(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

sleeping on tummy
i let my bb sleep on her tummy whenever possible even at night. she refuses to let us swaddle her thus sleeping on tummy is the only way to let her sleep longer.

my mum told me to introduce sleeping on her tummy as early as possible if not at later stage, bb wont like it already. thus if you want, still can try! try to lift up your boy's bump higer to make way for his tummy?

finally today is my last day of confinement ; so happy!! but MIL told me to avoid seafood until 40days later! cant wait to drink coke =)

Hi gals,

I am planning for Danica's full month celebrations next Saturday. Was wondering if you gals got any halal caterers to recommend? Cause I need to cater for Muslim colleagues. So far I only found:

- www.delihub.com.sg
- eatzcatering.com
- www.fourseasons.com.sg
- www.liangfood.com.sg
- www.qzin.com.sg
- www.rasel.com.sg
- www.royal.com.sg

As this is the first time I am planning for such an event, would appreciate your valuable feedback or if you have any recommendations other than the above. Thanks in advance!
re: wind problem, what i do is massage my bb everytime i change diapers. do the circular clockwise massage and another one is stroke tummy middle and side from top to bottom (ard tummy area) and from side tummy to the middle slightly downwards... sorry, v diff to describe... but it seems that it's helping... read this in the net that 1 mummy with colicky bb massage her bb every nappy change for 5 min. I don't do it for 5 min coz my boy will get cranky so i just do it for 1-2 min...

ic...then in order to reduce you'll need to reduce freq of pumping slowly maybe extend the interval a bit? i did reduce once by stopping pumping completely and only relied on latch on, and initially felt a bit engorged but after a while my ss adjust...
Sigh, my supply is plummeting drastically due to lack of time to pump (on a crazy day the most I can manage is pump 3x a day) and lack of time to eat regularly (hungry mummy = supply drop!). For a while I can get 200ml (combined) for my first pump in the morning, today it dropped to 80ml in all! I think its a matter of time there wont be much anymore.

Garfield, I think most of the major FM companies do produce a soy version. But there is alot of controversy about soy FM, you might wanna google and read more about it.

dorothy, all bbs are different, if u put yr bb on his tummy and he doesnt seem to like it then maybe its not for him?

winnie, bb is yours, CL is hired help, so i think its your right to tell her what *you* are comfortable with, now what she is comfortable with, esp things pertaining to bb. Its just like if you have a maid, would you let her close the door with bb alone just because she says she is used to it? Just my $0.02's.

pigletail, if u really wanna stop BF, then just keep stretching the no of times u are expressing, and each time just express very little, just enuf for your boobs to feel less engorged. If u do this consistently, yr supply will be gone in no time.
Just wonder any mummy interested in the busybaby nursing wrap. There is a BP fr business thread gg on for $45/piece. But if we order fr the website wth min 10 pieces order should be able to get abt $30+ wth CGW freight charges. Let me know if anyone are interested, I will help to order...



u dun mind my tube of desitin without box?? but i only used once.... den hb dun wan say too hard to wash away... if u dun mind i will pass u on the day of gathering

today is hb bday n our wedding anniversary... haaa...

any1 going expo baby fair?
berry understand your point, but the CL is here for only 14 days, and then she said it is not her practise, so idid not push her further

Qoosan I am interested, but worried about collection, cos i am confined to home since hubby is not in. can opt for postage??

2. Winnie
where do u stay? I m staying at cck, can arrange collection in west area. Else someone fr the east/other area might be able to collect on behalf first...

I am intrerested in the hip green one.


when is the expo fair.

I am from mar mummy thread but gave birth to bb on 29 Feb. Fine if i join your thread?
Just wonder any mummy interested in the busybaby nursing wrap. There is a BP fr business thread gg on for $45/piece. But if we order fr the website wth min 10 pieces order should be able to get abt $30+ wth CGW freight charges. Let me know if anyone are interested, I will help to order...


I will place the order once we hit 10 pieces.

1. tute
2. winnie
3. bkkgal
4. iang - hip green
5. qoosan - hip green
tubao, how much is the yaolan you bot, issit those sarong type?

garfield: it's isomil. so your bb is allergy to cow's milk. i suspect my bb is not allergy, but it's due to my foremilk/hindmilk imbalance.

sunny: yea sometimes after feed, we will play with him for a while since he is so alert and happy. then when he starts to cry for sleeping we will put him on tummy.
Hi Qoosan,
Thanks for organizing. I would like one too.

1. tute
2. winnie
3. bkkgal
4. iang - hip green
5. qoosan - hip green
6. Garfield9 - chocolate
thanks berry, tong and dor for the info.

ya, it's a suspected cow's milk allergy via my BM. so pd said if need to supplement with FM then pick one that is soya based.
Hi mine as follow amended

1. tute
2. winnie - Snowflake blue
3. bkkgal
4. iang - hip green
5. qoosan - hip green
6. Garfield9 - chocolate
Hi Qoosan,

I am interested as well.

1. tute
2. winnie - Snowflake blue
3. bkkgal
4. iang - hip green
5. qoosan - hip green
6. Garfield9 - chocolate
7. Artemis - Black Wrap
1. tute
2. winnie - Snowflake blue
3. bkkgal - soft pink
4. iang - hip green
5. qoosan - hip green
6. Garfield9 - chocolate
7. Artemis - Black Wrap

Anyone's baby refuses to nap in the daytime? Mine has been awake since 3am. She napped on and off from 5 to 6 am and since then has been awake until now 12.30 pm. I'm already so tired nursing her, rocking, patting, even brought to walk around downstairs. Still nothing can make her sleep. Worse still, not that she is quietly sitting there looking ard, but she is fussing and crying! i really dunno wat to do already.

Everyday I'm trying to make sure she has right amt of sleep and wake times. Either she sleeps too much in the day and I suffer at night or sleeps too little in the day and at night, I can't wake her to feed. aarrgggghhh!!!
I'm so tired i feel like just giving her FM for the afternoon feed and take a nap myself! But i'm afraid after take FM, she will play a fool with my nipples by twisting and turning her head and nibbling me (which has happened before).
i am typing whileputting her on bestfriend bf pillow hehee.

not sure if it is the correct spelling above.

bkkgal, my girl also twist my nipples, very painful...

2 nights ago when i handle her alone, i change her diaper, she pooh and it flies so far that lands on my shirt, her bed, and the floor... 2am somemore.... ithot i could have rest but that happens...

mums who are still on bf.
may i know, do we need to slowly phase out latchingsince we are going back to work?? cos i think she is treating me as pacifier liao..

then we go on pump alone??

now hor, as i still latch her on, and i pump 6 times a day, each time only around 80.... does it mean if i dont latch, it will go up more??
and i dont know if it is bad habit or what, she is like very frequent on my breast now.... put her down she cries and eats her hand with sound somemore.... is eating hand = hungry???
my boy was awake yesterday 3pm+ till 10pm+. during this period, he kept wanting to suckle... very tiring. not sure if it's because my cl kept playing with him whenever she saw him open his eyes.

my boy will not sleep although he's tired, keep yawning leh. and just now, i tried to put him to sleep on tummy, he cried loudly. only until i let him latch on a while and he gradually dozed off, then i quickly put him to sleep on tummy, then it works. i hope he's not treating my breast as pacifier.

yes, you need to gradually switch to expressing bm during your maternity leave. last time what i did was about 1.5 mth before maternity leave ends, i started expressing. the schedule would be exactly like what i was going to follow after i went to work:
630am, 8pm, 11pm - latch on
930am, 1pm, 4pm - express
(that time, my gal slept thru at 2.5 mth old, hope this boy does that, too.)
hi ladies...

Vernon'sMummy, thanks for the tip info on baby sitter! does anyone know the rate for a "5 days a week, stay over night" sitter?

tongtong, I don't have good supply, in fact, very very low supply! 30-50ml (more often its 30ml) every 3 hr. my bb requires 100ml every 3 hrs.

thanks for your tip on gripe water, will get a bottle to stand by. for my bb, mil applied ru yi oil and massaged his tummy few times thru the day/night and he has 'recovered'.but we are still checking out his tummy size frequently now to monitor.

Berry, thanks for the tip on reducing milk supply, i will use this method instead of just stopping abruptly.

winnie, my cl closed the door on her 1st day, then i asked her nicely not to and she did not for the remaining days. yes, now i recall this myth about wearing a wine stopper too, but think will follow Berry's tip. i shouldn't have problems lah, given my supply is very low to begin with.
Tubao, just saw your message, think the Desitin Creamy sold in Singapore are only 2 oz, those direct from US comes in 4 oz, more worth it.

Cheryl, oh you sold both tubes of unopened Desitin liao? The open tube are you giving away or selling?

Garfield, think you missed my post about LC. Can you give me the contact of the LC you used for home visit?
XiaoYun, I also using Medela, yes, interested in membrane. Tried to buy from isetan private sale but it comes in a set and super expensive. :p
Oh ya, do you know if the softfit breast shield will fit the older PIS model? Cos I've borrowed my friend's PIS which is 5 years old. The breast shield very hard if I try to massage breast while pumping, air pocket will form then cannot pump :/

not sure if the softfit can fit the old PIS. it fits my PIS bought half a year ago though.

babycenter order:
(A) Medela membrane
(1) xiaoyun

(B) Softfit breastshield
I see, is yours the softfit breastshield too? My shield is hard plastic? Is yours the soft type?

babycenter order:
(A) Medela membrane
(1) xiaoyun
(2) kitsune

(B) Softfit breastshield
the softfit come with my Harmony manual pump. PIS still the hard plastic type. but they are interchangeable.
i not sure about the breastshield. but membrane is cheaper to get from US. btw, why don't you ask mumsandbabes the price for breastshield?
garfield, i think nothing wrong with soy-based fm. i myself grew up on soy-base diue to allergy. imagine 30+ years ago FM not so sophisticated n brands/variety not as superb as now. i'm sure if u need to give soy-based, will be able to find something suitable.
(ok there goes my age!)

winnie, i also agree you should talk nicely to the CL n see if some compromise can be made. maybe "half-closed" like door slightlyu ajar? aso assure her no man at home maybe?

bkkgal, does she have enough to eat? mine used to fuss a lot. then i supplement with FM cuz i felt she was still hungry and ther was nothing left in breast for her to suck. Also, i guess best way is to follow baby's cue on sleeping n waking - instead of trying to make baby sleep at recommended times. this will be less frustrating when u 'give in' to baby instead of making baby conform...since that is hardly possible. some people are just luky to have baby who meet average standards or sleep a lot or etc. I've also given up the fight and given in to losing control over my life and just living by baby's schedule. u will feel more liberated and happy, instead of frustrated - which can be felt by baby and make baby fussy too.

I also give my baby FMmixed with EBM sometimes when i'm too tired to feed cuz i'm sick of people telling me off that i hsould be TBF or else my supply will screw up etc. I'm aware my supply will be affected...but anyway, i dun intend to TBF for a long time if it makes me cranky. Important is your own well-being. I believe partial bf with some supplementing of FM is harmless to baby. I myself was brought up on total soy-based fM. I turned out perfectly normal.

Try not to be overly stressed with 'standard' guidelines and just love the baby. Remember you are the only source of help baby has and her only way to communicate discomfort is to cry. dun take it personally that u are making baby cry or what. umay want to try to just give her small amount of FM (30ml maybe) to see if it satisfies her. if it does, then perhaps best way for baby is to supplement. if baby dun get enough sleep due to hunger, she will be very cranky also.
for my PIS and harmony, the connectors are different. However, I can directly fit the softfit breastshield (from Harmony) to the PIS one. no need to change connector so far.
would you like to come my place to test the softfit shield this weekend?
Medela spare parts

I gt the following for sales, let me know if any of u are interested.

1 pack of the medela membranes ( 6 pieces) - $10
1 "Medela's SoftFit 24 mm. Breastshield - $10
1 "Tubing for Medela Swing Breastpump - $10
sunny, i think that time when my boy doesnt want to zz was due to his eczema/rashes on his face that made him uncomfortable. so he din want to zz. maybe your boy felt uncomfortable? dunno whether this is one of the reason? anyway many times me and mum also try to guess what's the reason behind bb's behaviour la
Busybaby Nursing wraps Order

1. tute
2. winnie - Snowflake blue
3. bkkgal - soft pink
4. iang - hip green
5. qoosan - hip green
6. Garfield9 - chocolate
7. Artemis - Black Wrap

<font color="aa00aa"> 3 more order and we can close the spree, anyone?</font>
i think if u consistently express the milk, the ss will increase.

re: bb sleeps on tummy
feeling so lousy. i was trying to let bb sleep on tummy just now. but he fussed and cried. after cl took over and let him sleep on tummy as well, he just fell asleep after a while. the method which i used was same as cl i.e. pat and sing song... wonder how come it doesn't work when i did that.
winnie, ur supply is good. u can pump 80ml with latch on. my ss dropped alot. can range from 60 - 120ml without latch on. these few days usually can only get 60ml. i think it is becoz past few days very busy, no time to pump. so ss dropped alot. my ger oso shoot her poo all over me this morning while i was getting ready to bathe her. really amazed by how far the poo can fly.

nursing wrap:
mummies, with this wrap, i can bf my bb anywhere in public isit? or still must go nursing room? quite interested, but might give up bf soon. really cannot cope with the pumping and taking care of the bb.
Xiaoyun, thanks, long time never go to my mum's place also. You r home this Sat? Want to get and split Qoosan's membranes?

Qoosan, you only have 1 softfit shield? I need two leh. The wrap won't be more than $40 right?

1. tute
2. winnie - Snowflake blue
3. bkkgal - soft pink
4. iang - hip green
5. qoosan - hip green
6. Garfield9 - chocolate
7. Artemis - Black Wrap
8. kitsune - chocolate
I'm interested in the wrap as well. Can i make my order?
1. tute
2. winnie - Snowflake blue
3. bkkgal - soft pink
4. iang - hip green
5. qoosan - hip green
6. Garfield9 - chocolate
7. Artemis - Black Wrap
8. kitsune - chocolate
9. xuan - pink wrap

hi pp.. just to check... does ur bb have blocked nose?? Or some dirt, mucus stucked in the nose? Sometimes.. my bb seems to breathe heavily and u can see something inher nostrils.. My CL uses cotton bud to dig out the dirt.. do u all do that?? It works but i very scared to do that after she leaves.. scared will push it in further.. how do u all clear her nose??
