(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

apple - with the HSBC 35% discount, acmabooks is cheaper. however, so its sent to one address? how you girls wanna coordinate?

oh i can coordinate.

Anyone interested to share to purchase books from www.acmamall.com.sg @35% off for HSBC credit card? Free shipping for above S$80.

Please PM me your orders.

I can meet in town or north area like Yishun, amk, yck etc.
tubao, tute
yah i guess normal.. think if he does that at home i will tell him not to do it also, so he doesn't think that he can do it at home and at the library!

on tantrums, how about children who are disagreeable about everything - almost anything you do, they not happy and either throw tantrum or almost want to throw tantrum? in my nephew's case (he's 24 months), i think it's cos he's quite a spirited child who maybe wants to do his own thing or doesn't like people telling him what to do. he cries or throw tantrums a few times a day. the other day he throw tantrum at me after i told him no going into one of the drawers so i just copied him and cried and he stopped, haha.
these days i think my ILs q fed up and will raise their voices at him q often :S
hehe..i'm starting my shopping spree again....anybody interested in OLD NAVY sale now?
i dunno how to order n etc so hopefully one of you wanna organize our very own feb08 mummies spree?

btw...anybody brought baby to cold climate yet? DO they have baby longjohns or thermal wear? or just pad up layers can liao? FOr me, i don't wear thermal wear at all when i went canada and europe but think baby need to???

Jeannie, what is gwen wearing? SHould be still abit cold when u arrived?
Hi, Iso,
Haha....I often do that too---imitate cry---sometimes it works.

Hi, Esther
Saw your gal's pics at facebook. She got very sharp eyes......

Hehe....I often laughed quietly when seeing my hubby educated my gal in a funny way. Last Friday my hubby bluffed me ---how he was good to get back the things people borrowed from him(money, books, etc). He called his friend every night at primary 4, to ask his stamps back. Finally he told that kid " I will follow you back home, I don't care". Then that kid returned on 2nd day.

We somehow achieved some results on teaching my Gal sharing last week. Last sunday she let another kid play with her ball at downstairs playground when she&my hubby went back home. Yesterday I overheard my hubby saying to my gal "Did XXX return your ball? Haven't yet? We need to ask it from him....." hahaha....
eh..ruth is super tantrum girl la

i tell my parents they spoil her too much. she is very insistent when she wants something. If she doesn't get it, she will yell and throw her hands up in the air and cry and all sorts of drama-mama action la.

we also dunno where she learn from man.

sometimes i just let her be, wait for her to finish then talk to her.

sometimes i just remove her from the 'object of affection'.

sometimes i just hand over to my hubs. haha.

sometimes i smack her buttock and tell her naughty girl. but usually that will be 'reciprocated' by an even louder wail (not due to the pain, but the tone of my voice.)

She damn xiao jie...cuz if i raise my voice/make the tone fiercer, she will quiver and cry.

Then my mother will say - aiyoh she's scared la. dun raise voice like that.

then i will smack my own head and turn around and walk away.

Oh,...and when she is in the middle of a tantrum, everything she will throw aside/push away. No chance one...


yes sometimes i imitate cry when i wif my younger nephew. he will immediately stop crying and looked @ me. haha...


alot of pple commented she very "jing" in terms of her eyes. i wonder if tat's gd or bad. She doesnt has the baby look since born. Baby look supposed 2 be "tian zhen wu xia" but apparently Cayenne dont hv. keke....
lezy - its not too difficult to organise a self spree *hee, but you have to choose which shipping company u want to use (vpost, or borderlinx),perhaps u can check out which one offers any discount codes or watever.

haha.. same here! I always tell pple tat my Cayenne is super "xiao jie" and "xiao qi"

abit aso cannot. if scold her, will "bian zui" and tears will flow within seconds!

eg. she walks but sometimes due 2 carelessness, she might wobble abit and kena frightened, immediately look @ me and start 2 mk the fake cry action. wan me or others to sayang her. sayang her nevermind, but must at least sayang for 5-8mins! will fake cry again after tat if she happens 2 rem the incident!

my gosh!

but upon readin all darlings' behaviour, seems like it is quite normal tat they react tis way?
u are so funny.... but i think hor, must be firm. otherwise later sure got more problems.

tubao, esther
haha.. i wondering whether if i "cry back" often enough he will know that it doesn't work next time, since he's not the only one crying! lol.
actually i feel abit bad la...sometimes when she cry and i really no patience liao..i will also pretend to wail.

sometimes she will stop.

sometimes she will cry even louder!

i think i really lose to her liao. my mother say when she learns how to talk, we will really 'get it'.

sigh. i think one is enough.....
actually these days i self spree.. can't really be bothered to join a spree cos that means must make time to meet up, and i figure that time = money! ha ha!
Iso, QL,
doesn't self-spreeing translate to rather high shipping costs? Unless you erm...buy a lot!?

SO far which are the better shipping options? I have vpost account which i have used previously but long time never use. I also have CItibank and OCBC (which is borderlinx and whatever...) but i hear Citibank need to use the concierge service which is quite troublesome right? So far it seems vpost the most straightforward? But saw some comparison somewhere that OCBC also quite cheap!?

More choices --> more headache....No choice also complain. :/

eh..anybody knows if baby has thermal wear?

u guess... definitely not me..
if u got read jan thread, u might knw 1 of them who is preg... den the another 1 is some1 who is not very active in here. but got post in this 2 days
oh so it's blueginger!


congrats to kitsune & blueginger! Welcome! Welcome! I realize our feb mummies not very "active" rite... Keke...


try leh. Y hb scare? U shd be the 1 who is scare rite? Keke... Tell him nw he more experienced in taking care of Vernon, so dun be scare. ;p
i was also guessing kitsune as the jan mummy cuz she quit job and i remember she said told hubby if got number 2 she will quit n be SAHM i think....


Congrats congrats!
Lezy - eh, i did quite some spree myself, not more than USD 150? the shipping charges was reasonable, i used borderlinx. No need to use conceirge for oldnavy,gap. but u need to have a US address registered with borderlinx
Hi very sian with work, saw some discussions on setting up own biz..., seriously thinking of setting up my own infant/child care centre. recession proof...:p Anyone interested ?
thanks, everyone. I was waiting for the news to leak out naturally or rather through cheryl since she reads both threads. ;)

lezy, wrong lar. Actually i told hubby after having no. 2 n my maternity leave then i quit but in the end i ren wu ke ren cos my gal is growing up so fast n my dept too much changes. So i quit first then since sahm might as well chop chop complete family, wait for them to grow up more then go back to workforce. Hee.
pauline.. congrats!!! How many mnths already? when is EDD? So u quit when u got preggie.. or coz.. stay home.. too free.. hehe..got time to make babies..:p

blueginger congrats too!

Dunno when to get preg... scared leh.. have to start all over again.

Re: temperate countries
Lezy.. u bringing Ruth somewhere? Yar, it was still quite cold when i came here but there's no long john for babies.. smallest size is for kids 3- 4 yrs. So what i did was:
1)Wear long sleeve plus cardigan plus jacket with hood for upperbody
2) Wear cotton tights plus leg warmer for lower bodyplus socks
3) sometimes wear gloves if really too cold.

So far it has been ok.BUt sometimes can see that when its very cold.. she will be very quiet as we walk along the streets.. haha.. too cold to talk liao.. so we will also use another thick shawl to wrap her up. Aiyah.. very troublesome one.. always ' Da bao, xiao bao@ when we go out and very clumsy one..OUr hands were always full, it was worst when we ahve to stay outside whole day plus taking public transport w a stroller and carrying her plus 2 bags plus thick winter clothes. Our hands were so full that some passerbys actually helpedus hold our stuffs while we arrange our things. :p paiseh..
Genice, no lar, when I quit in Feb, I was still BF and no menses remember? Then I went to see gynae and he said I not ovulating cos of BF lor. So, I finally weaned RaeAnne off in mid Feb lor. Then Mar decided to try since last chance to get 2009 baby. If don't strike then I will only try in May cos I got dental procedure scheduled in end April so cannot ttc in April. :p

Still early days lar, technically I haven't missed my menses yet cos LMP is 4 mar but hpt show positive liao lor.
congrats to pauline n bluegin!!!!

so now feb thread got 3 preggies izit???

hahaha!!! ya, me also v v nuah, say wanna have another kiddo but still no action... wait till aftr my hols ba ....

u very funni hor...stay home too free....hahaha!!! so, i expect that u come home to s'pore wid another one in tummy ya? :p
wow! ur place sounds really really cold, can't imagine how i wld cope wid that. thk if i were there, i wld end up hybenating at home everyday :p how's ur shopping so far???
Leila, smart move, I just realised that I 'burnt' my chance of a Dec holiday with RaeAnne before she turned 2 years old liao. ;P

But good thing is it'll be school holidays so hopefully this time hubby can spend more time with us.
Congrat to pauline & blueginger!

Hi, Esther
'Sharp Eyes' is talent.....

Hi, Xiao yun/ Garfield
I am now reading <<calm and compassionate children>>. Love it, though it's more suitable for much older kids--- maybe starting from primary school. Can feel author's very resourcefull in teaching calm and compassionate.

Thanks recommendation!!

What's author name of baby hearts book you recommend? Hehe.... maybe read it next.

How do you find these wonderful books? Did you trial &amp; error by reading lots of books already? I read amazon bestsellers/customers review lists of parents, hoping to find good books----the list is too long for me to digest.

Maybe I noted down some points from <<positive discipline>> book, post here when I am getting more relaxed at weekends.
Hi Crystal,

sorry to intrude again... I've been emailing you but did not receive your reply...

I've not received the balloon that I bought from you some time ago.. Pls reply to my email asap. Thanks.
re: tantrums

iso, regarding yr nephew.. the probable reason on the frequent tantrums could be he's not getting enough attention, so he keeps having tantrums so that someone reacts to him.. if yr ILs screams at him, that could also be a reason for his frequent tantrums.. his frequent tantrums could have been developed over sometime already.. it will need quite a bit of work to correct him..

the reason on why he keeps doing things that people don't want him to do:
imagine this, everytime u touch the tv remote, someone gives u a reaction. everytime u touch yr book, no one reacts. in the eyes of a toddler, which will u touch? tv remote or book? toddler will touch tv remote because there's a reaction! don't forget that they will test u.. first time, they touch, u react.. next few times, also react.. so they will keep touching..
using method of ignoring: u ignore him when he touches remote, after a while, he realises no reaction when he touches remote, he will stop touching remote.. however, if u don't want him to touch the remote, pls remove it so that he can't access to it!

So, ur ILs could be reacting to all the wrong things, leading to the toddler touching all the wrong things!

on the other hand, if everytime the toddler touches the book, u react, u praise, u read n interact w him.. he gets engaged (this also depends on child's interest), and next time, he will start pointing to the book and want u to read to him..

regarding imitation.. tough one.. probable reason why yr nephew kept quiet because he had never gotten such a reaction in return before, so he kept quiet and observe you.. HOWEVER, i think prolong usage of this method doesn't resolve the root cause of the tantrum and might lead him to think that i touch this, i react like tat, auntie touch also react like tat, so it's ok to do tat! so next few times, he might just continue to do tat!

esther, they won't understand the preaching, but they will understand through the tone used..

the degree of tantrum also depends on child's individual temperament.. adults must be good role models as children model after us.. however i strongly believe that kids with bad temperament can be nurtured as well.. so never give up on yr kid.. also reflect upon yrself first on why yr kid is acting in certain ways before jumping to conclusions that he's naughty.. afterall they are still exploring.. only 13 months of life experiences!
i was re-reading yr post n will like to share my thoughts!

re: stereo
C also switched on the stereo by himself.. he learnt it through observation.. i thought he was very clever though! so similarly, K is observant enough to learn how to switch it on, so isn't that a good thing??

re: spitting out food
i get that quite often too.. C will spit out whenever he doesn't like it or the food is not soft enough, n he will spit it out..
my take on that is he is also an individual and also have his own likes and dislikes.. so he doesn't like it he spits it out, i give him something else that he likes.. then i evaluate why he doesn't like it, is it due to the texture, taste or hardness? n then next few meals i test again by serving it in a different manner and check out if he likes it or not..

when K has enough, she doesn;t know how to communicate to u, so she puis out.. normal what!
for C, when he has enough, he starts getting impatient, and i will ask him, 'finish?' then he will give me the finish sign and i'll take him out.. sometimes, he doesn't give me the finish sign, means he still wants to eat, but doesn't want to eat that thing that i'm feeding him.. n wants something else..
so read yr child's cues, then u will understand what she wants..
Thanks, Fairfield and Eliaw.

Eliaw, doing assignment again ah? makes sense about the child touching wrong thing part. But, I can't remove the electric switches leh, need them for the fan so cannot can't cover them. I also can't ignore her cos it's dangerous for her to touch. Like that, how ah? ;P
hi pauline,

no la, this week term break.. i have successfully completed my 1st quarter! now doing tender submission.. i sotong.. left the cd in the office, so now doing manual.. shit!

how come u r still up??

for the switches, it took me quite long to educate him too.. at first started to give him low tones.. then take him elsewhere.. he also resisted and angry.. but eventually now, he doesn't touch the fan or the wires at all.. he gets the idea that it's not fun already..

good morning mummies!!!

pauline and blueginger,

very good leh. so fast can strike.
must be feeling 'xin1 wei4' that you can strike so fast after weaning RaeAnne.

thanks for the photo.
how come C looks so small sitting beside H?
H like a dajiejie

yes. i find the book quite inspiring.
i am now practicing the techniques on myself to calm myself down.
later will go library to borrow the positive discipline book.

thanks for the tips.
hope i will remember those when C makes me angry.
