(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

XY, yup winter melon sweet used to cook dessert. I had a left over pack but throw away cos no time and no mood to cook such things for long time. Expire liao. :p Haha, RaeAnne's favourite word is O-pen or Pen or Peh Peh (when she gets frustrated). Luckily I haven't taught her 'take' yet. If not, another headache. Hee.

Blueginger, I'm going for my Oscar this Sat too. Also a bit worried, plus hubby can only make it on Sat morning, so I won't get my results until Monday. Sigh. :p
Pauline, he wanna gets 500D, yea those expensive DSLR. I don’t know anything about photographing but it’s his interest lor. He said wanna upgrade.

Nagsterak: my boy drink 3 times – morning, afternoon and night. Meal same like ur gal la

Blueginger- don’t worry everything will be fine! For me I will not go for test too. Anyway, take good care, eat good and rest for your pregnancy k!

Esther- you have 1 gal 1 boy, so will u want #3 or close shop liao? Hehe

Xiaoyun- why put barley into milk?
hihi mommies
Finally gt time to log in. Been struggling wirh latching on for the past one week. Dunno is my hand too short to carry bb or what, both of us always at very uncomfy positions. So i decided to do exclusive pumping from today, alrdy gave him bottle for the morning feeds today. I m happier and less stress, bb also can slp longer after being fuller. Previously i was almost latching every hr for 40min. Super tiring. But nt sure if exclusive pumping will affect supply if i pump every 3hrs?

Trying to tbf this time cuz i failed previously plus the price for infant milk powder is ex! Hope to save some money.

Can include 2 btls of hand sanitizer for me?
Btw, how long can bm stay in fridge and freezer?
Some photos to share at playdate at botanic gardens



bm can stay for 48 hrs in fridge and 3 mth in freezer. What pump do u use? if u really feel tring to latch then perhaps pump lor. I am still tbf though.. hehee...

Will incude 2 hand santizer for u

Those who order hand santizer, pls tt to me asap.

Hand santizer ($9.80 each)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
6. bkkgal - 2 bottles
7. leila - 2 bottles
8. sabrina - 1 bottle
9. CG - 4 bottles
10. crystal - 2 hand santizer

Pls make payment and email transaction details to posb savings 126491018. I will place order tmr and the stk will be here by next week. Perhaps we can have a playdate on next sat so that i could pass the hand santizer to u too.

Other products and price available:
1 Kitz 328 Concentrate Multi-Purpose 2L $14.80
Cleaning Disinfectant

2 Kitz 328 Concentrate Multi-Purpose 5L $24.00
Cleaning Disinfectant

3 Kitz 178 Sparkle Liquid Dishwashing Solution 1L $8.00
/ Hand Liquid Soap

4 Kitz 178 Sparkle Liquid Dishwashing Solution 5L $24.00

5 Kitz Hand Rub Sanitiser - No Alcohol 238ml $9.80
I am currently using avent electronic pump. I still hv nt start storing bm in freezer yet. Now all still in the fridge. when bb nds his feed, i just straight away tk out frm the fridge and put in warmer. No issue for this way of warming right?

If thaw frm freezer, whats the procedure?
thaw from freezer
if immed thaw then u let it run under water to melt it first. if not i usu bring it down to the fridge the night b4 for the next day supplier. sometimes if i forget my maid will soak the milkbag in the water to melt it before heating up. I am using the Avent IQ warmer...
Your dd is so sweet
So nice to have a jie jie look after a di di.

I'll transfer to you tonight cos my token is at home.

#3? Haha... Guess not. ;p


regards 2 the germclean & surface clean ratio. I threw away the info tat i printed out frm the BP. I check the current BP. it didnt state the ratio. I tink can jz add half.
Hi, blueginger
Don't worry lah...
My colleague gave birth to her 2 kids at age 37 & 40; opt even not to do oscar test.....
She told me that she prayed that "God give me healthy baby". I quite admired her attitude.

For work, need to make it for mid-June deadline....will take 2 weeks' leave after that.

Hi, Esther
Congrats! Can close shop!...
Hehe... Cayenne is also active....good genes....^_^
Last 2 month to go....take care....

Hi, Bkkgal
Good news! Keep us updated.......

Hi, Xiao yun
hehe....My gal's fav is "Bu2 yao4"(don't want).....so amazing different born character......

Hi, Qingling
Maybe Heidi is well taken care of..... no urge to talk.....^_^ She gave me deep impression by her "take it easy" face at jeannie's playdate last Sep. still remembered that she just gulped down 210ml milk while my gal...

so nice playdate! Your dd looks very sweet....
Call me next time for botanic garden. Botanic garden is my most fav place in Singapore.

u deliver ur gal in KK rite? u had natural delivery? in KK, if natural, oni stay 1 day, the 2nd day discharge liao is it?

is it easy 2 breastfeed while wearing the hospital gown? or must we bring our own?


thanks! yes! tat's my intention after #2, whether bb is gal or boy. 2 is the max i can go... haha...
mix barley into milk cos she doesn't want barley last time. that time i didn't add winter melon sweet as she's only 6-7 months.

when you feel less stressed next time, try latching on if possible.
exclusive pumping is very tiring, and lots of bottle to wash too. if feeding time coincides with pumping time, very hard to jaga one.
all the best for your bf!!!
Esther, very kancheong for u!!

Pauline, is oscar test compulsory? Oh as for the camera, I will ask him tonight. Duno whether he wanna sell off too or keep. u suddenly so on into photography eh?

Crystal: I’m on total pumping too during the first 3 months, ok leh, I did it diligently, midnight also woke up to pump. I also do it 3 or 4 hourly. And at 3rd mth I always feel engorged. So as long as continue to pump ok one.

Bm can stay in fridge for 3 days, freezer 3 months to 6 mths. But usually I tried to finish within 3 mths

Abcmummy: thanks for sharing! Your kids so pretty and handsome la. I want to go botanic garden too! Andre very lucky leh still got mama’s milk to drink.
crystal, agree with xy, i'm very tired when i do pumping. if i got #2, i also will try the best to have exclusive lathing. my son was very distracted with the surroundings so cant latch on properly. but midnight when he cries he can latch, cuz no distraction and with eyes closed. so funny loh

u did exclusive pumping? all along i tot u latch on, oni pump while @ work. i do exclusive pumping 4 Cayenne cos she dun latch. always latch a while then doze off.. so in my opinion, bf is very tiring. i wonder hw does it feel when can total latch on? alot of pple say it is so easy. i reali hope i can do so when my #2 comes.


jia you ya!
i been doing latching n only pup at work. Personalli i feel latchign is easier as dun hv to worry 3hr up esp when going out. Once 3hr or so will jus latch him. Pump nd to sterilise this n that and sometimes lazy to pump... hahaha...

it is normal to latch him every 1 hr or 40 min. I remember i sit on the sofa the whole day and rent a lot of dvd n has his mouth stuck to my breast almost the whole day. it is worse at night/evening from 530pm till 10pm. Also latchign at nigth is eaier if he co-slp with u. Maybe what u can do is to pump but stilllatch when possible so he still rmb how to latch. When he is older at 12 weeks i can tell u things r much much easier. U dun hv to to latch him, his mouth will come to u. Now... i jus lie there and he search my breast himself.

If u faces problem, don't hesitate to get help. Go back to sister kang. She is very nice. I have her mobile number too. Many times i call her up to "chat" and tell her my difficulties.

Jia you!
Esther, I exclusive pumping in the first 3 months, cuz very hard to latch shaun on. The first 3 months not easy to latch. But if I still remember correctly, I started to latch him midnight at 3rd month, and gradually dunno which month, he started to accept latching on=fall asleep for naptime.. that time very easy for me cuz I can just latch and no need to pump! So only pump in office. then slowly he doent wana latch liao ( cuz we were separated for 1 to 2 weeks). So I did exclusive pumping too when he is about 10 or 11 mths old. A lot of changes along the way, but it’s fine since I’m used to pumping liao ma.
yes. latch is much easier. no need to worry about the pumping, no need to wash and sterilise bottle. when bb is hungry, no need to worry about the time needed to warm up milk. i feel so much bo eng if i don't latch and feed ebm.
for hospital stay, i brought my front opening clothes as was told that it's needed for breastfeeding. who knows when the time comes, i heck care and just take off the hospital gown, no image at all. :p in the end never use the front opening clothes at hospital. easier loh. you get a new set of gown everyday to wear, no need to bring so many clothes to hospital too.

ic... i still rem i hv 2 carry my medela pump and bottles and cooler bag 2 office everyday.. can die man... haha...


yes, i often hear tat no washing and rinsing at all if latch on! so envy. but hor i got a qn here. if u latch C, normally she will latch on how long? then roughly hw long u hv 2 latch her again? cos i ever saw a mummy latch her bb almost every 10mins. tink the bb sleeps, then wake up latch then doze off again then the cycle repeats. if outside, like very boh eng leh...

haha... same aso! tat time i brought so many stuff when i delivered Cayenne, in the end didnt use. i even latch Cayenne in front of my dad when he came 2 visit me in hospital. simply boh chap my image! my cousin been nagging me 2 "zhu yi xing xiang"!!!!
when she's a new born, i latch about 20-30 mins. i always kacau her when she fall asleep. rub her cheeks, never let her have a sweet dream while latching. :p
about 1 hr or 1.5 hr later then got to latch again. *ouch* nipple very sore loh..
but this phase pass very fast, before i go back to work at 3 months, chop chop 15 mins can finish latching liao.
My hubby may want to sell his Nikon D40. It's about one year old, in mint condition =)

If you are keen, I'll keep you posted?
It seems so far away to me now but I'm reminded of the hard work when I read these posts....the initial probs with latching, the aching arms, aching necks, bad positioning, waking up at night to latch/pump.

Crystal, Esther, JIA YOU! I think it's a lot of hard work but it's WORTH WHILE to bond with our little ones and provide them lifelong immunity.

If I have #2, dunno whether I can rem how to do it or not. :p
need some help - i am going Melborne for a work trip but will extend 2 days to walk ard. Any recommendation where to stay if i am alone and where is nice to shop?
okay...will check KP this weekend... i think they have combi mug

hmm...i think the one i've seen is a bit different, the bottle a bit more slender.. maybe i'll try the combi one first...

nice pic !! is combi shoes good ? i see andre is wearing one...

oh, and can i order 2 sanitiser ? will tt to you tonight...

Hand santizer ($9.80 each)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
6. bkkgal - 2 bottles
7. leila - 2 bottles
8. sabrina - 1 bottle
9. CG - 4 bottles
10. crystal - 2 hand santizer
11. tute - 2 bottles

try to bf lying down at night, it will be less tiring for you... but don't lie down all the time, in the past i did that and my son after a while only want to drink milk lying down so i think you gotta do a mix so that he get used to different environment... good luck !! you can do it !!
When I read all the posts about latching and pumping, I am reminded of the hard days back then..sleepless, tired, anxious.

I am really worried how to cope with a number 2 and my boy. Will not have the liberty to watch DVDs and latch number 2 if number 1 is running around.
for the zoo / birdpark / sentosa pass, your hubby have to call the mersc office to book. but hor.... such passes are very HOT hor.

u are shifting to sembawang huh? thought your new place is still in cck. hee~

nice pic... it really nice to picnic there

jia you w bf-ing!!!

re: baby's update - 15 mths old today!
matt is very talkative... thou he doesn't really like to call mummy and daddy. haha STAR and DUCK is his fave words. my macho boy finally learns to kiss me 2 weeks back. v sweet! hee~ i'm the only person he will kiss. for daddy, he only kiss his photo. weird. LOL.... wooo.... mmr jab on sat. hope he dun cry too much.
grace! i accidentally junked yr pm and cldn't retrieve it. darn hotmail!

my boy suddenly developed a fever today
so gotta monitor how he is for the next few days.

crystal, during the first mth, its latch n latch n then pump. can get tiring but i find it so convenient to let alex latch on. hate the washing. lol. he's still on tbf now and reject all white liquid that we serve him. -_-
combi shoes are very gd in the way the kid cannot remove themselves. No problem of removing the shoes.

Dear all,
abc requested all payment or order to be emailed/msn to [email protected] as the moderator decided to suspend her account for organising illegal BP. She is now in the process of getting her account fixed up if the moderator decided to. Sorry for inconvenience. her msn is [email protected]. TQ.
good morning mummies,

GSS starts!!!
I want to shop!!!
shopping list:
(1) a decent handbag
(2) breadmaker
(3) mini-hifi
(4) revamp wardrobe
(5) a good pair of walking shoe

I need more $$$ and time to shop.. :D
Amnio test is to extract amnio fluid from the placenta. there is a 1% risk of miscarriage.

Thank you, XY tongton & esther

Thank. I oso think dun need to do OSCAR test since no matter wwhat happen I will still keep the baby.

Dun worry too much. I'm not thinking abt it now.
something to laugh about ..
my lady boss passed me a bag of used clothes - that includes 5-6 pieces of school uniform!!
why is she so sure that my daughter will go to the same school as her daughter? :p
Posting on behalf of ABC.

Hand santizer ($9.80 each)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
6. bkkgal - 2 bottles
7. leila - 2 bottles
8. sabrina - 1 bottle
9. CG - 4 bottles
10. crystal - 2 hand santizer
11. tute - 2 bottles

Pls mk payment to ABC & email the payment details to her email address [email protected]


So so sorry. I got home so late last night and forgot to take my token this morning! can i make payment to you tonight? So sorry. If you don't agree, then drop me from the list. I'm fine. Very sorry again.
GSS starts today is it???? I oso wanna shop!!!!! My list:

1) Toddler bed for K
2) Mattress for mom
3) Work clothes
read the newspaper. it seems starting today and last for 1 month.
K so fast upgrade to toddler bed? will she fall down?

my shopping list:
(1) a decent handbag
(2) breadmaker
(3) mini-hifi
(4) revamp wardrobe
(5) a good pair of walking shoe
(6) sewing machine

K trying to climb out of cot, even when I have raised it all the way to the top. Quite unsafe leh. I brought her to Ikea children's section. She was so excited to see beds of her size.
