(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

grace, tks. I hvnt check my email yet. now surfing using my phone n latching alex.

his fever was a high 39.2 degree this evening. haiz. bringing him to the polyclinic to do blood test 1st thing in the morning.

I need to find a cheap ear scan thermomether. appreciate if anyone can let me know where to get. TIA.

have you try guardian or watson? think polyclinic might have it too. did you give him paracetamol? better give him lots of water or barley water.
my account is finally reinstate .

anyway yup there's a thread which other users will b kpo n email d moderator all d 'illegal' things u hv done. while chking to c who is the kpo who make me suspended my account, I accidentally saw qingling's name there.

freestyle dun nd transformer. it's gd investment . i'm using freestyle nw which I had it shipped from US. it cost me abt sgd$500 after shipping.

for those interested in handrub santizer , as i've been warned, I prefer u email or pm me yr transactions details. will place order on monday. Also those who indicatr interest, pls email me so tat I hv yr email addy for future correspondence . Sry for inconvenience caused.
Gar, Iso, ya, Plan A is my preference for now though getting a good maid is really not easy. Money wise, it's also the costliest option so hesitated for long time but hope that we can really get the most support in terms of cleanliness of the house and an extra pair of hands to help even for the night. :p
So thorough plans......

to think about these arrangement not easy hah....Luckily your hubby is very supportive..
tubao, haha, my hubby only knows about Plan A & B so far, the rest I thought about it myself. Thought I better don't confuse him, try one step at a time lor. I keep insisting to him that better inform ILs about our plans to hire maid cos don't want to spring it on them since they have been helping to look after RaeAnne for so long. Like no respect like that. But he keeps saying no need, just hire lor. Duh... Men.
re: ribena commercial
the commercial is really appealing to kids.
my FIL even tune to indian channel for her to dance *faint*

re: healthy food
those are some ingredients for 'shi gu mi' - 10 grains. very chim.
i've not given buckwheat yet. there are so much varieties of food. other than that, already given her brown rice, millet, quinoa, barley, etc.
think C is the person in the house with healthiest diet. :p

re: work related event
tough.. work also got to 'ying4 chou2'.

re: fever
do you need to wait very long for polyclinic?
last time we waited a few hours even when C is in the priority.
from then on, don't dare to go polyclinic liao.

hope alex's fever better liao. that time C got 40+, we are so so worry..

re: #2 arrangement
it's very tough right?
i can't imagine got to look after 2 kids while 1 already turn the whole family upside down..
i kena fined $25 for not paying TV license.
I already GIRO my property tax last year and thought TV license is paid together with property tax. hai..
any chance to negotiate with MDA huh?
hihi mommies
Thanks for the advices and encouragement. Bb was on total btl yest. i tried to latch on once yest but he was quite impatient and sort of forgot hw to latch. Sighs. nw i worry my supply nt enough for him if he do nt latch on. Cuz sometimes he is latching for comfort. nw on btl, i cant really tell if hes really hungry or just wan to suckle. As a result, some bm is wasted cuz the bm cant stored after warming liao. He drinks abt 90ml every 3hrly and sometimes even earlier. If earlier, he cant finish the 90ml. Is it time tt i shld intro pacifier to him alrdy? I usu pump after i had fed him. And my yield every 3hrly is abt 100-150ml frm both sides. When his appetite increases in the next few wks, i tink sure nt enough liao. How uh?

I din really read thru your posting on the argment when your #2 arrives cuz im surfing from phone so abit difficult. i also hv nt finalise my plans yet. Nt sure want to engage maid or not. But one thing for sure is that cheryl will go to cc at 18mths.
crystal: if bm is not enough, you might wan tp intro some fm? so that u wont be so stress abt ur milk supply?

hahhaha all the talk abt nb bb... makes me think of having #2. hahah think only lah, no action wor.
although i miss all the baby-ness of matt, i treasure my sleep leh.... like jeannie, i wanna a aug bb for the same reason! LOL.
hi grace, have replied your pm.

xiaoyun, actually we didnt wait too long. we went to amk polyclinic on thursday afternoon and finished everything within 1 hr. it's true that baby having fever has a priority. then this morning went again to take blood test, waited for result and saw the doctor. everything less than 1.5hrs. this is our 1st time bringing alex to the polyclinic.
actually to increase supply u shld pump one hr before u feed him. that will indirectly give yr body the impression yr bb nd the milk. Btw there r a lot of grwith spurt coming esp during the firsr 8 weeks so constant latching on u is normal. I sugest u dun start bottle till he is 6 weeks old cos he might hv bottle/nipple confusion. Insist on him latching even if he reject. Once he is hungry n get the cue tat he must suck he will do it. Of cos u hv to be hard-hearted n not gv in once he cry. Also do seek professional help if u encounter any prob. Call up Sister kang, she will gv advice on fone. If u nd the number, i have. Try to keep to 3hr timing if u wan gv bottle. Sometimes if he cry it may nt b he is hungry. he jus wan to b carried or diaper change etc. Nevertheless dun stop latching... if not wat i suggest u can alternate betw bottle n latching, ie first feed, gv bottle, second feed, latch etc.. so tat he is not confused. He may appear impatient becos bottle flow is much faster than nipple thus is it normal. Just persist. Dun gv in.

Anythng jus sms me. Good luck... remember perserver .. in no time u will be worrying how to stop him from bfing.. hahaha... like my problem now.. i doubt i can wean him off so easily now tat he is a "rapist"..

May i hv yr email addy pls?
just nw i gave him water when he starts to whine before the 3hrs is up. carry him awhile, put on music to soothe him and he went bck to slp. So only waking up at the 3rd hr for milk and finished up the 90ml so no wastage. hopefully by giving him water, he would gets the cue tt not everytime he cries, he would get milk. Just sterlised the pacifiers, nt sure would be of any use anot but just sterilise first just in case.

would still try to latch on if possible esp in the night. sometimes too tired and lack of self discipline to wake up to pump.

Ya, i gt a tin of fm at hm just for stand by. This time round just trying my best to bf. Dowan to be overstress too else will be vry unhappy. If can bf, then gd. If nt, fm lor. Anyway cheryl also on fm. Heehee.

Hope alex gets well soon.
Hi, Pauline

Yah...think in Singapore raising children is costly....most of us need to "money talk".

Hi, Xiao yun
hehe... "whole family upside down"....
Carrie is easy baby neh.....if she woke up 3 times a night until now......

re: breastfeeding
seemed long time ago.... 1st 3 month struggled to tbf..... almost every night I need to read "exclusively expressing" thread to get some mental support to keep me going, though I total latch on...... Now miss it....
Hi, sorry to intrude. I have 2 bottles of Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser (473ml) for sale at $14 each. This cleanser is recommended for baby's daily bath by the paediatrician, and I overstocked on it.

The Cetaphil website describes this product as "recommended by Dermatologists for years for people with special skin needs like acne, rosacea, or eczema because of its gentleness. Cetaphil® Gentle Skin Cleanser is gentle enough for children, teens and adults. "

Expires in Oct 2009, collection at Kovan station only, interested parties please PM me.
jus try yr best. If really cannot even supplement fm with bm is oso gd. better than nothing at all. My coll doing exclusive pumpig since the day she go back home from hospital. She jus supplement one feed with FM. other than tat BM. When bb start solid, perhaps can go exclusive liao.

I have another fren whom initally latch n supplement with FM. but after 6 mth she is able to "train" him on toal bfing. Always try to latch him even if it is for comfort so that at least he still rmb how to latch
crystal, NB will take longer to latch on so must let him hv more chance to practice his latching skill. then suddenly one day u will find latch on bf-ing is so easy.
jia you take more rest when u can
whole family upside down cos hb is not helping me doing anything.
i've got to feed C, bathe C, cook for C, play with C.
on top of that, i got to wash clothes, iron clothes, go marketing, wash bottles, clean house, clean toilet. etc.
ask him to help, he will do a sloppy work and refuse to learn and claim that 'i am helping already, if you not happy, then do it yourself.'
even go out tabao food, marketing, i've got to share the same load as him as in - carry the same weight of things to come back.
i am really very tired.... everyday i wake up at 5 am and sleep at 11 pm. go to work at 630am, reach home 7pm. then start to race with time, feed C, feed myself, bathe C...
on contrary, he go to work at 730am, reach home 6pm. never help out and just lie in front of tv to sleep. and he claim that he's very tired!!

quarrelled with him also no use
give up liao.
never going to have #2.
Actually i tink my hb also the same as yours. Just that he did helped to look after the kids. Other than that, like cleaning the hse, doing the chores are all done by me. I don do cooking cuz i still have nt learn how to manage the kids while im cooking. So we usu eat out, though he complains but i told him theres no way i could handle 1big 1small when im busy in the kitchen in the future.

Another diff is cheryl stays over at my moms on weekdays so i still gt some air to breathe but i go over 3times a wk on weekdays, fri will fetch her bck till sun then bring over again. But cheryl is attending cc at 18mths so this means she would be hm everyday by then, and i dunno how the hell i am gg to cope with an active toddler and an infant. I don feel like putting #2 at moms to stay over on weekdays cuz i don like the idea of "separating" the siblings. Hb says hire maid to help. Say until so easy. Firstly i don like "another person" ard, and also will i be so lucky to get a gd one? Sighs.

Currently cheryl is staying over the entire month during my confinement. But my parents would be moving in till my confinement ends cuz im too lonely plus i seriously miss my girl alot so they made this move. Tink they worry i gt pnb too cuz i don really feel alot for #2 as compared to cheryl. Know its sounds really bad to say this.

"hao kan bu hao chi". Im struggling vv hard to cope esp when their age gap is only 15mths apart.
i think hving a maid might help. Dun be too negative abt maids. Initially i was like u... worry this n taht then oso dun wan an outsider nor hving an outsider to be close to my kids. But now i have "kan kai" le. With a maid she can help me with housework while i spend more produtive n quality time with my kids. Another way y dun u engage a baby sitter who's staying near yr home?

Whcih sch is cheryl attending? Do they hv infant care? Maybe u can put him in infant care so tat they 2 can be together too?

Btw wat's the name of yr bb? Darryl? i think yr hb told me that but nt cfm yet right?

Though their age gap is 15 mth, initally may be tough. but once he is older say once he can sit and play (prob 6-7mth old) u will see that u will nt regret yr choice. With such close age gap i am sure they hv fun playing together...
Genice, Jass, jia you on the Aug baby, I missed the boat for Aug baby liao, 'ren suan bu ru tian suan', hee. :p But never mind since end up with Dec 09 baby, hope me and hubby can retire 1 year earlier next time lar. ;)

XY, it's really not easy to change a guy lor. My hubby has his strengths and weakness too. His weakness I quarrel with him for so many years of our marriage, he still tends to revert to his old ways. Sometimes, nag until I so unhappy then I read somewhere that women are always trying to change the men they marry. Tend I also learn to 'kan kai dian', if not, I'm the one who is always suffering and unhappy. :p

But luckily your Carrie very understanding and 'tie1 xin1', she knows Mummy 'xin ku' so she very 'guai', sleep through the night since very young and likes to eat too. If you have someone like mine, can faint lor. Until now still wake up a few times at night to cry. :p
Hi, Xiao yun

*Pat Pat*, sounds that you really need some rest/relaxation.....

Hmmm..."trainng a hubby"...sensitive topic........ for me also quarrel many many times to ask hb take more initiative last time, now feel better by thinking "Bi2 shang4 bu2 zu2, bi2 xia4 you3 yu2"....hehe, I paid part time cleaner and some others....

Not worthwhile being a too tired women(Huang3 nian3 po2)....Bu4 zhi2 de1.
xiaoyun, wld u consider a maid or some form of paid help? i also have my fair share of housechore woes with my hb.

i think coz in sg, the men have not been house trained or their mums dun need them to lift a finger for housechores. for me, i'm a sahm with no help, so my hb has to do his fair share. sometimes if he doesn't clean too well, i will close one eye.

crystal, how are you coping?
re : hbs not helping INITIALLY

XY, I was in the same boat as u initially. Quarrelled few times. Even told hb tat i realize having a bb didnt seem 2 get us closer, in fact, seen each other in a clearer picture. ;p

having said tat, thru mths, my hb did improve alot. Probably it was me who was reali tired and drained out, so abit of small matter will trigger me 2 blow up.

BUT since having a 2nd 1, dunno y my temper mellowed down alot and both of us are more understanding towards each other. my hb helps alot in taking care of Cayenne while probably i oni do prepare meals 4 Cayenne.

re : maid

told u all i getting maid rite. & i gg 2 install CCTV as well. haha... gotta 2 cost me a big bomb!

men r like tat, say so easy. my hb aso say engage a maid 2 look after 2 kids (cheap) as compared 2 engaging a bb sitter 2 look after 2 kids. BUT in the end, we might send Cayenne 2 CC aso. so expenses probably comparable 2 engaging a bb sitter. my hb say maid can help in hsework. so nvm. *fainted* i rather engaged a PT cleaner, than having a stranger staying over. plus my dad's place no space. it's like my WHOLE family living on my dad!

i understand hw u feel when u say u miss ur gal more than ur boy. in fact, ever since i preggy, i dun reali feel a thing 4 my #2. seldom talk 2 him, i dun even address my #2 as my boy during my conversation wif hb/friends etc.

my gf who is a 2nd time mummy told me tat when my #2 come, i sure will dote on him more than my gal which i DISAGREE. I told her straight tat I wont. Cayenne always the special one in my heart no matter wat. like wat u say, a bit bad 2 say like tis but tis is hw i feel. ;p
Xiaoyun: good to let C have healthy diet ma, so that she can form a good foundation. You will realize that kids on healthy diet will never fall sick J

Btw, mda never send reminder for the tax meh? Last time I tot my income tax on giro also cuz already applied ( but still processing), then I got a red reminder, luckily din fine me yet. If first time I think can ask for waiver?

Yea I agree with tubao, your C is easy baby leh ( not like shaun).. but why your hubby not helping??!! I sure scream one if my hubby like dat :p actually I’m also like in your case, I woke up at 5.30am. try to rush home at 7pm, quickly go toilet, shower, cook rice ( I dabao dish),and went to pick up shaun. Same, me racing with time too! You know, shaun is so active, I have to eye power him all the time, I got minimal time to do my housechore, so I engaged cleaner to help out, which release lots of my burden.
Morning mummies

Just a update on our gathering, shall we do it on a sunday?
Suggestions for dates? 14th June, sunday?

1) zoo - bkk, abc, qingling, tubao, pauline
2) sentosa - qingling

clover - i went to buy the bread machine too,nice. i bake a french loaf yesterday.not bad
I don't have no. 2...but currently, have no plans for it since no. 1 is super active. I tink I better go check if she really is hyper man.

I also think if i have no. 2, i won't lvoe as much as i love no. 1.

But one thing about motherhood i realize - that we really dunno until things happen. It's one of the areas that I'm totally blind to - maybe cuz i've never been involved in it, and i've never been particularly fond of children.

Now i'm more patient with screaming kids - having a yeller myself.

All the best and dun worry too much. THings will work out as you go alonig
i finally got the combi mug... really like it, very sturdy. only thing is that C can't open it but he can close the lid... lol, the opposite of mag2 cup.

did you get my reply?

re #2,
hmm... am i the only who doesn't want yet? honestly even with a maid around i'm still very tired during weekends coz i try to be as hands on as possible and like yesterday C was very very grouchy and ends up all our plan went out the door... then now go out have to chase after him as well... he just keep running around, brought him to nursery as i needed to get some plants and he ran after the fork lift truck *faint* !! i'm amazed by you mummies whose taking care of your kids alone...

re: hyperactivness,
i'm constantly wondering if C is a hyperactive baby or it's just in a toddler's nature to be hyperactive? my parents commented this more than once... he's just always moving and can't sit still... the only time he sits still is when we read storybooks... he's now climbign everywhere too, up to the sofa and now he will pull himself to hold on to the window's railing so that he can see the traffic outside... we wonder if it's because he's a boy... anybody else has the same problem ?

re: sale,
there's a 20% sale for disney books in MPH. Quite worth it, i bought some small board books @$3 with stories like nemo, lion king, ariel mermaid, pooh etc and also a little einstein book.

yeah, i agree. 1 never handle bbs/kids b4 as in taking care of them. oni play.

i hv zero confidence in taking care of Cayenne myself initially, even till nw, sometimes i still feel tis way. ;p

i'm oni CAPABLE of entertaining/playing wif them.

but now being a mummy, reali hv 2 depend alot on myself and aso learning hw 2 be a gd 1. i guess it is a lifelong learning process?

wat i hope 2 learn frm motherhood is be more patient and understanding...
re : hyperactive kids

happened 2 chat wif my gf on this topic last wkend. she told me her gf's son (2yrs or 2yrs plus) is always very active. cant sit still, like 2 scream, cant talk, if he wan anyting, he will point or ngek ngek. my gf's gf is suspicious so she brought her son 2 c doc. in the end, check out tat he has autism.

do test on him. stand behind him, mk a noise or call him, he oni slant his eyes abit 2 c, wont turn his head 2 c who was calling him. one of the signs. another example when sing BD song (loud), he got a fright and will go ard screaming and crying. and become very hyperactive...
qingling, which bread machine did u buy?

I baked my first loaf last night but misread the measurement. 1 tbspn instead of 1 tspn of salt... *dangz end up with a salty bread.
thanks for sharing that. hmm... C is active in physical activities but he's not a screamer. I think he responds to us when we call him, but will try to do a more thorough test later. i did some readings (via internet) and there's a site that said it's difficult to detect hyperactiveness in kids <5 because kids tend to be active at that age... maybe i'm just being overly concern (yet again) but then i do hope it's just me being too worried :p
Hi all

Tute: dont worry too much. i guess kids now are exposed to more things ( TV, going out , etc) tats why they are active. And i guess now is really the age for them to really be super active but at the same time they still want to be babied. Sometimes i just don get my son..he wants to be so independant one minute and the next so clingly.

Tell me abt it...the lastest thing he climed...its his changing table! We have the simple wooden kind frm Ikea tat has two shelves.
I placed him in his room for time out and noticed it was getting too quiet...and when i checked...he was seating down macam meditating on the bottom shelf!!
Was so shocked...and waited to see how he cld climb down. He canot! and whined for help. the minute he got down, i asked him show me how u climb up....and in one shift move...he climb up!! Aiyah...guess i cant leave him alone in his room anymore!!

Im thankful tat my hubbies is more hands on than me. He will bathe and change diaper most of the time. Once he said that coz im slow at doing it!
But i often remind him tat just coz he takes more share of those duties, doesnt mean he doesnt need to help out ard the house for other duties...hahaha
haha... i've got the same changing table and have since dismantle it because of the same reason... he climb to the bottom shelf and try to pull himself up to the upper one so we decided it's not safe and got rid of it.. :p yeap, definitely cannot leave him on his own anymore... and our kids getting more clever too. now bracing myself of more to come when they turn 2 yrs old and the terrible two stage comes...
clover - ops, had to throw the whole loaf away sia..

actually it was my hubby who was more excited abt the bread machine, he went to program the machine at 12 am..haha..we bake the 900g loaf, but it seems that the bottom part was too dense.. but the upper half was fine. will try out another recipe again..hehe..so exciting
tute...at least C is a boy and active. my Ruth is like a boy - in church also wanna climb up the pews - one leg stretch until her shoulder level, the other leg tiptoe off the ground, lean back to wedge against my legs and nearly 'took off' cuz i was holding her hands.

she's is really a handful. We haven't really gone for proper church mass cuz all the time just chasing her all over the place - mostly have to bring her out or else disturb everyone.

great you got a breadmachine finally!
let's exchange recipes!

I also had to throw away a whole loaf on Sat. Wasted.
I trained my maid to use the machine (lucky she not scared of electricals or learning new machines). She can make easy loaves. She made the Wholemeal Bread, following the recipe faithfully, but it didn't rise properly and it was such a heavy, dense, chunky bread...cannot even cut through, much less eat! Then I realised that I forgot to remind her to use bread flour.

Btw, if you are using wholewheat recipe, do note that Prima or Bake King does not sell Whole Wheat flour. What I can find is only Whole Meal, which is not a flour. You have to mix 3/4 bread flour and 1/4 wholemeal.
