abt yourself? Are you coping well????

Will be going to see gynae this Sat......

The scan shows different dates each time, I think depending on growth of fetus.....sometimes 25 Feb the last time was 22 Feb....anyway, it is around this time....

Have you all found confinement ladies yet? Heard that not easy to find during CNY period???? When is CNY period next year?

My only concern now is to slowly get over the morning sickness...and the nausea.......which I hope will be better in 2nd trimester...........
hi ladies

do u realise when we sleep on our back we get uncomfy now?? i duno, i used to sleep on my back, but now it is getting uncomfy at my tummy. i will only fall asleep if i sleep on my left... weird rite??
my MS is back!!! sianz.....

hi elicia,
welcome! i used to lie on tummy until past 2 nights, backache, so more comfy to lie on my side.

thanks for the contacts dorothy, i think i will arrange for one soon cos my back is killing me. feel like old woman *hee hee*

blurfairy, here is a list of links for online maternity wear.

i think there is a link somewhere on this forum where you can get very affordable maternity wear too! i'll post it once i find it =P
cheryl, me also cannot sleep on back now. but mine bcos of backache, not tummy discomfort. pregnancy book says sleeping on left with a pillow between the legs promotes blood circulation that's why more comfy. so you're adopting the BEST position = )
hi hi girls.. i can finally join this thread... was holding off till i got to 12 weeks

been reading about the mj sessions and was drooling!

My EDD is Feb 19, though gyne may want to do a c-sect 2 weeks before becuase of complications after my first baby.
elicia, yea now i dont take the prenatal vitamins after food liao, i take before i sleep so that i wont feel anything.

yesterday went to gynae to check whether bb is fine because i had sudden brown discharge with lots of fluid which wets thru my panty. and i suspect is he placenta fluid..

gynae did vaginal checking and said it's placenta bleeding! but luckily it's not serious, that really scared my head off.. then gynae did a scan on bb again, luckily everything is fine, phew! had seen bb last thursday liao and yesterday got to see bb again, felt much relieved.. so now i got to take duphaston again for another 10 days.

my gyane package is $1300(include consultation, scan and delivery by gynae, exclude blood test and medicines)

so now i got to rest more and cant travel around liao. all mummies, take good care of yourself ya!
garfield, no prob abt the the contact... but best is to check with dr loh first before gg for massage....

so u join me for yoga or not....

Patsy, so mj?
dor, can!! when leh? i stay in the aljuneid area

hey my gyne said massage must wait till 6th month... and the girl in the wax place i go say waxing must wait till 4th month. yoga i dunno
hi dorothy,
yah good idea. thanks for the reminder to check with dr. loh first. today not a good day - sit down also back pain =( got to lie down. plus MS.... time for comfort food!!!

yoga - i'm keen, but lemme check with hubby if he is willing to fetch me to and fro *hee hee* bishan right? near my MIL place so i think should be ok.
Congratulation to you!
soooo happy when i saw yr good news. couldn't help it but to post here to congrats u!! Have a safe pregnancy.
cheryl, hand itch??

massage at 6mths??? will die leh.... cos someone from jan thread did hers already....

patsy, me ok... but will need help with counting tile.... hope u gals wont fall asleep playing with me.....me at bedok res...so veri near....

joking huh... dun throw paper at me!!! must ask gynae can play mj or not!!
cheryl, hand itch??

massage at 6mths??? will die leh.... cos someone from jan thread did hers already....

patsy, me ok... but will need help with counting tile.... hope u gals wont fall asleep playing with me.....me at bedok res...so veri near....

joking huh... dun throw paper at me!!! must ask gynae can play mj or not!!
hi mylvera, thank you so much. everyone's support for me even during the times when Sabie was critical has been really heart warming!
dor, haha, i played all through when preggy with Sabie... all my friends say her first word would be pong
when she was bigger we would play on weekends, she loved to sit on her daddy's lap and take tile for her daddy...

this time my hands super itchy.. everyday want to play! even play internet mah jong also can
