(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs


don't worry lah, me n my sis also horse n rat and we have been living harmoniously. My dad n mom also horse and rat respectively n they r still growing old together. So don't thk too deep into it k? By the way how's ur cough?


same EDD date (21 feb) as u ladies... which hospitals r u ladies delivering in? u recovered fm ur cold oredi?

Had a horrible horrible dream last night. Dreamt that i had a pre-term bb and i left the hospital without the bb! Good Grief! I've been having all sort of weird dreams ! Shd b normal rite?

hi garfield, there are also some good advice/feedback abt kkh too if not most of the ppl will not get it right... also the person who admin the epidural is not a nurse but a anaestheist(maybe wrong spelling)who is a doc...

tho i had bad experience in kkh... i wont discourage anyone from gg... if u wan to know how abt my experience... let me know i will share...i am one of those who epi dun worked...

one of the reasons y i decided not to go back kkh...is the waiting time n also the cost... cos they are not cheap anymore...

xiaoyun, sorry.. me dun know much abt zodiac clsh tingy... but i feel that this is yr bb so the rest is not impt.. what if the zodiac clash? there's nothing u cant do....

heavenly, ya.... i always got weird dream... once i dreamt that i had spotting so i rushed myself down to kkh... no matter, how hard i tried... i just cant reach kkh....i woke up crying....
so, it's 6 years difference? well, my dad is a rat too. so far relationship with him quite good just a lot a time i will make him angry :p think is my personality, not the zodiac sign.
for me, my EDD is only 2 weeks from CNY, I can have to chance to give birth to a piggy actually :p

regarding the epidural, i thought is injected by doctor instead of nurse? not too sure.
anyway, i am planning to go natural with epidural. wish me good luck.

my cough is better after seeing chinese sinseh. there are still some minor cough. i think chinese sinseh is good for cough as they can differentiate cold/hot cough. strangely, i will vomit when i feel like coughing at times. not sure due to MS or cough. not feeling very good this way.

I am going to Raffles for delivery, my doc is from there.

i don't have much dreams, sleeping is still quite ok for me. that's good at least i can rest more. don't think too much about it.

anyway, do you come across a news that 1 new born baby died suddenly in the hospital near Thomson area? what's the hospital? I read chinese news paper, don't know which hospital they are talking about (Kang Sheng Hospital).
life is so unpredictable....
great to hear that u ladies are recover'g and the weather's getting warmer, hope it speeds up ur recoveries too...

oh xiao yun, i was wonder g, do u like to take something sour aftr u've thrown up to get rid of the after taste in your mouth. If so, i thk preggie pop drops fm maternity exchange may jus do the wk! i sometimes depend on it to ease my nauseous feeling and in getting rid of the food after taste when i'm done wid lunch or dinner. yep, i still don't like food very much and food smells still makes me wanna puke!

haven't read anything on the new born. didn't read the chinese papers though, my chinese can't really make it ha! But there doesn't seem to be anything on this in the ST...

yep, seems like this year s the golden pig year so it's in great favour. Anyone knws whether the rat year nxt yr is also more auspicious than usual?
jus wondering mah... ...

yep dorothy, i've really been having all sorts of odd dreams that at times i wonder is it b'cos i m reading too much pregnancy related info...thk i shd go read some comedy books or something. wat do u thk?
in fact, from the start of my pregnancy, i don't have much MS. only feel a bit nauseous when i am hungry. my apetite has been also quite good. can eat anything. even after vomiting, i can just rinse my mouth and start eating. that's a blessing for me

in few weeks time, your MS should subside. no worry...

p/s: modification of my previous post, there's a typo. I am planning to go natural 'w/o' epidural..
Xiaoyun, go for it man!!!!

for me, i just hope that i can go natural!!! no more c-section!!!!

kangsheng is tmc
KKH is a training hospital. My hubby is against gg to KKH but I thought it was as good as any. No matter which class ward u go to, you are fair game for the med students. My hubby trained in KKH before and he said when professors do their rounds with the students and everyone needs to deliver their quota of 5 babies before finishing the obs posting, that's when u become fair game for them. Sometimes a woman can be subjected to as many as 5 vaginal exams in 2 hours. When u are in labour, u won't be very pleased with people disturbing you every hour. my 2 cents worth.
hi, i think now kkh got this pivate suite ting(garfeld-dr loh also in it)... i was told that if u opt for private suite, when u in labour, only yr gynae will visit u... no mo....

so if u gg for kkh, will be advisable to go for private suite....tho they say the wait time shorten than the normal women clinic
Prenatal yoga class on October

Any mummies here interested to join prenatal yoga class in Sept or october?
$35 per month(4 session) 1.5 hrs per session. She is vr experience Indian yoga teacher, need to pay 3 months in advance. Sunday class on 11am. Venue: Bishan community. must booking in advance. class size is about 10 pp
thanks all for comments re KKH. i think i will ask dr. loh about these experiences i've heard. i also thought only anaestheticians do the epidural, but my friend said a nurse did it for her. so i think dr. loh is in the best position to advise lor. will also check if there is a difference between TPS and non-TPS patients. stay tuned = )

contemplating switching to peter chew at glen E. friend's uncle, but i think he is close to retirement.

dorothy, can you share your experience re c-section? is there a reason why mummies tend to prefer natural vs c-section? sorry me first time so curious.

xiaoyun, you're so brave!! i would like to avoid epidural but am cowardly - dun think i can tahan the pain....so even contemplating doing c-section cos it's known pain (my appendix incision is similar to a c-section one) vs unknown pain *hee hee*
Hi KateChow,

I'm interested to join the Sept class.

Actually, I'm looking around for prenatal yoga class, but the one I found are quite ex...

Is the class only on weekend? Any weekday classes? Is this organised by CC? Thanks.
the reason i am choosing natural vs c-sec is because of the healing time. natural heals faster.

whereas, i heard that epidural is not good for the mum as it will cause backache etc and bb tend to be more sleepy.

i was thinking since my mum and sis can all go through w/o epi, why can't i?
HUH, dort, wat u mean by ur epi dun work??? u csection leh. dun work will pain to death right? can elaborate ur story?

me 1st visit aldy asked my gyne can do natural. he say ok to try. but he dont permit me to use epi. so i m stuck in a dilema. scared pain of natural delivery. actually my csection was a very good experience. schedule and totally painless. in and out with baby in 20mins or less. and after that oso painless and quick recovery. i m very lucky. but dunno y itchy backside just want to experience natural.

garfield, me with peter chew. he is very good and very experience but i think he is too expensive and his waiting time is also very loooong. oso u dont have a choice where to deliver. he only does it at gleneagles.
garfield, as i mentioned that my gal was overdue.. my then gynae(left for her own clinic already)as me to be admitted for induce at week41... so on the first day after admitted to kkh... i found that u need to wait for yr turn to get induced! so i wasted one day... on the 2nd day i was induced...(they will insert a mini pill into yr V).. guess what only 1 cm... on the 3rd day, 2nd induce... guess what only 2 cm... also the process is painful too!. on the 3rd day night, i had contraction(stupid me still din know that was contraction)... so i called for nurse... the china nurse told me not yet.... on the wee hours of day 4, the pain got stronger, i called for nurse again, this time, this nurse was better.... she suggestion i go to delivery suite to get the pain killer on the thigh... so i went had a pain killer jab on the thigh(supposed to work for 4 hours but din for me)i asked for more jab, cant as cant only take after 4 hours... told that laughing gas which made u "high"...then took another pain killer jab... finally at 8am, gynae came... i was 4cm dilated already... so happy... they broke my water bag n also got my epi... so i was veri happy.. somemore that day was my hubby's bday... so thinking of how to celebrate... by noon, i was still 4cm dilated... they added extra dosage to increase the rate of dilation... then i started feeling pain on one side of my body.... so they called anaesthetician to check what happen....
by 4pm, my situation did not improve at all... i request to speak to my gynae... told her, i wan c-section.... she told me to try somemore.... to wait til 8pm(next round of checkup)... by 5pm, i was crying already....n i insisted on c-section...so it was done... my gal was birthed abt 5plus....

guess what? the reason y my gal refused to move was cos she was scratched on her head... we say a read scratch on her head believed to be scatched by the stuff that broke my water bag.....thank god, it went off after a few days...

hikatechow, i interested too... but sun i cant...
alamak dorothy, your 1st gal experience quite "eventful"!! you are so brave...*respect*

the incision for c-section is about 4 inches right? when i had an appendix op, my doc also made an incision about 4 inches just below bikini line and at that time i remember it healed quite well also. painful lah...but bearable.

so i'm hoping c-section will be similar experience. like what jusmom says...in and out in 20mins. pain for a few weeks after that - but it's not the "want to die" type of pain lor *hee hee*

question though - do they apply general anaesthetic (so completely unconscious) or local (awake)?

any other disadvantages of c-section?
garfield, thanks!! i not brave....cos i veri scare of pain....

ya...actually, the whol process was veri fast....u can opt for ga or epi c-section... cos of my earlier experience with epi so i opted for ga c-section....

disadvantage of c-section- it is everall an operation so there is risk involved....also unlike natural, which heal veri easily.. c-section took a while....go natural lah... save $$... dun opt for c-section unless advised by doc or u chossing some aus date to give birth....

garfield, wan to go yoga or not?
*hee hee* like i say - i cowardly leh. don't want epidural, but sure cannot tahan the pain one.

had a number of GA procedures over the years somehow in spite of the risks, i don't feel anxious. it's like go to sleep then wake up everything is over. i even like the countdown part....haven't even reach 10 already gone to dreamland =P

my hubby say i'm like an ostrich - got trouble just stick head into sand don't want to see don't want to hear. so that's why i am inclined to c-section - same concept haha...

i don't mind yoga - hear it's good for us. but never done it before. siong or not?
wah... so painful experience dort. this is the type of story i m afraid of. i was oso over due and my gyne check tat i m not even dilated. so he advice me to choose c section as he say he has seen countless of woman get induced and go through things like wat dort describe and in the end, still end up with csection after suffering all the pain.

i was on epi and the doctor that administered the epi was really really good. i heard there will be pain when the needle insert in but i felt nothing. (please note i m a person very scared of slight pain) and he sat at my side the hold time comforting and reassuring me as i was very nervous. my own gyne do the op and chit chating with the nurses. my baby was out in 5mins and i got to hear and hold him. the other 10mins was to finish up the op. i was back in my ward shortly and was very surprised every thing seems so easy. it was a painless experience and honestly i m very tempted to do a csection again this time round. i call it the easy way out...

but i think most woman would like to deliver natually la. its the most normal thing that has been done since the begining of time mah
haha jusmon....the more you describe the more i'm tempted to go for c-section now =P did peter chew deliver your first baby too?

i prefer a practical doctor lor - one that recommends the best option logically and medically, and is not influenced by his own personal preferences (be it religious or otherwise). like i know some gynaes prefer pro-natural, so it impacts the advice that they give the patient.

the other gynae highly recommended to me is dr. yeoh swee choo from Mt E. but don't think anyone from our thread is seeing her.

hai...i think i'm scaring myself way too early in advance - not even in 2nd tri yet haha...= )
garfield/jusmum, me too... i think the sort who will have sleepless night the day before gg to dentist....

ya, my friends who gave birth around my time... also opt straight for c-section when their bb were overdue... their gynae told them no point induced... so i was veri mad with my gynae n also kkh for making me go thr this... i stay in KKH for 8days leh!!!!! suay man....

so i told myself that i will not do anything even if bb is overdue(provided gynae say everything normal)... if not i will opt for epi c-section....
can we eat the prenatal vitamins only at night after dinner... waliau, felt so nauseous in office after i took the vitamins...
hi dort, its ok la. at least you know u tried and it didnt work mah. sometimes i wonder if i should have made the effort to try. maybe i m one of the few that could have made it natually leh? haha.

garfield, aiyoh me not encouraging u to do csection la. but its just a true experience on my end. i find some ppl who say scary things about csection not very true la. made me so worried the day before my delivery. cried whole nite. dunno will come back alive with baby or not. (so silly rite) anyway oso have to wait and see la cuz sometimes due to medical reason small pelvis or breech or fetal distress oso cannot deliver naturally.

yes, garfield, peter chew delivered my first baby. no complaints about him just tat he is a very busy man.
*chope* i rewind back to a topic raised by anne some days ago....regarding safe consumption of fish. have been doing some research on what is safe and not safe. and it's indeed very confusing.

i chanced upon hubby's EPA (Omega-3) supplement and a light bulb lit up in my head = ) in terms of nutrition - is eating fish oil supplements = eating fish? is it safer in the sense that mercury and other toxins are removed from the supplements?

i think the best is to ask our gynaes for advice. but based on my preliminary google research, the answers to above questions appear to be YES. some articles for your reading pleasure:

1. are fish oils safer than fish?

2. benefits on fish / fish oil during pregnancy

3. how to know if fish oil supplements are indeed toxin free - there is an independent 3rd party program that specifies international fish oil standards
hi ladies...haven't drop any message for quite some time, just so happen now is the topic that has been going through my mind...i'm still indecisive of whether to go for C-section of natural.

like garfield, I went for an op before...it's an ovarium cyst removal and i had it twice. I hope the kind of pain for C-section is similar to what I had for my cyst removal op. If so I can really take it. Because the most painful time is when you start walking, but the more u walk the better it is. I was back on my feet after 2 weeks. And likelihood if I go for C-section they would also cut through the same wound.

But then again natural birth you get to walk around by day 2, that's why I'm still consdiering...just that my mom said that eventhough it's true that giving birth naturally heals faster but your inner wound might take more time to heal i.e. you'll have to wait several months before you can have any intercourse and one of my friend said she tried all sorts of lubrican and still is in pain.

so...still thinking now, haven't decided on anything and besides think we still have more time ? =P maybe i should just throw coins and see which one appears...hhahaha...
struggled a bit to get the picture uploaded.. phew...
bb's head is on the left and you can see the limbs.

there are 3 different times shown: on the left, US-GA 11w6d. CRL 11w3d. on the bottom, GA 10w2d.

very confusing right?
hi tongtong, how come your prenat vitamins cause nausea? shouldn't leh. are you taking them with hormone pills or something?

hi jusmom, based on what you've shared and what my friends have shared about peter chew - he comes across as a very cautious and practical doctor, so you are in good hands.

hi toot, ya lah i think we just throw a coin to decide hor =P

hi xiaoyun...wow baby is very big already!! can see the shape very clearly. what do the times mean? i also dunno.

lunch time!!!
xiaoyun, u from raffles same as me. I used to have two dates in my initial periods too cos the EDD vary a little depending if gynae measure sac size or bb size. And usually, my gynae will write in my bb report card the EDD date that I shd use. Maybe best to check with your gynae.
Hi ladies, I went to the hospital tours on last sat. Ultimately, think we will settle for TMC, signed up for the first born incentive card as it will entitle to certain discounts for scan... and classes.

i am going for the first trimester scan next week. hope everything will be fine.

Truly speaking,I have not thot about what birth methods i want... cos i have very low threshold of pain, but i worry about the long healing process if we go for operation....
Yes, is only available on weekend. i will gather only 10 pp then will start the yoga class.Yes is organise by community centre that's why is cheaper then outside.I am one of the mummies who will join too. I am from the March 2008 MTB thread.

dun worry, is not siong at all, yoga is vr good for preggy, mainly teaching on breathing and a little stretching. is vr good for delivery too.

yes. i am from raffles too. although the dates are 11w6d, 11w3d, and 10w2d on the u/s, my gynae said mine was 10w6d. and kept my EDD unchanged. not sure how he deduce that.
what's bb report card? do you hold the card or your gynae hold it?

check with you one more thing, when will the gynae start offering a package? very shiong to pay about $130 every visit leh...
Pls cut n paste for those who interested in yoga class(only at bishan)
Name MTB Day
1. Katechow March saturday/sunday ok
2. Red tea March
3. Bevweb March
4. Babe_dude March
5. Adeline March
6. Kais March
7. Twinklestars March
8. Clover March
9. Dorothy Feb Saturday ok
10.snowbelle Feb
the report card is the card that my gynae will paste my bb scan pictures in it and write down some remarks ( eg heart beat, EDD) in it. So I have a report card for each visit so far.
I started my package when I am in 9 weeks visit. I think their package starts on 12 weeks but my gyane very good let me start earlier. So I save a little lor. Yes, I agree that the consultation each time is so ex so when he says can sign package, I meh meh mai tu liao.
which raffles clinic that you went?
mine is different practise. gynae printed out a lot of u/s prints and just gave them to me w/o any remarks. he did write a lot on my record that kept with the clinic.

i have not offered any package so far in my 11wk scan.
your gynae so good.
can you elaborate more on the cost and details of the package?
thanks in advance.
Hi ladies,
I am into my 13th week this week and I just went for my scanning on sat. My baby had grew 3 times bigger as compared to one mth ago and is measuring sixty over mm! I think the scan show the baby smiling at me haha. I told my sis and she thought i was mad.

I am a bit confused here. I asked my gynae if after 12 weeks is 2nd trimster already. she said yes. But i read in some books, 2nd trimster starts from 14th week. So am I in the 2nd trimster already or not?
xiaoyun, i go to the clinic at the hospital itself cos my gynae is there. Usually, gynae will give us prints pasted on a report card (the card actually says report card). My pre-natal package with gynae is $2K but I think the cost varies from gynae to gynae. A friend of mine pays 2.2K for her gynae at Raffles. The package details can be found from Raffles hospital website. Its a std package they offer to all MTBs. Let me know if u cannot find the website.

apple, I am as confused as u. Cos I thot 14 weeks is the cut off for 1st trim but my gynae also says is 12 weeks. But I wan to play safe lor,esp cos my cycle is very long so I actually conceive abt 3 weeks after LMP. I treat my 1st trim longer and be more careful during this period.
GArfield, sorry... cant help on the fish ting... cos ppl cook i just eat....

i only eat certian fishes only... like cod fish....n also some others....

babyhope, can share yr package? cos i was actually see dr thong from raffles women clinic... but my friend told me their package is abt 2K... then y i changed....per consultion i paid abt $180....

do you mean this?
Antenatal Package

Antenatal Package for Normal Delivery

This includes:

Antenatal Visits
Monthly visits from 12 weeks
2 weekly from 32 - 36 weeks
Weekly visits from 36 weeks onwards
Antenatal Supplements
Urine Tests for sugar and albumin
Three Routine Ultrasound Examinations at appropriate intervals
Normal Delivery Fee
One Post-Natal Visit 1 - 2 weeks after delivery

Assisted And Caesarean Delivery

If assisted delivery or caesarean delivery is required, the package price will be adjusted accordingly
Forceps / Vacuum delivery - Additional $300
Caesarean section - Additional $900


Package is for Medisave or self-paying patients and is not applicable for insurance cases
70% to be paid upon confirmation of package
If the package is discontinued at your request or as a result of pregnancy complications, the charges will revert to non-package rates (per consultation)
As these are packaged prices, no other forms of discount or corporate rates will be applicable


The following items are not included in the package and will be charged in full as separate items:

Hospital expenses
Fees of paediatrician and anaesthetist
Attendance fee during stay in the hospital
Emergency or unscheduled consultation
Antenatal blood screening
Antenatal cardiotocography
Detailed foetal abnormality ultrasound
3-D ultrasound
Pap smear
Serum screening for Down's Syndrome
Other medications
Other tests

I noted that the package includes monthly visit and not everytime will have U/S scan. Is this the one that you signed?

each consultation is $180. quite ex. my first consultation is $80, U/S scan $60. second consultation onward is $60. do you know that DBS platinum/black card is entitled to 10% discount?
Hence, I end up paying about $130 each visit.
xiaoyun, dot, this is the package I signed up. I have only one visit under the package ie during my 9th weeks visit so for the visit, I only paid for some additional medication needed. For visits before, I also paid $180 for 1st consultation and I think $130 for subsequent consultation. Dot, I know Dr Thong is even more ex than my gynae. Her same package cost $2.2, 200 more than mine. The price vary one a little by each gynae. The senior ones are around $2K to 2.2K i think.

so you also don't get U/S scan everytime after you sign the package? what additional medication that your gynae prescribed? for me, only folic acid. not sure if i should go and get some multivit myself. what do you think?

for other mummies signed up other package with other gynae, the cost can be as low as $700. does that include delivery? medication? i am wondering why raffles so ex.
xiaoyun, for my 9th week visit ( the one I started the package), I did get a scan, but I am not sure if he will stop scanning in the future. My next app is next week, I prob will know then. I have hormonal pills as my additional medication to stabilise bb. For this, have to pay cos not vits. I dun think u shd get multivit on your own, better check with gynae first.
I know other packages mainly start later so the cost is only slightly more ex for Raffles, I think. Also raffles is consider pte hosp so rates are def higher if compared to govt hosp.
hi xiaoyun,
my gynae started me on obimin at about 9 weeks. it's a prenat multi-vitamin.

dunno about the packages...i'm still very blur trying to do research now =P
My package is $700 (starting from week 12)and includes only consulation and scanning. Medication and delivery charges is seperate.
hey there mummies, am a feb MTB too. have been following this thread but have not posted b4. thought i would jump in to help ans some qns.

Re: Raffles package
am with raffles too. usually package starts from 12 weeks onwards. calcium and obimin multivits included with package, no need to buy separately. although the package say 3 routine u/s but so far my gynae does basic scanning at every visit just to monitor bb's size and ensure bb is growing well.

Re: when does 2nd tri start
found this useful website http://baby2see.com/trimester_calculator.html
which explains why 12w, 13w and 14w are all considered start of 2nd tri depending on which definition u use. also explains why most gynae use 12w as 2nd tri...cos that's when the embryo has developed all the major organs and becomes a fetus

babyhope, but dr thong is good loh...but too bad too ex already....

i am taking a package with dr lim yuin wen at mt a.. starting from week 12. the cost is $600(before gst) includes only consulation and scanning. Medication and delivery charges is seperate
