(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Kits handub santizer (pls cut n paste)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle

Bkk/Pauline: Those who have not become mummies will never understand why we make so much noise over babies poo or not. They will most prob think we are making a moutain out of a molehill.

Amanda is eating junks too......

Kits handub santizer (pls cut n paste)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
i agree....at home i am CPI - chief poo inspector! i will inspect and see if all is okay...coz sometimes he does poo for 1- 2 days so i would want to see if everything is alright.

Something tat my hb doesnt appreciate even though he is the one who does the changing most of the time...hehehe
Kits handub santizer (pls cut n paste)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
6. bkkgal - 2 bottles

My girl has learnt how to use sanitiser over the H1N1 period. Whenever she sees us using, she will also ask to rub her hands. I better buy non-toxic one for her. Thanks ABC for coordinating!

Yeah apple, single friends think we are da4 jing1 xiao3 guai4 but these issues are very impt to us, they dun understand. No wonder pp always say you will know when you have your own kids. It's true.
question on hand sanitizer - should we use it regularly ah? cos recall berry mentioning before that regular use of anti-bacterial stuff actually weakens our immunity in the long term. that a good regular soap should be good enough
oops...speaking of which - bkk your dettol hand sanitizer is still with me! accidentally brought it home that day when A was playing with it. will pass to you when we next meet.
Cheryl: we dare not let shaun try ice cream yet scared if he sees us eating he sure wants. Now when he sees us eat, we just tell him “NOT FOR U”, then he din ask liao. That’s the strategy that was enforced and taught by my mum keke

Qingling: I use California baby’s one. And recently I just bot another brand, cuz I forgot to bring back to SG. But forgot what’s the brand

Abc: oh, no more feeding, then go there see goats only? for zoo, ya I’m going, maybe next Sunday, but I got to see whether I am able to get the free pass from the company. Btw the hand sanitiser, just rub the hand will do? No need to wash with water liao?
hand sanitizer
I got some Sureclean hand sanitizer from RaeAnne's HFMD episode so think I'll pass for now. Never finish using cos once she was ok and I disinfected the house once then I slack liao. :p

Gar, sorry, I never got around to replying you regarding the avent teats. Was busy doing something and forgot to reply your sms. Sure, if no. 2 takes to Avent teats (I'll be most happy if he/she did) so that I don't need to keep replacing Avent teats with pigeon ones and waste $$$. :p

Anyone keen on zoo playdate on weekday mornings? I'm thinking it'll be less crowded.
We also don't dare to let RaeAnne try ice cream and packet drinks. Our rationale is ignorance is bliss, don't let her try, she'll make noise for sure but at least it's limited, distract with some other food she CAN eat but ok liao. But once she tastes it and knows the taste, there's no stopping her liao. As it is, she scream the house down if she wants something and we don't want to give it to her. Her favourite word now is "Beh" not Bear but her own short form for "O-PEN.
jus saw ur post on K. So relieved to see that she s ok now. really have to cut back on her biscuits intake then cos i do notice that there were times when i fed L wid a little too much biscuits, the nxt day he wld be constipated. now, i only give him biscuits as snack when i m out for convenience sake.

count me in too for the hand sanitiser:
Kits handub santizer (pls cut n paste)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
6. bkkgal - 2 bottles
7. leila - 2 bottles

i rem reading some time ago that u were doing a regular playdate thingy. is it still on? can let me have more info??

are the sureclean brand stuffs good? what did u buy ?saw their bp a few times n was tempted to try.

m as gross as u too, always chk my son's poo even if it's not changed by me. my hubs cannot tahan me....hahaha!
i use hand santizer at times when there is no toilets ard or after diaper change.

can do zoo on weekday morning only during the june sch hols. count me in

we usu meet up for the kids to interact. Today we r goign to botanic gardens to feed the swans and picnic.. anyone interested? 430pm to meet at swan lake. Not too early cos the sun can be quite hot...

Kits handub santizer (pls cut n paste)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
6. bkkgal - 2 bottles
7. leila - 2 bottles
8. sabrina - 1 bottle
9. CG - 2 bottles
we went to the zoo yesterday, it was so nice and empty before lunch! started getting crowded about 1-2pm, so go as early as you can!

the bird park is quite manageable on sundays too, think it's less popular than the zoo so less people go there, but it's definitely worth a visit!

we bought a wildlife unlimited pass and have been making full use of it

u went 2 bird park on sun? I was there. it is reali worth visiting as i see Cayenne very happy seeing the birds and water animals... haha... 2 bad the wet playground isnt as fun as the zoo's kidzworld.
yup i'm tcher but i am off every wed. heehee...

Anyone staying woodlands or dun mind travelling to woodlands would like to join playgroup for yr child? if interested i will make queries on how much it is and perhaps do a trial first for all our kids?
ah! now that you mention i think i saw your photos/video on FB?
we went on a previous sunday on april 25th. is the water play there worth going? we didn't go, that day the sky started to rumble so we quickly rushed to the car, haha.

ya E likes to see all the birds too! did u see the birds and buddies show? i thought it was quite nice, except the last part where the parrot was singing, it was v loud and quite shrill, so E didn't like it and we left early.

is the water play area at science centre any good? must pay or not?
Leila, think SureClean is pretty reliable since quite a few childcare centres use it. I bought the Germclean, Surface clean and hand sanitizers. Only complaint is after mopping the floor with surface clean, the floor isn't as smooth and fragant smelling then when we used the Kiwi clean green colour safe for kids (can't remember the name). So after she recovered, I reverted to my Kiwi. Hee.

ABC, yup, I"m eyeing june hols too. Do you know how much it costs to visit the zoo now? Is the wild pass really worth it? 1 year must go how many times then worth it ah? Cos I stay Tampines, afraid hubby not keen to go to zoo often. :p
yr hb is teacher right? he can get free pass for admission for 4 person from MOE HQ. hahaha... entry fees is think is abt $25 per pax now. The membership for family is $180.. membership includes free parking.

Anyone keen on night safari? this mth promotion $15 per pax
ABC, really ah? My hubby so bochap about his benefits then I can FAINT lor. Never ever booked a govt chalet before, nor free pass. Didn't even know what his medical benefits cover. If not, I would have not wasted time going to KK so many times only to realise at the end that the full bill is deducted from his salary every month. :p

How to get the free pass ah? Apply using intranet? Aiyah, school holidays starting soon leh, sure no hope one. :p
so happy for K !! hopefully she doesn't have to suffer the pain of being constipated again...

re: straw cup,
i bought this munchkin straw cup because a bit frustrated with mag2's cap that it keeps coming loose after some wear and tear, so i got the sliding one but then it's really difficult to suck... haiz... wasted
i try it out myself, man it took some serious sucking to get the water out... and C suck so hard that he choke on the first sip... so it's back to mag2 cup for now...

the gerber training cup that i'm using is gerber toddler lil training cup but then i think it's been discontinued (i got it as a gift from a friend last year)... didn't realise this until yest when i was trying to find the pic to show you.. this cup has like a lid that you can twist to lock and unlock. And the lid stays on when you unlock so that the water just sips from the sides hence reducing the water flow and reduce the mess.. but still, you gotta help to unlock the lid as the hold is a bit small for our los to hold. good thing though, C can hold the cup on his own and drink but i still need to hold a bit in case he flip downwards and all will spill (it happened before) :p

C love seeing birds too ! we always bring him to walk around the neighbourhood every day so that he gets some fresh air and see some greenery
and he gets very excited when he see birds, he can sign for birds too... lol

does your little one babble a lot now ? mine does ! keeps babbling and he always point when he wants something e.g. water bottle and say "uh uh uh" as though he wants to say "pass me my water bottle!" (or that's how we interpret it)... i think he really can't wait to talk... these days he also can say "bye2" but he says it "bye yaiy".. :p

waterplay i tink zoo one is better though crowded. i tink the 1 @ Marina Barrage and 1 @ Sembawang Plaza (some mummies were talking abt it not long ago) are better than the 1 @ the bird park.

but Cayenne aso enjoys alot. she see the water, she super happy liao and keep laughing.

re : zoo

so far Cayenne oni been 2 zoo thrice.

friends of the zoo $180 is it oni 4 wkdays?

re : sureclean

pauline, leila

my home aso using this brand. my PT cleaner say very gd! she say the floor, the kitchen tiles and areas she wipe literally will "sparkle"! haha.. dunno if she is exaggerating anot. ;p


did u try 2 add the germclean and the surface clean together 2 mop the floor. it will be cleaner, according to the BP seller. we tried, in fact it it better than jz using surface clean alone 2 mop.

i using the germclean 2 clean Cayenne's toys, cot

u got the munchkin straw cup 2? initially when i bought, Cayenne aso got hard time sucking. i try myself, boy! reali tk effort 2 suck. I ask my SIL, she told me b4 use must press the inner straw. u knw the straw got 2 rite. open the cap and press the one above. the area tat connect the 2 straws 2gether. hope u knw wat i mean. me lousy @ describing. haha...

yes! Cayenne loves birds, flowers, trees, dogs. she ever touched a dog tat left me in cold sweat. scare the dog will bite her. but lucky, no. haha...

nowadays we often brought her 2 outdoor activities which i tink is gd 4 her health. but 4 me, i sweat like mad lor... haha...

re : babbling

Cayenne aso "talks" alot! now her vocab seems 2 expand fast. tis morning she was holding a piece of paper, i teach her the word, immediately she say "paper"!!!

makes my day man!

reali? then i can consider applying 1.

if not, always hv 2 rely on my cousin 2 get the pass. nw her co change policy. can oni get 1 pass per yr per employee.
straw cup
i just buy from robinsons. thomas n train straw cup.. but it is hard straw... vernon got no problem drinking from it... and it is LEAK FREE
try the combi one. i love it cos it has a lock (can prevent A from opening and drinking if i think she's had ENOUGH for the moment).

it's a bit pricey, but worth it to me.
Abc: what playgroup are you referring to?

Zoo: cant wait to go to zoo~ but my hubby says wait till he gets his new camera first.. dih
So next weekend will go science center first
i am using combi straw cup too. Yes i agree it is very gd.. tho pricey but i love it...

will provide more details when i gt them
oh really? not quite sure which part you are referring to but i'll go home and check... thanks a lot ! this kind of information sure cannot get any other place... hahahah...

btw, Cayenne very smart can say paper! heheh.. i really can't wait for them to start talking

the combi you're referring to is it bpa free? the reason why i bought munchkin is because i want to replace mag2 cup with bpa free mug...

the hand sanitizer... does it smell nice? and how to collect from you?
Drinking cup
Tute, can check out the Pigeon bpa free drinking cup too. the straw is soft and easy to suck, ergonomic design makes it easy for them to hold and leak-free even when it's open. It has a click mechanism that locks the cup (K tries but she can't open it). With magmag, she can open easily and spill everywhere.

Where can I buy it? I'm using Chicco disinfectant for toys and playmat now..running out liao, need replacement.
postage or meetup at admiralty, woodlands, bukit batok and maybe town tbc. Yes it has a very refreshing lemon smell.

i think the kitz brand oso has disinfectant. I am finding out more abt their products from them. i am using babygenics for toys and playmat

will join you for zoo trip on Sunday morning.
24 May Sunday 10:30am Zoo
abc, tubao.

zoo membership include weekend entry. You can apply on the spot; they take your photos with their dig camera; it takes only about 3 mins if no queue....

hehe... My family is cheapo one.... every weekend go to zoo since applying zoo friend in March....went there 11 times..... My gal still enjoy very much......
actally i like that E can open the pigeon mag mag himself and drink whenever he wants. any easy to open non spill mugs to recommend? i just had to replace the lid of the mag mag yesterday because he chewed the lid and now can't close... grr..

i tink Cayenne is the talkative type. kept yakking away when in her moods... haha...

heard frm elders tat usually gals talk faster and more talkative.


sureclean is frm the local bulk purchase. i tink currently dun hv.

re : pigeon mag mag

i went 2 buy the replacement 4 the cover. so far no more leakage. i tink the reason y it open easily and leaks is due 2 sterilization 2 often and dropping it.

i dun sterilize it liao and i mk sure Cayenne dun throw it. so far so gd.

re : friends of zoo (2 adults and 3 children)

is it transferable?
Dear all,

Finally got writeup on all the Kitz products. Their multi purpose solution not only disinfect but oso can use as fruit and veg washer.

Anyone interested to take a look at more of their products pls email me at [email protected]

I will be placing order by friday
Kits handub santizer (pls cut n paste)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
6. bkkgal - 2 bottles
7. leila - 2 bottles
8. sabrina - 1 bottle
9. CG - 2 bottles

oh how nice you are going on sun morning! wish can join but hb got official function to attend. enjoy and take pics to post on our FB group ok?

Yakkity yak
Esther, mine too is a real chatterbox! hehe. She can say opah! (open), jump, dump, and her name (in a muffled way lah like Kate ninnnn). Won't it be fun to put the chee-char pors together?? hahah.

Magmag cup leakage
Dun think it's due to sterilising leh cos I never sterilised mine before but it leaks.
