(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

me jia lat, both hb and me marshmellow heart...

i read ur post on the auntie kaypoh part, very "drama" and comical. haha...

re: small babies
glad to know that there are still a few babies on the petite side. ashlynn is not alone...
Thanks xiaoyun, bkkgal and happymum. After this episode, realise that erm.. being parents are not easy leh. Esp worse when ur baby is sick... over at genting, my hubby evern resort to using his mouth to suckk out mucus from gwen's nose cause she kept tearing and her mucus keep running and also blocking her airway. I really think my hubby has done a lot of things for baby, he is a bit hard hearted but much more patient compared to me.
This is a bit out of the blue.. anyone noes whether the thai buffet at parkway is still around..? is the food good? How much does it cost?
i know what u mean, they sometimes so kelian hor
but must be careful, my 18months nephew now q spoilt cos ILs (caregivers) always give in to his cries last time and now he is inbetween crying/throwing tantrums about everything - eating, changing shirt, etc. most days the minute he steps into the house he is already protesting about something. aiyo!
btw just FYI i just got my exploration station today. i think the shipping for it alone probably cost about USD30+? (i shipped other stuff as well, so looking at the size and weight overall lah).

wow, well done!!! :D do u still do dream feed?
but for pram, i think my bb prefers to see me also, altho he only sometimes cries in the maclaren, he seldom cries in the quinny...

your mum so happening!! maybe if it's heavy u can put outside your home and collect petty cash from other neighbours who want to let their bbs sit, hahah..
thks for ur compliment
gwen is so sweet and very demure. u r right, ashlynn's head very small. haha...

wow, ur genting trip is really an experience. ur hubby so wei da

yah i also wondering.. sometimes my bb only take 80, but mostly he'll drink about 150, and always seems so hungry when i want to feed him, so i guess it's not time to cut it off yet
hi jass! thank you for yr pic....
can i link u to my blog?

hahaha.. u should have loh.. cos he was complaining of his hand cramped after carrying vaise for too long.
bkkgal, well done, I must try to do that too but always not sure if she's getting enough in the day to cut out her night feeds. Maybe can try to push her around in the pram at home first, will she tolerate? At least no one to interfere?

Busy busy weekend cos PT cleaner not free to come and today's not much better since I'm still awake at this time. Sigh.
house too small lah...cannot push ard..
Is RaeAnne waking in the night? Normally is hungry or just wanna play? At one time, mine was waking up habitually at 4.30 am. Very jialat. One way to test is to offer water until they find it's not worth getting up to drink water anymore. hee!

Baby's temperaments
I found this useful - it's devised by 2 child devt specialists to help you understand your child. It's a good tool to help you manage your child if you know his/her temperament better. There's nothing negative or positive abt the traits.

hi mummies...

long time never post here....just saw your gathering pics at jass's multiply site... looks like you all have fun !! sooo nicee....all bb gal looks soooo cute, me also want bb gal !! hahaha.. keep telling my hb...next one bb gal yeah :p

i didn't know about the gathering and even if i do, i still have problem bringing my son out coz he still dun want to drink milk outside... v difficult to feed him outside so usually he will "fast" unless he is extremely hungry, then he will get crankyn due ultimate combo of "hungryness + sleepyness"...till now we have to wait till he's sleepy and give him milk while he's falling asleep...not a good habit i know but rather than not drinking, i resort to this
promise myself if i have 2nd one, will train to bottlefeed from beginning and not feed him in bed :p anyway, bcoz of this we hardly bring him out for long...and if we do, have to make sure there's a quiet nursing room where i can feed him...

just read about your pram episode...my cayleb last time also dun like to be in his pram, so what we do is like what kitsune say.... first month we put him in pram and push around the house, at least in a familiar surrounding, then after he "graduated", we "promote" him to bringing him out every morning around the block... and now he will be happy to see his pram coz he associate pram = going out... oh, my house is also small but just try push around living room, kitchen and bedrooms.... might want to clean your pram's wheels first to ensure that your house doesn't become dirty from it...

re light bb, i think my son can also go into that category... showed my hb the bb's pictures and he commented that all bb seems v chubby compare to my son... he was around 7.5 at 6mth and i think for a bb boy this is considered quite light :p now worse, think he lost weight coz he's been teething so since sun he didn't drink/eat much... on sunday was baaadddd, i think he only drank 200-300ml at most!

okay...gotta go back to work...
tute - just wondering have u statrted baby on solids? Maybe he prefers food to milk? My baby is also not a milk baby, one day only drink 400 ml, in addition to lunch n dinner tho. I was so worried but pd say as long as she's gaining weight is ok to give solids.
i know what u mean abt not wanting to drink milk outside.. my bb was partial bottle fed from day 1, but he's still so curious and kaypoh when we're out, he'll hardly drink or not drink much. a friend suggested i use those breastfeeding covers if i want to bottle feed, but anyway now on solids he's pretty ok and will eat when everyone is having lunch.

but i guess some of our bbs just don't seem to like milk much, which is a bit reassuring that it's common. some days my bb hardly drinks also, but others he can chug down 600+ (which is considered good liao!) in addition to his 2 solids.
o dear, your description abt the pram training is so funny. sorry sorry, i know its quite bad to laugh as this is really stressful for both of you. your hubby must be quite hurt w all those remarks. hope kate will learn to like her pram soon. or perhaps you can just try to carry her till she can walk by herself (maybe another 6 months more??) Jia you kate's daddy and mummy.

poor girl, sorry to hear your very stressful trip. is gwen feeling better back in singapore? how is her rash?

garfield, bx, happy:
i'm also masrshmellow heart, can't stand matthew crying for long. but last time hubby can let him cry even in the middle of the night... wah.. i cannot stand leh, later wake the whole neighbourhood very paiseh.

yeah.. link me link me

re: mummy/ baby blog:
can i have your blog links again? i reformat pc as i kinda kill it so my bookmarks are GONE.... sob~

mrs loh:
voted for vernon
he is so cute
is he feeling better already? how abt yourself, seen dr liao?
garfield: new job , but will sahm for 1 mth first before starting new job hehe. but i havent got an offer yet!! so still cant tender yet
tute & iso jie jie:

me too... matthew is too 'hong sim' to drink milk outside. brought him out for wedding dinner last sun. he only drink max 20 ml then refuse to drink liao. he will rather play and look ard. luckily i brought 2 biscuits (actually wanted to give my god daugther).. . managed to feed him those.
he started on solids but he's only interested in food we eat and not so much in his own food :p but he likes the nestle gold cereal that we give him and seems to quite like home made rice porridge
my mom uses chicken stock to make the rice porridge... and started giving him farley biscuit mixed with milk as well... but now he refused to eat prob due to teething

haha...we are on the same boat !! very stressful when you are outside right... hey jass, what kind of biscuit are you giving matthew ?

bloody phlegm sounds bad...have you seen a doc ?
hahaha! actually it's quite funny to think back! Ok, I will jiayou and persevere in pram training! Luckily, high chair training turned out ok. Yday went to buy the ikea hi-chair, cheap and good. So far so good. She knows sit in hi-chair means got makan! hehe.

hope u feel better. i voted for vernon liao. like his eyebrows. so boy!

slowcooker solids
erm...can i ask those mommies who use slowcooker to cook bb's porridge, how big is your slowcooker huh? I have a pretty big one, which means I need to cook quite a lot of porridge but we adults dun wanna eat porridge everyday leh! But yet, cannot cook little bit or keep overnight. So what do you do huh?
ya loh! actually dowan to eat nevermind, more convenient for me. just that i don't want him to be waking up more at night for milk cos of that!!

i plan to use a thermos type cooker, like the thermos shuttle chef or tiger type ones. i bought a small one, i think it says 2L but it sure dun look like it could hold 2L of water to me, hee.
Hi Cherly,
I voted for Vernon.

any mummies give ur baby eat baby biscuit? my nanny give my baby biscuit is it ok ?
voted for vernon too! hope u get well soon.

thanks for your compliment on Shawn

i salute u leh re training kate to sleep thru the nite. there was once i tried not to feed shawn when he wakes up at nite. carried him for half an hour trying to soothe him (or maybe i shouldn't have carried him?) but he kept crying non stop. finally i bu ren xin and latched him on. thereafter he wakes up another 2 times on that nite. worse than before. probably he was frightened. feel like trying ur method. my only concern is that he'll cry till vomit. can only try the cold turkey method when i'm on leave, else i'll become a zombie at work.

u don't like ur current job/company?

glad to hear from you again. shawn also didn't want bottle initially. after i went back to work, guess he knows either drink from milk bottle or go hungry. so he chose the former :p

maybe u can consider getting a small slow cooker. there's those that's really small and is perfect to prepare porridge for baby.
cooking porridge:
i use those small slow cooker also. just nice for cooking baby portion.

bkkgal: my gal was waking 4.30am for a period of time, then i feel maybe temperature cold (was actually 25 degrees), so i increase to 26 degrees, subsequently she sleep till 7plus..heng.
stephie: current job no business, no increment, no bonus. so got to jump ship.

Re: Sleep thru
Any baby still wake up at night for feed/pat? Mine still. couldnt let me have 一觉到天亮one..
amazon order can give me. i'm collating for spree #4. can PM me your order?

my bb still waking up at night. you're not alone =) usually once.
yeah i also dun mind the not drinking part...but the crankyness that comes afterwards is what's tiring me :p but then again, i think it depends on his mood...

hehe...yeah, somehow today feel a bit free... usually i'm running around like a mad woman in office. somemore now pumping takes at least half an hour so overall oredi 1 hour gone with 2x pumping in office...and can't do ot coz bb waiting at home so gotta maximise time in office...
cayleb's drinking from bottle now just that he only wants to drink on our bed lying sideways and can only drink a lot when he's falling asleep

you can do it !! hopefully kate can get used to her pram soon... keep trying ok

re waking up at night...recently y son been waking up twice during night time instead of once...maybe due to teething :p i try to sleep earlier now around 10-11pm to make up for the lack of sleep

btw, any mummies giving homecook porridge + breast milk purely? wondering if i need to give iron supplement because my son still on tbf and he does eat cereal now mainly because i worry if give home made porridge then he won't have enough iron intake?
how old is your bb?
i don't know when i should replace 1 milk feed with 1 solid leh. he's now 6.5 mth old.
i should have recorded my #1's feeding amt last time... now feeling quite lost though i am a 2nd time mum. haha...
hope you get new job soon.

i read that your boy got 6 teeth already? mine still boh geh. haha...
shaun wakes up for milk or wanna pat pat?

you can add in beet root into the porridge. beet root is good for iron. green veggie also can.
sunny, yea tomorrow gonig for interview... but a bit scared cuz i heard lots of work to do one.. went for another interview but no news, maybe doesnt want me

yeah, shaun has 6 teeth already, 2 bottom, 4 on top. he wakes up and dont want pat pat leh. think i will spend 1 hour patting him if i din latch him. once latch he will just fall asleep. do you think he wants milk or just want comfort sucking? my dad complained. he said add cereal into FM for his last feed@!

sunny, can bb take beet root now? did you cook veggie stock for porridge? did you use millet and quinoe? cuz vegetarian bb, so just wanna make sure shaun got wellbalanced diet..

my boy is coming 7mths in a week time. i jus start to replace 1 milk feed..cos need to get him to eat more porridge subsequently.

hv u start giving ur boy porridge? wat did u put in porridge? currently m still giving single items.
My baby takes about 5 milk feeds and one solid feed a day. Do you consider this a replacement? Coz down from 6 milk feeds a day. When baby was born, it was about 8 feeds, then 7 feeds..then when he slept longer at night it was 6 feeds..so now its 5 milk feeds...
don't lose confidence in yourself. just try your best.

i haven't let my boy take porridge yet. will do so after i let him try more types of vegies 1st. so far, he tried avocado, cereal, sweet potato and potato.

you can use beet root to cook with the porridge but don't let him eat 1st. 'cos beet root quite difficult to cook till nua nua one.

you can cook brown rice porridge instead of white rice. 'cos brown rice more nutritious. last time, for my gal, i add in millet, and lentils as well.

then, when he's slightly older, you can let him take egg yolk, mushroom, green vegies, tofu, carrot, seaweed. then, can add in a bit flaxseed powder (either blend it yourself or buy from those organic shop).

what's quinoe?
Tongtong..my boy wakes up at 4.30am sometimes. Somtimes he doesn't. But I think now I so used to it..in my dreamland I can't even really remember whether he woke up..heheheh

But I dun mind him waking up leh..at least can clear my breat and keep supply. Wonder whther its good for him to wake up to feed at night as this age.
i plan to gv my boy porridge when he's 7 mth old. will add millet and the vegies he has been taking during this mth loh. and slowly add new food and try if he's allergic to any new food. that's my plan lah.

i think replacemenet meaning instead of feeding milk for that meal, you gv solid.
my boy is still taking 6 feeds and only 1 time solid before the milk.
when u say slightly older, meaning like 10 months? so many things to feed but sometimes no clue what to do, haha
what exactly is millet?

if my bb hasn't had enough milk during the day he will also wake bet/w 4-5am, otherwise on other days he'll sleep from midnight to 730... i think they are still hungry and need the milk.
hi mummies,
just brought erlene for her 3rd jab & back home..

sigh, her weight gain is v minimal.. only increased by 300g since 1.5 mth ago..
her weight at 6mth 3 week is 7.2 kg

her height is 68cm (5 cm up from last height taken 1.5mth ago)
doc said she is growing well looking at her height despite she din gained alot of weight and she may grow up being a tall & slim gal..
*will my erlene be a supermodel in future? =P*

re: milk/solid intake
sigh, erlene was drinking lesser these few days, sometime drink only half of her usual 150ml..
we also tried feeding her with kor kor's porridge but she does not seems to like it..
her small appetite is the main "culprit" for her light weight ! haizzz..

so does my erlene won the throne for being the lightest baby ? lol...

sunny: yea flaxseed is a good one! quinoe is 小小米,smaller than millet. i'm thinking to cook soup with kombu to cook porridge. dunno can or not? cuz kombu nutirtious too ma right

iso: millet is 小米. can get from organic shop too.
