(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

vine gal
thanks, i will go back and try your method. thanks for the tips.

my boy is using nuby and mag mag. he's ok with both. my gal using munchkin and mag mag. my hb complains that nuby's straw is hard to wash. i haven't tried washing it, always leave it to him to wash. haha...

re: bread
i have been doing the kneading my own. 'cos so far what i bake is more french kind of bread and not really need much kneading, wanted to try out the bread machine and see what's the difference. my hb's uncle just gv us his princess brand breadmaker. hee... got a new toy to try tonight. :p

thanks, got the contact.
talk about hb again... that day i got fever at 38+ and told hb to handle the kids. guess what he said? he asked me, 'why leh?' got really upset and told him if i could handle the kids, i wouldn't ask his help. man!!!

i tried making bread using olive oil and butter. texture, taste and smell is different. the bread which uses butter really smell very nice and more 'china' liking. hehe... i think if you prefer 'ang moh' type, like those you can find from hotel buffet spread, you should try olive oil.
i can't think of the different between 'china' bread compared to 'ang moh' bread.
are you talking about those traditional chinese kopitiam made bread as 'china' bread? for ang moh type, i don't know too..
can you differentiate the following brand of bread?
(1) breadtalk
(2) delifrance
(3) ah kun kaya

btw, i love the bread - any bread in france. all tasted so nice.. yum yum..
ermm... the ang moh type one which i refer to is more chewy, the crust is thicker, like the delifrance one.
hmm... seldom eat breadtalk one leh. usually i bought sunshine bread... similar to four leave bah. and ah kun one... it's always toasted, can't really tell the texture. haha...

me too, love bread!
can lah, but I hv no counter space so tts y I gotten a bread machine.

it's my first loaf of bread, so I can't tell the diff. olive oil is healthier than butter also.

why do we need bread flour to make the bread? what brand do u use? I hv the red man and prima deli brand. my 1st load was using red man. gonna compare the texture.
my salty loaf was definitely more chewy, however i'm not sure whether the extra salt affets the texture.

I als bot organic wholemeal flour to make whole meal bread. went to bread talk for some inspiration. hopefully can make green tea n red bean loaf soon. yah!
<font color="ff0000">
SINGAPORE: A 22-year-old Singaporean woman who returned from New York has tested positive for swine flu, in the city-state's first confirmed case,
the Ministry of Health said Wednesday.

"Singapore has confirmed its first case of influenza A(H1N1)," the ministry said in a statement.

It said the patient was being treated at a communicable disease centre and was in a stable condition. The woman was in New York from May 14-24, returning on a Singapore Airlines flight on Tuesday, during which she developed a cough.

The ministry said all her "close contacts" will be quarantined and provided with antiviral medication. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Wheat flours contain a protein called gluten which, in the presence of water, forms an elastic network throughout the dough. This is the stuff that gives bread doughs their rubbery consistency. The whole point of kneading bread dough, in fact, is to organize the strands of gluten running through the dough into a strong, resilient, interconnected web. It is this web of protein that will entrap the bubbles of CO2 given off by the yeast as it ferments, enabling the dough to rise. Without the gluten, the CO2 would just bubble up to the surface and be lost.

But flour vary greatly in both the quantity and quality of the gluten they contain because different strains of wheat from different regions and different growing seasons have different gluten profiles. There are times when gluten is not your friend; in a cake batter, excess gluten will create a chewy, coarse-grained cake, and in pastry doughs it will produce a tough pie crust. But for bread you want lots of strong gluten to produce a well-risen and well-shaped loaf. This is why there are special flours for special purposes: cake flour, pastry flour, bread flour, etc.

All-purpose flour is typically a blend of "hard" and "soft" wheats which will perform pretty well in most roles. It usually contains 10-12% gluten. It can be used for bread, but will tend to produce a denser, flatter loaf. Some people will add 1T extra per cup of flour when using all-purpose for bread.

Bread flours have from 12-14 percent protein. They will feel decidedly more elastic while kneading, and will give full, rounded loaves. These flours are made from hard winter wheats from northern states.

Bread flour is a high-gluten flour, and the gluten will affect the final texture of your product. For example, you want to bake a cake: a cake flour will yield a softer crumb where a bread flour would yield something chewier and undesirable. Similarly, breads are reliant upon gluten to form that chewy deliciousness that we all love, and the replacement of all-purpose flour might not make the recipe undoable but would render the final product less delicious.</font>

i use the prima deli brand.
xiaoyun tks for the lesson on flour. didnt know all about these! 0_0 i must say cooking is easier than baking. baking to me is like a science experiment n less fun.

on the look out for organic bread flour next, coz i'm trying to convert wat we eat to organic, so will slowly transit to my goal.
fairfield, I also do that for him, just a little habitual thing that we do for each other after getting married. But nowadays, sometimes, he leaves the toothbrush and toothpaste untouched cos he knocked out with my gal and no matter how long I 'ka cheow' him to get up to bathe and brush his teeth, he's just too tired lor. Faint!

XY, you very sweet to your hubby liao. My hubby always have stiff back, I only offer to apply for him occasionally. But when I preggie and backache and I'll always ask him to help me massage. Hee. ;P

I'm getting hooked playing Restaurant City (on facebook). If anyone is also playing, please remember to add me as friend.
thanks for the link!! it's interesting!

after all this talk for bread i feel like eating some. think i'll go cedele during lunch to buy a loaf

dense - i like it, so apt! wahahah

munchkin straw cup
i bought it also but haven't used yet cos the straw hole looks bigger than mag mag, and since sometimes he chokes when using mag mag i thought maybe i wait a while before giving him to use. bought it so that we can sometimes use it when go out.

Haha....fun comments about hb.....^_^

Xiao yun,
Hehe.... Sometimes I think think think, still don't know why...., tell myself my destiny ....give one more try....

Last time my friend asked me who is 1st when baby is born, when both of us didn't have kids 5 years ago.
I answered "baby 1st".

Then she said wrong. Now I understand "1.baby; 2. hb; 3. me" didn't work out as good as "1.me; 2. hb. 3. baby".
before i give impression that i don't appreciate my hb.....

heh..i think everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

But the toils of our daily commitments and expectations drains us and leaves us to be much less patient and forgiving people.

As a result, in the whole crazy hurry of this world, we end up short-tempered, frustrated and disappointed.

Many times, after you have had time to settle down, calm down and get going with other things, you will realize that many things don't really matter that much. And that the things that really got on your nerves (till your eyes felt warm and moist) were actually forgettable! (in fact we forget them after a night's rest!)

I was once taught (but of course I've not really been a good "practitioner" of this) that before we flare up at someone, we should ask ourselves why we are angry/frustrated. THe fact is, anger is a reaction from ourselves and not an action afflicted on us. WE get angry because of unfulfilled expectations, unmet commitments/promises, etc. IN short, we can choose not to be angry.

For me, I feel mostly that I'm just too proud to NOT be angry and that's a bad thing. (really!) It's so much easier to just take it out on someone and make it someone else's fault that I'm angry/disappointed/annoyed!!
OMG!! wat u just said basically sums up wat i have been feeling these past mths.

We toil day in day out. Send boy, fetch boy, cook, sleep..tmr repeat all over again.
Even though we noe not too be petty and vent our anger unnec but sometimes we just cant help it.
And when we are angry for soo long....all the other factors tat make the relationship work is affected too....

Will go back home and have heart to heart talk with hb!

Thanks for the enlightened passage!
i'm glad it helps some of u. i fall into this 'hurrying' and impatient trap way too often myself.

i read this extract from somewhere about the 'poison' of hurrying and found out that it's true. The moment we are in a hurry to do something (else), we'll get grumpy very fast. (eg u want to watch CSI at 10pm, do the laundry, sweep the floor, get some work done, check your facebook, edit some pictures, pack the kitchen abit, tidy the house, etc but the baby just WON"T sleep and hubby is not helping.)

SO sometimes i just have to tell myself - heck the mess or dirty laundry. if it can wait, i'm not gonna kill myself over it.

Cuz i come from a family where my mum is supermum - whole house must be tidy and meticulous, sweeps floor 5 times a day and mops everyday (at least once). THing must be packed neatly etc.

But she ends up being a very easily irritable person sometimes and we all scared to make her angry. We still love her a lot because she is very very loving, very very sacrificial. But i think she forgot to love herself and thus she gets worked up. I get like that too...and once i see it getting abit overboard, i have to 'take a break' and try not to feel guilty about it.
im nodding to the pc!! hehehe....
soo true...often we are soo caugth up in our dailys tat even stuff like talking to hb we plan!! Also for me i felt tat i expect too much frm myself and others ( hb, caregiver) on how my son shd be handled. We are trying too hard to be 'the perfect' parent that sometimes we push ourselves and the ppl ard us.
Thankfully, i realised this recently and have decided to take a chill pill!! hahaha...if not i wont be able to 'enjoy' my son and family time and i would be like some ungrateful b&amp;*^%&amp;&amp; to my caregiver!

The temptations ard us are so plentyful with all the 'good' products and 'enrichment' schs...tat we really loose sight that we have the best thing in the world: Our Kids!! and we should spend the most time with them rather than filling it up with items and programs. Thats just my two cents worth only..
seriously agrees with you. I tink im like your mom now. I wakes up at 6plus in the morning after feeding bb, do all the chores and everything. But at the end of the day, i get so grouchy and touchy because im so tired. And i flared up at hb and the poor #2. i just feel so uncomfortable if i do nt manage to sweep the floor everyday. I even hope to mop the floor but failed to do it cuz too exhausted alrdy. I tink i nd to c a shrink. Maybe i shld learn frm you to let go abit, heck the mess and the dirty laundry. Sighs.

My #2 existed cuz it was an "accident". I did nt listen to music or talk much to him during my preg times cuz i was alrdy so held up with #1. Till now, i tink i "scolded" him a few times alrdy, nt like last time so patient as in towards #1 comparably. He actually just wanted us to carry, but if put dwn then will cry so i gt so fed up. and he cried so badly during the evening bath yest. Hb said to me "see you always scold him, he dont want you now alrdy. Some more he is just a nb, who does nt know anything yet". Then i reflected and felt a sudden guilt towards him.

I tink smth is wrong with myself. Nt only towards #2, but im quite irritatable easily too. And alrdy ended up quarrelled with hb twice since i delivered. Sighs!!!
not only u all..
i find myself very irritatable, and very emotional oso... abit only i will get agitated. not to my son though, i think more to hb and other ppl. duno y lah... is there something wrong with me??

to the extend i feel i m very tired of everything, mentally tired
ya ya...its mental tired....
sometimes me and hb will argue who should be more tired.
his stand: its him coz he has to drive, when he works its not office environment
i told him not fair wat...im also tired...mentally everyday tiring to remember so many things at home at work etc...anyway i told him not fair to say who is more tired..tired is tired...hehe

dun beat urself up too much ok? take one task at a time. right now your priorities shd be urself (if u are not happy, then difficult to make ppl happy), come to mutual understanding to hubby and then both of u can treasure and enjoy time with nb.
As for household chores, have to really ask urself, is mopping the house every single day important? Sometimes, the more we want to do ..do..do...its the more we are trying to make up for something that we feel we are lacking.

So take it easy and must really talk with hb...even if you don need his advice...just talk to him at least you feel better
I just realised the page wasn't loaded properly just now. There are so many pages of pauline koh.. how to find you?haha.. i just pm you my details. you can add me in at your side.
Blueginger – using bread machine because we can save on time to knead the bread ma. just dump everything in and let it rise and bake itself. I will make own bread too using oven if I’m a sahm hehe

Clover, you mean you are converting your diet to organic now? That’s good!
take it easy. don't push yourself too much. after i have kids, my house is always messy. and i do not sweep or mop floor everyday 'cos i would rather spend more time with my kids than doing all these house chores. kids are my priority as they grow up so fast that i have hard time to catch up every moment to spend with them especially i am a working mum.
it's a blessing to have more kids actually. when your #2 is slightly bigger, you will enjoy motherhood more. imagine both kids hold hands and walk together, do things together, etc. everyday when i see my 2 kids doing things together, it makes me feel so blessed and forget all the tiredness and stress from work.
with 2 kids, you will definitely be more tiring. but, look at the +ve side. cheer up! happy baby needs happy mummy.
Hi, lezy
yah..... very right......I am also easily irritated....And ....when angry, i always remeber hb'weakness. Luckily my anger will go away in 3 hr, with some +ve thought.....^_^

Now feel guilty about my irritation mostly due to work stress instead of taking care of baby...... hmmm......Thanks for words reminding me of appreciating MIL and HB tolerating my withdraw mood when at stress(often).
i was also like you when i delivered ashlynn. was so upset that the house was very untidy and dirty during confinement period as mil was busy cooking and taking care of bb, so there was no one to do the housework. i felt very stressed that time. i always told hb that this is our precious home, we must keep it in the best condition. now i learn to kan kai dian. coz eventually ashlynn also run and climb around, the furniture also got her hand prints everywhere (coz my furniture mostly dark wood). and her toys are always thrown all over...
in fact for me, even since Gervaise(#2) was borned, i think i neglected my #1(who is 9 this yrs). she used to sit on my lap, these days, when Gervaise sat on my lap, she will come over wanting to join us, i will told her off.
+ kanna "scolding" by hb on this.

veri tempted to have no.3.... but i only have 2 laps....
crystal &amp; cheryl,
After I have #2, I become more peaceful and easy-going. I think baby can feel your irritation and become uneasy and cry too. SO try to control your emotion.

I hope I won't neglect #1 esp when my husband next job is going to fly ard frequently. They too need our attention. Esp GErmaine is 9yo (entering rebellient stage), be more attentive to her too.
ya. germaine is at the rebellient stage, be attentive to her. i suspect she wan u all attention lah...

tat the problem. i scare i neglect vernon if i have no.2..
re: bread
don't mention. it's not a lesson. i just copy and paste from internet.
i enjoy baking more than cooking. doing experiment is fun. :D

i made a loaf of white bread last night. substitute part of the butter with olive oil, white sugar with brown sugar.
this time round, i measured everything more precise. i got a nice soft bread!!! so soft until i've problem slicing it.
how do you slice the bread? i can't slice it without squashing.

btw, i saw this bread flour is on sale at NTUC.
$6.50 for 5 lb (2.26 kg) it turns out to be a little cheaper than Prima one $2.90 for 1 kg. I will go and buy it later after work.

it seems that 1 kg can make max. 3 loaf of bread. did i get the estimation correct?

re: hb talk --> supermum talk
don't know if my hb stalk my posts...
he AUTO-water the plants this morning.

agree. we should love ourselves first before we can have the energy to love others.

my mum is also a supermum. she tried very hard to keep the house tidy and end up she's very tired and irritable.

must love yourself. there's no need to make the house sparkling clean by sacrificing the time spend on your kids.
rest more and cry for help from others when you really cannot take it. don't keep everything to yourself. no one is perfect and kids do not need a perfectly clean house.

you too. take care...

re: #2, #3 and on..
i think it's natural for you to neglect #1 because she's already 9 yrs old and is more independent than the 16 month old. but remember that she's still a kid that wants to be showered with love.

y dun u engage a maid 2 help u? ur father tk care of ur #1 rite? maybe can ask ur dad over 2 eye power the maid? if not "fang xin", install a CCTV. i'll be doing so.

if not, u can engage a PT cleaner. sometimes tis $ cant be saved.

me same like my mum, wan 2 mk sure everyting nicely done up and clean. but seriously i cant, so in the end, i got fed up. my poor hb suffers lor. so nw, like most mummies had said, i close 1 eye liao.

1 ting i insisted and still faithfully doing is 2 clean my gal's toys after each playing.


hi 5! i agree wif u! i felt the same when i knw i was preggy wif #2. jz dunno y suddenly my temper mellow down tremendously.


ur #1 is still a kid afterall. my elder nephew was 9 yrs old when my 2nd nephew was born. every1 was so focused on the #2 except ME. i knw tat though my elder nephew is old enuff but afterall he is still a kid, he definitely will feel jealous. so while every1 was pampering/showering love and excitement 2 my 2nd nephew, i gave all my attention 2 my elder nephew.
i oso like u. sometimes will scold #1. But of cos i try to control myself lor. I guess it is due to different age expectation bah. The older ones we tend to hv higher expectations for them thus we tend to scold them more easily. But usu after scoldin her i will talk to her lor. Same reason as u y i hesitate for #3. I only hv 2 hands and hb is not helping!
sometimes u hv to gv up something. Not possible to hv everything at one go. Learn to let go and things will be mroe peaceful. Take care.
Clover: oh, finally found same kaki, hhaa. I have been eating organic veg/stuff for years, before I came to SG. I find that organic stuff in msia is cheaper, so I always get from KL if I go back.

Dor: wah , so sweet that you said your kids wanna sit on your lap, but you only have 2 and cant spare another one for #3. aiya, your hubby still got 2 what, so you can aim for 4 kids ok hehe
i also scold my #1, even b4 #2 was borned. can't help it cos she can be real naughty at times. for me, i thought i won't love #2 as much as #1 when i was preggie with #2. but think now is the reverse. probably when #2 grows older and become as notty, i'll become a xiao cha bo, keep scolding them all day long. haha :p
hahaha... so u aim 4 children?hahaha... think if got no3, they will fight for my laps.

re: love #2 more #1
me too!!! so now when i reach home, i will be #1 til 9pm...then #2 from 9pm to 10plus(bo tahan) gervaise cos he will stay up n wait for me....
today forget to bring the membrane.
my breast will explode end of today.. feeling a little engorge now. no mood to do work. cham..
hihi mommies
i feel much more better after reading your posts and i seriously shld learn to let go some things. I don used to be like tt, i was also the bochap kind abt the hm cleaniness before i gt married till i moved to the ILs place. theirs is a landed pty but cuz there are old people (g-pils) staying in it, it becomes very dirty and unmanageable to the extent tt the hse is infested with ants, crawlies and sometimes rats (cuz it's on ground level). Whatever crawlies you name, they hv it. worst was there are no maids to do the cleaning up so i was almost staying in a rubbish shute. They can just literally throw the rubbish on the floor, waiting for ghosts to pick up after them, my fil can walk ard the hse with his shoes on. I don understand y they can put up with all these. Maybe cuz last time they used to live in the kampungs. So ever since then, i became super paranoid abt cleaniness. Im so glad i had moved but till now, im still trying to go back to my usual self before i stayed there. To a certain extent, my parents cant stand me because they find me simply too sensitive to everything. So i really hate tt place and also my ILs, somehow i feel they are the ones who caused me to become like tt.

Always feel so much better after posting here.

I know i seriously really nd to learn to kan kai dian.
i felt that i neglected #1 as well. my #1 also started showing sign of defiance 'cos of jealousy of #2. felt so guilty about that. now, both of them will sit on my lap and listen to stories. haha...
me too, want to have #3, but very phobia 'cos of the bad morning sickness i had when i expected #2.
Wah xiaoyun, so envy you that you will still feel engorge, I ended my bf career liao! Still feel a bit sad, :p

Crystal, take it easy. I was like u too, think a lot and was very concerned with things. But then after reading the postings in forum, I felt so much better and started to reflect. I guess I must learn how to let go , give and take, and to be more tolerable. I learned a lot from u mummies leh! haha
i like thomson. it's fantastic. it's a toploader, but the washing mechanism is like a front loader. good for our backs (no need to bend or squat down).
me also going to end my bf career. it's been almost 3 weeks since i tried to stop the flow. Now only need to pump once a day. probably will stop totally by next week or so. going to feel damn sad when it's really over. sob sob. but no choice, have to stop. sigh.

Garfield, so many ppl told me Thomson is good. But I’m suaku leh, is Thomson local brand?

Stephie: why do you need to stop when you still have supply? Well, I have to stop because I got no time to pump :p and only yield 20ml per day. So I decided to stop
