(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

car seats
i think all bbs wld rather be roaming rather than sitting! just got to be firm with them, cos it's for their own safety...

haha yah, i guess it took them a while to order and get the books in the library, so now the duggars are there for all to borrow, and got people borrow already! i feel so proud :p
calm and compassionate, i bought the book from acma. last time emoments help me order

bringing bbs out
i also lazy to take bus if not driving, E gets so fidgety easily! i only took it when he was much younger and stuck in a bb bjorn, but maybe he'll have more fun if we took a bus now

i think since K ate bread with eggs in them before and is fine, she can take MMR. H got reactions with eggs too. she will get red rashes on her mouth when get into contact with eggs but shes fine with cakes and ice cream thus the doc gave green light to proceed.
genice - no angry
, but i tink i am going to miss, since i cannot wander too far with H alone. also friday night i have an appt.

Zoo outing - let me know when, i see if i can take leave
no worries. meet up can be arrange another time lah...

ya, L njoyed himself though he was initially shocked n v upset wid the actress' expressions (ya, she did a good job wid her scared facial expressions)but when the animal mascots came on, he was dancing n clapping liao.

Visited the library wid L today. Found out that there r some special sessions for toddlers at most libraries on selected dates. Think it's some story/rhymes reading session. Starts mainly at 7.30pm n lasts for half an hr. Have not attended it yet, just signed up today for the upcoming session. Can go chk your nearby libraries if keen.
hi, knocked out after putting raeanne to sleep last night. Only checking posts now cos she woke up at 3+am. Ikea tampines sounds great since it's really near to my place. ü but hubby is asleep now, will confirm with him later n sms jeannie. ü
good morning mummies,
so sad can't attend the gathering today.

anyone want to meet on any of the monday? 15/22/29 June?

got to go and attend training liao. bye.

Cayenne's PD say "no fever" when i asked him abt MMR. true enuff, Cayenne no fever at all.


i jz bot baby shield car seat @ OG people. cost oni $109.
hi leila
thanks for the tip on the libraries!
i went to search on the NLB website, cldn't find any information, so wrote to them to ask them to put all events online. then i found this microsite from them:

pai seh that i found it after i wrote to them, but they got so many websites it's confusing.

anyway on the site can find all the activities there, they have storytelling, but looks like the one at my nearest library in queenstown is for 4yrs onwards. darn
Hi, mummies who go for gathering today;
Enjoy! Share some stories later....

Hi, Genice,
Count me in weekend zoo outings!

We go to zoo every Sunday morning, sometimes Sat mornings. PM me if any mummy wants to meet up last min, every weekend, ^_^.
hi everyone,
back from the gathering!! ashlynn knocked out, so can get to check out the forum now. had a great time, too bad couldn't stay long as it has been a long time since we catch up with one another.

thanks for the yummy bread. I juz finish eating it
very professional. next time u can open a deli outlet.

gwen is so cute and chubby (hope u dun mind). and she is definitely not short! she is so warm, keep wanting to play with ashlynn, hold her hands and hug her. but this gal of mine not very sociable. hmm.. hope it's not a symptom of autism. juz went for a training on special needs so now quite paranoid.

u r looking great and radiant as a mum-to-be. still so slim...

hope to meet up with the rest soon!

mon i should be able to meet up.

who else can make it on mon?
Thanks bx. Good that Ashlynn is sleeping. RaeAnne just finished her porridge. Nowhere near sleeping yet, she's walking the house with her toy stethoscope now. ;P

bkkgal, thanks for the egg mayo sandwich and the bread bits for RaeAnne. My hubby said RaeAnne ate so much bread just now. Hee.

Genice, agree with Bx, gwen is so sociable, she'll come forward to hug hug. My RaeAnne is the least sociable, considering she's the oldest of the lot. Think i'm making the right decision by sending her to playgroup in Aug.

XY/Bx, next Monday, not sure, I need to check with hubby cos don't know if he needs to go back to school. What's the plan? Meet where?
sneak out lunch time from the training..
i don't mind meeting central or east.
central can have leila and clover too provided alex's cough is better.
xiaoyun, i am thinking of making the yogurt bread today coz mil gave me a tub of home made yogurt. then i looked at the yogurt bread recipe in blessedhomemaker's and realised it's in gm. how did u do it? my weighing machine at home is not sensitive enough to measure out like 3g of salt.

know u r in training now...
oh ya, bkkgal, please remember to PM me your maid agency contact.

Next Monday, if no one has any other suggestions, can I suggest swimming at Tampines pool or outing Tampines Regional library?
Hi gers,
Finally!! Gwen just knocked out.Now got time to breathe.. :p

Bx.. no worries.. actually i was quite surprised that she turned out to be the most chubby one.. erm.. and i thot she is slim.. oops.. think i fed her too much.

bx and pauline.. thanks for complimenting gwen... i must tell her all the aunties say she good ger.. haha.. hope she din scare ur gers,,, she almost hug ashlynn til she fall down and i think raeanne quite scared of her liao... haha..

Bkkgal.. thnks for the sandwich.. very nice of u to make us bf.. hehe and thanks for lugging ur big camera to take photos.. send us the link k .. *wink* Kate is so smart.. can respond to all ur questions and can call mama so loud and clear.. envy..

It was nice to catch up after a long break and to see the development of every kid.. all of them are just so cute now.. certainly hope to c more other babes.. we need some 'man' power.. today all gers... hehe.
haha Genice, my hubby 'cheat' and brought RaeAnne to ILs place to sleep after her bath around 130pm so that he got time to do his testimonials and research for his next book. I get to rest too.

Not Gwen's fault lar, my gal is just very shy in front other company. I also don't know why she's like that. Better send to playgroup early to socialise. :p
Hi Moms

I think K was the least sociable one there leh. She refused to play, dun wanna walk, just wanna sit in high chair...so sticky to me today, dunno why....out of sight only cry mama. haiya. Yeah, I saw Raeanne happily eating my bread
so happy! Reason to ask hb to let you get breadmaker ;)

Glad you all liked the sandwich. Jeannie, you got the peanut butter jelly one? That one my hb's creation.

no lah, dun worry yourself unnecessarily. I think Ashlynn is so ladylike - quiet, sweet sweet type. The kind boys wanna protect type.

Yeah, no boys today at our gathering! next time we jio the boys ;)

I vote Gwen the most "ba" of all!! hehe. make me and BX envy, wish I could feed Kate a big bowl of porridge like you do to Gwen leh.

Sorry ah, K pushed Gwen on the rocker make her cry.

It's really nice to meet up again. Babies grown so much since JWT gathering.

K knock out for 3 hours after lunch. Just woke up.
Clover, oh I have been so busy and only have time to log in to follow up with the thread today. Natural remedies for cough – there are many, you can research over the internet. I did, because Shaun had dry cough last few days. His cough is mild, did not cough much. Only when he lies down sleeping and after waking up, coughed a bit, cuz the mucus from runny nose flowed into the throat I think . I read that we can help them by making them sleep on pillow, so that the head is tilted. Don’t give cough mixture, if you trust that medicine doesn’t do good for the baby. If Alex’s cough is not severe, you can opt out medicine and try making soup for him to drink – I bought the Chinese herbs made from Chinese almonds/apricots? ( nan2 xing4, bei3 xing4 – north and east almond? Hehe), dried mandarine orange ( ji2 bing3), figs, and chuan1 bei ( if got phlegm). You can get the ready pack from medical hall. Shaun drank for 3 days. ( about 50 to 100ml each day) If Alex got runny nose/nose block, and cant sleep well at night, you can buy essential oil like eucaplytus and turn it own in burner, or drip in hot water, then the room got the smell, which helps decongest the nose. Or you can buy olbas oil from pharmacy, drip in tissue, bring near his nose and he can inhale the oil. These are essential oil to help decongest the noseblock.

As for his fever, Alex is same like Shaun too. Shaun has fever in one evening, so that night I sponged him whole night ( but I got super damn tired). Next day, fever subsided. No need to give paracetemol. Just make sure he drinks lots of water, and you can cook Chinese barley ( big one) with green bean soup for him to drink. Then the heat will go off. Fever is the way your body react to fight against the bacteria/virus, it’s not a disease. As long as the fever doesn’t exceed 38.5, no need to give para, if you are ok to let him build his antibody and don’t rely on medicine. But of course need to see the child whether he looks sick. Is he eating well? Still active? If ok, then you can try to let him fight himself. If you still worry , then you can just give medicine la.

Sorry for the long post la. just want to share my experience. I suddenly very interested to read about natural remedies. Oh yea, you can give him honey and lemon for the cough too. To sooth his throat.

BTW, if you have the THOMSON guidance book on childcare, you can read the guidance - when to see Doctor. THey will tell u to bring the child to see doc when the symptoms exist. They also advocate that seeing doc is not necessary unless the child looks sick.
tong, that's so informative. tks! must pick more of yr brain next time. ;)

I already brought alex to see doc this evening coz he suddenly has a high fever at 39.38c. I left him with mil in the afternoon n came back to his high fever. his coughing is also worse today.
I was worried and at a loss of wat to do. so decided to bring him c doc in case his feve spiked again n we hv to go kkh a&e. then doc said it's throat infection. in the end gave some common med. alex's not eating much n he wants to nurse n nurse. TG he's still active.

bkkgal, tks! I never tot of it. memory lapse, man... hur hur. will try tomolo.
bkkgal, hehe, must be very heartwarming to keep Kate hearing Mama mama though. Wish my gal is as vocal. ;) haha, I think if I really want to buy the bread making machine, my hubby won't stop me but I scared I '3 minute hot" myself then cannot answer to hubby. Maybe after I get the maid, I'll have more time to bake? I got so many unused kitchen appliances that I even donated brand new ones (mostly free gifts) to charity last year. Oops! :p
It DOES feel nice to be wanted and called by our l.o.s
but it means that anything they want, it's Mama who has to get for them. Sometimes wish she can yell "dada" as easily and he can attend to her!

Train your maid to use the breadmaker loh. That's why having one that can read English is useful. Mine has a lot of fun with the breadmaker - when I'm not around, she will follow the simple recipes and make for my MIL to bring home. She had one or two mistakes lah, like making rockhard wholewheat bread, hahaha. But it's ok, I let her experiment. I'm just thankful she's not electrical-appliance-phobic.

Came down with a bad cough tonight, after attending a play, can't sleep. Banished the hubbs to sleep with K. dunno wanna to pass to them. sigh.

Clover, I was reading up cough remedies....can let Alex try manuka honey? It says that taking 1 teaspoon neat and let it dissolve in mouth, do not drink anything for 15 mins, supposed to work well wor... For kids, can mix as honey lemon drink and let them drink. Must be at least UMF 10 for it to be effective. Manuka has antibacterial qualities, can help with coughs, colds. I'm trying now cos nothing at home..only manuka honey.
re: yogurt
have you learned how to make yogurt?
I made my last week, and it's easy.
here's the ingredient and steps:

luke warm water
milk powder
plain yogurt

the ratio of the water : milk powder : yogurt is 20 : 5 : 1

(1) dissolve the milk powder into water
(2) add the yogurt in and stir
(3) cover the container and put it at a warm place for 6-8 hrs. the current weather is best to culture yogurt. no need extra heater.

alternatively, you can also warm up 250 ml of milk then add in 1 tbsp of plain yogurt.
(1) warm up the milk
(2) & (3) same as above

I find that it's easier to use milk powder to do as it has higher solid content and the yogurt are smoother.
using the link that bkk gave, i summarise the table here:

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Grams Per Cup</TD><TD>Grams Per Ounce</TD><TD>Grams Per Teaspoon</TD><TD>Grams Per Tablespoon </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baking powder, double acting</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>4.6</TD><TD>13.8 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baking soda</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>4.6</TD><TD>13.8 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Butter</TD><TD>227</TD><TD>28.1</TD><TD>4.7</TD><TD>14.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Buttermilk</TD><TD>245</TD><TD>30.6</TD><TD>5.1</TD><TD>15.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Flour, all purpose</TD><TD>125</TD><TD>15.5</TD><TD>2.6</TD><TD>7.7 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Flour, whole wheat</TD><TD>120</TD><TD>15.0</TD><TD>2.5</TD><TD>7.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gelatine, unflavored</TD><TD>227</TD><TD>28.4</TD><TD>4.7</TD><TD>14.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Oil, olive</TD><TD>216</TD><TD>26.7</TD><TD>4.5</TD><TD>13.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Oil, vegetable  (liquid)</TD><TD>218</TD><TD>27.0</TD><TD>4.5</TD><TD>14.0 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peanut butter</TD><TD>258</TD><TD>31.9</TD><TD>5.3</TD><TD>16.0 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rice, long grain, white</TD><TD>185</TD><TD>22.9</TD><TD>3.8</TD><TD>11.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Salt, table</TD><TD>292</TD><TD>36.2</TD><TD>6.0</TD><TD>18.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shortening, vegetable or lard (solid)</TD><TD>205</TD><TD>25.4</TD><TD>4.2</TD><TD>12.8 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sugar, brown</TD><TD>220</TD><TD>27.2</TD><TD>4.6</TD><TD>13.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sugar, granulated</TD><TD>200</TD><TD>24.8</TD><TD>4.2</TD><TD>12.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sugar, powdered (unsifted)</TD><TD>120</TD><TD>14.9</TD><TD>2.5</TD><TD>8.0 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vanilla Extract</TD><TD>208</TD><TD>25.8</TD><TD>4.2</TD><TD>13.0 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Water</TD><TD>237</TD><TD>29.6</TD><TD>4.9</TD><TD>14.7 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yeast, bakers, dry active</TD><TD>224</TD><TD>28.0</TD><TD>4.6</TD><TD>13.9 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
re: meet up on Monday 15 Jun

where's the tampines pool?
is the water there clean?
i am fine with tampines regional library too. i've got some books to return also.

anyone keen?
so far, bx, pauline and xy.

re: cough
manuka honey cure cough?
i normally uses it on sore throat and mouth ulcer.
re: bread
ya. i am afraid i am '3 minutes hot' too.
lots of ppl like this especially the new mummies.
brought my bread to office last week and offered 1 to my lady boss. find out that she bought 1 bread machine last time too. and now it's a white elephant at home. haha..

anyway, i made 3 loafs last week.
(1) orange. made use of the orange pulp from fruit juicer. and followed those healthy bread recipe which calls for quite a bit of wholemeal flour and oatmeal. end up, it's very dense.
(2) ham and cheese. used the yogurt recipe (with addition wheat germ and oatmeal) and added extra ham and cheese. it's soft and very buttery, cannot see any trace of cheese. my niece likes it. but need to add more ham next time. wondering how to make cheese more identifiable?
(3) prune. used the yogurt recipe as well (with addition wheat germ and oatmeal) and added 6-8 pitted prunes. it's also soft but a bit sour, all the prunes dissolved in the bread too. i added the prune too early as rushing to go sleep last night. :p my colleague said it's soft yet chewy, just that it will be better if can be less sour.
XY, tampines pool is ok. It has some water features and a japanese restaurant (Nihon Mura, $0.99 per plate of sushi) at the pool itself. We brought RaeAnne there after her dinner, fed her some rice and chawanmushi while we ate. Haha. Safra pool water probably cleaner but need to be member to go in or 1 member can bring 1 guest, I forgot exactly what liao. But the good thing is they have hot water shower so our kids won't be cold.

But swimming must see weather, if raining like today then cannot liao. :p

At least your 3 min hot is really intense, you baked so many loaves of bread liao. I'm afraid mine will be 3 min lukewarm hot. :p

Manuka honey can use on sore throat and mouth ulcer? Ours is stuck in fridge and forgotten. Got it during our NZ trip in Dec 06, will expire or not? :p
i am quite concern about the water quality at the swimming pool leh. feel like bringing her to swimming too as already bought her swimming costume.

i baked so many breads as i forbids anyone in my house buying bread. haha.. very 'ba4 dao4' right? :p
the prune bread is impromptu decision of last night cos realise that i don't have any breakfast for today. if got to get it from canteen, it costs more and not nutrituous enough.

yes. you use the method that bkkgal just described for the sore throat, and apply directly to mouth ulcer. remember to use ceramic spoon as it's said that metallic one will spoil the goodness of it. suppose honey will not have expiry, but the manufacturer will always print it on their packaging as a requirement from don't know where.
re: bread
you can now replace eggs with flax seed meal:

For each egg to be replaced,
(1) 1 tablespoon flax seed with 3 tablespoons water, blend in a blender/food processor flax seed with water until the mixture is thick and creamy
(2) 1 teaspoon flax seed powder and 1/4 cup of water
(3) Whisk 1 tablespoon flax seed powder and 3 tablespoons water.
XY, when we brought RaeAnne to the zoo, she loved the water play area. I bet she drank some water from there too, cos nowadays she's always sticking her tongue out. But she's ok leh. No diarrhoea or anything. Told hubby who was worried, Singapore's pool water got cholorine, even tap water safe for drinking, should be ok bah.

RaeAnne outgrew the swimming costume that I bought during Artemis's spree but luckily she can still fit into her Konfidence thermal wetsuit ($65 leh) so I count my lucky stars.

Think manuka honey, I also 3 min hot. I bought so many from NZ but luckily only 1 small tub for ourselves. We seldom eat cos we put in the fridge and it's rock solid. If want to wait for it to melt, take long time so lazy. :p
why sticking her tongue out nowadays means that she drank the water from the play area?
i am quite phobia about the swimming pool water as i know there are ppl pee in the pool.

btw, i saw some kids actually licking the water on the floor of the water play area last time when we went there. our reaction was - eee............

good that she can outgrow her clothes. mine still can wear, don't know should be happy or not happy. :p

for manuka honey, it's really effective for sore throat, natural remedy.
don't be lazy. i bought one for a friend who undergoes chemo and radiotherapy, she said very good to treat the mouth ulcer too.
Breadmachine white elephant
yeah, alot of pp offered to give/sell me their machine when i mentioned i wanted cos they got white elephants sitting at home. only got 1 friend who is still constantly making bread after getting her machine for some yrs. she has 3 kids - inspiration to feed her family well i suppose

For me, i think once "investment" made, must die die make full use of it. I think so far I made over 30 loaves of bread already (6 weeks since I bought). Give my mother, give MIL - they all happy - no need to buy big loaf gardenia and waste cos at home only mother+father, hard for 2 pp to finish 1 commercial loaf.

thanks for conversion table!
I just add flaxseed meal directly to the machine leh....the bread turns out grainy but nice.

Found that adding egg to recipe makes the bread dense, dun like it. tried the milk bread recipe but no good. i like my bread soft and fluffy - substituting some cake flour to the recipe can achieve this effect.
XY, cos I used the video cam and caught her in action. Sticking her tongue out to taste the water. Hehe, but she ok after the zoo, no diarrhoea or anything.

Ok, next time, I ask my hubby to use the manuka honey since he's always having ulcers.

XY, any of your colleagues want to sell their bread machine cheap cheap then?
my parents likes the bread very much. but they only like white bread.
whereas, my PIL doesn't seem to like it. gave them a few pieces and end up the they only eat a few mouth of it the next day. then tell me it's not very nice.
my hb even worse, made already, put on the table. he never touch it at all.
so, i only make it for me and my sis.

didn't know that egg makes the bread dense. book only says that it makes the bread more flavorful. no wonder i feel the prune bread softer because i replace the egg with flaxseed.

will substituing with some cake flour make the bread less chewy?
should buy the carrefour bluesky last time. it was 39.90. extremely cheap. now the bargain no more.

i don't think if someone to sell a second hand one will be cheaper than 39.90.
maybe i help you ask my boss if she wants to sell? most likely she will give it away.. :p
i am happy.
hb did a good job taking care of C today. he bathed her - include wash her hair.
somehow i see some change in him after his reservist, not sure if he got some advise from his army friends?
since you are baking about 5 loafs every week, have you ever thought about buying the flour in bulk and with free delivery?
for me, a bit sian for me to lug the flour back as i don't own a car. don't know where can find a lobang for it. :p
XY, I'm a baking idiot, need idiot proof machine, was carrefour bluesky as good as zojurishi that you got? Wa, if your boss really willing to give it away then my hubby definitely won't object liao.

Congrats! Your hubby improving ya? For me, I bully my hubby to do most things since it's school hols and my tummy is getting bigger. He got to feed her porridge, bathe her, once in a while, even cook her porridge but cooking usually I do lar. Just bought a new WMF small stock pot from BHG so that it's easier to cook chicken stock. My pot too small so always end up with too little stock.

Wanted to buy the whole set of 5 pots for only $100 but my hubby don't allow me to buy so many pots cos they are not stackable and take up too much space in the kitchen. :p

Eh, so next Monday on or not? Meet where and what time? Today already Sat night, otherwise, if tomorrow still cannot confirm then very difficult to meet on Monday liao.
i am on for next monday. preferably meet before lunch and i can have my lunch outside.
Monday alone at home, don't know how to settle my lunch.
I am fine with tampines pool or library. just that it will be too hot to go swiming during noon right?

you there? wanna meet too?
i think all bread machine is more or less the same. should be idiot proof too.

yup. he's improving. and also because i nicer to him lah. e.g., i offered to bring C out for the wedding lunch tomorrow and let him have his ME time. learning some tactics from 'the lazy husband' book.

btw, i find cooking stock is nicer using claypot. i've WMF pots too, the soup cooked does not taste as good as those cooked by the claypot.
opps.. don't want to tempt you get anymore pots liao. otherwise really no place to store.
XY, sorry, if meeting before lunch will not be good for me cos it's close to RaeAnne's porridge and nap time. I'm afraid I can only make it around 930am - 10am or if not around 4pm. If monring, I can try and get up earlier to cook RaeAnne's porridge early so that I can bring it with me, but must leave by 12+ cos need to bathe her then milk feed then let her nap. If late afternoon, my timing not so predictable cos it depends on when RaeAnne sleeps and when she wakes up.

Not sure about Bx? :p
9:30 - 10 am is ok with me too. i am flexible, so does C.

4 pm also ok. but i prefer morning, so that afternoon can come back sleep until happy and wait for daddy to come back.

you decide?
Xy, don't worry, you can't tempt me cos I already got a big slow cooker with high heat pot that I can cook on the stove. Bought it so that my CL can make tonic soups for me last time. Really? The stock tastes better? Next time I'll try then.

Aiyah, if no place suitable to meet, can come to my house for mini playdate too since I go to your house so many times. Hee. You can feed Carrie porridge at my place too. But I got no home made bread or food to offer cos I'm not confident of my cooking skills. :p We can go out and eat lunch at nearby coffeeshop or order pizza or walk to the Jap restaurant since it's so near. ;)

Bx, you are welcome to come if interested too.

Hehe, don't worry. My house is messy as it is. Don't mind her adding on to the mess. Just very paiseh that I can't be a good host and offer food. Oh ya, do you all still want to bring the kids swimming? If yes, we can meet at swimming pool, let them swim then walk back to my place (about 5-10 mins). The kids can shower at my place too if you want to shower them in hot water. If not, can come straight to my place. Will PM you my address.
