(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

re: leaking
i leak most of the time. but it's only very serious during latching. normally, need to change pad 2 times a day if i use breast shell/pump to collect leaked milk when latching.
why not you monitor your leaking pattern then decide whether you need to sell away the breast shell?
also, don't use breast shell during normal time as i did and turn out my breast becomes itchy cos of constant pressure applied on breast.

anyone of you know if it's still ok to bf bb when you are taking paracetomol?

i was having fever yesterday and dare not bf my bb. in the end, pumped and threw away more than 1 litre of bm. so sim tia.
winnie, pumping interval n timing depends on yrself.. u gotta judge when is yr breast full, wat interval yields more milk..
don't stress ok?!?!

thankful, do u really need to empty yr breast everytime? the more u empty, the more it produce.. did u try cabbage leaves?

hindmilk - anyone knows if bb takes more hindmilk instead of foremilk wat happens?
hi garfield,

for LC's home visit,how much is it?

hi xiaoyun,

how much u bought the medela PIS advanced??
u noe where to buy the new parts and how much for the new parts??
i bought PIS advanced from US. It's USD 280 and with 15% discount.
what do you mean by the new parts? In singapore, it's about $600 for a set of PIS advanced.
I went to taka fair yesterday. they have a booth of Medela. Why don't you check it out there?

take care.
I took painkiller for a few days after delivery too. no one tell me to stop bf.
thanks alot for the kind words.

Xiao Yun, yah the stupid day i bought the shell, i dont leak that much liao.... my friend told me i leak cos i did not clear in time....

I am using Avent Dual Pump, pump around 20 min each time leh, if time permits then i will pump half hour...

Does anyone know of any caterer that is good for baby's full month. Am looking for finger food only.

PAracetemol is ok. That's what the lactation consultant and my gynae says.
Thankful, yup Yen Ping told me 3 hrly too from start to start. I can do it for the day but didn't manage at night, set alarm at 3am, wake up at 4am, 6am become 7-8am. :p Shoulders and neck muscle so painful cos I got to squeeze the lump while expressing or feeding. Each pumping is close to 1 hour too cos I got to massage very long before pumping and got to pump longer to even get 60ml esp at night.
my bb aso doesn't poo everyday. smtimes even every 3-4 days. i read that as long as poo quality is consistent with feeding methiod, got wet diapers everyday, baby gaining weight well and no apparent difficulty poo-ing, there's no need to conform baby to textbook standard. at first i also worried but breastfed babies may poo less due to good absorption n minimal waste.

when i introduce formula, she start to poo more.
1 hr using PIS? i cannot endure so long leh..

i pump 10 minutes already feel very sian.. but then my gal always spent at least 15 minutes sucking. average is 30 minutes.
Hi ladies,

Just to check with you: after using the electronic breast pump do you find your nipples enlarged? Mine expand to nearly twice the size. Not sure if that is normal or I use too much pressure. :p
winnie, i also have no help n first time mum. parents will cook n bring over mostly. other than that, i'll do rest. whatever is critical i do. the rest i leave it. if i need more rest, i put baby on formula n dun stress myself pumping or bf-ing.

your well-being is impt. baby can sense if u stress n it's nt gd for both of u.
eliaw, i only heard that too much foremilk will cause greenish stools and baby not getting enough calories from hindmilk. never read about any harmfulness of getting more hindmilk.
question about electric pumps.

any of u feel breast sore or aching after pumping? not as in painful...but just aching/sore?

i was using the Avent Isis Manual but it's yielding very little. i'm gonna try out the Ameda electric now and hope can get more cuz a friend suggested to try electric double pumps.
Hello mummies,

I'm searching for a good PD who i can ask questions and place not crowded? Any recommendations?

Currently i'm using Dr Phua from Mt E. He is very nice. Hubby and I have good experience with him comparing to the one at TMC. However considering the driving time to there and carpark fees, is very expensive. Therefore was thinking to switch to others.

Any recommendations?

Hi Xiao Yun,

Mine not only elongated but also expand in radius (rounder).

Hi lezy,

Mine also. But I not sure is it I press the pumps too hard against my breasts. :p Cause I too lazy to massage out the lumps, so just press harder and hope the pump can soften them.
thanks for ur concern. hope temp continue to drop. am afraid the fever is due to mastitis. there's a blocked duct in my left breast. a bit sore when pressed.

great to hv ur comfirmation too. i was too ks liao.
Hi QooSan

Is it too late to include my order now? I am interested to get one as well.

Busybaby wrap

1. tute - chocolate
2. winnie - Snowflake blue
3. bkkgal - soft pink
4. iang - hip green
5. qoosan - hip green
6. Garfield9 - chocolate
7. Artemis - Black Wrap
8. kitsune - chocolate
9. xuan - pink wrap
10. eliaw - chocolate
11. emoments - chocolate
re: pumping

i been using the avent isis pump so far on occasions when i need but i dun get much. so i'm worried i dun have enough milk since sometimes my baby seems to fuss for more even after long long feeds.

a friend suggested i try out electric pump cuz it worked for her so i borrowed an ameda pump from my cousin. turns out the pump volume and time required about same as my manual pump and as my cousin advised, avent isis manual is really the most 'comfortable' pump. so wel, i think the electric pump doesn't quite work for me to 'boost' supply.

Hi Starry70, did not hear from you. If you are not interested to split the membranes, then I confirm ordering from Xiaoyun's spree liao.

Xiaoyun, do you know how much is the PIS funnels?
sorry kitsune,no time to log in...paiseh...ok to spare 1 set to u...is it urgent? i will try to send 1 set to u once i received from Qoosan. PM me ur address.
xiao yun,

i'm interested in Learn & Groove Alphabet Drum :>

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) kitsune
(3) xiaoyun

(B) Softfit breastshield

(C) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute

(d)Learn & Groove Alphabet Drum

I'm in the same boat as you. But I can't tahan the 3hrly from start time to start time. By then after I pump finish 1hr, I left with 2hrs. Wash your funnels and bottles, left only 1-1/2hr. Only left 1-1/2hr to rest or do other things. Don't have enough time! Finally now because of insufficient rest, I have running nose today. Sigh.... Went to see GP.... I went to see Yen Ping and I cry buckets of tears..... But now at least not much block ducts already (hopefully I am right).

How much is it? Have any website? Thread too long and don't know where to start

Pumping in office
Anybody can share how they pump in office? If no socket or place to pump, where you do so? Will your breast be hard like rock? Will your supply still remain the same as previously your 3hrly pumping?

I had flooded my stand alone freezer with BM. Cos thinking might stop BF or pumping as unsure whether can handle when go back to work. Not sure whether can store 6mths supply of EBM. For no.1, I did 3hrly from end time and not start time. That time so far so good leh. Will call Yen Ping to check on the frequency.

Anybody have store so much BM before?
I went to the BabyCare. Nestle, MIM Sling there is having offer. It is a small exhibition. not worth travelling from west to east.
I'm thinking of getting either Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe or Capella S217... any review on these 2 strollers?



Personally, I quite like the Quattro Tour Stroller coz it looks very comfy and sturdy... but it's bulky and heavy too... We plan to use stroller only when travelling on MRT or LRT... but dunno is it too big or not when travelling on train and shopping around in malls...
I will spread the order in 2 batch if can reach 20 pieces. Currently, there are also 2 additional order fr march thread. Total now including ur order is 13 pieces.

refer to http://www.busybabywraps.com/.
Price - I m trying to get the BP price fr them which might come out abt $30-$35 wth CGW freight charges.
Starry70, thanks for replying. It's ok, Xiaoyun's deadline for the discount is Sunday so don't want to delay her order. I'll buy 1 set of the membrane from you then. Can give me your transfer details?

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun

(B) Softfit breastshield

(C) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute

(d)Learn & Groove Alphabet Drum


Thankful, me so tired too, 1 day got to massage and pump/feed 8 times, BB still fight with me because of reflux or poo. I badly need a massage but Grace no longer doing massage liao, her dr said she's overworked. She still owes me balance of $6 cos I paid in advance. :p
xiao yun,
i m interested in the ball too...

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun

(B) Softfit breastshield

(C) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute
(5) qoosan

(d)Learn & Groove Alphabet Drum

re spill milk
it is very common, esp with the avent pump, i simply dont understand why the bottle and pumpjust keep toppling really, and the stand is so useless heheee, i spill until i very sick liao, sometimes.
may i ask how do you all intend to transport the ebm from office back home?

will anyone ofyou be conducting a spree for the cooler bag?
Re: Pumping

I couldn't pump more than 10-20 ml for the longest time. I thot it had to do with either 1) my pump is lousy, 2) my techniques are poor or 3) my breasts are just not cut out for pumping.

Yday, i went to the baby fair at expo and bought these pump shields and a handsfree pumping strap to try. I started pumping 70ml one hour post feed and abt 30-35 ml after latch. It's really very good cos the shield helps to shape my breasts into the funnel and the handsfree helps me to lean back and relax and dun keep looking at the funnel to see whether got milk or not. Sometimes very stress when pumping and see only little milk coming out. I'm pumping now and have my hands free to log in

I'm not advertising for this prod but if anyone interested, it's at mumsfairy.com called pumpin pal super shields and handsfree strap.

you mention about the store in chinatown selling avent duo for 700. what's the name of the shop btw ?
i already went on fri... not worth indeed. nestle got promotion but not for nan 1 or nan ha 1, cos they are promoting breastfeeding
hi all,
it seems i can meet the USD 150 target for order.
anyone still want to join?
anyone interested in other items also can include here.
if not, i got to cancel liao le..

ur item OOS.

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun

(B) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute
(5) qoosan
i think i must really learn from those of you who are SAHM. Hee, today i handle baby all alone and i think i am really tired. hardly can find time to pump... there she is calling again....

I have asked my previous Cl to come back to help me on 1st april till my hubby is back. so next week, my parents shift in to help me first. i am going to avoid hubby aunt first.... till hubby is back to deal with the whole thing....

Luckily there is thsi forum, to let me know how we are all going through, esp for those of you handling bb alone. I think you are really great.

bkkgal, I'm interested leh, my shoulders and back are killing. Does it work with Medela PIS pump? How much is it? Got size leh, really need to measure nipple size, accurate or not? Which booth sells it? When does BB fair at Expo end? Hope it's not today cos super busy today, may not be able to make a trip down. :p

Xiaoyun, saw these 2 similar products from Babycentre. Anyone tried? Which is better? American size for the bustier so not very sure about sizing. Keen to buy if cheaper than the one BKK bought. :p

