(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs


re : sureclean

u bookmark the thread 1st, the seller hasnt start posting yet. she will post up details soon i tink.

re : chee char pors

haha. i always get fascinated by the way the kiddos talk. they can "talk" seriously and get their message across 2 one another! tat's amazing! haha...
Kits handub santizer (pls cut n paste)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
6. bkkgal - 2 bottles
7. leila - 2 bottles
8. sabrina - 1 bottle
9. CG - 4 bottles
Esther, Friends of the zoo is not transferable coz you have a photo on your card.

Re: Science Centre
Yep will recommend checking it out. It's not too expensive, and there are enough interesting things and lotsa buttons for our kiddies to press. Haha my boy LOVES to press any buttons.

thanks. i tot can, then can reali fully utilize the card 4 my bro's family. cheapo me. keke...

re : science centre

got interesting stuff 4 our darlings? hmm... i aso wan 2 check it out! ;p
hehe, Esty, I only get my PT cleaner to wipe RaeAnne's toys with clean cloth and water. Once crisis over, complacent liao. The germclean and surface clean must mix to what proportion ah? :p

This Sunday morning I can't unless I ask my PT cleaner not to come cos she can only make it on Sun afternoons, 1pm to clean my house. Think will be quite rushed for the zoo right? :p

Tongtong, what camera is your hubby buying? I'm torn between buying a DSLR (but will be bulky, with 2 kids will be difficult to lug around) or buying a Canon ixus (Jan mummies share that it's good for taking kids photos but can never achieve the effect of sharp portrait with fuzzy background kind of shots that only DSLR gives). Either way, both of exp, $500 - $1200 so I'm really considering long and hard as to while one will be more value for $$$. :p

i cant rem leh. i rem telling my PT cleaner the proportion months ago. but now my memory is reali failing me! i must go back and check the info which i printed frm the BP. (provided i havent throw away)

re : science centre.

i roughly check. i oni interested in the water works!

mummies who plan 2 go science centre, wat other interesting areas tat we can let our darlings explore? looks like more 4 older kids..
hi mummies...

long time no post...

can advise how many times ur gal/boy drinks milk now? don't know if she is teething inside teeths, she always leave 40-50ml wasted...
she drinks 3 times a day with twice porridge, in between she snacks on bread and biscuits...
chee char po - i am waiting for H to voice out more words, seems that she don't really talk much..should i be worried, she's still not calling papa, mama actively...

mine used 2 drink total of 4 times. but then ever since i "upgrade" the formula which is sweeter, my gal tends 2 drink more. 5 times. but i suspect she is having one of her growth spurts.


i tink not 2 worry. H is still young. my nephew oni start 2 talk more when he turns 2yrs old. my sil brought him 2 c PD when he was ard 15mths old, PD say nothing 2 worry.

maybe H is the shy shy soft spoken type?
no lah, no cause for worry, every child is different. Maybe H is more quiet type? She can also be more advanced in other areas.
heh - hope i am too anxious, but sometimes she's really too quiet, like for example i brought her to the beach with other kids, but she just sit down there playing sand by her own, in her own world, for that whole hour! and she moved because i went to moved her..hmm... but she shows her excitement when i bring her to the sea water..hahaha
saw your comment on fb, hee.. does cayenne slide down by herself? i a bit scared to let him do it himself. even for the small slide at bambini at kallang i also a bit scared to let him do himself..

friends of the zoo not only got photo on the card, when they swipe into the system they also check the photo and look at the family to "check"! dun play play...

does she say other things? E hardly ever says mummy or daddy, but so many times a day he will call nai nai, ye ye, and say a lot of other words. wonder if he does it on purpose :p

of cos NOT! i wont dare and wont allow! tink our darlings r still 2 young 2 slide down on their own ba... my hb slides wif her.


Cayenne reali likes the slide so much tat we alreadi lost count of the times she played the slide. haha...


gd leh. i wish Cayenne can sit still quietly sometimes. H not afraid of sand ah. i saw ur pics in FB. Cayenne still afraid of the sand leh...
<font color="0077aa">Fisher Price Warehouse Sale</font>

21-23 May 2009
10 am - 6 pm at
No 1 Lok Yang Way.
Take feeder bus No. 192 from B n Lay Interchange.
Esty - C scared of sand ah, i think H is amazed by it, she can play with it for very long. using her scoop and scoop into the bucket. haha
other than zoo, playing sand, sea etc..
any other ideas where to bring them? my gal touch sand and she crawl up to her daddy...she dont like the feeling of sand on her feet. but she likes the swing for kids at the park..

sometimes, i think where else can bring them? economical one lah....no need to pay entrance etc.

Ruth slides on her own since about 2-3 months ago i think. Used to be on tummy...then now is sitting upright and slide.

But not very fast. ANd she will stop whenever she wants to - as in she can control. Also, i think she only slide on certain slides - eg she is so used to my parents' place slide. If bring elsewhere, she won't really slide.

But i brought her to my bro's condo and the playground is exactly the same set - then she will slide.

Ruth is pretty vocal - but a lot of yelling, lioke rousing her courage to do something. SOmetimes a lot of shrieking/shouting. SO LOUD! She's hardly quiet, unless she ask us to read book, then we read to her and she will listen. Sometimes listen halfway she will YELL DAMN LOUD like ("AhhhH!")

SHe's a babbler. "dididada-dida-didoo-tata"

how u clean them up at the sandy polace? won't sand get into her diaper etc?

we went a few times - cuz my company also can sign out free pass. most of the time ruth sleep - cuz heat/sun is her enemy. ONce kana heat/sun, she will go on standby mode...slowly will shut down.

i see u all so diligent. i so nuah...never clean up the place that much.

tried twice on sand, once sand gets on her feet, she will immediately wan us 2 carry. if we wan 2 let her down on sand again, her legs will curl up, refusing 2 come down. haha...


ruth so clever, can control herself during slide. I tink Cayenne cant. she been walking 3mths liao, sometimes still walks in her "ma bo" (drunkard) state.
Library is free
K is thrilled with books and the small chairs and tables. Better still go for libraries where there are story reading times.

Museums - free on children's day and other special holidays. watch out for the open houses. i brought her to peranakan museum before.

K also hates the sand. Her toes will curl up and won't let us put her down on the sand. But she loves the waves.
Getting rid of sand
Try this: Use talcum powder on their sandy feet/hands and the sand will slide off. No mess, no wetness. I got this tip from a friend who got it off a US parenting magazine. Very useful
i'm using the pigeon mag mag which is a darker orange in colour and the top is flat. i love it. it's kids proof and leak free compare to the other mag mag which i also have. it's only available at takashimaya now. cost ard $23 i think.
my dad brought her to the library that day, i am working...
in the end, she chase around other older jie jies and gor gors..want to take the books they reading..in the end one gor gor actually ran to his mummy and cried...
my dad so scared, quickly carry her out...then on the way out, the security guard ask my gal to be good, guess what, she follow him and point her finger to tell the security guard to be good...!!!

my gal not only walk, she can chase after ppl and she luv kids!!!!!!!!
where can you find the bpafree pigeon mug? haven't seen one yet... i saw this straw pigeon mug at KP but then the writing's all in japanese so i can't tell..

my boy also like to follow the bigger kids... heheh... until my hb commented that he's becoming a follower :p
My boy's a monster at home but a mouse outside. With us he babbles and whines and shouts and sings and talks in his own language. But when other people talk to him or when we bring him to church, people say he is so quiet. I will like to bring him to play with other kids but I'm a FTWM, dun really have chance to meet with other moms and kids. Weekends, we try to reserve time to sepdn with him.

Sand: Thanks BKKgal, that's a great tip. I brought a bottle of clean water to clean of sand from James. Easier done we he's dry and the sand can be swept off. Have to chance diapers and clothes. My boy likes sand and had so much fun flinging sand with his hands, and onto himself! *faint*

However he is afraid of the waves. He stood in the water for a few min but when big waves came he will cling onto his daddy's legs and request to be carried and point back to shore.
can try the combi mug, has a screw to lock it. i love it cos can lock if i don't want A to drink and she doesn't know how to unlock it (yet) *muahahaha*
Iso - i also duno, never been to one. haha..but my fren will check it out on friday, will update again
, its quite near to my place since in jurong.
1) zoo - bkk, abc, qingling, bluegin
2) sentosa - qingling

last month I brought channet to zoo. She din see the polar bear. After the waterplay, she was so tired that she fell asleep soon after. Sentosa a lot of constructions right?
My gal also likes to play sand; she can play with sand alone for half an hour....don't know what's fun.....she's very concentrated....scoop one handful sand....let it go....again and again....

She's ok with waves also....don't know whether it's due to playing in zoo waterplay every weekend...^_^

Haha.... your girl is really cute......hehe... My gal is also monster at home; cautious outside.
Congratulations on delivery!! Hehe.... sorry for late congrat..... super stressed and busy at work....

How's your 2nd one? Know gender?
my bb is also quieter outside, then i realised its becos its a diff environment so there's a lot for him to watch and observe, so he becomes quieter. Once he is no longer as curious abt the new surroundings, he will start "talking" again.

ur bb says other words so its ok lah. My bb also doesnt really call "mama" much, but he will give me a mischievous grin when i ask him to call me, so i know he understands, but is deliberately not calling me lor. I think as long as bb knows "mama" and "papa" shd be ok, unless bb really doesnt know who "mama and papa" refer to, then mabbe check with PD. I know a bb who is almost 2 yrs old and really quiet, doesnt really talk at all, only makes some sounds once in a while. Not even real words, and he is ok.
vocal bb
Andrae is a very vocal bb. I think it run in the jie jie oso... he can speak duo words now. Some of which are "bird, dog, bra (zebra), walk, help me, duck, go out, where, there, ma ma, jie jie, etc"

Hand santizer
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
4. stephie - 1 bottle
5. apple79 - 2 bottles
6. bkkgal - 2 bottles
7. leila - 2 bottles
8. sabrina - 1 bottle
9. CG - 4 bottles

Pls make payment and email transaction details to posb savings 126491018. I will place order tmr and the stk will be here by next week. Perhaps we can have a playdate on next sat so that i could pass the hand santizer to u too.

Other products and price available:
1 Kitz 328 Concentrate Multi-Purpose 2L $14.80
Cleaning Disinfectant

2 Kitz 328 Concentrate Multi-Purpose 5L $24.00
Cleaning Disinfectant

3 Kitz 178 Sparkle Liquid Dishwashing Solution 1L $8.00
/ Hand Liquid Soap

4 Kitz 178 Sparkle Liquid Dishwashing Solution 5L $24.00

5 Kitz Hand Rub Sanitiser - No Alcohol 238ml $9.80
Those who ask me about homebased playgroup, below are the details:

Adult/Parent Accompanied
1.5 hours
Once/twice a week
For group; minimum 4 maximum 8
Playgroup Style
The toddler program is conducted in a very fun filled method just like an accompanied playgroup. With songs,games and "learn the play way" activities. The parent or adult who is accompanying the child, will work very closely with the teacher to help the child break out of his or her shell and get involved in early childhood education. And this is a perfect time for parent-child bonding as they learn new things together as well as playing together.

This 1.5 hours lesson consists of songs, rhymes, activities involving theme of the week, object/word recognition activities, art &amp; activities to enhance the child's fine &amp; gross motor skills. The them changes every week so it will not be monotonous as the child gets to learn about alphabets,phonics, numbers, shapes &amp; colours week after week. Classes can be conducted either once a twice a week, group or individual,although twice a week is heavily recommended for kids who have not started going to any playschool yet.
Gender still dun know yet. But I did the OSCAR test on 12weeks. Result not so nice. T21 1:1795 while T13/18 1:55. Gynae suggested to do Amnio test, but we decided not to do so. =(
EDD: 25 Nov
Why stress at work? Try hv a break. RElax.
morning mummies..


my #2 is a boy, super active. dunno if it is in the yr of ox, so he is VERY active. i check wif my other friends who is gg 2 give birth in ox yr, all say their bbs r very active 2.

Nw in my 31 wks liao. Kinda of counting down. Though got the 1st experience, i still quite kan cheong abt tis coming delivery... *scare*
good morning ladies,

pop by to say hi again.

K so far so good?
talk about poo. what kind of prune you gave her? fresh one?
for me, i think the pitted one is very effective. to make it more effective, i take 5 pitted prunes, soak in hot water overnight.
next day, drink the water and eat the prunes. sure can detox within 2 hours.
maybe you would like to try a bit on K.

take care. since you opted not to take the amino test, got to stay positive.

re: babbling
my gal join the group of golden mouth.
she seldom talk - in fact, seldom make noise one.
her favorite word is "take" whenever she wants something.
Hi mommies

I've been cautiously monitoring K. Didn't want to get too excited but K has poo-ed 2 times in 2 days. That is VERY GOOD in our records. And both times she did not have to strain much, did not cry also, that means pain is eased. What I did was to give her:

1) Probiotics (got from Watsons; did not manage to get LifeFlora from Vitakids - too far)
2) Change from Gain IQ to MamilGold (she likes it *phew*)
3) Mix half FM and half fresh milk
4) Offer water half hourly
5) Apply Preparation H (a hemorroid ointment OTC from Watsons; it is to ease discomfort and itch at the area)
6) Make nutritious soups to relieve heatiness (she loves soups)
7) Offer barley drink (she doesn't like)
8) Cut out biscuits

My mom said her poo getting watery. So I'll cut out the fresh milk first. I think the probiotics really helped to clear the digestive tract.

I give the one normally found in the supermarkets loh...the one with purple packaging? i think it's pitted bah. Must soak ah? I didn't know....
you really put in lots of effort.
yup. the purple packaging one is the pitted one. i find that it's more effective to soak in water and drink the water + prune. but beware to take in moderation.
for barley, you can try put in some winter melon sweet - those can be found at the chinese medicine hall. that give the water some sweetness and liang. C likes the version with winter melon sweet.
This wintermelon sweet is it used to cook soup also? Can find in any chinese medicine hall right? I put some rock sugar but she still not keen leh...my mom said add barley water to the milk.

don't know if it's used to cook soup, never see my parents use it to boil soup as a hokkien. :p
it's very easy to be found. Supermarket has it too. it's normally found with those chinese herbs and dried stuffs.

i tried to put the barley water in the milk too, C can only accept if the proportion is less than 20 ml barley water : 150 ml milk.
