(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs


actually for the bb wash recipe hor, i havent even tried out yet! cuz got to get the ingredieents ma. i think no need to rinse? like the commercial bbwipes we bot also got lots of chemical inside but we never rinse also hor? no wonder bbwipes is no good for bbskin. i think after using wipes we still need to rinse with water better.

fruit cubes> issit frozen one? can we give frozen fruit? issit too cold for our tod?

re: talk
shaun not talking yet.


cereal and porridge is considered solid right? does he have teeth?
my son is on vegetarian diet but he is ok because we introduced him differnt varieties and balanced diet. you might want to give him tofu, mixed grains, lentils, nuts, seeds, green veg, so that he can get the protein.

a few mummies here having 2nd one already! hehe. are you the next one?
any mummies know where to get nice name label/stickers? i remember got one really cute site with stick figure drawings on it but i can't remember the site name...
hi all,
See quite a few of you into Bentos.

My good friend has a site all about Bentos (mostly) as she stayed quite a few years in UK and now in Canada and it's expensive to eat out all the time.

Her bentos do not need a microwave so perhaps you can take a look.

Her site is http://www.soyandpepper.com
sleeping with baby is the best method to prevent. :p
i recently have problem to move her back to her cot. still don't know what to do with it..

got your reply.

i didn't wash diaper everyday. will accumulate like about 10 pieces then wash. but will change water everyday. cloth diaper very easy to dry one. choose a day where you don't wash your own clothes.
my MIL one she wash them by herself too. i told her it's ok to use washing machine. so, even if she hand wash, i don't feel guilty as it's her choice mah. :p

i went to the marine parade one. was there kay pohing. the earliest age is 3 years old.

long time no see too.
how are you?
milk consumption of 5 oz x 4 should be ok as long as you give him cereal, porridge, etc.
why no meat? you can blend the meat and put inside the porridge. or use bones + meat to cook the stock for porridge.

i cut fruits into cubes. sometimes fresh, sometimes frozen. depends on whether i go market or not.
for frozen one, i will thaw it then give. so, it will be very cold if i didn't plan the thawing earlier.
so far she's ok even it's very cold. except that she frown at first but then will open her mouth again. :p

what are the nuts and seeds that you given?
btw, for vege, can they take whatever vege that we eat? i gave her 'xiao bai cai' too - steam only.

re: sticker,
i remember there's a push cart at B1 Parkway Parade selling. you may wish to check it out.
there's a website too, but can't remember the URL.
ok, me a bit lazy now, so will think about the cloth diaper, haha. what brand u using? does it ever leak? do you find that it's less "hot"? these days E don't like to wear diaper cos i think it gets warm in there. when i'm trying to put it on he doesn't seem v happy.

frozen fruits
what kind of fruits are good for freezing?
- mango?
- strawberries?
think i shld do that too so it's convenient for my mum.
i use normal cloth diaper. the cloth is like anakku, pureen brand. need to fold and add diaper liner for comfortness and easy cleaning when bb poo.
The diaper liner can be washed if it's only urine. If it's poo, then throw it away. if I can remember correctly, each liner cost about 5 cts.
on top of that, i use diaper cover. can get pigeon, pureen brand. Each cover is about $7-9. Neighborhood shops sell those not branded one, about 3 for $12.
i think it's more airy as it doesn't wrap her bottom fully. so i guess it's less hot. she sufferred diaper rash @ about 2 months old when she's totally on disposable despite the fact that we applied desitin everytime we change the diaper. after that, i changed to cloth and it helps. so, we stick to cloth until now.
But then, i notice that she can't sleep for a long stretch of time when she's on cloth diaper because it will be very sticky and wet when she shh-shh. she can sleep longer with the disposable ones. my lady boss told me that baby on cloth diaper will be able to toilet trained earlier as they are not comfortable when the diaper is wet. her daughter is toilet trained at 1 yr. so, this analogy doesn't apply to my gal yet. :p

for frozen fruits, you may refer to here:

I tried:
apple + plum + pear puree
cut avocado
cut rockmelon
cut banana
cut papaya
whole blueberry
whole strawberry
whole kiwiberry
tongtong, he has 4 on top and 4 below. what i mean is that he doesn't know how to chew, so he'll just swallow and he can't seem to swallow those things that my older relatives are trying to feed him, so I'm not sure if this is normal. how does yr son swallow nuts?

xy, yes i did use the meat to cook the stock for the porridge, but as for blending the meat, do u use a blender to do it? cos I don't have a blender and i blend the vege by hand usually

re: frozen food
my aunt advise not to give frozen food, she said it will cause wind in the stomach

re: 2nd one
that's nice! who are having their second one already? mine... is only a few weeks, can't even see the baby at all, only the sac. so I don't realli wanna confirm...
perhaps your son is used to soft food. try gradually to give food with more texture...like instead of soft porridge, serve it when its still in rice form, but still soft enough. (hope its not confusing
maybe for veg...try steaming brocoli and roughly smashing it..he will learn the texture while he eats it.

As he has 4 up and bottom...shd be able to chew or at least looks like he is chewing...hehehe..

personally i think nuts are too young...but it also depends on how u expose ur son. for me i don give him nuts yet...due to allergy concerns.

the more u expose him to food with texture..he will get used to it.
pauline, congrats! I just scrolled through and read about yr 2nd one. if the next scan gives me a heartbeat, then i'll be safe to say that mine will come in december too!

crystal, wow you are really fast... 2nd one coming already! you will be a lucky young mummy.

yes, i use blender to do it. go and get a blender/food processor. it's my savior!! :p
also, i bought a chopper. put bigger piece stuffs into it then chop chop chop. all become small pieces liao. I've no patience to use knife/spoon to make it small small.
in case you are wondering where to get chopper, i got it from Isetan @ Shaw. $29 with free mortar/pounder.
think BP got ppl selling a china made kind, $10++.

for frozen food, i heck care. no time to prepare fresh.
got wind? rub more 'Yu Yee Oil' loh.. :p
so far so good, leh. whenever she's on cereal, all her side dish are all frozen one.
fruits are mostly frozen from Wednesday till Friday. and I will try to slot in some berries (normally thaw from the frozen stock) for the antioxidant benefit.

same as purple, i try to offer more chunky stuff to her to chew in order to upgrade her to adult food earlier.
wanted her to excercise her face muscle and gum more often. read somewhere that it can prevent their teeth to become too big so that next time will have nice teeth unlike her mummy. :p
baby sleeping arrangement

I guess if you really want her to move back to her cot..need to be patient and consistent.
Keep placing her back to her cot and carry her when she cries and place her back in her cot when shes stops. If she can stand...perhaps you can just pat her frm the cot and say reassuring words..like..big girl aldready.

If you are consistent enough...she will be able to sleep on her own. Just have to sacrifice abit of sleepless nights

if you think sleeping on her own is impt to you...u can try or you can try half half like me. Put my son to sleep in our bed...when he dozing off..place him in his crib which is beside us..but we make it comfortable for him with pillows.
how do u prepare frozen berries? wat time u buy?
sweet or sour?
Ya...i also freeeze everything..even though i cook for him during the weekends...easier la!

in fact, she has been sleeping in her cot since don't know how many months. that's the time when i finish wiping her, feed her until she 'mabok'. put her in the cot then she guai guai sleep.
until recently, we will play with her on the bed, doing your half half method, after seeing her fast asleep, we already 'bu she de' to bring her back liao.:p
so now half-hearted to move her back to cot. cos we love to have her around. :p
there's a few times, she wakes up playing then find herself constrained in her cot and cannot move about, she will scream. probably she likes bigger space?

for berries, i bought them about few weeks back.
strawberry is the korea kind. very sweet. blueberry is a bit sour for the recent batch that i bought, previos batch is sweet. kiwiberry is very sweet too.
i think it depends on the season and the country.
sour one i eat, sweet one she eat.
XY - same same..dunno how to train them back.

Purple - it doesn't work when i let her fall asleep at her bed, and then carry her to the cot. She will hug me tight once she know i am putting her down in the cot. Then we start all over with our bed again..hahaha
ya ya..need to do carry & put back method again and again if you are persistent on her sleeping on her bed. She will cry la..wail la...then be too tired and then pluck...will sleep.
Keep doing it again and again.
But then again...if thats what you want. If u are comfortable with current situation, its your call.

XY, does she spend enough time playing in her own cot? Perhaps she cld be 'shocked' when she suddenly wakes up in her cot.
for me...hb is now the designated one to put my son to sleep and he will sleep next to his crib.
So when he wakes up and cries bit...he will hush my son to sleep and he will go back to sleep.
Hahaha...finally i can get my sleep back after 1yr!!

But sometimes when he wails wails...i will either latch him on or give bottle...im trying to just give him btl only so he wont be confused..but sometimes...the kitchen seemed so faaaarrrr away at 3am!! ;-)
thanks!! you are always so resourceful! :D and thanks for the advice on the cloth diapers - i thought must get those bumwear kind, which is like $25 or something each!

frozen food
haha i also agree, if no time, it's better than always feeding processed food i feel.

as for nuts, i don't purposely give but i don't restrict him either - nut allergy is v common for ang mohs but v v rare in asians, something to do wiht our genes!
hello mummies!!!
long time no see

hahah just read that some mummies are waiting for the arrival of #2. CONGRATS!

re: preschool
no plans to let matt go to preschool yet leh. perhaps when i have #2 ba... hahahah but that will be quite a while later. coz i have got maid @ home.. if he goes to preschool, the maid will be eng eng @ home leh. scared she will try to be funny if there is no one ard to watch her.

re: nappy
i have been using nappy since matt is 6 mths. not successful in toilet training. mainly coz we are v bz to change nappy leh. thou when we wanna change his nappy, he can pee into the potty. but after a short while., his nappy will be wet.

we didnt clean his butt / apply diaper cream when we change his nappy unless he poo. we will use a nappy cover to hold his nappy as i didnt wanna try to pin up the nappy coz he is always moving ard making the pinning process v dangerous. we will make him wear a short too to provent the nappy from dropping out.

re: sleeping child
i have migrated him from play pen to ti lam on the floor. however, he cant fall asleep there as he is used to zzz on our bed. so have to let him roll on our bed till he zzz then transfer him to the ti lam

re: frozen fruit
i have tried to freeze cut mango, strawberry puree, blueberry. nowadays i'll give him fruit ones. LOL... lazy ya.

for meat, i'll mince the meat and cook it w porridge. or i'll use scissors to cut up the cooked food for him.

re: bb's food:
hey mummies, just wondering if you are feeding your babies w their bb porridge or have u guys upgrade them to plain porridge with our adult dish (mashed / cut up)?
Hi, Xiao yun

Hehe...I never fed E frozen fruits...after reading your posts, I shall give it try....I buy fruits twice a week---finish fruits among family members before buying next batch.

E is 10kg, 81cm now.

Hehe.... I feel so much guilty when old folks are sad....."black face" means "displeasure in silence".....MIL normally throw away my cooking --tell me that baby didn't like my cooking---). But nowadays whenever she cooked nice meals and E ate a lot at daytime; she will show off to us and try to explain a lot how she did that at night. ....haha....

E used potty since 3+ month; we let her sit on potty every time she wakes up in the morning/from nap/before night sleep. Othertimes she used disposable diapers; never used nappy.

When E is 12+ month; we tell E to walk to potty whenever needed----she never did it. But 3 weeks ago she patted her abdomen and kept pulling her pants to indicate that she wanted to poo poo....now she got gestures for poo poo. She still poo 2-3 times a day; recently we had difficulty to catch her last poo poo in the evening since E migrated to one nap(2.5-3hr) a day. Luckily she figured out how to tell us......

For pee, we let her diaper free for some while at weekends. She normally squated down to pee, even with diaper. But we still can't catch clue---also didn't want to stress E and ourselves too much on timing for pee.

Now it seems that E enjoy story telling time when sit at potty.
Congrats! June How many weeks are you? When's your EDD? Mine also can only see sac when I went to scan on wed before Good Friday, I was close to 5 weeks then. Next appt 1 week away for TMC and 2 weeks away for KKH. Haven't confirmed where for no. 2 yet. Hee.

XY, if I've known earlier that you used diapers, I wouldn't have thrown away my diaper liners, should have passed to you. :p

Isobellies, thanks for the blog. Looking forward to the links and recipes. So far, i only have a winnie the pooh mini frying pan. That's good for bento right?
ur bb's weight seems fine. I think dun need to worry too much since he is still drinking milk and eating some solids. My bb is also not very gd at eating solids, but i see him growing well everyday, so shd be ok lah.

Can he eat those little baby puffs that "melt in the mouth"? Maybe can try practising with that too.

what do you mean by spending time playing in the cot?
do you mean put her in the cot with toys even she's not sleeping?
we seldom do so as i normally let her roam about in the house when she's awake. furthermore, she doesn't like to go in when she doesn't not want to sleep.

re: nappy
i use traditional method + diaper cover. bumwear too expensive.
same as jass, don't dare to use pin. use cover better and can protect the sofa/bed too.

i remember you bought some secondhand bumwear. how's your review?

nvm lah. i still have quite some stock for liners.

anyway, I am looking for L and XL size diaper cover. the one that C is using becomes quite loose. anyone has?

re: frozen fruit
so many ppl want to try frozen fruit?

i initially gave dried fruit. after consulted PD, 1st choice is fresh, 2nd choice is frozen, 3rd choice is dried.
if have choice, give fresh is always better.

but, i leave home everyday 6:30am, reach MIL place after work w/o going anywhere 7 pm. and reach home after dinner 8:30pm.
where can i find time to shop for fruit? so, 2nd choice is suitable for me.

btw, i saw frozen cranberries selling at cold storage. was thinking to get them next time especially when it's out of the season.

for MIL, she will also teach me how to cook the dishes i say very nice.
lucky that C is not picky eater. she can finish whatever i prepare for her no matter what.
if there are left over porridge, i will help her finish instead of throwing away. they are very nutritious, don't waste. :p
jass mei!!
how's your new job? too busy to come forum? ;) how's matt??

kitsune - frying pan in shape of hello kitty??

here are some bento links for those who are bored on a monday morning:


i'm also on livejournal, so i joined this community:

and there're some nice photos on flickr:

there are also some mummies who regularly "bento" (if i can use the noun as a verb!)

apart from bentos, i thought that using the crock pot to cook for the family is a really neat idea, esp since most of us are working mums. there are a few sites, including this, where she cooked from the crock pot for a YEAR!!
i haven't tried anything yet though..


and for mummies who love to bake, this site is amazing:


as you can tell, i'm big on all these cooking blogs, but i haven't actually done anything yet :D
Iso - the bakerella is super cute.. i am also a fan of cooking blogs n bento blogs..of cos i also haven't set down to doing anything yet..hahahaha.....
iso jie:
hahah new job is ok ba. more or less quite settled down. pace is slower than what i'm used to. LOL~ but then, deadline can be quite short @ times too.

thanks for sharing the blogs... hehhehe will check it out @ home. (my boss is sitting behing mi ma). LOL
Hi morning all...
Allowing babies to roam around and explore is good. But letting them to play in their own cot they will grow to like being in it and its also good specially if they have trouble falling asleep.
Wat i do with my son, after he play like mad aroudn the house, i will place him in his cot for wind down play time.
I find it helps as when he wakes up sometimes, he doesnt immediately cry for us to pick him up...he will play play with himself first.

Try it out..

Have just bgt a week stock of strawberries, plums - which i blanched in hot water so its soft and mangoes.

Bento...hmm...im very interested. thanks for links isobellies

Does anyone who where i can get nice insulated designs? Think of using them for my son when we go out rather than the bowl type..since now he has more variety for his meal..no longer porridge type.
can share what u give ur boy for his meal? my girl rejects her porridge these days. she lost so much weight. now very skinny...
sure no prob! during the weekdays when he is at my aunts place he will have:
bread or cereal (baby type)
fruits ( a recent addition as i want him to have more fruits in his diet)

Soft rice or porridge (im trying to get her to stop porridge la)
Chicken - mince or fillet
fish - in soup or pan fried ( going to try beef sometimes this week)
I have tried to get her to cook for 'appealing' food for him but she like not happening la...but im okay la coz her food might look boring but its very tasty

On weekends i try to 'creative' hehehe
So far i have tried
Tasty veg soup ( some veg, red pepper & tomato) and i will add cooked chicken. eat with rice or macroni

Slice Fish with watever Veg (brocoli, carrots, corn) i have..heheh
simmer all the things together

Pumpkin with Fish - cook the pumpkin till soft and add fish.

Baked chicken with potato

I like to cook with red pepper...hmmm...smells soo nice and its not spicy at well. I will add dry oregano abit for flavour coz i don add salt and soya sauce to his dishes.

Wat type of porridge you giving her? Perhaps she's bored of the texture. I recalled my son, there was a stage for abt 1 week he didnt eat much...keep rejecting all those pures that i made
then we introduced rice...soft and he liked it..
Hi mummies , on pre-school...

just want to check if yo are particular about the branding ? E.g. Montesorie , Cheri Hearts or MindChamps groups ? Or you dont mind the brand as long as you like the environment and teachers and location ? What else do you look out for in a pre-school?
i am looking for pre-school/childcare for my boy. from what i have researched, there are 2 types of schools i.e. montessori and mainstream (e.g. PCF, cherie heart, learning visions, etc).

i would prefer montessori as the kids get to learn at their own pace and the teachers will teach the kids according to their capability and emphasize self-help skills. if it's possible, i will enrol my 2 kids to montessori schools.

of course other than that, cleanliness of the school and the qualify of the teachers are very important to me. as the kids will spend more time at the school and with the teachers especially if it's childcare centre. for location wise, i don't mind sending my kids to a centre which is slightly further. i am staying at yew tee, and in fact, i am considering for school at hill view area as well if after researches, there's no ideal one near my place.
er.. i got a dumb question. is pre-school the same as nursery? or are we talking about play group?

got so many options these days hor
i think pre-school is before nursery.
anyway i feel that preschool is a glam way of saying childcare...hehehe

i tot most schools (mindchamps, cherie hearts) also learn at their own pace, etc...montessori style.

but i noticed not all montessori gets the subsidy frm MCYS.

tks for the ideas.
wow, that's quite a variety.

my girl's porridge is cooked with veg stock (onions, carrots, sweet corn, wolfberries), a slice of fish, a cube of pork rib and vegs which includes pumpkin/sweet potato/broccoli/spinach/potato/carrot (usually a combination of 2 items). at times, i put in dried scallops, egg tofu.
in most of the schools, the students learn in group. so, those who are slower, need to buck up a bit more so that they are able to catch up. those who are faster, in this type of learning environment, depending on how good the teacher is, the kids will need to follow others' pace.

in spore, 'cos of our educational system, it's hard to find pure montessori schools. most of the montessori schools still introduce worksheets so that the students can adapt to the primary schools teaching method. some schools they will have 'montessori' as part of the name of the schools but if you look at their curriculum, montessori is only part of the curriculum.

if the school provides enrichment related lessons, if i am not wrong, we can't get subsidy from MCYS. so, before you sign up, need to check with the school if you can use CDA to make payment.

i think pre-school is before K1 bah. there are 2 hr, 3 hr kind of playgroup/nursery class. it's different from childcare. for childcare, they will include breakfast and lunch sessions. depending on half or full day you sign up, if full day, there will be shower time then followed by afternoon nap.

actually wat you are giving her sounds delish
(minus the pork la...coz i don eat it..heheh)
perhaps you might want to separate the rice with the rest of the ingredients.
maybe cook the veg with the fish or pork - and i think now can make it semi soft..doesnt have to pureed right?

thanks for explaining. Ya...in spore theres only one way of education system. But since they are going to do any with P1 & P2 exams, i dunno how it will impact the kindergarten.
I looked at my freinds son assessment book and it looks like wat i studied in P1 yearssss ago and he is only in K1!!
when i start doing my research, i was so surprised that our kids are required to write short compo, able to read before going to P1. gosh... sounds so stressful manz.
i intend to put Andrae in playgroup (1.5hr kind) next yr. Prob not this yr since he will turn 18 mth only in aug? a bit too early too... I do hv intention of placing him in the same childcare as his jie jie but then i dun wan to place him for 5 days from 7am till 5pm kind. But hw do i explain to his jie jie that her di di will go half day while she continue for full day? Also my gal take sch bus. I think he is too young for sch bus too. Thus think playgroup is better choice for him at this point of time.

Btw i knw of someone who does playgroup at home. But nd min 5 ppl. Anyone staying ard north area interested? $80 a mth...
ABCs' mummy

wat do u mean does playgroup at home? Is the person a childcare teacher?

I intend to place my son for full day childcare as both hb & myself are working.

ya...tell me abt it! As much as I don want to be a pressurising parent....its abit hard when all around us..the expectating is very high. I guess I have to instill in him that learning is fun..etc...so that he wont see it as a chore!
playgroup means 1.5h to 2 hr kind of daily prog. Childcare is full day prog.

taking abt education system, my gal who is nursery this year was asked to do some chinese on underwater world. wow... so tough... i jus learn the chinese of stingray, whale, sea urchin, dolphins etc from her... hahaha...

Anyone staying in the north near sbw i really recommend my gal's childcare. They r very very gd and professional. Their sch has 4 cases of hfmd the week before,. They send us updates via sms and email everyday and oso tell parents to take what kind of precautionary measures. They still open the centre for kids who hv no alternattive childcare arrangement and during these period they will nto conudct formal lesson but only enrichment - speech and drama... lots more gd things to say abt them. Those interested can PM me.
just wondering you seem to put in quite a lot of ingredient in the porridge, do you put all of them in or mix and match?
btw, if you want to get ideas on what to feed ashlynn maybe can buy one of those cookbook for kids. i got this "feed your child right" book and i think not bad, got a lot of asian recipes for young kids and gave me few ideas too but haven't put it in practice to be honest so i don't know if the recipes are good or not.
YA! i have that book too!! It was a realy help when i started weaning my son. I pasted the feeding schedule on my fridge..kekek..

wat i like abt the recipes...is its sooo simple... ive tried their tomato and beef rice but i subs beef to fish la.
next in line is tandoorin chicken....hehehe

i also have this book by annabel karmel..on 100 best purees....also yum yum..if our babies don need purees just chop the ingridients up can aldy.

ohh...i realised in my previous post...i mentioned i used red peppers..i meant to say red capsicum...hehehe
haha ! me too! i like using capsicum too ! but i use the green one.. it's yumm2... last wk when i was on leave i tried making the side dish for C using white fish, carrot, capsicum, onion, garlic and a dash of maggie (just one drop) and a bit of salt.. he loves it ! and it taste nice too... i have this habit to taste all my son's porridge to make sure it taste nice before passing it on to him

i think for that book, it's good coz it gives you all sorts of ideas... the one that i'm really keen to try is the shephards pie... looks yummy, but i haven't got around to trying. not sure if my son will like it coz he still like his soft porridge... we still puree his meat and vegie.. :p

oohh..can use green one isit!! hmm will try out.....i just loove the smell of capsicum keke..
i have the habit of tasting my boy's food too...and its quite nice! haha...wonder why we don eat the same type of dishes as him!!
So far i have not used sugar or salt. I subs with corn if i want it to be sweet tasting and i used dried oregano for that 'have salt' taste.
And i have since used a tiny dash of black pepper...keke...looks okay to me.
I think we have to be more 'brave' in adding seasoning for them la...if not quite bland the food..kekeke
