(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

happy, as long as doc say she is growing well then you should be happy ma! why you want erlene to become bui bui meh? hehe . i really like carrying erlene lor..petite size and cute, easier to carry you know!!

slightly older, it's abt 9 mths bah. haha... i also scratch head on what exactly i should feed my boy. lose memories on what i fed my gal last time....

wah, still got xiao xiao mi... thought millet is very small liao.
you cook plain millet without adding rice to shaun? how long do you cook? very sticky right?
kombu is hai3 dai4? it is nutritious but quite liang leh. mayb you wanna add some ginger in.

ya, agree with tong. as long as she's growing well, don't worry. :D

re: weight
shall we put down our bb's weight here?
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg
even though i am not vegetarian, the quinoe, millet, and flaxseed talk makes me drool. (don't know why, i've never tried them before though :p)

erlene so tall ah.. tall and slim. envy envy..
sunnyL yea millet only without rice. keke. should have cooked millet+brown rice! er, not very sticky.. actualy my mum cooks not me hehe. but we blended the millet cuz afraid shaun cant digest. yea hai dai. is liang ah? okok but bb can take ginger now meh?

re: weight
shall we put down our bb's weight here?
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
wah 9.1kg!
my bb at just before 6M was 6.88kg only. now at 7M i dunno how heavy he is, but he's getting too heavy for me to carry already, haha.

ok thanks tongtong and sunny
will keep a look out
re: weight
shall we put down our bb's weight here?
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
keke.. ya lor, i think so long as erlene is healthy, that is the most important..

re: weight
shall we put down our bb's weight here?
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
re: weight
shall we put down our bb's weight here?
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg
Hi cheryl,
I've voted for vernon too. Do take care of yourself ya. Mummies need to stay healthy for our babies.

Hi Artemis,
can i collect the Healthy Times cereals from you at Harbour Front on weekday lunch ?

Re: weight
My son is 7 months plus, not sure how heavy he is too. At 6 months, he's 7.8 kg.
shall we put down our bb's weight here?
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm

think we should add height too right? more 'complete' picture
re: weight and height
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg - 72cm
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm
a bit i think is ok loh. during confinement, bb also took ginger with us. haha... if you are worried, then don't let him take hai dai 1st. :D

ntuc also got sell millet. at their little organic stuff corner.
my blog is www.my2blessing.blogspot.com

bkkgal, sori.. i too find the whole espiode funny. but trust me. if i am in yr hb's shoe, i too will blow my top

for vaise, he has his stroller at home. where ny mum will push him away... n this boy will have his meal(except) milk in it... so much so that we r a bit pai say to bring it out.
too dirty!!! after washing, still so dirty.. so now got to get another stoller.

tong, Shawn got 6 tooth!!! vaise only got 2.

re: weight
shall we put down our bb's weight here?
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg
6. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm

re:lightest bb
happy, aiya.. like that then can match vaise ma...
replacing milk feed

I am already feeding Heidi with 2 porridge, and she's down to 3-4 milk feeds. My PD says can increase to 3 solid feeds liao though, but i duno how to fit into my feeding time given that her first feed is already at 8am. Or i should replace that first feed with solid already?? Seems like she's having more porridge than milk. And her appetite for porridge is really good. now i am worried she become fat baby..haha

her schedule is like this
8am - 180ml milk
11am - porridge (3/4 bowl)
2pm - 180 milk
4pm - snack (fruit)
530pm-6pm - porridge
930pm - 180 milk

i also just order the bumper playmat - finally
Tongtong, stephie, mine still wake up at night.

bkkgal, think it's because she can't self soothe to sleep so if she wakes up, must latch or pat.
will try water one day.

re: weight
shall we put down our bb's weight here?
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg
6. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm
7. kitsune - gal - 7m 2 w - 7.6kg (featherweight)
you all dun like me isit...everytime my entry get override - that time the marche gathering also like that. :p

re: weight and height
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg - 72cm
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm
7. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm
i could spend my whole life doing this...
re: weight and height
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg - 72cm
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm
7. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm
8. kitsune - gal - 7m 2 w - 7.6kg (featherweight)
sorry been sick...think ruth pass to me!

ruth sleep about 9-6 on average. very very thankful for that already sicne she just became 'like that' without any 'training'.

but she will definitely need one feed between 4.30-6.30am. Varying time depends on what time she fell asleep.

Ruth alternates between porridge and cereal everyday. She gets sick of food easily so have to keep changing. Cuz there have been times she look very sian when we give her food and sometimes she very excited and eat enthusiastically.

She has 2 solid feeds a day, and about 4 milk feeds. milk feeds about 120ml or less...cuz she usually doesn't finish.

ruth has been on soy milk for the past few days - read that normal formula makes phlegm worse so decided to switch her. so far so good. She's drinking ISOMIL.

can't remember who was asking..but sometime back i stated that my mum 'steams' porridge in a rather large slow cooker. each time is small portion. using large one better for steaming.

she says steaming preserves nutrients better than cooking. basically like steaming normal food. just put water in the slow cooker, then in a separate dish, put in the uncooked rice/millet/whatever and that's it. takes about half an hour.
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg - 72cm
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg / 66cm (tat is when 5mth measure 1) now duno how long
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm
7. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm
8. kitsune - gal - 7m 2 w - 7.6kg (featherweight)
Me too feeling loss also at times. Cos no.1 and valerie different.

re: weight and height
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg - 72cm
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg (tat is when 5mth measure 1) now duno how long
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm
7. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm
8. kitsune - gal - 7m 2 w - 7.6kg (featherweight)
9. Thankful - gal - 6m 2w - 9.735kg / 69.4cm
wah, your gal is a sumo baby! how you bring her around? my boy 9kg, i carry from my house to downstairs, i already buay tahan liao...
re: weight and height
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg - 72cm
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg (tat is when 5mth measure 1) now duno how long
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm
7. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm
8. kitsune - gal - 7m 2 w - 7.6kg (featherweight)
9. Thankful - gal - 6m 2w - 9.735kg / 69.4cm
10. andrea - gal - 6m 2w - 8kg / 71cm
RE. Sleeping through the night
Hillary still cant sleep through the night. Gave her last feed of fm 130ml at 8pm and she woke up at 11pm to cry for milk again. Then she woke up at 1am and 4am, really making me panda. I wonder if she is waking up due to habit or she is really hungry!!
kitsune: i also going to try giving water to shaun tonight! see how it goes...

qingling, what kind of porrdige do you give?

Thankful: wah your gal 9.8kg at 6m+!! ur milk very powerful ! hehe

Andrea: yesterday my son last feed (latch 10pm), then 2am latch again, 5am latch again. I'm quite used to the life liao. but my parents complained. So i got to give water tonight!!!
thks for the beet root tip, but will it make the porridge bitter? or is it sweet?

RE: replacing milk feed,
still dun dare to do this coz my son still light weight so want to give him as much milk as i can and he can't seem to take a lot of milk/food at one goal so frequent small intake (~100-125ml) is the approach i'm takin now..but he is having small porridge/cereal serving 2x a day and 1x fruit as snack...

re: weight and height
1. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg - 72cm
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg (tat is when 5mth measure 1) now duno how long
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm
7. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm
8. kitsune - gal - 7m 2 w - 7.6kg (featherweight)
9. Thankful - gal - 6m 2w - 9.735kg / 69.4cm
10. andrea - gal - 6m 2w - 8kg / 71cm
11. tute - boy - 6m - 7.5kg / 69cm (think featherweight also)
qingling - re: replacing milk feeds. i think my gal's schedule similar to your bb, except she drink a lot less milk. i think if want to include breakfast, then the lunch should shift a little later closer to 12. so maybe :

8.00 milk 180ml
8.45 breakfast
11.30/12 lunch
3.00 milk?

i dun dare to give breakfast yet cos my gal already dun drink milk, if i include breakfast then she will decrease to 3 feeds a day only. but eventually if i include breakfast, i think this will be my routine for her. let me know what works, next time i refer to your 'model answer'. haha.
i know what u mean! i wonder if i shld increase amt at each solid feed, or include brekkie also, but so far i only feeding him twice. milk still about 500-700mls a day, sometimes barely 500.
i guess he is teething also so the appetite is affected, which makes it even harder for me to guess what he wants, haha.
did your PD advise what is the optimal amt of milk to drink? my dad read somewhere that baby still needs to drink about 700ml+ of milk a day up to about 1 yr old.

is it ok if they drink less? how to make up for the nutrients?
tong - i tink i not very creative with the porridge leh. i let my mum cook wat she feels is ok. She normally use "ngor" fish. and vege is either carrot, or pumpkin or spinach or "yin" choy. But now i see, her variety is very limited. I should ask my mum to explore other variety of vegetables to add.

Now my mum is alternating between pork and fish, not yet start chicken. But i let Heidi started on egg yolk also last Sat. And yesterday we fed her some tofu. She really eats anything..hmm..haha..now she demands to eat whenever she sees us eating..

She tried a variety of fruits as well. Peach, banana, apple, pear, avocado (i must say i am not a fan..haha), watermelon, honeydew, rock melon.

your boy is really tanking up also in the night hor. i think i cannot make it if i have to wake up so many times. Now Heidi sleeps from 9.30 to at least 730 which is very gd for me. Though sometimes she will cry ard 11pm or 12..but i just pat her back to sleep when she cries.

oscar - haha..really i am not studying any books now to give her this routine meals. i used to be very anxious..now work is overwhelming..i took a break..let mum decide. I just intefere with what kind of food to give or not to give first.
Ya lor BM powerful heehee.. Lately buay tahan also can't carry her too long. She's catching up my no.1 weight already. No.1 going to 12kgs only and he's coming to 3 already. You know what Valerie wearing same diaper size as no.1, SIZE L.

Drinking milk & soft food
Valerie still drinking milk 180ml every 3hrly! After having her soft food, she can demand her milk after just 1hr later! This has been her routine since she turn 6mths old.
I think my boy will be the lightest in the list. This weight was taken about 2 weeks back. Height not taken as he went to see pd for fever, not assessment.

. sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg - 72cm
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg (tat is when 5mth measure 1) now duno how long
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm
7. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm
8. kitsune - gal - 7m 2 w - 7.6kg (featherweight)
9. Thankful - gal - 6m 2w - 9.735kg / 69.4cm
10. andrea - gal - 6m 2w - 8kg / 71cm
11. tute - boy - 6m - 7.5kg / 69cm (think featherweight also)
12.. sweetpea - boy - 6m2w - 7.03kg

Mummies, when you cook porridge in slowcooker, how long do you cook for and what is the consistency? Currently my MIL grinds the rice to powder form, then cook in the pot. But I was thinking may be easier to useslow cooker..but do you use the whole grain or do you grind the rice?
Sorry to disturb.
Anyone uses Bliss confinement agency before? Any feedback? Appreciate with sharing ur experience with me. Pls PM me. Thanks!
beet root is considered sweet, but got those kind of grass taste. and the porridge will look very red after you put in. some ppl don't like the colour. haha...

your gal powerful manz... but i think when bb starts crawling and walking, the weight gained will slow down.
my gal 2.5 yo, now going to 13kg only. last time she was abt 7kg at 6m; so easy to bring her around.
garfield - this kiasu mommy actually wrote a long email to the PD, stating isabel's routine and milk amt hehe. i said she is taking average 400ml a day only. PD reply said that as long as she is growing, milk is only a supplement and that solids can give her all the nutrition she needs. he said some kids just don't like milk. sigh. mine lor.

sweetpea - i cook the porridge for 2 hours on HI in slowcooker, and then 1 hour on AUTO. i don't grind the rice. for the vege, i wll just mince finely and cook together with the rice. the final consistency is quite thick, can see like broken up rice grains but its not hard.

mommies - i have a question on sleeping in aircon room in the day. currently isabel sleeps in her one piece romper in the aircon room for her nap. aircon used to be at 25 degrees but now she keeps rolling around and kicking away the blanket so i scared she's cold and i increase the aircon to 26 degrees. but now her head is sweaty! argh. any ideas on how to keep the blanket over them?
Hi all,

this is the first time I am here. My boy is a Feb baby. He is about 6 months and 2 weeks old now. Read through the threads.. I am also interested to find out how to intro solid to my boy and how to go about changing stage 2 formula milk to my boy.
last time i used to grind toasted brown rice before cooking. cooking time is so much shorter (from 45mins to abt 15 mins).
hi all,
My baby is a Feb boy. Abt 2 mths and 2 weeks old.
I am slowly changing to the Stage 2 milk by giving stage 1 at 1 feed and also introducing stage 2 at another feed.
like that ah? but then headache to provide all the nutrition via solids right? no wonder you need to plan your menu so thoroughly.

re sleeping - get a sleeping bag. no way baby can kick that off.
Hi Yen Lim,

re to into stage 2 FM, you can either mix the new FM wif old (eg 1scoop new to 2 scoop old) for all your feed for 1 week then slowly increase 1 scoop week by week until u changed fully OR you can give full new FM during afternoon feed and slowly increase again.

Depends on which milk powder you using, u can actually call the milk powder company and ask. Alternatively is ask you PD. My PD recommend me the mixing new & old FM solution.

hope the abv helps
Hi theangels,

thanks alot. I tried introducing the new FM to my boy but it seems that he is not very comfortable with it. Though it makes him poo everyday. My boy used to have pooing prob when he was taking the old FM. I decided to try another brand. It seems to solve the pooing prob but my boy keeps letting out gas very loudly and burping very loudly often. Sigh..
re: switching of stage 1 to stage 2 FM

sigh.. i oso faced some problem while switching erlene from stage 1 to stage 2 FM..
after the complete switch over, she poo about 3-4 times a day, usually soft stools. On one occasion the stool is like diarrhea type, so we quickly switch her back to stage 1 again. after that, she din poo for 4 days..
i think her system get "confused" with all the switching.. will try to slowly switch her to stage 2 FM again and if the same problem persist, will go see PD..
Some mummies here do not suggest you to mix both stage 1 and 2 formula together. My friend's PD also said change 1feed to Stage 2 and the rest of feed Stage 1. Then slowly increase the frequency week after week.

Yen Lim,
You can call the FM company nurses to check with them.
Tks Oscar.

Stephie..the purpose of toasting the brown rice is to er..cook it?
Actually I dunno how to see whether the ground brown rice is cooked or not..I just see that everything becomes paste-like after about 20 mins, then I switch off the fire. Dunno if the rice is cooked!

I'm Feb mummy 2, but seldom hv the time 2 post.

Like 2 ask the mummies here. Wat type of banana can we give our babies?

I aso using slow cooker 2 cook porridge 4 my gal. In total took 4hrs! Hw come some mummies can do it within 1 or 2 hrs? Must we really grind the rice so tat it will cook faster? But then, hw abt the veggies leh? Eg. Carrot/potato? They r hard.
When she turn 6mths I intro FM of 30ml, Valerie also constipation till she cried. Thereafter give lots of water and intro fruits (jar or fresh). Now at 60ml of FM, stool soft but very smelly har!
i gave matthew baby biscuits @ times as a 'treat' coz its quite sweet and xiang haa~

i'm giving farley baby biscuits now. my mum bought heinz's teething rusk.. hahah quite happy w it as its is what i was looking for preciously... the 'hard' biscuits that will not melt in bb's mouth like the heinz's farley biscuit. matt loves it too... can chew for very long although he keep dropping it all over and I have to pick up, wash and give it back to him.

jia you in the training.. hope kate will learn to associate pram w gai gai and start to love it.

sunny / theangels:
i have replaced 1 solid (cereal) w 1 milk feed. also added single item into the cereal.

re: porridge:
can i find out those mummies who gave bb porridge, you are talking about porridge cooked using the rice powder or use normal rice cook until very very nuah?

wow... erlene is so tall! keep it up erlene, you can be tall and slim super model man...

re: weight and height
wah... i havent check ever since i send him for his jab @ 5.5mths le...

hope your job offer comes soon. gd luck!

yenlin & sabbie:
my boy is 6 mths and 2 weeks coming 3 weeks. for stage 2 FM, i heard if you are giving the same brand FM, can give straight away, not need to to do step by step.. but since my boy is trying all kinds of FM, we just give him straight away. for solids, I start to give him a litte at a time (started with 1 teaspoon of cereal mix with a little FM) then gradually increase the cereal and reduce the FM for 1 feed till he is completely on ceral for that feed.

sunny - boy - 6m - 9kg - 72cm
2. tongtong - boy - 6m - 9.1kg
3. xiaoyun - girl - 6m - 7.1kg
4. happymum2b - girl - 6m 3w - 7.2kg
5. cheryl - boy - 7m 2w - 9.3kg (tat is when 5mth measure 1) now duno how long
6. lezy - girl - 6m 3w - 8.1kg / 70cm
7. dor11- boy - 7m 2 w - 9.8kg(at 6mths old.. think now got 10kg ba)/68cm
8. kitsune - gal - 7m 2 w - 7.6kg (featherweight)
9. Thankful - gal - 6m 2w - 9.735kg / 69.4cm
10. andrea - gal - 6m 2w - 8kg / 71cm
11. tute - boy - 6m - 7.5kg / 69cm (think featherweight also)
12.. sweetpea - boy - 6m2w - 7.03kg
13 jeannie- girl- 6m3w-7.2kg
