(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

hi mummies


hmm....i guess i can sum it my hb.
Yes - he is hands on with our kid
Yes - he can bring the baby out
Yes - he can feed/chang/bathe the baby very well
BUT...here is the big buttt...he doesnt see the importance or appreciate:
1) wearing coordinated clothes
2) clearing up the mess after feeding him ie food thrown on the grown
3) packing the baby bag
4) washing his milk bottles. my hb even said, he doesnt noe HOW to wash bottles the way i wash.
I was like $^$^@%$@*(^@*($^!! wats so diff abt washing and placing in a steriliser. i used to add a sarcastic remark: this coming from a super duper hands on dad...hahahah

in short my hb is super messy hands on dad..hahaha
BUT at the end of the day...im thankful and appreciate his efforts even though along the way, we langgar and cause verbal collision..hehehe
My fav phrase: Just coz u handle the baby more often than me, you are not above the LAW at home...hahaha....im mean i noe...

Esther & Cheryl,
Cayenne is very tall. I scare later have to pay for entry to everywhere. Excess height limit for most public place.

Change hubby,
All mums have to just accept the facts that some husbands just like to gather with friends, read newspaper at home and watch TV, play games. But they will nv take care of kids and do housework.
Find alternative to make yourself feel good.

ya lor... but when we feel our physical & mental tanks r drained out, we need 2 vent out.so my hb is the poor victim lor ;p


yes! Cayenne next time sure "lu gi" due 2 her height. haha...

find alternatives 2 mk ourselves feel gd? but how? so far, i hasnt go out without my wHOLE family tagging along. unless i tk leave on wkday & bb sitter taking care of Cayenne. though hb doing a great job in taking care of Cayenne, i still "bu fang xin" 2 go out alone on wkend. hw i wish i can be some mummies here who can let their hbs tk care of their darlings while they go out at ease.

So far my breads remained soft even in the 2nd/3rd day. No need to steam bread. Also no need to use bread improver (additive - pls don't - btw i tried bread improver myself but found no detectable difference in the bread). There's a few types of yeast - active, rapid rise, baker's yeast. The Zoji recipes call for active yeast. I used Fleischmann's active dry yeast. I measure out according to the recipe - 1/2 or 1 tsp.

XY, i think your dough may be too dry that's why bread turned dense and hard. MAybe when you converted recipe to half loaf, your dough became too dry? The zojirushi instructional video reminds bakers to measure exactly the amounts required. I'm sure it's the same for your machine. I found this trouble shooting page quite useful.


I made Granola bread - K liked it
So far, i noticed she liked honey and granola bread. Not so rad about wholemeal. I always try to "cheat" her by adding a few tbsp of flaxseed meal. hehe but she can detect!
re: man
blue gin,
your logic is very profound. i think i should learn that.
no point to 'shang1 shen1 ti3' over him..

previously i manage to 'move' my hb to do some work by 'sa3 jiao1'. after C came along, i think i somehow lost the talent of 'sa3 jiao1'.
should go and learn it again, i hope it still works. :p

3x a week for partime maid, very ex in a long run. ~ $600 a month?

wearing coordinated clothes. haha... i never hope that they can appreciate.. :D

but i still don't understand why we can learn to do housework but they can't? i was the princess at home too loh... now downgraded to be 'huang2 lian3 po2' :p

re: contractor
i've 1 very friendly contractor.
what's your criteria? don't know if he's good enough for you?

re: breadmachine
i found it from singapore.gumtree.sg

lobang? you want to buy also? or you have lobang for a second hand one?

really ah? do you think put in air tight container can help?

<font color="0000ff">recipe</font>
saw some ppl use olive oil to replace butter. what's your take regarding this?
i think it's easier to measure in liquid form that butter. most of the recipe calling for butter in table spoon, don't know how to measure.

re: bb's height
think above 90 cm then need to pay the fare for public transport.
(i am trying to console myself.. :p)
Bkkgal – did you add sugar or salt in the bread?

Xiaoyun – I paid $10 per hour, so one week would sum up to around $50 to $60. the max is only $240, cuz she will stay for 1.5 to 2 hours only each trip. $ 600 is for my bbsitter la

As for bread, not sure whether putting in airtight container helps? Anyway if the bread turns hard, you can toast it in oven if you don’t want to steam it, it’s very nice lor. Using olive oil in bread is very good ma! better than butter cuz somehow butter is processed food. If want to use butter in table form, issit melted butter? Then can use spoon to measure.

cheryl - ur house ready, excited for u haha
sugar is required for the yeast. and salt is required for the flavoring.
both are needed. too much salt will make the yeast not effective.
from bkkgal's video, think she substitute sugar with manuka honey -- expensive ingredient. haha..

toast in oven? what temperature? i toasted it at 50 C this morning. it turns out more dry and hard.
Yup, I used both sugar and salt.

No lah, manuka honey oni for that particular honey bread recipe. Not every time that I make. But you can try to sub white sugar with brown sugar to be healthier. Only thing is that brown sugar tends to be more granulated..dunno if can taste the grains after baking ornot.

Keeping the bread
I must confess, my container is not even airtight..I put in a string bag :p But it's still ok and keeps fresh. So I don't think it's container leh.

Haven't tried olive oil to bake yet cos the machine recipes only calls for unsalted butter. No need to melt the butter. Just cut in small cubes and measure according to recipe and put in.

Oh yeah XY, the bread machine is very strict about the order of putting in the ingredients - always start with wet ingredients e.g. water/milk, before adding in dry (flour/sugar/salt) and lastly, make a well in the middle to add the yeast. Yeast must not touch the wet ingredients or it may cause reaction.
yes. i followed the sequence faithfully.
liquid at the bottom, followed by sugar, salt.
then flour.
then yeast.
does yours heat up the liquid before mixing? mine seems start mixing right away after i press start.

also, found that the rising time for breadmachineis pretty short: 35 minutes for 1st rising, 70 minutes for 2nd rising.
from happy home baking blog, the mummy normally let it rise for 1 hour or so.
don't know if it contributes to my dense bread.

how about the yeast. 1 package equals to how many grams?
wah, 3x a week!!! that's a lot manz...
what's bread improver? is that the reason why the bread sold outside weight much lighter and got more holes than the homemade one though the size looks the same? why is it harmful?
i need to help him to pack and remind him for my boy's feeding schedule. hhaaa... i 'trained' him during my gal's time 'cos whenever he's on school holiday, i will ask him to take care of my gal by his own. so that he knows my 'pain'. haha... now with 2, he cannot handle, so we got to handle one at a time.
Hello Mummies,

Can i join in the zoo outing?? Cant wait to c all the kids running ard.

Re: walking and running
Wow.. i din realise it takes so fast for them to walk and then to run. Gwen only started walking 1.5 mnths ago and now she can walk so fast.. almost run and she can play hide and seek pretty well. I have to quicken my steps around the clothes display so that she cant catch up with me ... think beacause of my big inertia.. :p

Re: No 1 No 2
Hmm.. like ester said i think No 1 will still hold a very significant place inside me.. proba cause i dun have no2 yet. .. but i am pretty sure i will not be reading many pregannacy books/ lisitneing to so many musics cds and talking to the baby as much if i am preggie with no 2. .. i think the excitement has died down cause its not the 1st time but i will still love 'him' as much.. yupz.. i am praying its a 'him'.. already bought clothes for my'son' .. haha..*cross fingers*

Re: sleeping
Gwen got a bad habit of sleeping on top of me now.. she will wake up at night( Sigh.. whats new?) and she will crawl on top of me and sleep on me.. and refuse to let me put her on the bed.. have to try so many times b4 i can succeed..Its very heartwarmng to noe that she wnats to be close to me.. but that means i cnat get up and surf net like now.. haha...

RE: hubby
I think.. they are all the same.. but i must give credit to my hubby for cooking and packing lunch (.. drooling.. i want to eat laksa and chicken rice when i am back!)for the past 4 days while we were out.. :p got gd and bad pts.. 'open 1 eye close 1 eye' lor.. else vomit blood..

sad news leh. dunno y got such heartless pple ard. i agree wif one of the malay lady. "give the bb away, dun throw away"

bb is a life, not a piece of wood that can be thrown away jz like tat...
Sunny, bread improver are not natural enzymes, some of the ingredients are made from chemical. You see the bread outside, with lots of chemical names which we have hard time pronouncing it too. Also, they put dunno what shortening or whatever to make the bread so soft.. not sure how harmful it is but for sure no benefits taken frm it.
one thought comes to mind...wonder if hubbies complain about their wives to their guy friends the same way wives complain about hubbies!
they certainly will!!
e.g., wife becoming more and more naggy, everyday always face black black, help her already still not satisfied..
maybe to the extend that 'me and my wife drifting apart. she can't understand me.. '
Genice, RaeAnne loves to sleep on me too, especially my tummy but it's getting bigger and I can't let her treat me as a mattress anymore. Getting tougher to get her to sleep nowadays.

Gar, XY, yup, it's true. Sometimes we are not as gentle towards our hubbies esp after the baby is born. When I told hubby that he stop preparing the toothpaste for me anymore. He said you also stopped taking my towel for me when you go and bathe. (We hang our towels over the dining chairs so that they can dry faster). I never realised it lor but when he pointed it out then I realised subconsciously, I've been taking him for granted when RaeAnne is born cos all my concentration/attention is on her, BF and my work. :p After that, I try to be more conscious of the little things lor.
xy, pauline,
that's why forum is good....we vent vent here, get it off our chests, and go back to our homes and be more understanding wives
my hub never been big on 'little things'. last night i whipped up a home-made ramly burger. all i got was "you got on the hood or not" in an irritated tone.

i had to ask him - nice or not - just to get some appreciation. after which i told him, 'cook for u and all i get is "got on the hood or not".'
Lezy, hahha. Well, my hubby never try to appreciate my cooking, even if I really put in lots of effort. Think his mouth got gold lor haha. I also dunno why I married him! LOL
lezy, my hubby also like that, I must keep prompting him then he'll say nice things if I cook for him. He'll say nice but everytime, say the same thing without any elaboration so I think he's patronising me. Women so hard to please hor. ;P
LOL. Pauline. mine is like that also. if prompted and requested, he will be nice. ANd also, he is relatively 'chinchye' la...so mostly he'll say nice....or so nice no need to go out eat...(or else it's really my any-how style of cooking also can make it maybe..)

also if i complain (jokingly) sometimes like "ya lor, nowadays damn pai-miah (bad life) one mah" and he'll ask me why i say lidat leh...then i'll tell him jokingly, "ya what, go out never get paid for, somemore have to pay for people....sigh..how come other people give wife so much allowance, got household allowance, makeup allowance etc...i no allowance neve rmind...still kana pay for husband!"

(But it's joke only la - cuz he left wallet in school over the weekend so whole weekend i pay for everything....)

Usually after that he will also try to joke joke back and be nice to me. applies to housework, looking after ruth etc.

my conclusion is men are dense...and need reminding (everyday) and need OBVIOUS hints. cannot pretend pretend, expect them to know. sigh.

so nowadays, i very thick-skin liao. :p
i c i c... no wonder the bread i made is not as soft as outside one. haha...

xiao yun
can i have the contractor's contact, too? he's at west or east side? wanted to renovate my kitchen..

agree with you, men takes instructions, not hint. and we can never set an expectation on them to help us to do things automatically.
my ds' fever has finally broke and he has roseola now.

i made the bread following a feb mum (but she post in march thread only hur hur)'s recipe. her recipe calls for olive oil. i think the overall bread is fine, just that i misread 1 tspn of salt for 1 tbspn... lolz.

if u want to use butter, can take it out from the fridge and let it warm up a while before measuring out the required amt.

here's the recipe link-> http://blessedhomemaker.blogspot.com/2009/05/bread-again.html
hi cheryl
yup im using the munchkin cup for my son.
the straw is kinda soft something like the mag2 cup. so far he can drink with it quite okay. but sometimes...the water will flow back when his sucking his not strong.

ya! men are dense!! so dense...hahaha
guess no matter how modern the times are...men are still the 'hunter gatherer' type like caveman..hahaha...give them something to solve, a physical thing that they can see...they will be able to do it. things like feelings, etc....cannot make it one!! hehee

I agree need to say wat we want to say..but sometimes tat way also never jalan...hahaha

vernon prefer this munchkin den the magmag, nuby... this 1 he can suck n drink very long leh.
so more water loh. haha..
re: munchkin straw bottle
my boy likes to use her sis's munchkin bottle. i find that the kids need lots of strength to suck the water 'cos when i tried, i find it hard to drink from the munchkin bottle. don't understand why both of my kids like it so much. hha...
nuby...does it look like a 'diamond studded' bottle...is the straw soft too?
Everytime i want to try it out...i see the bottled like so big for him to use.
my son when he is super thristy..he can suck and drink untill the water finish at one go..then he will be breathless but at times he will suck and let go the straw and the water will trickle down..hehehe

i usually test out the bottles tat i buy for him too....if its hard for me to drink..i can only imagine...it will be hard for him too.

Now im looking for a training cup (without spout) for him to use...any recomendation?
bread machine,
Why cannot make bread without bread machine meh? I make bread without machine. better leh. Can control yourself and more variety.

Yap. My daughter name is Channet. Y?

I wonder should I buy a toothbrush for Channet. She wanna hold adult toothpaste when brushing teeth.

Julian is also using the munchkin straw bottle.
U have to push the hard part of the straw towards the valve part so that the hole of the valve will open and the kids do not have to suck the water so hard. If you do not push all the the way in and hard enough the kids and even adults have prb in sucking.

Julian is using that bottle. So far he is ok drinking with it. Just that initially he choke himself cos the straw hole is larger compare to mag mag and combi straw hole.
ya the nuby 1 my son duno how to drink leh. like no water come out. have to bite the diamond part den can suck out water

Push the bottom hard part of the straw to the valve cos as u push it further the hole of the valve will open so that water will be able to flow smoothly. U can try that using tap water to pour into the straw see if the water flow out smoothly or not. That is how I test whether the hole is open or not. I also try and error before realise it.
hmm...im trying to visualise wat u are suggesting. bottom hard part of the straw, isit the part that is usually inside the bottle?
then the valve...is the other part tat is 'connected' to the straw??
okok..will try at home....
Hi purplecurlz

Yes, the bottom hard part of the straw is usually inside the bottle. The valve is the main connector area between the hard and soft straw. U try at home, shd be ok cos I tried many times. Remember to push hard but occassionally the bottom part will be loose and the kid will have prb sucking so u have to monitor.
re: men
yup yup. while complaining about him, i should reflect myself too.
better go back learn to be a sweet sweet and understanding wife. :p

hai.. last time he complain stiff neck, i will also take out the massage cream to help him massage.
and if i want him to help massage, i also will take out the cream and 'teh' him till he do it for me.

after bb is born:
few weeks ago, i've got stiff neck, asked for his help by saying: 'later help me massage my neck, ok?' and when i see him never move his butt, i just gave him the black face and go to sleep.
last week he sprained his neck and i simply bo chap him and want to revenge. he complained to me last night that i not good and said his mum is the best. his mum helped him massage his neck and he finally feel better..

re: bread
can use hand to do. i am just simply too lazy..
tried once, and i can't get the technique right and end up flour is all over the place. :D

you using olive oil too? how's it compared to using butter?

i steamed the last piece of the bread that i made on sunday afternoon. it's not hard and nice to chew...
i am going to make another loaf tonight!!
re: cooking
he rather me not cooking. my skill cannot make it.
when i cook, not nice, he will simply say not nice and refuse to touch the same dish again next time.
if nice, eh.. can't think of the occasion that it's nice.. :p
but if i not cook, i still need to go out together with him to tapao. so sian..

he's not adventurous. i didn't even want to touch the loaf of the bread that i made using the breadmachine!!!

he's shop is at IMM - if he never change company after 4 years.
and he did for my friend at the north, and me at the east.

PM you.
